Beasts of Beyond
raymond's bio - Printable Version

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raymond's bio - Orion - 04-28-2018

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[align=center]RAYMOND ??? | RAY | MALE [HE/HIM]
34 years old | May 1st, 1983 | created on April 28th, 2018

Subject of Blackfall
  — Former allegiance within Kalopsia until the split between the country.
  — Originated within ???

  — No former titles.

Panromantic | Pansexual 
  — monogamous and polygamous
  — status | single
  — crushes | none
  — former relationships | "We don't speak of these."

Unknown/Unnamed x Unknown/Unnamed 
  — Unnamed siblings.
  — Unknown and unnamed.
  — Unknown relatives.
  — "I don't want to talk about it, darling."

"Friends?" | "Loyalty?"
  — friends/trusted individuals | none
  — best friend | none
  — apprentice | none
  — rivals | none
  — feared individuals | none

trope | trope | trope | trope
  — An intelligent, understanding listener who is open to new offers and ideas that come across his path, even with a cost. Dealing and making promises with Raymond are honestly kept, though may involved negotiating from time to time based on circumstances. Otherwise, he keeps his word.
  — Though he is open to new thoughts, he is also open to other offers up on the table. Raymond comes across as an open negotiator and is willing to betray if the other side has a higher price to pay up. Sometimes, though, there can be an exception. It'd be dangerous to trust him.
  — Getting on his good side is reluctant to happen. Years of trust issues contribute to this factor. To get close, you will have to show him through positive means for him. Power in specific is something that easily persuades him from his introverted personality.

  — Tends to call others 'darling'. Used to be a term of endearment, but now a term of mocking.
  — Often seen smoking a cigarette or within the bar drinking whiskey, but often unaccompanied.
  — Can get too overwhelmed in drinking if under high stress.
  — Short tempered, sober and drunk.
  — Fire entertains him.

  — Very tan Caucasian.
  — Chestnut colored hair, but often the sides of his head and roots can be seen with grey spots.
  — Shaved sides with long, slicked back bangs.
  — Brown colored eyes. Sometimes, though, in a spurt of anger they may change into a pupil-less red.
  — Weighs 223 pounds.
  — Height at six feet, two inches.
  — Pentagram tattoo on the inside of his ring finger, in between his middle finger. As of right now, there is no significant meaning to it.
  — Common faceclaims can be seen as John Hamm and Dermot Mulroney.

  — Accent of Scottish and English origin but with the twang of American accent.

Permanent Injuries 
  — Unknown and undiagnosed mental disorders.

  — Rusted, coal-colored karambit blade. Often kept in his pocket and sheathed properly.
  — Whiskey
  — Tattoo gun and needed supplies
  — Blade making items kept in his basement
  — Firestarters


[b]Training Style
  — Unknown to battle tactics besides his proficiency in blade-work.
  — Naturally bulky due to working out and running when necessary. Let's out the anger easily. Sometimes he'll even go out on the punching bag and dummy in the basement with his fists. Blood and rips are highly visible on these dummies. He doesn't like people in his house, per say.

  — Fire elementals are [undiscovered]
  — Mutations are [undiscovered]


A long time ago, there was a man and a woman who were in love. They were not the best of couples, but they aspired to get married. As simple as that, they did. It was kids galore after that. In total, five children... minus one. One that they did not consider a child of theirs. The youngest, the weakest, and the most mentally unstable, yet intelligent and charming. Simply, he was the mistake. It had been years since their parents had a child, causing his mother to grow unstable and old. There had been a time where his father had enough of children and sacrificed his glory so he could have none, but his mother did not do the same. Soon, she grew unfaithful... And well... We all know what happens from there. After awhile, the mother ended up feeling sick. Something was not right. Afraid of what was about to happen, she went to the store and returned with a pregnancy test in hand. Sadly, the test ended up positive. The wife had tried to have an abortion, but could not bring herself to do it and eventually her husband found the test in the trash. The husband felt betrayed and soon began to strike back with verbal and physical abuse. If this story would of ended happily, the parents would of divorced, but no. The wife stayed and had the baby. His name?


Throughout his childhood, Raymond experienced his father's abuse. The other children, his 'prized puppies', and mother faced no consequences, yet never spoke up, as they were afraid of his same sad fate. Eventually, his mentality deteriorated. With every day passing, he wished for the sweet release of death or his escape.

In the basement below, he dreamed of wild realities and believed in the God above, hoping for some mystical force to come. The Bible stayed close to him at times. Someday, he even dreamed of preaching God's word, but soon felt betrayed by this so-called 'God'. Why hadn't He come to save him? All this hope and he had no escape from such cruelty. Soon, he became conceded. Was his faith not enough? Could not even God see him? Was God ignoring him? He clicked his tongue at such things. 'How dare he,' Raymond used to mutter to himself over and over again. God was in charge, yet he did nothing to save the weak from the strong. The concept was absolutely grueling. Clawing at the edges of the book, he read further.

Until he met who he believed may be his true way out.

"James 4:7... Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

He had praised for days on end. Where was this God now? Where was his escape from the devil?  Why... Why... Why... He just wanted out! Raymond wanted to go someplace he could call home and live in solitude, yet, he received no such thing. So, he read further.

"Ephesians 6:11... Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes."

God was of no help. The devil was still tormenting him.

And further...

"Jude 1:6... And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day."

He had to go. Raymond had to leave and end this once and for all. A plan formed in his head after careful planning and monitoring the schedule of the household. One by one, they would disappear without a trace. Then finally... Serenity. But he had to know more and how to execute it properly with that delirious mind of his.

And further...

"Corinthians 11:14... And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light."

Pets went missing, the strangest of spices in the kitchen left the cabinets, and various items began to be found within the basement. Unspeakable things... No- unholy things were being done in that basement. Sacrifices, sigils, and shrines lined his personalized altar. Yet, to him, it seemed like what he was doing was right.

And further...

"John 8:44... You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires."

No longer was his father the devil, but he was. Raymond soon became the face of his father and the devil, through the mystic arts and literal actuality. Once the plan was set, he shot from the basement and out into the kitchen. Dinner was set at the table with his family looking relatively happy as always, but once he appeared, their faces dimmed. His father cocked his said in his direction, but said nothing. An minuet plate, per supper rules, had been set out for him. A single piece of cut up chicken and some peas. Oh how he hated that. This, though, would be his last supper. 

Father gets up. He walks across the room, sticking his knife in the piece of chicken that his cut has been removed from. "Want some more?" he jokes, per usual. This time, instead of staying silent and moping in his chair, Raymond rises from his seat and walks over while his family remains quiet. "You know you can't have this." He continues to grow closer. "Try to grab it from me, I dare you, [i]darling." ”Don’t call me that.” “Good boy, now do as you’re to-“[/i]

In a swift movement, Raymond grabs the knife from his father’s grip and plunged it through his heart. Blood seeped onto his hands. He watched with a small smirk appearing on his lips and then released the knife from his father’s chest, causing him to collapse to the ground and coddle himself in a pool of blood. As he did so, the tuned out family of his were in hysterics. Screams... Cries... The works. Yet, to him, nothing was wrong. The problem was gone, right? Even so, his mother rushed to her husband’s side. Her nails dug into her sides as the older siblings cowered in the corners of the room with tears streaming from their eyes. They screamed why. They screamed his name. They screamed that he was a monster. They screamed that he was the devil. They screamed... but all he did was hover over his father’s body with a cold stare. His only words for them were: ”I was justifying the wrong, as the devil does so.”

With a single flick of his wrist, he set the area aflame. Now their pleading yells we’re screams of disgust and pain. Their once pampered selves were now on the bottom of the tier and he was at the top, ready to damn them further. They did not get to prove themselves. They deserved no remorse. Simply, they watched him suffer and he would do the same with them until they burned alive... and Raymond did. With a smile.

Soon, he left. Sirens were on his trail, but he managed to leave with all his supplies and pursuit and powers at hand.
Little did he know, his expectations and powers would grow to a demeaning sense in the future that would drive him to be greedier than ever. In the meantime, he found himself in another country soon enough, leaving his heritage behind. Eventually, he became one with Kalopsia and then Blackfall. There is plenty of his past hidden away still... TBC