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coastline — return - Printable Version

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coastline — return - JUNJI - 05-28-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]After the eruption, Junji had fled the island; admittedly, he felt bad about it. He left Goldenluxury. He left Luca. The two people he felt so close to. His only friends in the world, and he left them. Speaking honestly, the angel did not know why he did; perhaps it was the fear of getting close to them, or the fear that they would end up turning on him, or the guilt about leeching off of Goldie. He took over her home... did she hate him for that? Did she ever want him gone?

All those thoughts and worries had eventually brought him to Snowbound, where he found a warm lodge and then promptly locked himself inside for a few months. The creatures there were friendly enough. Every once in a while he would hear a knock on the door, a friendly voice outside asking if he was doing alright. Prolonged silence would push them away after a while. But, after several months of staying cooped up inside, Junji finally mustered the strength to go out. He took the one thing that meant the most to him from the lodge and set off back to the Typhoon.

And now, as he stood on the edge of the island, the little feline cried. He stood with a fat, yellow plushie hanging from his mouth and tears rolling down his cheeks; after a few minutes, he took a few steps further onto the island and set the stuffed creature down between his paws. "Goldie-ee," Junji managed through a sob, lifting a dainty paw to wipe at his damp cheeks.

Re: coastline — return - bubblegum - 05-28-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
Many left when the volcano had erupted, and, honestly, she did not really blame them, though she did give some a hard time while they were still cleaning up. Some of them might have been safer that way, avoiding the risk of being hungry, inhaling smoke, or even getting trapped upon the island. They gradually returned, some sooner than others, but they all had a job once they did come back. Most of which had to do with rebuilding. However, those days were over now. The island was in significantly better shape than the beginning of the year and the marks of the volcano, still, though, scattered throughout the territory, were mostly hard to find in the grand scheme of it all. Nonetheless, there was still much to be done outside of rebuilding. Goldie has not really received a moment of relaxation since it all happened, and soon that busyness would become even more intense. She didn't mind - there were always things to do. It's just a part of how she survived throughout most of her life (though others may argue it's what killed her, twice, almost thrice). So, she happily moves about the territory with Lynn, carrying a basket filled with fruit she'd recently gathered.

However, she would be interrupted on her walk, feathered ears catching the sound of small cries, and then her voice whimpered not far away. The fuck? She would not immediately recognize who it was, though would allow her paws to quickly carry her towards the noise, a bit of a concerned look entering her features. Her eyes are first drawn to the yellow plushie she'd used to own herself, immediately identifying the holder. "Junji?"

"Hey, is' okay," she tries to assure to him, cautiously moving closer. "'m right here." He wouldn't have known she died, or that she is now a tiger, though her voice is mostly the same as before, maybe a bit deeper. It's something she is, honestly, getting a little tired of explaining, considering she's had it from almost six months now, but at least it was easy enough for others to simply accept you've got a new body, and in the end, it just meant old friends continuously made their way back to her someway or another. Over so much time, they were all different, but still the same.

Re: coastline — return - JUNJI - 05-29-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]The being that approached him was less than expected. While she bore the same lovely golden coat as before and the blue feather earring, she was much, much larger; two wings rested between her shoulders, feathers adorning her glossy pelt and tips of her ears. Her voice confirmed her identity; this was Goldenluxury. Junji stared with mouth agape, wondering what could have happened to make her shift bodies. For a moment, he thought over the possibilities, before her words finally processed. The one-winged angel closed his mouth and dipped his head as more tears dribbled down his cheeks.

He stepped gingerly over the plushie he loved so dearly, soft white paws carrying him ever closer to the captain. Jun stopped only a few inches away before the little feline pressed his face into her downy fur and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry," He murmured against her leg, body shaking ever so slightly. "I missed you. I'm sorry I disappeared without saying goodbye." Junji's wing drooped into the sand. He lifted a paw to curl around her foreleg, and slowly pulled his face back to peer up into her eyes. "I won't do it again. Please forgive me, Goldie, I'm sorry."

Re: coastline — return - Luciferr - 05-29-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
"if she can forgive my up and disappearance, you've nothing to worry about Junji" another familiar voice rumbled (and regretted, he had meant to leave notice after all, but it had all just got to him and he had to leave or risk who knows what) large shadow falling across them - he remembers Junji, like he remembers near everyone else he was friends with, knows him and his association to his erstwhile adoptive brother (and that felt so long yet only days ago).

still he chooses not to speak more until Goldie passes her own verdict, he's not one to assume or step on toes (he has been, but usually only when it was called for, he likes that its no longer his duty to make the good out of the worst situations even if this one is mild at worst)
