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Hit you with some sense . Water first aid - Printable Version

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Hit you with some sense . Water first aid - Whisper - 06-06-2019

Mads was new on land - in this clan, in everything that seemed 'Normal' here was an oddity, Without water animals seemed to flock in groups , stack rules on top of each other and titles like some sort of game on who would drown first. So close to the water - Madosa had observed other animals, through the freshwater and saltwater alike- depths. The more in land you went, the more rigid the structure of the society...

So far, the water-jaguar had yet to succumb to the tricks of the Pirates, not accepting anything from any of them that smelled foul - booze in water never really mixed unless you were pretty stubborn about getting your fix for it. For creatures who lived so close to sea, they at least had basic first aid - from what he knew, but what about water first aid - water safety in general? He asked around, and rather got confused looks. For a bunch of pirates they never really traveled on sea beside when the island was indisposed. Something needed to be fixed.

Along barracuda bay, the white jaguar had a set up a small circle made of collected sea shells, sitting down outside of the ring after collecting enough herbs by the sea side that he wasn't sure anyone really knew what to do with. "[glow=#212121,2,200]I'm hosting a water first aid over here, if anyone is interested in learning![/glow]" The best way to learn on land was to teach what kind of aid was done under water, establish a difference, yes?

Re: Hit you with some sense . Water first aid - idyllfields - 06-06-2019

stars did fall
it was by some ironic coincidence that idyll find their home here while being an extreme hydrophobic. twice already they had to endure time over a ship, almost panicking themselves to death every time the waves came up too high to where they could see below the oceans surface from the window. now they mainly kept as far away as possible from the shoreline.

seeing madosa, hearing madosa's offer had sent icy chils down their spine. they tried to shake it off, but their fur still remained slightly fuzzy from the uneasy feeling in their gut.

"does it... require going into water?" they asked, trying to control the tremble in their voice.

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Re: Hit you with some sense . Water first aid - Keona. - 06-08-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center]blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly
Though pale and sightless, Keona's eyes gleamed the color of a green sea.  Ever swirling like the waves that crashed against the sandy shoreline, they marked her not just a child of her family line but of the ocean.  Strange that one who could not see mind find comfort in the waves, but she had been born aboard a boat.  In those days -- it had been many moons indeed when thought turned to it, though she still seemed rather young -- her father had been captain of his own crew of misfits.  There, surrounded by a crew-family, she only knew the constant rocking of the boat.

Stepping onto sand for the first time had shook the child up considerably.  Her father might have well tossed her into a whirlpool.  Now, the sand and grass and rocks were more familiar than the wooden planks beneath her tiny paws.  A gain or loss?  Hard to say, but on land, Keona could hear sharp and keenly.  She could trust her sense of smell and touch too.  On a boat, everything moved.  Under the water... Everything was distorted.

Frightened of the possibility of losing all sense of direction, she stayed above.

Nonetheless, her ears perked up curiously at the mention of water first aid.  Her nose twitched absently as she followed the sound of her crewmates' voices, brow creasing gently in thought.  The fae offered no voice, only a short nod towards Madosa.  She would listen.  But hopefully they did not have to go into the water.
✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: Hit you with some sense . Water first aid - Luciferr - 06-12-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
ill play watcher and local lifeguard the he usually was anyway - he manoivered a wing over to Idyll tapping him gently ”I believe perhaps not, but rest assured I’ll be watching you all if it does need to be with the unspoken ‘and I’ll fish you out if it’s needed’ since Luciferus himself would rather throw himself into the abyss before any clanmates got hurt.


Re: Hit you with some sense . Water first aid - ♛Teatime Roux♛ - 06-19-2019

Mars Roux
The jaguar couldn't help but snort. Why live in the Typhoon if you don't like the water? Some pirates they are.
Mars studied the white Jaguar in front of her, flicking her tail. She wouldn't lie - she liked what she saw. And what she liked, even more, was the willingness to be in the water. Maybe there's hope yet.
She padded past the dragon and their friend, unbothered by them. Perhaps she'll learn their names some other time - for now, it seemed, they were afraid of the ocean; which made them of no interest to her. Cowards. The lot o' them. She came to a rest closer to Madosa, stopping near the ocean so she could feel the water on her paws. Alright teach, what are you going to say to these landlubbers?

Re: Hit you with some sense . Water first aid - Whisper - 06-19-2019

It took a while to acquire and audience. Either the Typhoon complacent in their own knowledge or the fresh face that Madosa presented wasn't simply welcoming. It was heartening to see a good few actually gather at least willing to learn a new custom , a new perspective of first aid from someone who has lived with sharks - sirens and as hilarious as it sounds: lionfish. There were many things that was dangerous in the water, things that would kill you for simply moving lionfish breathing sirens or for bleeding.

Either way - any danger presented on land was a 100 fold rule underwater. Specially in a Salty seas like the one that surrounded the typhoon. It was - dangerous, and very little of it had to do with sharks. The typhoon - pirates in general had tales of sunken ships from  plethora of prehistoric monsters still lurking in the depths- and unimaginable things that Madosa has yet to confront in his own two years. So- he understood Idyll, their fear of something largely undiscovered and unseen for the longest time - was frightful Maybe if he wasn't born to the sea- and lived in it - he would grow the same fear of it. The constant flash of waves only reminders of both their mortality - and high probability of finding something "[glow=#212121,2,200]No it doesn't - unless you want to practice what i teach you - or tell you not to do: which i hope you all are not that dumb.[/glow]" he didn't look towards the rest of the gathering group as he said this - an uncharacteristic droll tone to his voice as he settled, sitting down in the sands to begin the lesson by the sea.

Madosa's own coat of fur was pale white because of his time in the water - Jaguars needing mostly sun to tan their pelt was something that Mads didn't regularly practice. He wasn't fan of the heat, and prefered the reptilian beliefs of cooling in the depths of the water, beneath the sun's rays if he swam deep enough - far enough from the surface. watching the small fae travel over - strides confident even without the flicker of eye-movement reminded Mads of his tricks to escape the sun's light. milky white eyes and needle teeth, a sharp snap cutting into his tail and the whipcord instinct to flee. He felt a tremor of the same next to the small child. when if they learned how to read the vibrations of the earth around them they would become a terrible force of nature. "[glow=#212121,2,200]The sea is truly not as unpleasant as you make it out to be,[/glow]"

A tilted his head and - golden eyes brighten in recognition. One who introduced him to the crew - showed him their home with open arms and welcomed him amongst them. The connection Mad's made sent a chill down his spine - his own father, faceless as he was - sent a chill of rage through his bones. But Lucifer was not that - not that thing that he conjured from his imaginations. Mad did not have a father - but if he ever looked to someone to fit the roll...

The last participant of his teaching session - another jaguar. Feeling a slight preen at the appreciative look left Madosa to lazily blink his golden eyes. Comfortable - he twisted himself deeper int the sands, not truly committed to burying himself in the sand but trying to escape the heat of the sun's harsh focus. He itched to splash into the water again - itched to run from these strange - and backwards land creatures. he breathed deeply, and nodded to everyong. Alright - time to start the lesson now.

"[glow=#212121,2,200]First lesson is how to deal with th' bleeding when your underwater. Probably the most dangerous thing you can do in a saltwater ocean is get cut. [/glow]" Mads pulled from the pile - in his jaws dripped wet - fresh seaweed. It was slimy on his tongue, but strong and rope like if gathered from the stalk of the pant. "[glow=#212121,2,200]Using cloth underwater is the worst thing you can do - you need waterproofed bandage - something that can insulate the wound. Seaweed - not the leaves of it but an actual step works wonders. [/glow]" He lifts his arm- lays the seaweed on top of it, pulling at the opposite end over, and pulling with his teeth while holding the other end down- he made a tight knot on his arm. using a claw he slowly unraveled the rope like shape until it spanned longer against his left. Covering more area.

"[glow=#212121,2,200]A common misconception is that a shark is a bloodthirsty thing - they're mostly docile and curious. But smelling blood always drives them into an easy frenzy. But a shark is not the only thing tracking blood in the water. Sirens, sea-Leviathans, even the occasional carnivorous fish [/glow]" He pulled the cord of seaweed off his limb. Pulling at the knot gently with a claw. "[glow=#212121,2,200]Even then - you have to be careful about thrashing. If you're drowning- if you can't find you're way to the surface, the best thing t do is puff up, don't exhale in the water and the air you breathed before ducking in the depths should naturally bring you up.[/glow]"

"[glow=#212121,2,200]So, what is your most important rule to swimming or going into the water?[/glow]"