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Rough and tumble • joiner - Printable Version

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Rough and tumble • joiner - ¿¿ - 06-01-2019

The family business was smuggling as far that is known to Chinami. What was left is memories of getting invaded by pirates. Pain of something heavy shattering her thigh and fighting through it. Defending until a hole pushes through her chest delivering the killing blow.


Everything is dark and murky around Chinami, unconscious. When a stream of light broke through it woke her up with a start. Water invaded her lungs burning. She tried to swim up but seaweed was caught on her ankle and she ripped it off and allowed herself to float up. When she reached the surface she sputtered everything out of her lungs and gasped. With in the light and out of blind shock she realized the difference of her body and started to sink and fought to keep up in her panic with the knowledge of dehumanizations. When logic started to come back to her senses she looked for land around her. She spotted land and a from of a dock. She started to shout for help and tried to paddle over. When she finally managed to reach it soar muscles and the bad boards prevented her from pulling herself up.

Re: Rough and tumble • joiner - Tena M. - 06-01-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
The petite Demdji had taken to lingering at the water's edge.  Bright blue hues reflecting the sky and the sea, flickering with some daring and some hesitance.  A never ending battle against possessing reasonable caution and reckless lust for adventure; for a challenge to knock down head on.  Born and raised in the desert, the feline could barely comprehend the existence of such a wide expanse of water.  Blue from the docks to the horizon, revealing nothing about its true distance as it melded with the sky.

Tena was trotting towards the docks, per her ritual, when she heard splashing.  Startled -- alarmed with the thought of an Elysite drowning -- the sand cat pushed head-long along her course, practically skidding across the docks.  Tail lashing behind her, she scrambled towards the very edge, eyes wide.  On instinct, she began reaching down, planting her hind legs as firmly as she could behind her.  "Hey! I'm gonna try to help."

She was a terribly small cat, all things considered, and somewhere in the back of her mind she knew this might not end well for either of them should she get herself pulled in.  But she had to help.  Stranger or no, it was clear she was tired and Tena knew exhaustion could kill in the water.  With a sharp breath, Tena began to manipulate the air around Chinami, enough to push them up a little, closer to her and the stronger boards, if she was light enough.  If she was too heavy, Tena could only hope the boost was enough to get them high enough to gain a foothood.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: Rough and tumble • joiner - ¿¿ - 06-02-2019

Chinami was panting when the girl came up but very relieved to see someone who could help. As her helper grabbed a hold of her arm she tried to pull some of her weight up on the dock with her leverage, hoping not to sink both of them. The gust of air shocked Chinami that she gave a gasp but was desperate to get on the dock. The wind took the strain of her weight off of her tiered muscles; this allowed her to get perches on the dock to almost launch herself on it. Grateful to be on something more solid then water she sat in the middle with her elbows on the wood, breathing hard and groaning at the sight of the foreign appendages.

Re: Rough and tumble • joiner - beatae - 06-03-2019

the commotion and thrashing had lilja rushing to help and investigate. hearing tena shout she was helping someone had definitely called for her attention and she was more than ready to offer her own. she was glad to see chinami safely on the dock, carefully guarding off the edged in case she accidentally rolled back in a daze. the fae looked back to the unknown dog, and aimed to gently pick her up by the scruff and bring her closer to actual land. if successful, she would rest beside her to keep her warm.

"hey, can you hear me? are you able to speak?" she asked gently, glancing to tena.


Re: Rough and tumble • joiner - ¿¿ - 06-04-2019

Chinami is starting to feel very cold with some more of the shock waring off from the recent event. She is way to self conscious to notice she was reaching for her scruff. But she was paying enough attention to hear the question that has been spoken out loud.

——“Yes” Chinami said this with a horse throat. Moving her limbs closer herself in order to fend off of the cold and to calm her racing mind. “I can speak” this was said more calm and clear.

——The attempt to grasp Chinami’s scruff was a success from not having much energy and the soreness in her mussels. But in doing so she gave a “yelp” from being so startled.

Re: Rough and tumble • joiner - teef - 06-05-2019

not the best time to be late, no, and that's exactly what her usual patrol route was: late. the tigress was at a half jog as she rounded the camp, her lungs working double time to supply her enough air. she had heard the sounds of splashing and voices, and gods help her if it was those damned npcs playing games and shoving each other in the water aga- "is everyone alright?", she called out as she charged over before slowing, circling between the three others and the water.

"tena, lilja? oh, we have someone new. wait, chinami!?", her worry went right from concerned to excited, more than she likely should be. back in the day, when she had her gang around, the tigress had encountered the female canine before her, and well, they went back a long way. she remembered hearing about how she had died, which had brought with it more pain than the ex-gang leader could handle after her gang had been slaughtered by circumstance. it was pure luck that the blacksmith and demon huntress was able to escape, or perhaps thanks to a darker cause that she had lived.

Re: Rough and tumble • joiner - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 06-20-2019

It's always an odd feeling, finding those that you once used to know in a strange place. It happened to Killua more times than he could actually count. More often than not, he was reunited with animals that he believed that he would never see again. Maybe it was just sheer luck that he had that those that he cared about stayed around for so long. However, there were some instances where he was reunited with his family, and he wanted nothing more than to run away from them. Specifically, his older brother. Each time that they interacted with one another, it ended up with Killua severely injured and hurt. Killua knew that his brother wouldn't kill him, and instead just wanted him back home where he could be trained again to be an assassin. The wildcat had no reason to go back to his family, and any resistance that he did would result in severe punishment. It was made worse that his brother knew exactly where to hit Killua to actually make him feel pain, because of his high pain threshold, he rarely felt pain most of the time, and if he did he could bare the pain. Very few creatures knew of his family and why they were hunting him down, because the more that someone knew about his past, the more likely that they would be hunted down for simply being associated with him. It scared him. He was only scared of one thing in his entire life and that was his own family and what horrors they could bring unto him. There were some positives, as he had been reunited with Argus, Stark, and Amorette over the months that he had come back to these clans.

Argus was someone he did not believe that he would hold any connection to, but the willingness to help him, despite how she always talked in a cryptic manner, was surprising to him. Almost too good to be true, but he trusted the female with his life and would protect her just the same. Stark was his father figure and had joined Elysium around the same time that he did. Obviously, Stark had something mental that he was struggling through, and Killua wasn't great when it came to offering support to those that he cared about. He was awkward and didn't know the right steps to take either. Stark meant so much to Killua, and he hopes the old man will be able to stick around for a little bit longer. Amorette was his sister. Technically she is his adopted sister, but he doesn't bother to use the term 'adopted' when talking about her. She took care of him in the second clan that he had spent most of his time in. She made sure that he constantly ate and remained healthy through his time there. He did the same, or at least tried to. It was always amazing to see her smile and come out of her shell. When he lived in Snowbound, he was reunited with the female, but now she was in a different body, which held a means of concern that she had died and her soul changed to this robotic body. A robot. One that couldn't speak. He felt his heart wrench that she had died because he ran away from the clan that they lived in because he was scared after nearly being killed by his brother. He kept himself from crying at that moment.

But, history repeats itself. He abandoned Snowbound when he was probably needed the most. Izuku. London. Stark. Jacob. Mel. All because of his family. He spent a couple of months away to heal his injuries, only to return back to be told that Snowbound was burned to the ground. Killua blamed himself for that destruction of once was considered to be his home. The assassin was on patrol, like he usually was, having nothing better to do. The albino serval always had his ears listening to anything that did not belong. Hearing the sound of voices near the docks caught his attention, along with some shouting. Well, no one really shouted in Elysium so it had to mean something. The former Snowbound deputy turned his attention there and calmly trotted toward where he heard the commotion. When he saw everyone crowding around a dog, he immediately quickened his step. Someone was injured, or someone washed up onto the docks. His movements remained silent as he approached, and he stopped slightly behind Ariside as he listened to everyone speak trying to get an idea of what had just happened. Looking over the Shiba Inu with black paws, he didn't see any external injuries on her. As soon as the tiger recognized the dog, his attention toward the larger feline. "You know them?" Killua questioned her before directing his attention back to the canine. "How did you get here?" Killua asked calmly, a neutral expression on his face, but he made no movements to help her. There were already two animals hovering over her after all.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
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