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BROOKLYN, STAND UP / meeting - Printable Version

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BROOKLYN, STAND UP / meeting - bubblegum - 06-07-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
The smell of ash and smoke was still quite present on her, and it was nearing nightfall, but the female did not wish to wait on this meeting any longer. She's stayed silent over these news for far too long. The tiger attempted to clean herself off beforehand, but the faint scent of it all still lingered, foreshadowing to the main purpose of these announcements. A faint smirk is present upon her features as she quickly flies to the throne, the conch shell being blown throughout the territory to signal the meeting. She did not bother sitting down, instead standing right in front of it, head held high as she impatiently waited for others to arrive. "I've got some important shit t' announce, hurry up!" she snaps quickly and loudly, gaze sharp. The captain was tired of lying.

Re: BROOKLYN, STAND UP / meeting - Luciferr - 06-07-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
Lucifer padded in quietly taking his place at the back so as not to block anyone's view - though now he focused on Goldie and the taint of ash and smoke and wondered just who had gathered the ire of the pirate queen.

probably the Pitt, knowing them.


Re: BROOKLYN, STAND UP / meeting - Splitvisage - 06-07-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]The blowing of the conch shell startled Darksouls from his stance at the edge of the shore, eliciting a loud quack from his newfound avian friend. Turning his head towards the source of the horn, he frowned. What did this mean? Probably something important had happened, but what? Hopefully the captain was okay, at least.

  He trotted into the dome to find the captain there, along with Lucifer. He thought he could smell ash on her. There hadn't been a fire on this island- he would've noticed if there was- so she must have been somewhere else. He got the feeling that this meant war, probably with the Pitt given the scattered whispers he had overheard about them.

  Furrowing his brows, Darksouls listened in. He had to hear this message, regardless of its contents.

Re: BROOKLYN, STAND UP / meeting - idyllfields - 06-07-2019

stars did fall
[mobile post, please mind errors!]

the obnoxious billowing sound of the conch sent idyll probably several feet in the air, not expecting it at all. they had otherwise been having a pretty peaceful day until then. after the initial shock they quickly recognized the sound as the meeting alarm. quickly they trotted toward the throne where their captain usually stood from.

idyll sat down quietly, looking up at the tiger curiously.

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Re: BROOKLYN, STAND UP / meeting - bubblegum - 06-11-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
As more and more faces made their way in, the captain's paws would tap the ground below her silently. Her slit pupils surveyed the crowd and her tail twitched back and forth. Clearly, the captain was feeling impatient. Her usual diplomacy and patience regarding meetings was thrown out the window - mostly, as she worked through her next decisions and words quickly. She still wishes to take care of it in a similar structure to always - she believes it's an important foundation to always hold. It touched on everything important, and this meeting was not only held for one bit of news. So, she gathers herself as much as she can, and sighs silently, beginning. "Firs' o' all, welcome t' the newcomers. Remember t' finish your entrance ritual n' get your charm bracelet made. Happy t' have y'all here." Normally she would list off each name, but she does not really want to waste the time to do so, as much as she tried to make it seem like she wasn't rushing. There, at least, was a genuinely warm smile through the burning gaze in her cold eyes. There was a lot more to get through. She was saving the best for last, after all.

The captain does still care about these next set of phrases enough to slow herself a little bit more, clearly pleased with whatever it is she is about to say. "Secondly, 've chosen who will be the new sage, on the track t' becoming soothsayer. Congratulations t' Idyllfields, if you accept, I will gladly aid you in your path t' soothsayer." She has the utmost confidence in this decision. It has been a while since they'd had a consistent sage or soothsayer (almost all of which...being her family, actually), and the job was much harder than others might expect (and she did sort of contribute to that difficulty more times than she would have liked). However, Idyllfields absolutely showed potential, and she was glad to spend more time with them. They were, at the very least, pleasant company. "An, wit' that, 'd like t' give a nice shout out t' everyone. You all are doin' a superb job." These words are genuine. Everyone seemed to be involving themselves lately, and she truly appreciated it.

With the main chunk out of the way, she feels the impatience rise once more, and cannot help keep herself from displaying it. These next two pair of news were important, but they were something most of her crewmates were likely already going to be aware of, sooner or later. "Don' forget 'bout the monthly competitions, if ya haven' signed up yet. The sign ups will close soon." She figures most everyone who was going to sign up already had, but it didn't hurt to remind them - even if briefly, before something very important to all of them. "Also, Madosa is hostin' some first aid lessons if ya wanna check those out." She was happy that the new crewmate was already hosting such a productive activity for everyone. It was certainly a useful lesson.

But, with all of that out of the way, there was nothing holding her back from finally explaining herself. The smell of smoke, while not as strong as before, was still present enough to be noticed, and she did not take the pirates to be unobservant, just respectful enough to not interrupt her. So, she inhales silently, focusing now on exactly what she is going to explain to them. Clearly, the meeting has been leading to whatever this was. She raises her head higher, fiery gaze focused. "An', finally, here's the real important shit. Listen up." Her sharp voice shoots through any silence that may have fallen upon the dome. She was tired of lying. "I know the majority opinion, when it came t' making the deal with Jervis in the Pitt, was that it was a foolish decision. However, is' all been part of a plan. Jervis, unsurprisingly, did not keep up on his side of the deal - ending slavery. Seeing as the Pitt is full of cheating bastards, the leader of Tanglewood, n' I, have taken the firs' action against them in a surprise attack. We've burnt their territory." To newer crewmates, this deal may only sound slightly familiar - she had not gone out of her way to bring it up again, and she was not planning to explain the specifics now. The point still stood: the Pittians were liars - as everyone already knew - and they remained holding slaves: something against the pirates' core beliefs. Whether she was telling the whole truth now was clear based off of her sheer bluntness. Every word came out filled with definitive, bitter indignation. But, she flashes a grin through it all. "This is the beginning of a war, n' we will not stop until Jervis is killed an' slavery is ended. As stupid as they all are, the Pittians are stubborn assholes. But, we will win - I can assure y'all that." Her voice is genuinely confident, nodding to her crewmates below. They would squash the bastards like the bugs they are. "Tanglewood, carrying similar goals t' our own, an' provin' t' be respectable folks ever since I was born, will now be officially known as our ally an' we will work closely with them."

"As a side note, if anyone of you happen t' recognize an Argus, a former crewmate, know that she is an enemy o' the Typhoon. Do not show her any mercy." Oh, she was angry, and she was glad to fill in for karma.

"That is all I 'ave t' say. If any o' you wish to discuss anythin', do so now, or after we've dispersed."

- Welcome to all new joiners and returners! Be sure to do your entrance ritual, and get your charm bracelet made, if you've not done so already! Feel free to check out the newbie guide and ask me any questions if you're to have any. <3
- [member=4460]idyllfields[/member] has been promoted to sage. If they accept, Goldenluxury will train them until they are ready to become soothsayer. Good job!
- Shout out to everyone! You're all doing fantastic lately and I appreciate it.
- Don't forget to sign up for the monthly competitions if you haven't done so already! Sign ups close soon.
- Madosa is hosting a water first aid lesson. It'd be cool if you checked it out!
- Goldie reveals that she is aware that making a deal with Jervis of the Pitt was seen as a foolish act, and that it's all been a part of a plan. She informs everyone that the Pitt did not uphold their end of the deal, ending slavery, and that she and Crow, the leader of Tanglewood, have burned their territory in a surprise attack. This is the beginning of a war and it will not end until Jervis is taken down and slavery has ended.
- Tanglewood is now an official ally and they will be working together.
- If anyone is to recognize Argus, a former crewmate, know that she is an enemy to the Typhoon. Do not show her mercy.
- Thanks for reading! <3 Also if this is weird anywhere just know that I had another typed up completely but it was lost due to me being a fool but I was determined to get this out tonight

Re: BROOKLYN, STAND UP / meeting - idyllfields - 06-12-2019

stars did fall
idyllfields couldn't help but feel for the bracelet around their wrist at the mention of the ritual. the initiation had been a rough night for sure, but it had helped them feel worthy of being here. they had fought and endured to find their place among the others.

goldenluxury's next announcement, though, was quite a bit of a shock to them. a sage? their tryout hadn't been forgotten, though it was still a surprise. a welcomed one, of course.

the coyote smiled and nodded their head to the captain, absolutely speechless. "ah, um, thank you! goldie, i will not let you down." they promised, a paw to their heart as they spoke.

of course now onto the other announcements. a war was stirring up... well, now was a better time than ever to prove their new place as sage. the pitt had only awful things said about them in the months they had stayed here. slavery. unnecessary violence to gory extents. absolute deplorable acts against themselves and others. it was pleasant to know they at least had an ally in the midst of battle. and a traitor on the loose on top of the chaos? idyll would be sure to keep a lookout for any suspicious activity.

with the announcements complete, idyll would linger still. they would need just a bit more information on their duties as a sage before leaving.

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Re: BROOKLYN, STAND UP / meeting - Splitvisage - 06-18-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]The mention of the entrance ritual and charm bracelet sent a shudder through Darksouls, but he shook his head. That had been a while ago, and he hadn't been threatened since. He was safe, at least in a relative sense; pirates would never really be "safe," but at least if he died he would die free.

  Idyllfields was being promoted to sage, soon to be soothsayer. That was a healer position, if Darksouls recalled correctly. He had not spoken much to them yet, but they seemed like an upstanding sort. Turning to them, he dipped his head in respect. The crew as a whole was also being complimented. The "shout-out," as the captain had called it, was intended in a general sense, but nonetheless, his ears warmed. "Thank you," he murmured, looking back up at her.

  Then the captain's voice got serious, and Darksouls perked his ears up to listen. They had made a previous deal with the Pitt, but the Pitt hadn't kept up their end of it- the mention of slavery in particular caused him to straighten up. They kept slaves... that was not something he could stand for. They spat in the face of an animal's right to freedom, something he had come to value dearly over the past few years of his life. They would pay for this.

  "Noted, captain," he said, nodding in acknowledgement. He would do whatever was asked of him, but this time it was of his own accord. He knew who he served, and what he would fight for.