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I'LL GRAB MY BAT // meeting 6/15 - Printable Version

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I'LL GRAB MY BAT // meeting 6/15 - Crow Roux - 06-15-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
God, it had been a while since Crow had held a meeting. He plodded up to the usual place in the town, gave a few shouts to announce his presence, then took a seat and fiddled with his bandaged legs while he waited for everyone to show up.

"First things first, welcome Oliver, Moth, Reedy and Mikolaj. I hope you guys find it nice here, an' if not ya can come bug me about it. No hard feelins." He hoped he did not miss anyone. It was not exactly easy trying to keep track of everyone that came in and out of the place after being so disengaged with everything the past month. "Next are some promotions. Selby is now a sawbone, and Sam, you're a chaser. Congrats. You've both proven to be helpful around here, an' I hope you keep up the efforts."

Crow paused to let that sink in, then resumed his speech. "Yeah, so I went off without tellin' any of you but me an' Goldie from the Typhoon went and lit the Pitt on fire for lyin'. Festive, right? They've been keepin' slaves even though they said they weren't, and now that's come out they know we mean business. I suppose we have an alliance with the Typhoon now, too. Treat 'em respectfully, please."

That bein' said, I give you all permission to go off and fuck with the Pitt as much as you want so long as you aren't gettin' yourselves or anyone else that's friendly killed. See 'em hanging around here? Beat 'em up. Meeting dismissed."

— Welcome Oliver, Moth, Reedwhistle and Mikolaj
— Selby has been promoted to Sawbone; Sam is now a Chaser
— Goldie and Crow messed with the Pitt for breaking an agreement to stop keeping slaves; reminder that the Pitt are enemies!
— The Typhoon is now an ally

Re: I'LL GRAB MY BAT // meeting 6/15 - trojan g. - 06-18-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 12px;"]Meetings were, in all sense of the word, odd, to Moth. She didn't really know much about them, and she didn't really want to, to be honest. If someone was around long enough, maybe they'd get used to them, but it seemed like reduntant information at this point in time. And there are allies and enemies and bonds with other clans? That's weird to her. Shouldn't they all just kinda not get along? Wasn't not getting along and fighting something that was normal within these types of things? Moth didn't care about different clans at this point in her life, considering she had just joined this one, not really knowing that others existed.

Hearing her name, however, in the meeting, was one hundred percent not something the female was expecting to hear in a meeting. Yes, it was only something to signify that she had joined the place, but it was still something nonetheless, and it was something that made her ears turn warm, and her face contort in slight embarassment. If she had known it would be brought to the attention of everyone that she was here, she probably would have made her appearance better, and made it so that her joining wasn't as bland as it had been. But things had already happened, and she can't change the past now, she was sure, so there was no point in being embarassed. After all, there were others that had the same pleasure of being announced that they were there, and, so far, it didn't seem as though they were embarassed by it, so why should she be?

Being told she was giving permission to go mess with the Pitt - wherever that was - was nice, however. It meant if she got angry at all she could go vent her frustrations there instead of here, and the Pitt likely had more things there that she could collect that the swamp didn't have.

Re: I'LL GRAB MY BAT // meeting 6/15 - beck. - 06-20-2019

    Narrowed eyes watched the tabby from the shadowed outskirts of the town's empty square. Even though it had been months since he actually attended one of these disgusting meetings, Beck coincidentally happened to be passing by on his way to settle some... unfinished business. A hoarse giggle slipped from his scarred mouth, stifled by his paw. None of the announcements concerned him. Except for the alliance with the scum-sucking pirates and the war against the sweat pit. Maybe he could visit them both while he was out. After all, killing two birds with one stone sounded amusing.

    Flicking his torn ear as a sneer warped his features, the little ghost wordlessly disappeared from sight, undoubtedly off to stir up some mischief.

Re: I'LL GRAB MY BAT // meeting 6/15 - toboggan - 06-21-2019

Over the duration of the month-long gap between meetings, had anything worth notice occurred? The male could not recollect any occasions of importance from the past month; though, if Crow made the choice to host a meeting, something musta happened.

Probably announcing a bake sale, or some other shit.

In order to obtain a better look at his leader, Leroy slunk lazily out of the shade, shoulders tensing in response to the sunlight’s warmth upon his fur. Amber eyes fell upon the alabaster feline’s bony limbs; 

Crow Roux kicked affairs off by welcoming all the newcomers, something that had not been done for a good while. The fresh faces were a novelty here - seeing the usuals’ ugly mugs every day had gotten beyond annoying. Here’s hoping that they survived longer than a month. Simultaneous to Sam’s promotion, a faint smile began on the guardsman’s maw.

As Crow transitioned topics, Leroy’s interest peaked. He cared not that the Pitt had gotten messed up (as long as Jerkass still stood, the Pittians weren’t defeated), but the news of a new alliance with the Typhoon, as well as the fact that the warbound antagonists were now free game, ushered a wave of inspiration. Two of the most powerful tribes, teaming up, both with a common enemy.

If only two members of the new kinship between the two could light the scoundrels on fire, imagine what the whole roster could do.

Re: I'LL GRAB MY BAT // meeting 6/15 - deimos - 06-29-2019

A meeting was nothing more then just a report, really, to Sam. Almost like a news report on a debate, or something stupid like that- something that had happened before the fall. None the less, she had to haul her ass closer. She sighed, settling down not too far from Leroy, offering a shrug towards him before focusing on the other feline's words.

More people had joined. That was expected. She knew that was gonna happen time and time again, yeah. She sighed gently, rubbing her cheek. She wanted to smoke a cigarette, but decided to hold out for a while. She'd start feeling like crap for a little bit she guessed. But Crow's next statement made her ears perked. She was promoted? She opened her mouth, then snapped it shut, embarrassment burning on her cheeks. She didn't really know what to say.

She hardly heard what Crow said about the Pitt, it barely registering in her head that battle would come soon. Maybe she would need to find a pair of knuckle dusters. She huffed, tail tugging close to her body.
