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MORBID STUFF + LANGDON - Printable Version

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MORBID STUFF + LANGDON - toboggan - 06-01-2019

[glow=black,2,300]LANGDON S.[/glow]
tags — updated 1/6

name. langdon aylmer speight
nicknames. none, as of yet
biological gender. male
age. 33 months physically [2 years]
born december 16th, 2016
clan. the typhoon
titles. none, as of yet

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
☆ unfamiliar to anything that isn’t bread, water, and pasta
☆ speaks in a clean, slang-less manner
☆ lacks strength in social skills
”captain oblivious”

☆ an assortment of empty crystalline vials, each branded with a symbol from an obscure text

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
winged feline — main and only body 95% health
thin furs of light gray paint the majority of his humble frame - the only other colour found in the palette of his fur is a keen shade of pink, which sparsely reoccurs throughout his image. seated above his ocean-blue hues are circular eyebrows, painted pink. along langdon’s sleek spine sprout two radiant wings, composed of feathers limned gray, each tickled with highlights in the same tint of pink. one last element of his established in the iconic pink tinge is the pattern that can be found on his left midsection; appearance akin to that of a ribbon, it begins on his shoulder, borders along his stomach until reaching his hindmost leg, looping around the limb before coming to a close at his entirely-pink back-left paw. his scent resembles a mix of peppercorn and moss.
injuries. none

istj + ravenclaw + lawful neutral
oblivious. irresolute. perturbed. for the duration of his life, he has strictly followed the ways and beliefs of his superiors - now that he’s on his own, he is lost. langdon require a guiding hand.
positive traits calm under pressure, healthy, modest, profound
neutral traits complex, unaggressive, noncompetitive, quiet
negative traits timid, cowardly, easily discouraged, brittle
disorders. claustrophobia

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none that he knows of
sexuality. biromantic homosexual
relationship status. single
0 crushes + 0 “maybe crushes”
friends. ..
enemies. ..
platonic relationships? forming platonic relationships with langdon will come as a challenge, as he prefers to stay alone. that’s not to say platonic relationships are impossible, of course
romantic relationships? due to him not possessing proper knowledge on the subject, romantic relationships with langdon are burdensome. langdon feels romantic sensations, though he’ll have a hard enough time trying to translate them into words

— strength [4/10]
— speed [8/10]
— agility [8/10]
— intelligence [7/10]
— endurance [5/10]
— perception [6/10]
physically + mentally. easy + mediocre
won’t fight + will kill if necessary (and if he can)
self defense. for the fight, flight, or freeze system, langdon falls under flight
mention [member=5540]LANGDON[/member] or [member=1536]toboggan[/member] when attacking
attacks in #af1313
powers. none, as of yet