Beasts of Beyond
.* ☽ ─ песець ˎˊ- [joining] - Printable Version

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.* ☽ ─ песець ˎˊ- [joining] - venus - 05-27-2019

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drifting once again. first it had been tanglewood and the completely voluntary act of moving away from the group - now it was sun haven. for a lack of a better word, the group simply appeared to have dissipated. disappeared, it had been supposedly merged with a group that the catsune had never heard of before called "elysium". who they were and where their morals lied was none of venus' business. there was no one in elysium venus knew. no marina, not even a buckingham to poke at mercilessly. if the hybrid had simply rolled over and left their life be dictated by politics that they did not really care for then venus would feel isolated. better to let old stories finish and turn a page on a new one instead.

well, it was not entirely the case. the typhoon had been somewhat of a curiosity for venus for many months - their muse. there wasn't a single soul here who had enjoyed the hybrid's presence, even going as far as to take a distaste to the sunhaven member who was slightly too obsessed with the group's feral members, but venus did not mind. they simply took pleasure in visiting every now and then. if there was ever a place that spoke to venus quite as sun haven had, it was the typhoon. their flora, their fauna, thinking about the unique ecosystem the island group homed was already making venus tingly.

it was already settled long before venus had let their mind wander to the possibilities of joining other groups. there was simply no other that could satisfy what venus wanted - it had to be the typhoon. the thoughts of meeting the trained ferals once more had the hybrid motivated as they packed all their essentials: shoddy microscope, past biopsy and preserved specimens. all of their tools from venus' former medic life were packed alongside there varying pieces of equipment. what was the harm in taking them too? maybe the medics at the typhoon would appreciate the extra supplies that the catsune could provide. that being said, that would only be the case if the group even had a practising medic. best to not dwell on these frivolous things, there was a journey to be had and the luggage was getting exponentially heavier with each passing minute spent in hesitation.

so here the former sun haven was - again. crystal-like blue eyes gazed over the picturesque sandy shores that you could almost swear were just some fantasy paradise displayed at all travel agencies. yet, they were real. rock formations in the distance had caught the catsune's gaze as they ambled their way along the trodden path to the island from the mainland. surely the rockpools here were just teeming with life untouched and undocumented by venus before. how exciting! the hybrid couldn't wait to get their trembling paws on those pools - the thought helped venus gather the faltering strength to drag their heavy possessions along with them. soon. soon venus would be able to be in complete bliss as they scour every nook and cranny for interesting finds.


Re: .* ☽ ─ песець ˎˊ- [joining] - bubblegum - 05-27-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
Drifting between groups was something the female would never really relate to. She has traveled different parts of the lands and still does have a lot to see, but she has always been locked onto her one and only home - being the ocean, the ships, and the island of the Typhoon. It was where she was born and it is where she is determined to live the rest of her life. She would much sooner die on the shores (which she arguably has, twice) than be taken to live anywhere else, no matter her desire to explore the world. She always and will always know where her home is. The tigress gladly moved along every beach, traveled through the jungles, flied to the top of the volcano, checked into the caverns, and very happily dived into the waters that surrounded them, simply watching the life around her at times. This is the place that contains her history, her family's history, and everything she's ever known in life. To move would be to leave everything behind and that was not something she would want to do now, and unlikely ever. Perhaps to others that idea seemed pleasant, refreshing, liberating, but to the female, that action would only cage her, leave her with nothing left but a world she didn't know and an old life she never wanted to leave behind. To be a pirate was to be free, and that was good enough to her.

The tigress was making her rounds about the island, hovering a few feet above the ground as she patrolled, likely to hunt if she wasn't to find anything out of the ordinary. However, she scents a stranger as she approaches Venus' position and would slowly descent back towards the sand, eyes landing upon the female as she grows closer. She can vaguely recognize the individual, though she couldn't match a name with the face. She associates the female with Sunhaven, now Elysium, which she has yet to form much opinion on. She started out thoroughly disliking the group, demanding compensation for the poor allies Sunhaven had turned out to be, and once she gotten the supplies, she didn't really give a fuck what they were up to. Their current leader had made a point to visit and introduce herself, but she didn't really care too much, frankly. She wasn't interested.

However, this female had been around when Sunhaven was still a good ally, she remembers. So, the tigress would offer a small smile to her, for old time's sake. "Hiya," she greets simply, looking over the female. "What brings ya t' the Typhoon?" Right to the point, though she supposes she ought to reintroduce herself since it was unlikely the female would recognize Goldenluxury's new body, unless she were to look at the features she still possessed - one cold green eye, the blue feather earring, and fur that still remained golden, true to her name. "I recognize ya from a while 'go. 'm Goldenluxury Roux, capt'n o' the Typhoon."

Re: .* ☽ ─ песець ˎˊ- [joining] - venus - 05-28-2019

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at one point in their life, venus had the same point of view as golden too. home; it was where venus had been born, raised, it was never going to change. even still, the desire to return to where venus truly came from was lingering in the back of their mind where they kept most of the convoluted memories from their past life. a section full of hazy stories that venus couldn't even truly recognise as their own yet. now as the former member looked back on their life, they could see naivety of their thoughts. venus must have been around a similar age to goldenluxury when they had been exiled and stripped of their birthplace's comforting touch. how lucky goldenluxury was to stay by her family's homeland. venus need not pray that the young woman would appreciate her home - the catsune knew it to be true. having a special connection to the land you walked - venus missed that feeling.

the soft hint of a smile graced the catsune's maw as blue eyes locked on to the slowly approaching figure of a golden tiger. who was she? unlike goldenluxury, venus was in the dark about the identity of the approaching member. last time venus had seen the girl she had been merely a child and of another species to boot. not to mention the fact that she had been an adviser of sorts and not the leader yet. though, as the young adult began to speak the more that venus' confusion slowly drifted into understanding - it was starting to make sense. "goldenluxury, it's been a while yes. nice to see you again. you've grown." letting their grin deepen venus thought back to the last time they had set foot on these grounds. it had only been five months, but even still the catsune supposed that a lot had changed in those few months. sunhaven didn't even exist anymore. venus guessed that meant that the typhoon didn't owe the former ally anything - yet the hybrid was sure they would not turn away a homeless acquaintance. "i'm venus. i used to come over every so often since i was the ambassador for the typhoon back in sunhaven. well.. when sunhaven was a thing anyways. but i also used to converse mainly with the medics here which means i never really got to know anyone else around here." was there any of those medics venus used to know around here anymore? they probably wouldn't recognise the former ambassador anyways.

'captain of the typhoon.' huh. the vulpine let those words roll around in their head for a few quiet moments - trying to process what that meant. it was probably that the girl's father had finally kicked the bucket. or he had stepped down. either way, venus tried to imagine that now he was with marina someway, somehow. venus had a particular affinity for that ship that they didn't quite know how to explain in words. it was cute - it was relatable. venus wasn't going to bring up that missing link right now anyway; it was best to keep the mood light and on a positive note. surely venus would come to know what had happened of the former roux leader another day. "but i am here for a reason, i swear. i actually came to the typhoon because after the fall of sunhaven i've been simply wandering around. not a fun experience, by the way, i don't recommend. that's why i am here; i need a place to stay." it was almost embarrassing to ask for help - to be so vulnerable that you admit your weakness and grovel for assistance. then again, maybe it was just venus' pride saying that. if venus wasn't going to ask for help then surely their days would be limited, more so than they already are. scary stuff. besides, most importantly, to the hybrid was the assurance that their prized possessions were going to be safe and sound under the protection of a group. venus would honestly cry if yet another of their expensive equipment went missing again. human technology was few and far between. "if i have to drag this heavy bag around any longer i might just reduce to dust." sighing dramatically, the catsune let their body comically droop as to emphasise their point.


Re: .* ☽ ─ песець ˎˊ- [joining] - Luciferr - 05-29-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
"Well we can't have that" comes a voice behind the two as mass wings of pitch fold back and enfold a form of shadow and spikes draping like a cape down his back, just how Luciferus manages to be silent even so massive is perhaps a mystery to everyone involved but he manages (he does have a streak of the dramatic to him, something he inherited from his mother)

the dragon inclines his head (and if he knew her thoughts he'd be saddened anew, his feral taken in children have flown the nest - and the other raptors seem to have long been gone since his return) and motions with his claws "I can take that off you if you like miss Venus, I can carry it too whichever home you choose here - ah, Luciferus by the way" content to leave it at that since he's rather sure the two would rather finish their conversation.

Home is complicated because Home is many things - and had once been a place, now long gone to time and memory (part of him hurts at that, knowing so many will not be remembered now for their sacrifice, another erasure of time - but at least he still lives to remember all the faces gone by)

Home is no longer a place for him now that it is gone, rather Home is people for Lucifer - those he cares about and those he's chosen to stand for and wherever they remain he chooses to be - The Typhoon is not home because one day it will be gone like so many others, ephemeral in cosmic winds that this planet might too one day be but dust and echoes.

the people of the typhoon are another story (as was the people of a clan under the earth once and a clan of blood, back after Home was gone but before he'd come here - it is always, always the people that matter than any slice of land to him)

he thinks one day when this planet is dead for sure, he will come back and carve the names of those he counted among his in what remains - something to say that they were here once, that they mattered, were still remembered.

this is what Home means to Luciferus.

[oof went on a tangent there sorry]


Re: .* ☽ ─ песець ˎˊ- [joining] - venus - 05-31-2019

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a shadow cast on the ground alerted venus first to the presence of another. someone just as large, if not larger, than the roux leader herself. astonishing! was everyone in the typhoon this tall? the former leader had been quite large as well. maybe venus had just caught on to something here. maybe there was something in the water. best to take a sample right away then.

the one who had caught up to the pair already situated on the border's edge had a dark and imposing look about him that didn't seem to quite match his aura. if that made sense. he was tall and had menacing features but the offer he had just made juxtaposed his image in a way that put a smile on venus's maw. "why thank you, luciferus." a kind heart made venus impartial to being swayed to agree with the dragon's offer. that and it was true what venus had said: if they had to drag this heavy bag around any longer they would just reduce to dust. there was no way the little vulpine could ever refuse assistance from someone clearly so much stronger than themselves. "i hope i'm not going to be keeping you from any important business, i promise to choose quickly. i'm not too fussed."

well... in actual fact, venus would thoroughly enjoy a home that offered them the space and opportunity they needed to perform all their experiments in relatively efficient manners. fires were inevitable but could be more manageable in a home that was suitable. at least there was an infinite supply of water should they need it. shame water couldn't put out chemical fires.


Re: .* ☽ ─ песець ˎˊ- [joining] - Luciferr - 06-12-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
//oof this is very late.

Luciferus merely smiled in response, a tilt of his head to the pale Venus ”oh it’s not any trouble - if you’d like I can guide you into camp if you’d like to start house hunting - after we get you something to eat and drink if you wish of course” wouldn’t do to let their newest member drop down exhausted so soon.

He inclined his head in Goldie’s direction lest his leader have anything to say or add to the conversation before positioning himself ready to ferry their newfound joiner to where she needed to go exactly

and if you have any questions about day to day here, I’d be happy to help” there was that old ritual and all - unsure if that was still in 0ace since it had been so long since he’d done his own after all.
