Beasts of Beyond
AND HELL FOLLOWED HIM | Territory destruction + joining - Printable Version

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AND HELL FOLLOWED HIM | Territory destruction + joining - Luciferr - 06-02-2019

/Permission given by Kliment's player to destroy in preperation for the move c;

the king is dead, long live the king,

the sun starts to set across the desert land and the hush of night begins to beckon, as the last of the light's rays kiss the ruby embedded in the temple walls like the glittering eyes of countless birds perched in its rafters - the temple is white bleached stone, smooth and pure.

but underneath it ?

beneath the sands, stretching to the wastes lies a darker sanctum - an older, ancient sanctum, so deep, so old and so cold away from the light's rays that ice can be seen on its ancient architecture.

walls of eldritch obsidian stone and gold etched in a language no one living knows - one striking depiction is of a strange three headed beast - in black, in white and in gold - feared and yet revered, depicted atop a tribute of corpses.

something stirs in the darkness of this ancient worship.

this place was once flooded to ensure it's death - and then frozen over underneath the masses of cold sands.

the ice has melted and a heartbeat echoes off of walls older than any existing human civilisation known to record.

in the darkness, red eyes slide open.


the temples sh a t t e r

something old, ancient and hungry erupts, writhing from the depths of the forgotten city, breaking past new and old architecture, the heart of the darkness where he rested revealed to the world like an egg broken wide open, the guts of its yolk revealed in ancient ebony structures below - a chilling cackling roar announcing the entrance of an old forgotten god.

the devil has three heads and each is adorned with spires of white and eyes of blood red set with pupils of the cores of white stars burning.

the night is suddenly alive with screaming as few that were flee the crumbling temples and crimson streaks of lightning cut a few off before black monstrous teeth snap down upon them for the corpse god is ravenous and there has been no leaving of dead in tribute to his hunger this time (they do not care, they will eat the living if they have failed to pay them what is owed to keep the devil satisfied)

wings of black bone and alabaster unfurl wide and proud from a body of rotting-like golden-black and corpse pale hues - The dread wing, the exile of his kin - the king of corpses, the rotting god they hailed him and knew his form for despair in endless glory.

Akane Ghidorah first and only of his type looked down upon the scurrying residents of a once magnificent monolith and knew the world to be changed from his cage - the mandibles of the right flare outwards from pale cheeks as it hums interest while the left's lower jaw splits to below a cackling cry and a fork of crimson lightning struck one of the pillars and sent it tumbling away, the foremost middle leans upwards tongue forking out like a snake and smiles a grin of pitch teeth.

ah, a new age for new opportunities they thought, shifting as wings folded back to grip the ground and the serpentine plated form of the triple headed king almost seemed to slither down the crumbling steps - curious of who's doorstep they have seemingly ruined (ah, too bad, but you should know better than to build upon the temples of sleeping gods no?) the statues of egyptian make crumbling behind him (and you shall worship no false idols before me, all hail the king in exile)

Re: AND HELL FOLLOWED HIM | Territory destruction + joining - KLIMENT - 06-04-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]I WISH I COULD ESCAPE, I DON'T WANNA FAKE IT !。+゚.[/glow]
Immediately lifting his cranium, the brute who had been resting on the pile of rumble that was once a temple for meetings was surprised to hear screaming throughout the once quiet night. The mutant rose from his resting position only to realize what was going on, well, whoever this was he had done the tyrant leader a favor. He never liked the place especially that unpleasant and uncomfortable heat that the desert got when it was the afternoon. Right now, Kliment could see the plumes of white mist coming from his nostrils with pseudo gaze trying to find the cause of all the screaming and it didn't take too long to spot the cause of it. They were huge. They were much larger than him and he didn't quite like it at all, he pressed his ears against the back of his cranium and felt the tip of his long ears brush against his spine. He could feel a growl resonating from his throat, he wasn't all that sure if this would end well or not but he wasn't going to let some larger brute take his land or possibly his rank of power. He didn't exactly have to fight for it the first time since it was given up quite easily and even if it hadn't gone that way, Kliment wouldn't have hesitated in taking it by force. It didn't seem like he was thinking much at the moment seeing as his,more feral instincts started kicking in, the instinct of chasing off an intruder. He shook his head slightly realizing that this bastard had three heads which was a bit unsettling for Kliment though he took note of how he wasn't far from being able to fight the beast. His lips peeled back revealing misaligned teeth against purple gums and non-existent eyebrows furrowed at the giant draconic beast "ВЫ." A snarl erupted from the runaway experiements jaws as he spoke his native tongue.

He lashed his tail to the side only to spot piles of rumble of once ancient structures, he didn't seem,to hesitate all that much as he used the blade-like tip of his tail to pull a large piece towards the tyrant. He picked it up with a bit of struggle but once it was within his jaws did he move his body and head in a swift move aiming to throw the large piece at the beast currently distracted in trying to eat his clanmates, hopefully, that would make the fallen God look towards him. It took Kliment a moment to realize he didn't have much of a plan thought up though he hoped he was fast enough to strike or else that three headed bastard could easily tear him a new one. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: AND HELL FOLLOWED HIM | Territory destruction + joining - Luciferr - 06-05-2019

[size=8pt]They are so hungry after so long sleeping entombed

though they are quite pleased to find they didn't have to go very far to find a banquet.

and so it is when snapping up a small feline that the left most head - dubbed Akane-Caedes - is struck by debris very deliberately thrown (for there is nothing left around them to fall on them) in their direction and startles them from their next target while the pitiful current morsel still whines desperately in right-head's - Akane-Orcus' - jaws before dying down as it is consumed in a few wet crunches and snaps.

you would think to such a creature used to worship they'd find offence - but no they find amusement - it has been quite so long since someone had the spine to stand against them in amidst the piles of ants on this world.

three heads turn in unison to fix their attention on a pitch creature with strange blank eyes (though not lacking expression they know) and a strange cackling sound emerges from the alien creature as they shift now towards it, multiple red-white eyes fixed on the one ant with spine

a rarity.

perhaps they will have dinner and a show after all.

Akane heaves up, wings splayed and three heads reared back as the grin peels back over black teeth "your wish to die fighting is admirable, we will grant it" they murmur sibilant in unison - its been so long since they have stretched their legs-

the stranger has been so gracious to provide entertainment, it would be rude not to accept - as one their heads lean back and with a great ringing cry lightning forks out - red, blistering - aimed at the spot the creature stands on.

/all great love stories start with a fight amiright

Re: AND HELL FOLLOWED HIM | Territory destruction + joining - KLIMENT - 06-05-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]I WISH I COULD ESCAPE, I DON'T WANNA FAKE IT !。+゚.[/glow]
ain't no better way to write a love story ùwú

He felt tension ripple through his muscles seeing that he had drawn the attention of all three head and felt a bit uneasy having all twelve eyes placed onto him. They didn't seem at all offended by what he had just done, realistically, he was the only one around the same height as the beast yet he could already feel his adrenaline kicking in with his heart thumping loudly within his chest. His ears pressed against the back of his body it took him back realizing that this dragon could speak then again he often surprised himself with his ability of speech despite having mainly animalistic instincts. Die fighting? Well, that was better than being put down with a mere needle. Kliment hated having to stare up at the towering creature yet he didn't have much a choice "WELL, YOU WILL COME TO FIND OUT THAT WE WON'T BE KILLED EASILY OR WILLINGLY GO DOWN." He immediately let out a loud hiss with his cobra hood flipping upwards to reveal the spots under said hood and the fur atop of said hood fluffing up immediately, he realized one of the heads leaning back they were a bit uncertain how to react until he noticed the creatures aura changing. He leapt backwards feeling debris flying at him noticing that the male was shooting out lightning. It took him by surprise although, the Pharoah didn't hesitate in bolting forward in the direction of the dragon with the tip of his blade-like tail did the large beast start to throw more and more debris at the draconic beast in hopes of hitting either of the three heads. If this was successful, Kliment took a sharp turn before leaping into the air feeling his claws start to spark with electricity, he aimed to scrape his talon-like claws down the dragons side.[glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: AND HELL FOLLOWED HIM | Territory destruction + joining - Luciferr - 06-07-2019

[size=8pt]well, good - they would be disappointed if their newfound entertainment disappointed them after all.

three heads deftly manoeuvre around debris thrown towards them with a serpentine grace - akane-caede's lower jaws twitch apart to prepare another strike of lightning before claws rake down their side and they all three hiss in annoyance at the injury - but they mitigate the electrical current by hijacking it with their own and blasting it harmlessly away through their left head.

rearing up they laughed - the entertainment had scored a hit! perhaps this wouldn't be so boring after all.

within the next few seconds of rearing up, the three headed devil whipped around two blade adorned tails in an attempt to strike or catch the feet of their opponent - if it hit or if it caused them to stumble

Re: AND HELL FOLLOWED HIM | Territory destruction + joining - spacexual - 06-10-2019

"Fallen God": what a coincidence. Though, Damianos had never met or heard of such a God that was a three-headed dragon, wreaking havoc upon his new home and threatening the one that had reminded him so of prosperity. To the jaguar, this creature was simply another beast he must slay for the good of the people. Though, how successful could he truly be; not being used to this new stage of eternal life? The male's doubts in himself remained in the back of his head, his attention focused on his newly proclaimed mission he's assigned himself. Whether he would live through such a fight was not a question: he knew that he was immortal. Unless, somehow, they'd taken that away, too? He supposes that it wouldn't be so much of a curse in that situation. He is not exactly happy about this new situation he'd been forced into, stripped of everything but a fraction of his powers. He would need to make do - there was a threat, and if he were to be proven mortal now, then so be it.

The former God of light and dark made his entrance simply by aiming his light (fire; black and white) towards the beast, a tiny wall raising higher as it grew closer to the male. Do not fret, his mind rings within itself. Damianos, the hero, has come to save you! But, his words would remain within his head, silent thoughts. There was no reassurance he could offer to his companions other than perhaps a smile, which he would flash towards his new leader. The phrases he had come to learn and force out, now could no longer aid him as his voice was stolen away, along with most everything else. But, he is still to try, staring at the enemy with his glowing eyes, his body moving about quickly, trying to remain out of the way of this destroyed territory as well as keep a fair distance from the dragon for now while his leader remained up close.

Re: AND HELL FOLLOWED HIM | Territory destruction + joining - KLIMENT - 06-10-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]I WISH I COULD ESCAPE, I DON'T WANNA FAKE IT !。+゚.[/glow]
The laughter of the three headed brute only made Kliment angrier though he wasn't able to catch a second thought as he stumbled on the others blade adorned tails did he let out a surprised hiss. The hybrid stumbled on his feet though he would rise once more straightening his posture, his nostrils flared at the sudden smell of fire did he turn around to find a smiling Damianos and it made the monstrous leader wonder why the other was even smiling in the face of danger. He shook his cranium realising that he was getting distracted from what he was originally doing which was combating Akane. If the flames from the jaguar distracted the three headed beast, Kliment took the chance to run to the side feeling sparks flying off his talons before he would aim to slash at the draconic beasts side with a powerful force, he then attempted to stab the flank of Akane with his blade-like tail.[glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: AND HELL FOLLOWED HIM | Territory destruction + joining - Luciferr - 06-12-2019

[size=9pt]he benefits of three heads meant when one was blinded - you at leat had two other sets of eyes to see.

though for sets in his unique case.

fire washed across Akane-Orcus' field of view and the right head shrieked at the sudden brightness after so long in the dark hissing and spitting lightning that wildly aimed and crashed into nearby pillars instead creating its own hazards.

Akane Mors' and Caedes' however were free to act though each hissed in tandem echoed feeling - Akane-Caedes head snapping up to spy the fire's source and with a ringing cry sent a jolt of red lightning aimed towards the stranger

meanwhile Akane-Mors' was occupied as their opponent rammed and clawed at their side and screeching they intercepted the tail blow before it could fall - aiming to wrap their own tails and throw the beast into a crumbling wall filing that they'd aim to bluntly body him with one huge wing, aiming to pin the other down between one weighty paw.

/hsjsk rushed oof.

Re: AND HELL FOLLOWED HIM | Territory destruction + joining - KLIMENT - 06-13-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]I WISH I COULD ESCAPE, I DON'T WANNA FAKE IT !。+゚.[/glow]
It seemed one of the heads were temporarily blinded whilst the one head concentrated onto Damianos leaving Akane-Mors' attention on him. He hissed in frustration as his attack was intercepted by the draconic beast and admittedly, he had reacted quite slowly being blinded by a rage that was slowly lapping him up. He snarled feeling as he was thrown towards a crumbling wall and before he could even stand up to his paws did he feel his breath being knocked from him as a wing slammed him further. He stumbled to his paws staring defiantly at the three headed beast with his pseudo gaze locked onto Akane Mors', he was ready to lunge until his body was brought down by a hefty paw that was slightly larger than his own body. He let out huffy pants, peeling his lips back to show his misaligned teeth. His deadly saliva could easily take down this dead god that had decided to reawaken in his home. Just a swift bite and it would all be over for the three headed brute that held the leader down, Kliment felt a growl erupting from his throat causing his chest to quake warning this bastard. Then he had a moment of thought weighing the possibility of this giant joining their ranks, of course, it would be a massive jab to his ego but he could let it slide this once if it meant that the Rosebloods would have a strong member amongst them. Just this once. He snarled once more  "FUCK YOU." With that said, he aimed to slash at the heavy paw on his body with his tail that was now covered in electricity and if successful, he would attempt to kick away the paw with the little strength he had left.[glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: AND HELL FOLLOWED HIM | Territory destruction + joining - Luciferr - 06-19-2019

[size=9pt][this is short oof]

they jerked back laughing that strange giggle-roar - though heavily distorted as opposed to the rest of their kind, they were not normal after all - into the dust and sudden encroaching fog of the debris that started to finish raining down around the area, their shadow moving in the obscuring dust before three white heads breached the fog again.

"defiant to the last" came the sonorous quality of  the middle head's voice, Akane-Caedes' head swivelling to assuage the damage - several small cuts to their left leg from the claws, the split chinned jaw of the beast quirked into what passed for a gaping grin as all three heads swivelled back to the obsidian beast "we would know your name, first to give us any defiance in a very long time" they hissed.