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SUNSHINE RIPTIDE — JOINING - Narmen. - 04-28-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]☼☼☼ The boy walked with a bright smile on his maw and a twinkle in his eyes. Around his neck was a red, torn bandana, clearly something old and used. It was a keepsake of his, an object passed down from father to son over many generations. His father had kept up with the tradition, but he never treated Narmen as his own. It was unfortunate that things ended the way they did. Narm was a kind individual, always bright and sunny. Deep down, however, something stirred within him, churning in an thick, inky brew. He never acted on this though, unless absolutely necessary. This was rarely the case with the exception of his father and his demise. Narmen released a laugh, the noise arising from seemingly nowhere. His thoughts often cascaded, flowing from one to another. It often left him grinning, enjoying himself despite others not knowing exactly why. Though he was an amiable individual, people often found him odd and for what reason, he did not know. He was young and inexperienced, and it reflected in his naive, almost air-headed personality.

With a hum, Narm continued on his makeshift path, maneuvering around objects obstructing his view. He was light on his feet, and knew how to avoid situations if necessary. It was a crucial skill to have, especially in a group like the Typhoon, which he was unaware of. He knew there were groups, but he was ignorant to their names, traditions, and so on. Narmen couldn't say he was particularly interested in joining one, but he supposed if the opportunity was proposed, he might take them up on the offer.

It was when he caught an unfamiliar scent that he slowed his pace, amber optics flickering to watch the horizon. His ears were pricked forward and he appeared alert, yet a smile remained on his lips. It did not, however, reach his eyes as it once did before. Eventually, he was brought to a halt when a scent-line came to his attention, the smell growing more pungent the closer he got to it. The smell wasn't particularly bad, but he didn't find it especially pleasing either. The sea breeze wafted through the area. How he had stumbled upon the railroad tracks was beyond him, though he supposed he hadn't been paying too close of attention to notice his surroundings. He shook his head at himself, a roll of his eyes soon following suit. Narmen didn't dare cross over and follow the tracks further to what appeared to be an island, hesitation and reluctance holding him back. "Hellooo? Anyone there? Not too sure where I got myself," the lanky wolf called out, a Western hint to his voice, admitting that he was a bit lost. Perhaps someone would come along to help him, though doubt plagued his mind. He briefly pondered moving on, turning back and trotting away from the scent-line, but something kept him grounded.

Re: SUNSHINE RIPTIDE — JOINING - lilyspoise - 04-29-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Lilyspoise adorned an accessory of her own, which matched Narmen's in location alone. Instead of a bandanna, it was a rope necklace that she used to carry bottles and pouches around. It made for easy transportation of herbs, and seeing as she was a healer -- albeit, not the official Typhoon healer, but a healer nonetheless -- it was definitely advantageous for her to have supplies on her should a situation arrive where she needed to administer medical attention at a moment's notice. Plus, it looked pretty cute, so the cream tabby was thrilled to wear her newfound accessory.

However, that wasn't the focus right now. Despite the girl having been out searching for the herbs that now rested upon her neck, her focus was quick to shift when she heard a voice calling for someone. By what she could make out, it wasn't exactly someone looking to join, but it wasn't a member of another clan either, so she supposed he might stay a while.

Approaching the other, she nodded her head in a quick greeting before she was finally close enough to talk to him in a tone of voice that wasn't purely yelling.
"From what I heard before, you don't exactly have a set business here, do you?" Lil asked, a small smile on her face and light words to signify that she was not some aggressor. "I am going to need your name, though, and if you do have a business, I'd like that, too." Perhaps he was here just to see what was around, but she doubted he decided to sit on the border and wait for someone with no purpose whatsoever. "I'm Lilyspoise, and you're on the border of the Typhoon."

Re: SUNSHINE RIPTIDE — JOINING - Luciferr - 04-30-2018

Hymn of Ruin
lucifer didn't wear accessories at the current time, but he had many items and keepsakes of old from friends and family - a crown made by his late wife, sat prized and locked away in his new home, something to linger bittersweet memories over.

The dark dragon shadowed Lily's steps like the overprotective overgrown lizard he was - one that had taken the entire clan under his proverbial wing whether they knew it or not either way.

So the dark beast played silent back up as lily asked the same routine questions at every border - though a brow quirked in curiosity.

/low muse but welcome! :3


Re: SUNSHINE RIPTIDE — JOINING - coldblue - 05-01-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]it seems that a great many people adorn their figures with some trinket or another, draping luxurious fabrics across their frames or simply donning things for utility. as surprising as one might find it, given the youth's poorly disguised penchant for hedonism, coldblue possesses no great interest in accessories. he has no need to tote around herbs like lilyspoise, nor is he particularly fond of wearing things around his neck. the reason is as simple as the fact that it is not his preference. of course, were anyone to ask him, the child would most likely claim that he is beautiful enough as it is; therefore, making  accessories of any kind completely unnecessary. why wear a scarf of shining satin when his pelt is already a luscious white marble coloring? why bother donning jewels when his brilliant glacial blue eyes already possess an otherworldly glow?

small paws traipse silently across the terrain, transporting blue's lithe frame from place to place with no particular destination. most days, he prefers to laze around in the sun, but today he is rather energetic. and energy means exploration. and exploration means wandering closer and closer to the border. luckily, before coldblue could get any bad ideas about sneaking into the outside territory, the sound of voices tickles his ear. distracted, he alters his course, searching for the source.

blue is not surprised to find lily and the giant lizard man--lucifer, is it?--addressing an unknown child on the border. the boy narrows his beautiful blue eyes, peering at the stranger with a haughty expression. the only children around are his sister goldie, his brother roman, himself, and some other small girl whose name currently escapes him. for some reason, blue feels oddly threatened by the arrival of a new youth. will father adopt this one too? and if that happens, will he and roman be forgotten? it's irrational, but to blue, it's entirely possible. his parents are not exactly the most affectionate people, so he feels like he has to defend whatever scrap of love he can. and if that means staring down potential competition, the that's just how it is. coldblue says nothing as he casually climbs up onto lucifer, and settling down atop his skull. the perks of being small.