Beasts of Beyond
ANIMAL / WEEKLY TASKS - Printable Version

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[glow=#000,1,400]I WISH I COULD ESCAPE, I DON'T WANNA FAKE IT !。+゚.[/glow]
With a twitch of his lip, the new leader decided that he might as well assign those pointless tasks that had been a weekly thing. Walking to the pile of rumble that was once the temple where meetings had been held was where he decided to sit with a bit of an irritated expression crossed his face. He wasn't the most creative at any of this in all truth though he saw no point in holding it back as he spoke in his heavy accent "COME FORTH AND WE WILL ASSIGN YOU A WEEKLY TASK." He couldn't just have them sitting down, that wasn't how these groups functioned anyways. They had to make connections but the mere thought of several connections made his fur stand, his ears placed themselves to rest on the back of his head the end of said ears brushing against his rough back. They may as well be cattle being plumped up for the butcher if they decided to laze around, he snorted at the thought. He wouldn't mind eating a few slackers. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: ANIMAL / WEEKLY TASKS - spacexual - 06-03-2019

At the call of his new leader - strange to think of; he's always served solely underneath Zeus, and it is most unusual to be under command of a creature of this sort - the male would wander over, rounded ears perked. He looked to the male with his bright eyes, head held high as he stood expectantly for an assignment. A "weekly task" is not something he is so familiar with, nonetheless it seemed self explanatory. It was almost like a quest, though he doubts it would hold the same caliber as the ones he used to receive. Either way, he wishes to fit his way into this new world however he can, and putting himself to work seemed to be an easy enough way to do it. It gave him something else to think about, at the very least.