Beasts of Beyond
i dont sleep ━ open - Printable Version

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i dont sleep ━ open - arrow - 06-04-2019

[glow=black,1,400]I GRIEVE IN STEREO, THE STEREO SOUNDS STRANGE ! — 。+゚.[/glow]
Things had been...stagnant, at least for a while. Or at least she thought so. After all, she couldn't remember half of it. Seriously, not a bit, it was all faded, blurred, or just blacked out completely. She couldn't explain why, and there was going to be no figuring out this one. Was she losing her mind? Got some head injury and suffered amnesia? Where was Leroy? Where was Crow? Beck, even?

Arrow squinted in the sunlight, frowning at all the things and people passing in and out of her vision. She didn't recognize half these fucks, but must have known them a little, they lived here with her after all. And yet, there they were. Being unknown. Ah, fuck this. 

Re: i dont sleep ━ open - trojan g. - 06-04-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 12px;"]There was at least one that Arrow truly didn't know, though with the influx of joiners as of late, it was likely that there would be more than just Moth that didn't trigger a small memory every now and then, though a true first memory and first impression would be pressed upon the other that would hopefully be a good one, and, hopefully stick.

Padding over to the female, the feline-sized fox would look over to her, contemplating her greeting for but a moment before actually speaking, deciding that it would be best to greet the other first, just in case she didn't notice those around her for some reason, as Moth knew many that would gaze off into the distance, seemingly noticing you were there, though listening to no words that you spoke unless there was a sudden pause and then the name or something off was said, something unexpected. Though Moth would not be speaking something strange on this day, at least not now, just in case it the other was actually paying attention, or simply lost in thought.

"Hello," She would speak at first, eyes swiping over the other quickly to access the demeanor of the other before finishing off her greeting, "I don't think we've met before, my name is Moth."

Re: i dont sleep ━ open - beatae - 06-05-2019

mikolaj was generally unaware of most of the inhabitants in tanglewood. the vampiric creature was not too keen on socialization. more interested in just observing and taking in information. the vast majority of those in tanglewood seemed snappy and bitter from what he had seen. with the exception of reedy, of course. some hick alligator that mikolaj wouldn't stand near no matter what was offered. sam was blunt and straight to the point from what he had encountered. he prefer she didn't speak at all as the smoke on her breath gave him a headache.

arrow he knew and had even met when he arrived, though she didn't speak a word. selby and crow were just minor run-ins and no introduction followed up.

overall, mikolaj enjoyed it. minimal conversation was ever approached with him and he enjoyed being able to blend in with the background. even now. the shepherd was content listening to moth and arrow, laying across a patch of sun and gazing ahead.


Re: i dont sleep ━ open - Crow Roux - 06-09-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
Crow would stick out his tongue and make a face at Arrow as he passed her. He sat and swiped his tongue across his paw to flatten the fur atop his head after noticing it wasn't just him hanging around. "Have you been sick or somethin'?" he inquired after a brief moment of pause with a hint of concern in his voice.

With a slight turn of his head, the male noticed Mikolaj resting nearby, and he raised an arm in a feeble wave. He couldn't recall ever speaking to the shepherd.

Re: i dont sleep ━ open - arrow - 06-10-2019

[glow=black,1,400]I GRIEVE IN STEREO, THE STEREO SOUNDS STRANGE ! — 。+゚.[/glow]
She hadn't heard the others come over, blinking with widened eyes and a soft "oh!" when Moth spoke up. And then of course she snapped back to reality and noticed the multiple people nearby now. Her tail twitched nervously as she hadn't been expecting anyone, and just looked up to find them. "Moth, huh?" Arrow tilted her head. Moth. Like the bug. Well it was better than being named after a weapon. "I like that name. Moth. Moths are cute, ever seen em fluttering around? Fuzzies, they are. Name's Arrow, nice to meet'cha." Moth didn't think they'd met, and as far as Arrow was concerned they hadn't, but it was nice to start introducing herself again.

Mikolaj was there too, her memory of him was rather vague but she did remember his face and tendency to not talk. A good boy, fluffy boy. Crow, on the other hand, was not a good or fluffy boy. She stuck her tongue out in retaliation as he passed, squinting. "Sick? Maybe. I don't remember shit from the last....however long it's been."