Beasts of Beyond
NATURAL / TAKEOVER - Printable Version

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The Rosebloods.

He hadn't seen the place in ages but even then he kept to himself from the smaller mammals and such, he noticed how they had moved from the forest he once recognised to a hotter climate that he found to despise yet the mutant lingered, watching and waiting for the right opportunity. He didn't stay in one place, he was on the move especially since he was a much larger creature and rotten carrion didn't always appease the large hellhound hybrid. The ancient settlement didn't spike his interest at all if anything he thought living in such a place was a shitbrained idea, he shook his head examining the place from time to time muttering under his breath "Идиот. Здесь слишком жарко." He grumbled a bit before ambling around wondering where the authority was or if there had been any, he stopped for a moment with long ears curving forward to catch any sound but there was none. Dead. They might as well be dead. He didn't see anyone as far as he could tell but he remembered a lovely female from before and the thought of her made the roof of his mouth salivate, he shook his head with a growl only for his nose to scrunch up with a bit of disgust. This place wasn't like any of the other clans that had ease with thriving and such, it was almost saddening. Almost like a weakened animal limping for a chance to live. He could fix them but all of it would be done in his own way. With a lash of his tail, the hybrid would scoop up a skull of a larger animal and find himself a stop near the settlement. He needed to locate a place where all could see him and so he could make his mark, he had to show them that he meant business. He saw a temple that could certainly catch someone's attention without a moment to lose, the towering beast crept forward with his paw touching one of the pillars holding the great structure up before he began to apply pressure. He didn't seem to stop at all until he could hear the cracking and crumbling of the pillar, he had no trouble whatsoever destroying the rest of it with a bemused chuckle. He repeated this until he used all his body mass to finish off the building, he eventually stood atop of the rubble with only a few cuts and bruises decorating his dark form. His pseudo eyes surveying the area seeing that he had gathered quite the crowd, his nostrils flared as he took in the sweet aroma of fear and he could see some of their auras. Shock. Bewilderment. Fear.

They didn't know where this large beast had come from and Kliment wasn't going to bother answering all their questions, no, he was here for one thing and one thing only. Power. Quite ambitious of him, really, since he didn't really like any of the tiny animals within any of the clans but he didn't like anyone aside from that attractive female he had bumped into a while ago but he'd never admit that. His lips peeled back revealing misaligned teeth pressed against pale purple gums with saliva dripping from his chin, he parted his jaws letting out his long, barbed tongue to slither from his cavern of wonders. He couldn't help but chuckle under his breath over how simple all of this was but he didn't hesitate in closing his jaws after returning the barbed muscle to his mouth once more. He snarled at the crowd with a wicked grin "Теперь, когда я завладел вашим неумирающим вниманием." He mused with another lash of his tail throwing a chunk of the buildings remnants to the gathering crowd, he would sit curling his tail around his sharp talons watching them all with a smug expression on his face. "THIS IS A TAKEOVER AND WE ARE IN CHARGE NOW." He could hear murmurs throughout the small group though he could hardly muster enough emotion to actually care about what was being said, his sharp hearing made everything so much easier for a creature such as himself. He was basically blind to a few appearances hence why he relied on hearing, smell, and taste the most.


/basically a takeover so I can get the rosebloods on their feet again! I got the ok from staff too so, I hope to be able to cooperate and work with all of you in boosting the activity of the rosebloods!

Re: NATURAL / TAKEOVER - teef - 05-30-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


I wish you luck. there hasnt been any interest in the group. family emergencies have kept me from writing as is searching for enough work to support my family. //

gods. nightmares. all of this. goddamn nightmares. let someone else take the power, they didn't care. there was enough for them to do. and so, the former Pharoah kept their maw shut and turned away from the sight of the hellhound before them. they didnt want the power in the beginning, but alas, things did not always go the way they planned. they had been sickened by their daughter's hatching, and had slowly been losing their eye sight. why were times like these?

ah. they wished for their freedoms once more. maybe if the time was right and they ... proved themselves or whatever this new tyrant wanted, they would be able to rise up once more. curling their lips back, the dragon gave a low rumble, "perhaps one such as you can bring them to their feet.", hatred tainted their voice, but to whom? surely not the new being, nor the rosebloods, but more to themselves and the circumstances of the past that had led to this.

giving a chuckle, the golden beast let itself settle in the hot sand, "I wish you luck with them. since you wanted to takeover, you may take the role of Pharoah. I will not fight you on that. but know that if you try to harm any living within the group, I will stand against you. they are still family, even if the head on the chopping block has changed.", and with that, the being settled to see what all else others would do when affronted with the man now in charge. oh, they weren't fond of this, but hey, everyone had their own bones to pick.

(not aggressive at all lol. just been too much here and this works well for their character development as is)


[glow=#000,1,400]I WISH I COULD ESCAPE, I DON'T WANNA FAKE IT !。+゚.[/glow]
His tail lashed to the sides and his pseudo eyes locked onto the aura of the tired eastern dragon, his snout scrunched up quite a bit realizing that this wasn't exactly how he wanted things to go. It made the takeover less exciting but the large male didn't seem to be all that pissy about it. He knew that eventually someone would try to go up against him and if they did, well, he wouldn't hesitate in using them as an example. He wasn't afraid of Bai Shi or whatever power the scaled beast possessed to use against him, his ears lowered themselves to the back of his cranium though they suddenly snorted at what the former Pharoah said about putting a stop to Kliment possibly harming anyone within the clan "THINGS ARE GOING TO BE RUN QUITE DIFFERENTLY NOW THAT WE ARE IN POWER," A soft growl escaped his throat with teeth bared and visible against pale purple gums, he tilted his cranium to the side looking slightly bemused feeling his quills and fur bristling in an attempt to make himself appear larger. The elephant sized beast snorted rather loudly as he added in a darker tone "YOU WISH FOR US NOT TO HARM ANYONE? WHO IS TO SAY THEY WON'T CAUSE UPROAR OVER THE NEW LEADER? WE WON'T HESITATE TO PUT THEM IN THEIR PLACE AND REMIND THEM OF THEIR RANK. SPEAKING OF WHICH, ALL CURRENT MEMBERS UPHOLDING ANY RANK WITH AN OUNCE OF POWER ARE TO BE DEMOTED TO A MERE WARRIOR. BENEATH US," His jaws opened for a moment snapping the air as he let out a chuckle, they were very much feral but once more, Kliment had retained a form of intellect. Such as the ability of speech and most of the time controlling himself otherwise, he went by instinct for the most part. With a lash of his heavy tail did he throw another block of the building though somewhere near Bai Shi almost taunting them for all he cared this clans current residence was his plaything and he had the Rosebloods curled around his knife-like claws. Hearing Bai Shi speak of him possibly getting the Rosebloods get back onto their feet made the mixed bred beast think for a moment, he could do that but the group was far too easygoing for his taste. They needed a bit more tooth and claw to them, Kliment looked to his side for a brief moment thinking this over only to move his gaze to the retired monarch "WE CAN AND WILL BUT BY THE TIME, WE ARE DONE WITH THIS GROUP. IT WON'T BE THE ROSEBLOODS." Was what he said at last. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]