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LOVE LIKE YOURS | return - Printable Version

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LOVE LIKE YOURS | return - MYNTHE - 05-26-2019

It had been long since she allowed her paws to guide her through the wading waters, every step bringing her closer to the end of the sunken railroad and to the gates of the Typhoon. She didn't bother to swim there as her paws ached from the trek back to this hell of a place, which she couldn't happen to notice that a lot of the char from the eruption had disappeared, as though it never happened. When she arrived to the gates, she found the ground beneath her paws in perfect condition. Even though these were good things, Mynthe still had the same gloomy and dreadful feeling that she had from before she left. Goldenluxury was still dead and no amount of greenery would fix that simple fact. She was gone and frankly that knowledge put an empty void in her that she couldn't stop feeling, even when the event was months passed.

Mynthe burst her way through the gates, ignoring any guards that demanded she stopped, any weird looks she got from newer members of the Typhoon. She walked forwards without a care, baring her fangs and snarling at anyone that tried to get near or stop her. To them she probably looked like a feral animal, her fur matted and tangled, and her frame dangerously skinny like from when they had first found her washed on the shore. She had new permanent scars laced along her body and she carried a more wild look in her eyes. She found her paws moving from solid ground to softer ground, her paws sinking lightly in the sand. The difference in feeling was enough to snap Mynthe out of her thoughts, looking towards her paws to view minor black splotches in the sands which she walked upon. She held memories of Barracuda Bay but coming here only filled her with more sorrow.

Originally she left because Goldenluxury had died, what was left for her besides Goldenluxury? She held not even a minor bond towards anyone else, nor was she ever truly loyal to the Typhoon. While her death didn't hit her extremely hard, it did hit her to where it made her feel a sense of sadness and anger no matter how minor it was. Mynthe wondered now who the new leader was, and if she was going to get exiled on the spot for the way she barged in without a single greeting. Huffing, the woman leap up onto a rock on the bay where she lied down with her head on her paws, tail hanging off the rock carelessly. To hell with anyone who would try to move her.

Re: LOVE LIKE YOURS | return - Splitvisage - 05-27-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Darksouls had seen a variety of joiners, but had yet to encounter one who would just barge through the gates and show up in Barracuda Bay without any acknowledgement.

  He had seen the woman entering the territory, offering him nothing but an aggressive snarl in explanation for who she was and why she was there. While she didn't appear to be interested in attacking anyone (and in her state, she probably couldn't hurt anyone anyway), he nonetheless lumbered after her, just to keep an eye on her. Had she lived here before, he wondered? Probably not, since no one else seemed to recognize her, but then Goldenluxury was the oldest of the members right now; the captain would know for sure.

  As she climbed up on a rock and lay there, Darksouls approached cautiously, until he stood about ten reindeer-lengths away. (He was no mathematician, he had no idea how much that was in feet or meters.) Clearing his throat, he asked softly, "Do you need medical help? Or do you need to speak with Captain Goldenluxury?" Or food, but food was a given with either of those two choices. You never turned away a hungry ambassador, if it turned out she was one.

Re: LOVE LIKE YOURS | return - bubblegum - 05-27-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
Admittedly, Goldie was quite disappointed when she'd came back from the dead and found that Mynthe had left their crew. Finding a slave upon their shores was something she wished to focus on - to make sure she treated well. She wanted nothing more than to help the female, though, of course, she's no idea of what her background is. She doesn't know if she even could make the same mistakes as she had, but the urge to do what she could remained within her. Clearly, the female never needed anyone to tell her she could act on her own accord, and it did not seem she was in danger of going back to the stinking desert, but she still worried. And, honestly, she was intrigued by the female. How long had she been a slave? How had she become one? What was her life before? What did she like to do? Would she like being a pirate? Or being the captain's friend? Her mind wandered back to the female many times she found herself falling asleep, when she is lost in her thoughts. The captain wished she could at the very least know what had happened to her. Nonetheless, life went on, and she needed to always focus on her crew before anything else. The curiosity and concern she felt towards the female would need to only exist as thoughts in the back of her mind.

Today, however, that wish to know would be filled, it seems. She was drawn by the growling, and then the soft voice of Darksouls. Unfortunately, if the female was to be shocked to hear that Goldenluxury was still captain, she wouldn't have much time to react. The tigress moved her paws quickly, a concentrated look on her features. When she saw the creature laying on the rock, she would observe for a few moments, only to realize who the individual was. She pushes herself in front of the reindeer, slit pupils locked upon the female, though she was careful in her movements, not moving too quickly now. "Mynthe?" came her voice softly, perhaps sharper and deeper than the female might remember, though still very much her voice - the Irish and country accents mixing into one. "Are ya okay?" The scars, the messy fur, and skinniness she had worried the female deeply. It reminded her of when the female first arrived in the crew to join. "We should get ya somethin' t' eat. Somethin' small, so ya don' get sick."

Re: LOVE LIKE YOURS | return - Luciferr - 05-29-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
He may have at most, seen this one in passing perhaps but then again most of the newer faces he didn't know (and this was his own fault for isolating himself off briefly) so he dutifully follows behind their leader quietly and doesn't complain about the intrusion (mostly because those bold enough used to be friends or would have done something by now).

at Goldie's suggestion he speaks up "I can find something quick enough if you'd like?" not wishing for Goldie to have to leave someone she knew and not wishing to disturb Mynthe from her rest i such a sate.
