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ASSEMBLY [★] SUNFLOWER - Printable Version

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ASSEMBLY [★] SUNFLOWER - Tena M. - 06-08-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
Things slowed down again.  As everything grew brighter and warmer, the petite sand cat felt more at home.  The sun on her back.  Drier air.  In the mountains, a perfect compromise of hot and cold.  As bright blue hues watched fluffy clouds of snow white drift by, Tena hummed softly.  An old tune.  Now a good as time as ever.

She found a porch.  The Magma preferred being closer to everyone -- elevation did not matter.  They could hear her.  "Elysium!" They could definitely hear her.  "This'll just be a brief little assembly, I don't have a lot to waste your time on," she shrugged loosely, wearing a semi-sheepish smile.  Not enough went on for her to have much to say right now.

"Since summer's here, I thought we should invest our time in some fun.  So I'm announcing the start of the Summer Games." Her eyes seemed to brighten up.  This wasn't boring information after all -- she was looking forward to it.

"They're what they sound like," surprise.  "A series of games, activities and events revolving around having some summer fun.  An' if you want to host something, go and do it.  Elysium is about community, so I expect everyone to be pitching in, but I don't care how you pitch in.  Host, participate, do you."

"That's all I have.  Any questions?"
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: ASSEMBLY [★] SUNFLOWER - beatae - 06-08-2019

lilja arrived as she was called for, looking up to tena as she spoke her announcements. summer games did sound enticing... she would make sure to make time to host an event and participate some. the direwolf would nod her head to tena, a smile spread across her face.

"yes ma'am!" she piped up, already rearranging her mental calendar to make the time.


Re: ASSEMBLY [★] SUNFLOWER - Straw - 06-12-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Tena announcing meetings from a porch was new, but Straw supposed it was good for variety. Approaching at the call, she listened in, ears twitching. They were going to hold a summer games? She wanted to ask how large these games were going to be- but given that Tena hadn't mentioned going to allies, it probably wouldn't be an overly large affair. Better for her, to be sure.

  Nonetheless, she'd find something to do. With a nod, Straw walked away from the meeting, pondering over what she would do. Capture the flag could work, with her as the referee, if enough people showed up.


He missed the snow. In Snowbound there always seemed to be an abundance of the substance. But, there was no returning to that place again, and it pained his heart. He made sure never to show any sad emotions on his facial features, still believing that it was a sign of weakness that he wasn't willing to show just yet in this group. His absence wasn't really much of an absence as he had been around but keeping his presence mostly hidden. This group never really seemed to have anything entertaining happen, at least entertaining to the likes of an assassin. He flourished in areas that were constantly fighting with one another so that he could put his skills to good use. He wasn't great with arts and crafts and also didn't have many other talents than being an assassin. That didn't mean that he couldn't learn, but certain topcis seemed to him that they were boring and pointless. The only games that he had ever played when he was younger was Darts, and he only played the game as it improved his control of his air elementals. Any game he played was disguished as a means of training him to become the perfect assassin that his family wanted him to be. The wildcat was no longer like that, and had participated in a couple clan games here and there over the months that he did stay in them. Anything that required any physical skill usually kept his interest, no matter how small. If anyone challenged him, he would be quick to take up the challenge and never back down. A tired and bored look spead across his facial features as he made his way toward the meeting area only seeing two familiar faces. Where the hell was Stark? The old bastard was probably cooped up inside of a cave slumped over blueprints or something. A heavy sigh escaped his jaws as he sat himself down, his albino black mamba companion wrapped around his neck and chest. Summer games? Interesting, was there a competition to any of this? Raising one of his unsheathed paws and he would scratch the side of his face as he listened to the announcement. He doubted that anyone would want to join in what he might come up with, as this was a peaceful group. "Well, did you have anything in mind?" Killua questioned Tena, as when it came to the clan leaders he was around before, they usually came up with a couple ideas and then the rest of the group would expand off of it. Unless the entire group was motivated to put on games themselves, he doubted that this event would get very far. He had been through the life and death of a couple clans now, so he had experience with this sort of thing. After he spoke, he opened his maw again, conjuring a red colored lollipop that quickly dropped into his mouth. 
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19:

Re: ASSEMBLY [★] SUNFLOWER - Tena M. - 06-26-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
The Demdji smiled, dipping her head towards Lilja and Straw, though her head quickly turned on a swivel.  With a flicking tail, she shrugged.  Suggestions?  She had a few ideas already, so she jumped right in.  "Anything goes so long as the focus is community.  Friendly competitions like races, or tug-of-war are great, or even a sparring tournament would be great.  I'd recommend some teamwork building activities as well; from scavenger hunts to riddle games.  I personally plan on throwing a fireworks fire in the future as well, and perhaps a competition or mock trail." They needed more focus on the justice aspect of their community after all.

"We also have the ocean to work with; beach games could be fun, so long as we have some strong swimmers keeping an eye out."
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free