Beasts of Beyond
Staff Applications - Printable Version

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Staff Applications - Orion - 05-30-2019

- Your application should be within this board only
- You may edit your application at any time, whether that'd be to comply with new additions to the form or an update on your experience. If you update your application, please bump it.
- Only bump your application after a month
- Just like the site, you must be 13 years or older to apply
- Constant rudeness, warnings, and bans may disqualify you depending on severity
- Discord is required for communication
- At least a month of activity on the site to qualify, but you may post your application before you reach that date

Positions Currently Open:
Please note that you will not be promoted to the higher ranks immediately. Depending on your experience and willingness, you will promoted accordingly.
Senior Moderator
Junior Moderator

[b]Ranks interested in:[/b]
[b]Discord Username:[/b]
[b]Time Zone:[/b]
[b]Any qualifications or previous experience?:[/b]
[b]Why would you like to be staff?:[/b]
[b]Got any fun facts about yourself?:[/b]