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[ diamond in the rough ]
Please, just do this for me.
No, fuck off.

He should have kept his word in turning down that asshole's stupid request. He didn't want to get involved in whatever weird shit the demigod was currently locked in nor be connected due to the fear that some nasty webbed claw would clamp around his leg and drag him down to the sea to be their next prisoner. He was immortal and he knew that he was not exactly fond of the idea of spending the rest of eternity in the depths of filthy sea water. Then again...he couldn't just turn away from this one request that his old friend had begged for him to complete especially with the look of tired hopelessness that tinted the drained ice blue eyes of his. Was he really giving up? Was that the last time he would ever see the other? Leviathan felt a sense of dread at remembering that even if the demigod appeared drained and beaten, the man was a survivor just like him. Maybe they were now just shells of who they really were now since both had come from...not so great pasts that echoed with grief and laced with bitter hidden regret. Mostly the other since Levi's strongest ability was to not doubt his actions and simply move forward, accepting the consequences of his mistakes with silent admission if that's what it came to be.

His frigid steel grey eyes were locked onto the pathway that led towards the land surrounded by water. Paradis Island...that's where..that's home. The ragged low voice echoed the name of the island within his skull and the undersized male took a small inhale of the crisp air, trying to ignore the distasteful sea salt that clung to the air. He wasn't exactly used to being near the sea, it was a new piece of the world that had only just introduced itself in his life when he left his old home. His left ear twitched as he easily caught the sound of screeching seagulls on the other side of the land strip and it caused his plastered frown to deepen as the male mumbled softly under his breath, despite nobody being around, [b]"This better be some fucking piece of heaven..." As he glanced down at the crisp blades of rich green grass, he inhaled and was glad that he had waited for the tide to be low so he could pass the stretch of land in a dry state since he didn't want sand to cling to him especially with his thick rich onyx black fur. He raised a small paw to adjust his dark forest green cloak and crisp white cravat, glancing quickly down to make sure he still had the item that he was meant to gift.

I'm nobody's fucking messenger, shithead.
Levi, please..I-I don't have much time left.

The memory was fresh in his mind, only a few days clean and burning inside his head with a flame of confusion and contained worry. Why didn't he just travel to the island to see his daughter? Why didn't the dumbass just give the gift instead, it probably would mean more coming from the father than a complete stranger. He didn't have any family nor really any friends, just distant acquaintances which were miles away. To many, socialization was a necessity, an embedded craving in the minds of conscious creatures but to Leviathan, it only meant danger. The danger of growing close and attached, of letting his heart once again be trapped in a box for someone to crush and never open to see what remained. In the back of his mind, a distant memory — a distant smile and voice had won him over but he could not recognize it, the memory buried under layers of deaths and grief. Even the fondness of that distant memory had become distorted, glitched with a virus of betrayal that struck him too hard for him to recover from so easily. His mind contemplated the uneasiness of letting his mind now to be plagued by the beings of others, of once again joining a community that could be torn to shreds by any force that wanted to play the devil. He walked in complete silence as he debated his decision in joining the group that his friend had founded. A bitter humorous memory blossomed when he remembered meeting the other male, the look of fresh desire and hope stitched to the bengal's face.

One day, I'll make my own group and I'll lead it.
You'll see. I'll prove everyone wrong...I can be someone.

He couldn't believe his friend had actually done it but part of him wasn't really surprised, Pincher had always held that anchor of determination to get what he wants rooting in his soul. How could he do it? How could he stick to everything even when things got ugly? He stuck around but Leviathan tended to slink back, to slip away in the cracks of his mistakes and try his best to avoid what had led to his demise while Pincher wasn't afraid to repeat his mistakes. He wrinkled his nose, hating how foolish the dreamer side of the demigod never faded away, that he saw something beyond the horizon instead of the present. Pincher saw the future, Leviathan saw the past. For now, the dumbass believed there was still a slip of hope in breaking the chains of whatever trouble he got himself into but not immediately, things took time. He guessed he could at least accept doing a favor if it meant he was able to stay in a place without having to deal with annoying ass rouges trying to start a fight over the dumbest things. Maybe it would be a temporary 'home' but Leviathan was never optimistic, he was realistic and only analyzed what was necessary for now for he didn't bother cracking his head on what could go wrong or right. Whatever happened, he knew he could get past. He just hoped he wasn't repeating his mistakes in growing close to anyone, to let his heart be taken, to be offered for others to feed on. He was too tired to deal with that pain anymore.

After a decent amount of trotting under the blazing young summer sun, the male reached the end of the path and glanced up with half-lidded battleship grey eyes flickering over the peculiar gate. He was quick to catch the faint shifting in the basket nearby and his lean muscles tensed beneath his charcoal pelt, the tips of his claws unsheathing as his gaze slightly narrowed before concentrating on the golden bells. It appeared they were there to announce visitors, he tipped his head ever so slightly, analyzing the crimson ribbons that laced the bells. "I'd thought you'd be over him, Deniz." Leviathan mused flatly to himself as he could recognize the color that lit up an old memory and he gave a roll of his eyes yet knew he shouldn't judge the Roux for being a melancholy romantic, Pincher had always been that sort of type. Raising a front leg, he pawed at one of the smaller bells and it gently rang out, his silky ears drawing back as he bit back a curse from how loud it was to him. It was annoying to have such high sensitivity to hearing especially because he was not the type to enjoy loud blasting sounds in any sort of way even in parties. Letting out a soft exasperated huff bubble out of his chest, the short japanese bobtail went to a lax sitting position with his ivory cravat lazily blowing in the ocean wind, his intense tired silver gaze locked straightforward. He always kept his word.

Thank you, I appreciate it, I don't know what I'd do wit-
Yeah, no problem. Just get back as soon as you fucking can, alright?
...I'll try.

Re: LAST HOUSE ON THE BLOCK — JOINER - bubblegum - 05-29-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
The situation of her papa's disappearance was one Goldie remained silent about, and would remain such a way. What she felt towards it, the only hints she presented would simply be that statement she always repeated: "it's okay, he is not gone forever". It reflected the belief she has always had - a childish one, maybe, but still one nonetheless; that there was not a world without her papa in it. Anything else, however, would remain unheard, unseen, unknown (maybe even to the female herself?). To face her emotions these days often resulted in failure, pushing them aside for things that were always more important: her crew, the island, their freedom. It was a fact of how she lived and she was not bothered by it. She enjoyed serving her crew and felt this was the best way she could do right by her family - most importantly her papa - by being the best captain she could. There was nothing wrong if she tells herself that, and she truly believes it. There was no reason to stop now. Especially not when they are so close to what she knows will be a war. Her responsibilities only grow as each day passes and she is more than prepared to take on all of them with valor. Though, that undeniable weariness was returning in her striking eyes once more.

The tigress currently flies through the sky with her harpy eagle, planning to soon gather some herbs from the jungle. For now she simply looked over the territory, trying to keep watch of anything out of ordinary. Plus, Lynn could use some exercise. Her path would lead her towards the gate, the bells ring clear within her feathered ears. She was always glad to hear the sound. It was music to her, just another familiar noise erupting from her island's culture. Not to mention, it usually meant whoever was visiting had some respect, rather than just ignoring the bells and barging in. She landed smoothly a few feet from the stranger, careful to avoid getting too much sand flying from under her paws. Lynn would land upon her back, peering towards the male and letting out a small caw as the captain adjusted her stance to look towards the rather small stranger with her golden head held high. Intense tired eyes reflected his own, though her own expression would be lighter, allowing the hint of a smile to appear. "Hiya," she greets simply at first, looking over the male. "M' name is Goldenluxury Roux, capt'n o' the Typhoon, or jus' Goldie. How can I help ya?"

Re: LAST HOUSE ON THE BLOCK — JOINER - idyllfields - 05-29-2019

stars did fall
greeting newcomers was gradually becoming a much smoother experience for idyllfields. before they had been rather cautious of being so friendly to strangers, even though they had appreciated it when given to them. though their mind had always been set on 'stranger danger' and the unknown people of the world...

now they didn't think much of it. there was never just one person around they noticed. always one or two at least accompanying a crewmate when greeting a new face at the gates. today was just such a day again, and the coyote was open with a smile on their maw. they stopped a few steps away from goldie, looking up at levi. "hello, welcome to the typhoon." they piped up, curling their tail around themselves.

[div style="width: 500px; height: auto; padding: 0px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 5pt; margin-top: -2px;"]© LEXASPERATED[/div

Re: LAST HOUSE ON THE BLOCK — JOINER - Keona. - 05-29-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center]blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly
The tiny privateer popped up behind Idyllfields.  A spotted tail flicked as pale, sea-green hues flickered.  Unseeing yet focused, determined to lock onto stranger ahead.  The fae had nothing to say, instead settling into the shadows of her crewmates, a small but thoughtful sentinel.

Strangers came and went.  Perhaps she regarded them now with more caution than in her earliest days, but as time went by and no one had threatened her life since that one time, she had grown more comfortable.  More confident.  Still quiet, as some things never changed, regardless the length her life would stretch on.
✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: LAST HOUSE ON THE BLOCK — JOINER - Luciferr - 05-29-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
Losing Pincher had been something a blow, he'd considered the captain a quasi-son after all (though he did not speak so, he did not know if it would be appreciated) but he had respect for the now gone former captain and had wanted to help in turn when thing's got something of a heartbreak for him (he'd wanted to reach out because he had been there - twice no less in such a long long life, both still pained him greatly but it became easier to live with) as it was he'd taken to shadowing Goldie as he had once done her father - the ever present bodyguard t the family now almost, ha.

still he trails behind quietly like the shadow-made-flesh he is and sits awaiting answers with their Golden named leader, content to simply wait for now - though he nods to Idyll and gently hums in Keona's direction when they join them.



[ diamond in the rough ]
What does your kid look like?
You'll know who she is when you see her.

That was an understatement. He had to hold back the snarky remark that all Rouxes tended to have some unique trait that made them stand out like a sore thumb, that being their appearance or personalities. Weird fuckers, he'd like to call them with their undilated pupils and otherworldly glow that graced their eyes. Leviathan was the opposite, his appearance was as dull as the drying paint on a wall. Jet black fur that rolled in smooth waves, glossy from his rigid everyday hygiene, not a single strand of fur is a different shade or hue. He was a walking shadow, an abyss that absorbed everything around him but never reflected. His eyes weren't any better. They didn't shine, they didn't contrast, they only appeared to be slabs of cut stone, grey like a morning rain sky. He was boring. He knew that. But he didn't care too much about his looks nor how he portrayed himself as. He didn't want to leave a mark, he didn't want to change any cycle that didn't need fixing although he did know when to stand up and speak his mind when something was off or irritating his iron morals. Were the Typhoon pirates known as the showoffs? The striking colors and vibrant atmosphere of fresh freedom ready to take what's theirs? What an odd sight he must be, the dull bruised sore.

It appeared it didn't take very long to attract others as the faint stir of the air above him and the sound of wings dancing in the air currents caused his small dark pupils to slightly flickering up as a towering shadow cast over him briefly before the owner of that shadow landed in front of him, his lower jaw tightening as he already saw the tiny pebbles of sand already flying in the air. Lovely. However, he managed to keep his trap shut and now focus on the striped bright figure in front of him. A Roux. It was easy to tell, them bastards radiated cosmic troubles. He blinked, wondering if this was the daughter of Pinch—Goldenluxury Roux. Yep, that was her. He tipped his head upwards to lock his neutral unreadable eyes onto the female, noticing that she held the same intensity but with a lighter softer touch. A strength that wavered only in the warmth of the sun. Despite the warm smile, his frown didn't twitch nor turn from its spot, permanently scarring his muzzle as he nodded and raised a paw to straighten his cravat, gently flattening against his chest. [b]"Deniz's daughter. You've certainly got his flair." His furrowed eyebrows tightened as he wondered if he should really tell her about Pincher's wish. Why give her false hope? What certainty was there for her to hold onto when he had been gone for months in her life? Should he just swallow the desire of return and let her accept the simple idea that he may or may not be gone forever, to remain an open-ended question up for interpretation?

"Your father wa-" His monotone voice was cut short when he caught sight of other figures slowly coming fo follow their captain and meet their new..."crewmate". He was still debating if he should even remain but he had been offered sanctuary here by Pincher but that dumbass wasn't here to vouch for him nor was he sure if he'd like to stick around with a group, he didn't want to get attached, no more strings to tie him up. He rolled his heavy set shoulders awkwardly when someone introduced themselves, a coyote and he blinked, giving a curt nod before turning towards the others. A tinier figure than him appeared, a rather surprising thing to see but nothing to take his breath away as he was short but not that short...right? Then like a ying and yang motion, a lumbering colossal figure that was made of smoke and scales. It caused his left nonexistent eyebrow to quirk upwards in a curious way before resettling back to his blank concrete expression. Well they were certainly oddballs of various kinds, it reminded him of how big and different this world was with corners of different species existing. Deciding it was best to just do what he was asked for (he didn't travel for weeks to just give up), he turned his frigid moon grey eyes onto the tigress.

"Your father wanted me to give you this." Raising a silky paw, he dug into his rich green cloak and caught the hem of a small pocket. Once carefully grabbing the item, he pulled it out and held it out for the others to see. It was a necklace, one with a simple silver chain that glinted in the sun but the thing that stuck out was what it held. It was a large jet black shark tooth, old and smooth, beaten down by the sea waves that trapped Pincher. Wrapping around the tooth was small claws of gold that encased a rich peculiar jewel, one mixed with the colors that very much portrayed the eye colors of Goldie, luminous emerald green flecks dancing in the sea of electric blue. "He...he's not dead. And..." his low voice trailed off for a split second, his mind racing on what to say. Should he give false hope on the words of a dead man or remain silent with the words trapped within his chest? He snorted, irritated with how stupid Pincher was. "...And that he will be returning. He said he loves you and that there is nothing in this world that will stop him from seeing you again, he says he misses his little lightning bug, whatever the fuck that means."

His mouth felt dry, irritated slightly that he had to say this to the daughter of his old friend. What if it wasn't true? What if she is just sticking around waiting for nothing? He swore if Pincher didn't come soon, he'd leave and never accept giving anymore favors again. Leviathan swallowed awkwardly, wondering if the child would even care to see her father again. He had met plenty of kids with daddy issues, including himself and Pincher. What if she hated him too? That thought prodded his mind but he was ready to face any reaction.

Re: LAST HOUSE ON THE BLOCK — JOINER - venus - 05-30-2019

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]

"if i didn't know any better i would say that you were following me, levi." emerging from whatever cranny had taken the vulpine's everlasting curiosity today, venus was alerted by the commotion at the border. it had only been a day since they had arrived in the typhoon themselves and typically venus could not be torn from their scavenger hunts. but this voice? it was different; venus knew this one. even if it was a strained relationship marred with complicated feelings venus could not wrap their hazy mind around, venus knew what they wanted. to see that mopey, edgy man too sad for his own good smiling.

venus couldn't quite pinpoint the reason in which they pined for the strange levi but couldn't shake the feeling either. short, sporadic memories venus couldn't ever remember being their own had levi's shades of ebony and silver painted across their fleeting images. perhaps it was just a chance of coincidence that it came to be and there was nothing more. if venus was being honest, they could see that being the case but felt sombre in those revelations. was it so bad to hope for something more? then again the newly made crewmate would feel almost bad if they were annoying the male just to fuel their own fantasies.

ew. who else apart from the weak venus would ever felt bad for someone else and how they felt?

how had levi become so popular in the typhoon already? the leader's presence was a given, but three more had come to welcome the cloaked feline. even that gentlemanly dragon who had kindly offered to help venus settle in. venus approached the gathered group with a curious gaze fixated on the gifts that the former sunhaven member had brought for the young leader. how pretty. they looked handmade which then sent a comedic image of pincher wrestling with a literal shark just to retrieve teeth so that he may make a necklace for his daughter. as well as the hardened leader carefully constructing the jewellery piece with his hulking paws. what some men did for their daughters was astonishing - goldie was so lucky. more importantly though, venus had finally found out what had happened to the guy. apart from the fact that he had straight up disappeared. he wasn't dead, just hiding from his family? sending his little messenger to do his deliveries? never mind, venus was just about ready to strip the roux head's dad-of-the-year award right from him. 

"are you... sticking around? or are you staying at elysium or even found somewhere else to stay? you can't be living on your own." ''s too dangerous'. venus tried to reel back their overbearing nature before the words could spurt out of their mouth - with dubious success. levi probably didn't want all the attention venus was giving him anyways. so dumb. still, venus' blue eyes shone with the hopefulness that they would be able to see the dark man more often now. even if just for a week or day.


Re: LAST HOUSE ON THE BLOCK — JOINER - bubblegum - 05-30-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
The captain's feathered ears perk at the stranger's opening line. He brought up her papa, calling him by his lesser-known alias. Her mouth parts slightly, about to say something, but they are both interrupted by the approach of her crewmates. The tigress shifts her stance slightly as more arrive, offering a nod to Idyllfields and Lucifer, and a small hum to Keona considering the female wouldn't see her other method of greeting. Then, Venus, too. She seems to know this male - apparently named Levi. "You mus' be popular." She'd joke softly, though her voice seems distant. Her focus is fully on the little male now, curious to see what he had to say. Could he be yet another long lost relative? To be honest, she wouldn't be too surprised if that's how it turned out to be. However, she did not say anything, deciding to listen carefully to his words without interruption. He most certainly captured her interest now. Her figure remains still, a thoughtful expression on her features.

She would be silent for a few moments, simply staring at the gift he held. "I know." She finally says, voice level. Perhaps it was too simple of a response, to all of that, but it was the best one she could give to the male. She would rather tell her papa, in person, what she thought of all that. And soon enough, she knows, she will. She's known he isn't dead. The female has always known it, even if others were skeptical. The female did not lose her faith so easily. This man - she didn't know who he was, where he came from, but he referred to her papa as Deniz, which is something only those closest to him had ever seemed to do. Her expression before had been one of politeness, but now, her face contorts into a genuine, warm smile, nodding to the male. There was a sense of some sort of weight being lifted off of her shoulders. "Thank you, for deliverin' the message, n' the gift." Her words rang with a true, deep appreciation, as if she had been waiting for this act for years. For her papa, though, she could wait forever.

With this, the female would reach out her paw, for the male to place in her grasp, if he so desired. She would not try to pressure him, though she supposes she may be a little eager to see the gift closer, to feel it, to experience any part of her papa once more, outside of the careful dusting she performed for his room in the submarine, and the aquamarine skull that now sat upon the throne in his dedication. Her smile still remains, eyes locked upon Levi. She would have asked for his name, and his plans, after all of that, but Venus had beaten her to the punch. Instead, she would pose something else. "If I may ask, how d' ya know m' papa?" She did not want to disrespect the male who had brought her all of these things, but curiosity got the better of her. There was still much she did not know about her papa's life, and while she did not consider herself nosy, the question floated around too loudly to ignore. Besides, the female may just be a little desperate to hear anything she could about him right now.