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i'll set you up against the stars ♕ open, weekly task/medicine lesson - Printable Version

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i'll set you up against the stars ♕ open, weekly task/medicine lesson - lilyspoise - 04-28-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Well, Lil had been looking for a good opportunity to give some medicine lessons ever since it was assigned to her as her weekly task. Simply sitting there and lecturing people on herbs and their uses would be boring -- both to her and to them -- and she wanted her clanmates to actually know how to apply the knowledge. Using a prisoner as a test dummy was an option, but not only would that be herbs spent on some Sharkbait, but she didn't exactly want to just... harm someone. Sure, she could hold her own in a battle, and had no qualms with fighting against an enemy, but there was something about kicking someone when they were already down that just felt wrong.
It resonated too deeply with a life she'd parted with, and had no intentions of returning to.

After a bit of thinking which led to no answers, Lilyspoise decided to go out and try and gather some herbs. Sitting around trying to figure out an answer would just equate to her sitting around unless she actually managed to think of something, but if she was thinking and gathering, then at least she'd have accomplished something no matter what. So she'd grabbed her herb pouches, tying them to a rope necklace she'd dug up while looking for something to help her carry her belongings around. It was really just rope tied in such a way that she could carry bottles, but with a bit of string and some time, she'd made it so she could attach pouches as well.

Herb collecting went relatively smoothly-- she was only grabbing some basics, and with how many herbs the island had to provide it wasn't hard to find what she was looking for. The only bump in the road was a moment where she'd stumbled, too lost in her thoughts to notice the root in front of her, and managed to cut one of her forelegs on a stab of stone. Initially she was going to treat it with the herbs then and there, but then she realized that she could just treat it as a demo, so she simply continued to gather supplies, ignoring the pain along the way.

Finally making it back to camp, Lil quickly located some rocks she could put her supplies down on without risking them getting sand stuck in them. She'd noticed a few of her crew mates glancing over upon her arrival, which was normal because she wasn't trying to be mega quiet, but she was sure that the injury on her foreleg also garnered some attention, so she tried to use the opportunity to gather enough people to fulfill her weekly task.
"Um-- I'm giving a demo on how to treat basic cuts and scrapes, both because it's my weekly task, and because I need to treat this anyways." Lil called, being louder than normal to make sure others heard her. "It will be pretty quick, and this is good knowledge to have, so I'd appreciate any listening ears."

Re: i'll set you up against the stars ♕ open, weekly task/medicine lesson - ARGUS - 04-28-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Maybe someone who had little heart on hurting someone shouldn't be in the healing profession- Argus thinks mildly. Seeing the petite domestic scuttle around gathering herbs within the morning. But Argus had a black cold heart when it came to hurting others- especially the mindless shark bait prisoners that they had now. See- Argus had learned how to heal doing something similar. Testing- killing and hurting prisoners and then healing them- mending them or merely harvesting bones to gnaw on. But she was raised in the brutality of a clan on the cusps of war. The generation that was raised to do violence and hurt enemies. Without moral and competition within her own clan- it was no wonder that she was one of the few survivors of it.

Argus taught just as brutally. Her own powers keeping her own mistakes and reckless demeanor from really killing her. She was never given a mentor- found the knowledge she knew just as brutal as the world she grew up in- and so being a teacher- teaching others was a gift for the next generation whenever she was able. Which meant that she was especially hard on any budding apprentice's she had. Ha, it was no wonder not many of them even made it out alive.

While Argus had spotted the voodoo-master-to be within the cusps of the jungle- argus was a little procupied within the morning. Wondering the island until she could come to some sense of self and reconnect with the world around her. Disconnected and mentally vacant after what was admittedly a rough few weeks. It just so happen the night prior was the external climax in which she vented her frustrations with a little help from someone she was- at the time none to interested to meet.

Argus was above all, a monster made in the sands of a desert, and no matter how peaceful the outlook on life was now- the large watcher would always find enjoyment bathing within the blood of others. It wasn't instinct it was home A horrifyingly strange sense of comfort that she could find anywhere and any place- as long as she was not alone she could make do. Suppressing that urge- that need of comfort for a month strong it was bound to explode rather unfastidious.

So when she finally made it to camp she had zeroed in on the little voodoo-master-to-be. The watcher's red eyes almost glazed. The white of her fur was stained with blood, and while she made no real move to clean it off herself- she knew how hard ot was to get rid of when dried. A light dusting of pink with high concentrations of red flickered all throughout her body. Only compassion to the of white color was the stark bandages that covered her fur. Tightly wound gauze around her throat and chest. Arm awash in gauze around the top of her left arm.

The lazy grin the wolf had on her expression was puzzling, almost concerning when she pulled closer towards the feline medic with a lazy relaxed pose. A satisfied hum on the tip of her tongue. Last night's events were... a blur. But the Snowbound's deputy had managed to find her bloody and gory and forced his own limited knowledge of healing onto her- the watcher who by any means would've left the open scratches and branding open until they got infected or healed on their own. Which considering Argus wasn't the worst she could do- she has died of infection before.

She had no real reason to be there, the large watcher had no interest in learning anything from the other. Not cocky in her own abilities but knowledgeable enough to offer a lending paw if there were anyone who wanted to learn. Probably in a similar shade as lilly herself was offering other's to operate on her leg. Gus would gladly open one of the bandages if someone needed a test dummy.

"Maa, I'd be careful leaving an open cut like than in a place like this." Argus kept her voice friendly. the smile on her face non-threatening in comparison to the rather intimidating she had- only amplified by the dark splotches of red on her fur now. While some of it was her's there was a good portion of it wasn't. "There are many ways in treating a cut, Which one were you thinking of teaching today?"

Re: i'll set you up against the stars ♕ open, weekly task/medicine lesson - Guru - 05-02-2018

//thank you for doing your weekly task!!