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faygo dreams // INTRODUCTION - Printable Version

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faygo dreams // INTRODUCTION - MARINA - 06-10-2019

Throughout the ivory sands of the Barracuda Bay, a keen eye could spot a white jaguar laying about. This was Marina, a crewmate of The Typhoon. One might spot her particularly by her colored spots. At the moment she laid at the edge of the ocean with her blue paw pad playing in the waves that simmered towards the bay. As she did so, her vibrant tail swished side to side mindlessly. She paused. Her multi-colored eyes stared out at the horizon momentarily to imagine sweeter things to do, but continued pawing at the water seconds later. Basking in the sun only seemed proper right now.

In the meantime, Marina still seemed occupied, but approachable. Just like her appearance, she had a bright personality. There was not a challenge she wasn't up for. Prideful and thoughtful, the crewmate always tried her best to remain empathetic and positive for her fellow pirates. The Typhoon, in her mind, would come to like her hopefully. Though not everyone knew her just yet, she only hoped for their approval. After all, she feared not being accepted within society, even if her introversion kept her from coming forward sometimes. Life can be sour sometimes.

Now if only someone could accompany on such a pleasant summer day.

Re: faygo dreams // INTRODUCTION - Luciferr - 06-12-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
well if ever there was an exact opposite in appearance to himself, he might shave just found them.

He’d thought he witnessed a piece of land bound rainbow for a moment given the shimmering multiple colours that caught his field of view before venturing closer revealed one of the newer members s he’d heard about - but alas hadn’t yet met.

Patrols had gotten heavier recently after all - or well his own kept schedule at least.

Meandering across the sands, the shadow met the rainbow with a tilt of his head and a smile ”hello there, I don’t believe we’ve met miss?”

He idly wondered if her personality was as exuberant as her colouration.



Re: faygo dreams // INTRODUCTION - bubblegum - 06-12-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
Though the captain had always made an effort to know each and every one of her crewmates, she had found it harder, ever since her memories had been stolen, to make time to get to know them personally. She had felt guilty over it for a while, but now as captain, she knows that she is just putting it aside for the greater good. They all would come around to her eventually, whether it be simply through formal exchanges or interaction through daily pirate life, and she found it much more realistic to know them all that way. If they - or she, herself, found reason to get to side aside time to get to know her on a much more personal scale, then she would not protest. While Goldie did not like admitting her problems - burdening others was something she never wished to do, she was not so shy to bring up her life and many mix of feelings towards it. There is, after all, always something to be learned from it. And, she knows how it feels to lose her identity completely; sharing memories was important. Still, it was not so relevant to do so in many situations, such as now.

In this case, the captain would follow behind the large shadow that is Lucifer, the dark dragon always easy to spot. It seemed he'd found himself a new friend - one she did not recognize, either, but her cold, glowing eyes would hold a curiosity towards. The golden tiger walked next to the male's side, her head held high with silent steps. She does not say anything at first, looking out to the sea; something she is connected to perhaps in the way a brother is connected to a sister. And then, to the sky. She always did appreciate the beauty of their home, not wishing to take it for granted. This jaguar would fit in quite well, she believes. She matches the fruits and flowers of the jungle in a way the female had never seen before. "You hide in the jungle?" a casual joke, though it could perhaps be seen as a genuine question as well. It wasn't unreasonable, given they'd never seen this female before.

Re: faygo dreams // INTRODUCTION - idyllfields - 06-12-2019

stars did fall
the oceans tides were still something idyll was keen on avoiding at the moment. however much they wished to not be held back by it, their body and mind could not withstand it. the coyote could say truthfully they had tried ridding their fear before, but it just never worked. their bones turned to ice. muscles stiff as a board. their mouth went dry and eyes would well up with tears.

the sage was keen on at least meeting marina, though. seeing lucifer there, they had come to trust the dragon's promise not to let them plunge into the water. they quietly came to the dragons tail before attempting to gently climb up his back, settling on lucifer's shoulder if successful.

"i hope you do not mind that i stay here. i feel it is a much better alternative than... down there." their eyes lowered to the sea below, cringing slightly.

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Re: faygo dreams // INTRODUCTION - MARINA - 06-13-2019

Colored eyes turned to face her opposite. The large figure of Lucifer threw her off, along with his darker colors. Despite her momentary sidetrack, Marina's smile faded into view. "I don't believe we have," came her Jamaican hinted accent. "What's your name, scales?" Her name would come second. After all, he was the one approaching her, not the other way around. Who knew what danger lied around the corner these days. Nevertheless, she still hoped to remain friendly and offer her attention to the stranger.

But it seemed as if she was among friends, not just strangers. Others arrived before her. Their graceful leader came next. Marina had heard of her and her triumphs. They spoke of her being cool and collected, just like how she presented at their monthly meetings, and that seemed to be true for the moment. Goldenluxury's joke was well received by Marina. "Well if I was one with the jungle, I would be an enemy," she lightly prodded. The Pitt's jungles were not her style anyways. "But no, I am loyal to the islands." Truly she couldn't imagine not living within this beautiful weather; minus their previous run-in with a volcano, of course.

Their next arrival prompted her to look up at Lucifer again. Her head tilted to the side slightly. The sage's concern bothered her but she understood boundaries. Just like Lucifer had done with her, she took it upon herself to go forward and introduce herself. "Hey," Marina chirped in the direction of Idyllfields. "My name is Marina, I believe we haven't met yet either." Her smile softened. "What's your name, sweets?"

Re: faygo dreams // INTRODUCTION - MARINA - 06-18-2019

bump ;0

Re: faygo dreams // INTRODUCTION - ♛Teatime Roux♛ - 06-19-2019

Mars Roux
[Sorry for any confusion, her name is Mars, I haven't figured out to change the account name on mobile. Also! Really cute art!!]

Where a group is, there's a party. And where there's a party, there's Mars.
The jaguar seemed to have a radar for new and interesting things - and a newbie with a multi-colored pelt was making her radar ping like mad. And it didn't hurt that she was...quite cute. The boisterous jaguar joined the group rather silently, coming to a stop beside her captain. She continued to study the jaguar, from her colorful fruit-like spots to the mane of leaves surrounding her head. She did look like she lived in the jungle. Mars noted her reluctance to give her name. Was she hiding something? If so, the Typhoons would be a good place to hide. Freedom was the one thing they seemed to hold dear.
"Definitely not sweets, honey." Mars smiled, her voice warm. "Say, where are you from - if not from the forest? And where can I get one of those?" She joked, moving her tail in an attempt to brush up against the stranger's mane.
"My wardrobe is looking a bit bland, this might be a fun way to spruce it up- and I must say - it looks just divine on you."

Re: faygo dreams // INTRODUCTION - Luciferr - 06-23-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
They're soon joined by familiar faces and Lucifer's head shifts minutely to regard Goldie with a nod - though careful is he not to dislodge the passenger now climbing up and peering over his shoulder though he smiles idly in encouragement to Idyll, well aware of the others' aversion to the sea.

he does turn back though as Mars joins them and nods, somewhat amused at the nickname, it's been awhile since that one has been flung at him after all "Luciferus Grimm is my name"


Re: faygo dreams // INTRODUCTION - MARINA - 07-08-2019

Bright eyes shifted to stare at Mars, only to be unexpectedly brushed against before she could say anything. A light purr left the back of her throat. "Ahh well," she enthused, "Wish I could tell you where to get one." She laughed a little. "All I know is that it grows around me and I can't quite get rid of it." While it did look nice, it was more of an annoyance than a blessing. The jungle leaves that surrounded her neck were unpleasantly itchy from time to time. Thankfully, Marina had come to terms with it though.

Her smile widened at the compliment. "Why thank you," the jaguar commented. "I have to say though, what you have going on right now is quite nice as it is." A paw aimed to lightly bat at the other jaguar's feather earring.

As the dragon spoke, she tilted her head. "Lucifer," Marina mentioned curiously. Her name had to process the name a few times before coming to terms with it. After all, not many were named after the devil. Whether that name held it's true definition or not was beyond her. She dearly hoped it didn't. "Quite the name," she continued on. "If it's alright with you, I'd like to shorten it to Luci or Lu." In her mind, calling him something other than Lucifer made her see him in a positive light. After all, he had been so polite so far. Surely this couldn't be a threat amongst them.