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BURY ME WITH IT ─ tricky's character gallery - Printable Version

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BURY ME WITH IT ─ tricky's character gallery - tricky - 05-30-2019

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i. beck the poltergeist / tanglewood member here
ii. isaac the plague doctor / inactive [color=#C30F66][color=#79F6FC]here
iii. raygun the scientist / inactive

Re: BURY ME WITH IT ─ tricky's character gallery - beck. - 06-02-2019


beck fisher
nicknames: becky, becko, beckster, beckett, beckham, rebecca, becky-boy, ecto-boy, beak, beckingham, mr. beck, benk, becksy, spook, spooks, spookshit
male [ he/him ]
ageless. died at the age of 12, has existed for 530 years. 1488 - 1500
tanglewood member [ former founder, commander + sawbone ]
domestic feline ― reference
maintains a constantly physical apparition + mimics a living creature as best he can
brown fur the hue of a muddy bank, carries a faint auburn tint; darker freckles dusting his cheeks and nose bridge, shoulders, hips, and tail base; two spots mimicking eyebrows give him the expression of constant scowling, although his right is notably split with a thin scar; a thin wavering stripe of darker brown runs down his spine
glazed honey-brown eyes, seemingly locked in a glare
multitude of scars hidden by disheveled fur [ pre-mortem & post-mortem ]
significantly smaller than other creatures; ribs poke out from wiry flanks; typically coated in mud and grime; terrible slouch at most times
distinct black blood with a blue tint. otherwise identified as an inky, foul-tasting substance that fades into obscurity without his presence. highly acidic in large amounts
accessories: black shackles around his wrists, impervious to damage; wraps his forearms in bandages to hide self-inflicted bites and scratches
injuries: permanent, gained from death & current, in the process of repairing
classified as a poltergeist; in reality, an undetermined entity
terribly farsighted; identifies people by their scent or voice
while invisible, any object carried with him can be invisible as well in exchange for additional concentration
can speak fluent romanian (his native tongue) yet prefers english
lost his romanian accent after decades of never speaking or hiding it; now mimics a vague southern drawl
cannot physically age and permanently trapped in the state he was in at time of death
has no reflection or shadow. in harsh light, sunlight can be seen passing through his apparition
carries no scent; can smell of decay during times of distress
freezing body temperature, cannot retain any warmth. when upset, a chill radiates from him and when embarrassed, the air becomes boiling hot
takes care of a mutated venus fly trap, named audrey III. claims the plant to be his best friend. audrey currently resides in an old bait bucket, and is around the size of a hawk
cannot eat nor drink anything from the living realm
can store objects within his apparition / a pocket portal to his hoard in purgatory itself
often drinks alkaline chemicals such as bleach or drain cleaner for the mindless high it gives him
obsessed with all things horror-related, and has a fondness towards televised shows
his soul is merged with that of the entity meant to reside over purgatory itself, known as bael
may experience hallucinations, sometimes of past or future events, due to bael's influence. can cause nosebleeds, catatonia, paranoia, and unconsciousness
powers: invisibility, intangibility, electricity manipulation, shapeshifting, clairvoyance, mental manipulation, conjuration
strengths: trapping, taxidermy, sewing, intermediate medicine + anatomy, tracking, playing the flute, vocal mimicry, whittling
weaknesses: burned by contact with holy objects; severely aquaphobic; easily upset by reminders of his death; will accept any game or challenge
dagger, worn cloak, flute, femur, belt w/ pouch + sheath, horror movie collection, skull mask, taxidermy tool kit, taxidermy mounts + pelts, knife collection, satchel, goldenluxury's paws
collects the stolen belongings of his peers and those he's previously haunted, resulting in a colorful hoard of miscellaneous trinkets, heirlooms, and novelties. he owns nearly any household article imaginable, and more
resides in a landlocked houseboat, partially sunken into the boggy earth. rigged with traps defending against intruders. overgrown and decrepit exterior, surrounded by brambles and muddy puddles. cluttered and dim interior, the thin walls lined with cardboard boxes stuffed to the brim with his collected belongings. closer to the swamp than the town; isolated and away from frequented trails, thus making his dwelling difficult to stumble upon accidentally. has a makeshift basement in the form of a sloping burrow, dug through a crack in the hull of the stranded ship; larger area than the boat above.
important: beck does, in fact, have a physical/visible apparition due to more power than the common spirit, but he can become intangible/invisible at will, which will be specified in a post. otherwise, he will always be both physical and visible to other characters.
medium physically / medium mentally
attack [member=67]beck.[/member] or in underline
no maim/kill/capture without permission
passive actions may be powerplayed
pm to plot

Re: BURY ME WITH IT ─ tricky's character gallery - isaac. - 06-05-2019


isaac calistro
nicknames: doctor, doc, the first horseman
male [ he/him ]
ageless, died at the age of 24, has existed for 395 years, 1623 - 1647
tanglewood member
GREAT HORNED OWL / mainreference
a standard owl, albeit with significantly darker plumage than expected and facial disc colored a stark white. prominent tufts of feathers resembling ears poke out from under his hat.
his uniform: white plague doctor mask with its beak full of aromatic herbs and tinted glass obscuring his eyes, traditional wide-brimmed doctor's hat, and waxed leather overcoat with holes cut to fit his wings. with additional feathers, not an inch of skin is shown at any time in public. wears a brass cross on a chain around his neck. carries his first aid necessities in pouches on a brown belt around his waist, along with a wooden cane. two leather anklets are now present on his legs.
required to wear a pair of protective rubber gloves at all times -- however, due to new wings in this form, he has discarded them
never takes off his uniform or mask, not because he fears miasma; he purposely hides his sickly appearance underneath. his words are not often heard clearly due to this
without his garb, he has a sickly appearance; sunken eyes, swollen lymph nodes, and painful sores beneath his feathers
lifeless blue eyes
pale amber blood
condition upon death
injuries: current, in the process of healing
scars: pre-mortem, post-mortem
cannot physically age and permanently trapped in the state he was in at time of death
the spirit of a 16th century plague doctor, as well as the horseman of pestilence and a carrier of corruption
delusionally obsessed with finding a cure for what was originally the plague, but now corruption and death itself
holds a personal grudge against the one responsible for tempting him into his fate of being a horseman
his hands and forearm up to the elbow are coated in a black substance known as corruption, rendering his touch lethal to souls when in contact for long periods of time. although corruption cannot affect the living through contact, isaac's touch can leave chemical burns
fluent in both english and italian, yet no accent can be easily identified to his voice
following ghost physics, isaac doesn't have a shadow or reflection, nor a scent, and cannot retain body warmth nor consume anything. can maintain a physical apparition for days at a time
knowlegable in the field of medicine and surgery as expected, but has additionally studied and experimented with toxins
powers: invisibility, intangibility, electricity manipulation, conjuration, health transfer, telekinesis
skills:  advanced medicine + anatomy, developing toxins, dissection, surgical techniques, sketching, perception, multi-tasking
weaknesses: burned by contact with holy objects; sickly + frail; delusional when upset; despises rats; ruminates on negative thoughts
plague doctor uniform, cross necklace, cane, physician's bag, journal + books, preserved specimens, lantern, pomander
➤ experiment log: no recent entries
➤ resides in a wooden shack on the outskirts of tanglewood's town. considerably musty from its years without any occupant, yet patches of herbs have been sewn and begin to grow. cobwebs line the ceiling, while shelves of glass brickerbrack and other oddities decorate the walls. a shroud of gloom and sickness lingers around the crooked shelter, and the occasional smell of death can be identified, wafting from the cracked windows.
important: isaac will usually have a physical/visible apparition, and may also become intangible/invisible at will or if low on energy. he will be both physical and visible to other characters unless otherwise specified.
medium physically / hard mentally
attack [member=3667]isaac.[/member] or in underline
no maim/kill/capture without permission
passive actions may be powerplayed
pm to plot