Beasts of Beyond
y'all know what this is about - Printable Version

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y'all know what this is about - Verdigris - 05-30-2019

[font=trebuchet ms]Discord Username: u-substitution#0039
Time Zone: EST/EDT
Any qualifications or previous experience?: I have been a mod of two Discord servers before, and at one point I was an admin of a then-young and burgeoning forum for about a month and a half before stepping down.
Why would you like to be staff?: gotta have something to do with my time I'd say I'm good at listening to people, and being staff would give me a lot of opportunities to put that skill to work. I'd also like to get better at mediating arguments, and this would provide some practice.
Got any fun facts about yourself?: I like environmental stuff a lot- I'm going to be studying environmental engineering in college. I can also play the violin to some extent, though I'm more of a hobbyist than anything else.
Questions?: nothing right now