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TO A WOMAN SO HEARTLESS / o, lost - Printable Version

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TO A WOMAN SO HEARTLESS / o, lost - Xion, - 04-28-2018

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It was a quiet morning. Low mist was floating over the territory like a blanket. The silhouette of a small feline could be seen wandering around the territory, lost and confused. Somewhat glowing blue-eyes peered through the low cloud in search of life but in frustration, did not see another.

Before she knew it, the small black feline had reached the Observatory, unaware that it was the home for a group. A paw was put on the entrance of the doors and hit against them as if she was knocking. "Hello? Is anyone in there?"

Re: TO A WOMAN SO HEARTLESS / o, lost - Margaery - 04-28-2018

It was not often that a stranger succeeded in passing their borders all together and locating the Observatory. Usually, some member of the group found  them first, running through the general questions in order to get some idea of what their business was. How Xion managed to do the opposite, Margaery couldn't say.

She did appear at the scene though, a confused look touched her chocolate-hued features as she gazed at the other female. [color=#b14767]"You're deep in the Acendants' territory," She began, not expressing any outward hostility, [color=#b14767]"What is your name and your business?"

Re: TO A WOMAN SO HEARTLESS / o, lost - Suiteheart - 04-29-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][XION!!!!!!!!!!!]

The mist that enveloped the territory was a tricky thing. She had never really liked the thought of not being able to see everything that laid out before her. In fact, the only time she had ever liked fog was when the morning was just blooming and she was atop a hill, looking down at the earth below. Then, it was peaceful. Now, it was just a nuisance and something that was almost scary.

Suiteheart strolled back the Observatory, squinting in hopes of seeing easier. It didn't help, but it did make her feel a bit better. The white feline continued on, spotting Margaery speaking to a young girl. Curiosity got the better of her, and she headed in the direction. She caught the tail-end of Margaery's words to the newcomer.

Suite cast a smile down to the child, reassuring and motherly. [color=#73B1B7][b]"Hey, kiddo. I'm Hotelsuites."

Re: TO A WOMAN SO HEARTLESS / o, lost - Luciferr - 04-29-2018

Re: TO A WOMAN SO HEARTLESS / o, lost - Xion, - 04-29-2018

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Slightly startled by the older female's sudden appearance- Xion would take a step back away from the door, shuddering. As a young child, she had been very sheltered and hidden from the rest of the world, so communicating with others was not her favorite thing but since her NPC parents had passed- she'd have to. She managed to sit up straight and look the other in the eye. "Xion." The child muttered. "I- er- what do you mean by 'business'? Is this your territory?"

Noticing the other two females approaching, she blinked warily in Hotelsuites' direction before relaxing after a motherly smile was sent in her own direction. But the sight of Eternalwar frightened the young girl. Like Xion- her parents had been smaller felines- so she wasn't used to seeing very large animals.

Re: TO A WOMAN SO HEARTLESS / o, lost - Margaery - 04-29-2018

[color=#b14767]"Well yes, like I just said, this is the Ascendants' territory and you are very deep in it," Margaery responded softly. Though usually possessing an endless patience for children, she couldn't find it in herself today to keep up with her motherly charm and soft appearance. She was tired beyond belief and for some reason irritated. Probably because her distress towards the information Lup gave her could only give way to that. [color=#b14767]"Are you interested in joining, or what?" She proceeded to ask, her words dull and unexcited- a true representation of how she felt inside.

Re: TO A WOMAN SO HEARTLESS / o, lost - BASTILLEPAW - 04-29-2018

the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
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Probably lost, Bastille wagered, though he didn't really care enough to actually pose the suggestion to the group. Let the kiddo speak for herself, and all that jazz. He did feel a little sympathetic about the anxiety mingled in with her aura, but hey -- Bast probably would not help matters by actually participating in the conversation. Instead he simply stuck by Margy's side, a few paces away but drawn towards her and Suite regardless. He studied the young girl and offered a nod in greeting, choosing to wait and see what she said before he started badgering her with more questions.

Re: TO A WOMAN SO HEARTLESS / o, lost - Suiteheart - 04-30-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart listened to the girl speak, arching a metaphorical eyebrow as she did. This poor girl was clearly lost. She had not the slightest idea as to where she was, but she at least knew who she was. At the question, Suite opened her maw to speak, but Margaery beat her to it.

The white feline cast a confused look toward Margaery. Her wife was usually so gentle with children, but now... now she seemed different. The chocolate point seemed colder, harder. It worried Suite for many reasons. The bewilderment in her eyes shifted to complete worry, and she had to drag her gaze away from her love. She didn’t need to make a scene right now.

Instead, she gave a small nod to Bastillepaw and then focused her baby blues on Eternalwar. It seemed the little traveler was frightened of the large tigress. Had she not been so worried for her wife, she would’ve chuckled. ”Hey, no worries here, kiddo. Etty’s chill,” she did say, keeping up that soft smile she’d shown Xion earlier. [color=#73B1B7][b]”If you’re lost, you’re welcome to stay here if you wanna join, like Margaret said.”

Re: TO A WOMAN SO HEARTLESS / o, lost - ★ HAZEL - 04-30-2018

Hazel was next to join the growing group, though her concentration on the child was diverted by a slight ripple of confusion spurred from Margy's manner. The elegant feline had been almost overly cheery at Hazel’s joining; now she seemed almost indifferent to the situation, and this child looked even younger than Hazel was.

Ears tipping to the side and then forward again as she refocused, the cocoa feline smiled at the young girl. “The people here are really very nice - ” She didn’t look at Margy, but nodded in Suiteheart’s direction, agreeing with her. “ - and it’s very welcoming. I just joined a couple days ago myself.” Deus, didn’t she sound like a commercial. Oh well.
— hazel — "speech" — six months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers

Re: TO A WOMAN SO HEARTLESS / o, lost - Xion, - 04-30-2018

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At Margaret's somewhat cold-tone, Xion would flatten her ears against her head and she steadily returned a stare to the older female. "I suppose I'll join, if nobody has a problem with it." Came her soft meow before she refocused on Hotelsuites, a rather very friendly face among this group of people. Something about her was just so.. Welcoming and motherly. Something Xion hadn't grown up with, as her parents had died from unknown causes.

Noticing Hazel approach, the young female would send an awkward smile in her direction as she spoke.