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Snowdin . hal's bio . WIP - Printable Version

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Snowdin . hal's bio . WIP - Whisper - 06-02-2019

In another world Hal Anderson was only a single smudge against a new age , a footnote in the hostory books not as a dying race - but as the kick start to the grand crescendo of mindkind's age - one of the few who welcomed what another man created as slaves - and turned them into equals. ( where a man mourns , settles - a lost dog helps him find his way )

Maybe, in another world - Hal's choices could have lead to to a satisfactory end . the world at peace and his heart settled.

maybe , hal was content

but now , it's time for him to find something to be happy for .

o1 . general
o2 . personality

Re: Snowdin . hal's bio . WIP - Whisper - 06-02-2019

name: hank Hal Anderson

physical age: 2 years
creation date: 6/2/19
ageing scheme: ages the 2 of any month

sex: male
gender: male
sexuality: Demisexual

powers: Amorphous

family to-

ally to-
- RK515
- roaming nomad

Re: Snowdin . hal's bio . WIP - Whisper - 06-02-2019


+ | aaa ; aaa ; aaa
0 | aaa ; aaa ; aaa
- | aaa ; aaa ; aaa

tv tropes //

alignment;; Lawful neutral / INSJ / hufflepuff

Gruff . It is in Hal's nature to naturally push people away from him. Emotionally - unstable and teetered between his next fixture - booze or some other case to look into . Hal is a retired detective , and it shows - not only with strong morals but a need to see justice . Right wrongs made into a society that seems to have forgotten [i]such laws exists. He is reckless in pursuing it - protecting his family by any means necessary - willing to uproot a tyrant.

With strangers he is a relaxed canid , not necessarily bending to social niceties to lie , but honest intentions. A smile or cutting someone off with a snarl or gruff growl. Hal Prefers acquaintances over friends - friends who try to do right by him are the kind that keep out of his business - period.

Re: Snowdin . hal's bio . WIP - Whisper - 06-02-2019

physical . saint bernard