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WANT ME PARALYZED && joining - Printable Version

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WANT ME PARALYZED && joining - beatae - 06-09-2019

  her mother had deemed her old enough, responsible enough, and resourceful enough to finally make it on her own. indie was excited to begin anew and start her own life on her own despite being without her mentor. she was confident that indie would make it out on her own. that meant she would surely do as so, right? lilac bells was not the type of woman to let precious things go and slip away. indie had been told numerous times she was her mother's protégé and would be allowed to live on her own once assured she would follow her mothers legacy.

it sounded like much to live up to, but the caracal felt more than ready to accomplish the task. she was much like her mother in many ways. starting and finishing each other's sentences. sparking the same thoughts from each other. guests found it amusing when they would both turn their heads to the call for a 'miss bells'.

when she left the city behind, she had only brought one essential with her. around her waist was a lightweight thermos to hold water and keep her hydrated as she traveled. she was ready to use the world around her, but she had to start with some support, first. there was talk of a newly arrived band of misfits about that had caught her interest. she had never really seen misfits before... she was curious and considered it a good start.

indie stopped when she reached a new scent that hit her nose. strong enough to make her stop in her tracks. this had to be the place... it wasn't proper to trespass, so she sat patiently and waited comfortably, humming to herself.

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Re: WANT ME PARALYZED && joining - KLIMENT - 06-10-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]I WISH I COULD ESCAPE, I DON'T WANNA FAKE IT !。+゚.[/glow]
Getting used to the cold was wasn't too hard for Kliment, he didn't like it all that much but it was better than the deserts heat beating down on his back. The leader would twitch his ears a bit finding himself coming across a caracal at the border and it seemed like they had the right mind not to tread into his land, he snorted letting a plume of white escape his nostrils. His tail lashed from side to side, the monstrous brute having his pseudo gaze locked onto the small cat-like being before he would speak with a slow nod of his cranium "STATE YOUR NAME AND BUSINESS." At this point, he had already seated himself with his tail curled around his forepaws hiding his talon-like claws. Kliment wasn't the most socialable though it seemed he would have to be if he wanted to be a good leader for the Rosebloods. His long ears perked awaiting a response from Indie, his tongue swiped across his lips letting it hang from his mouth curling it briefly. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: WANT ME PARALYZED && joining - beatae - 06-10-2019

  coming from the windy city of chicago, the cold was not an unusual feeling to indie. while it was something she was not too favorable of, she did survive it's cold blasts and superstorms. the blizzards and power outages that blacked out the city for days was as common as the cold. the tundra may have been a bit more intense than her hometown, but she did not fear it.

the heat, well, she was more of a tropical lady.

the sight of kliment was... intimidating to say the least. she had never seen a creature like this before. she was unsure what to even call it. it certainly was... nothing she had seen on earth before. was it even from earth? she thought to herself, eyes gazing over every detail as kliment came closer. she focused on any detail she could. the scales. large, bright white eyes. the gooey substance from their body and... the teeth. when he spoke, she felt her heart leap from her chest at the size of them.

"those are some chompers, hun." she commented, aiming it as more of a compliment despite the breathlessness in her voice. they were quite a shock to see.

indie cleared her throat and began to introduce herself. "my name is indiana bells, but you may call me inde. i heard something was going on here from some locals and wanted to see what it was about." indie finished with a polite smile, inevitably her eyes wandering across kliments body again.

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Re: WANT ME PARALYZED && joining - Luciferr - 06-12-2019

[size=9pt]not so far behind loomed something just as strange.

and well, indeed alien given their origins.

looming behind their obsidian pelted leader, the three heads of Akane leaned up, a stark contrast in their mostly ivory white countenance to Kliment's shadow - six pairs of white-red eyes assessing the caracal below before

he shifted forwards slightly, great wings bracketing Kliment slightly - a vague possessiveness to the only one here to give them a true fight in such a while that they had acquiesced to follow - as they hummed in tandem "We believe you were asked a question?"