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twice burned . joining - Printable Version

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twice burned . joining - Whisper - 05-25-2019

There are memories, phantom pains of father's creations strapped to the back. Nightmares that start with the sureness of straps settled around their joints and iron clasps that strained his neck. Madosa remembers the thrill of flying, at least for a little while. In their dreams they can hear their father's delighted laughter as they plummet, over their own screams because they were burning - father why does it hurt so much ?. Hungry water's reached to catch him- welcome him. But the salt water did nothing to soothe the stings that scorched down their back. Leather harness turning into a net to drag them deeper, into the bottomless depths of the ocean.

A dream of flying, falling, drowning. they were nothing but dreams, reality wasn't such a gift as the dreams. All Madosa can remember is the call of the ocean, the sudden need to dive in, deeper and deeper still. They are unsure of the memories of walking on land - when all they remember- truly is the feel of swimming under water. Sirens who would hum lullabies and sulkies who would teach them how to use their claws. Playing at the bottom of the sea, kicking up dirt and hunting turtles.

They know they were made for land, but the water was were they lived- it was all they known. As much as he longed for land he dreaded the sky with open fear. Did not want to lurk where his nightmare's could become reality. They told no one of their dreams, no one that would listen. Drifting in the sea like a log between blinks of sleep. Madosa has only known the ocean, but in dreams distant vacant ones- they dream of walking too.

So they try it.

Near their current lagoon, the Jaguar lurks within the depths of the sea, itching closer and closer towards the sandy lands of the island. Unknown to it's inhabitants. They are slow to make their way up, wading in the water for a time before- leaving it's depths entirely to walk on land. It's instinctual- easy. The stranger marvels on the dry sand that clings to their paws now, claws sinking into sand. It's a marvel- to walk - to breathe air. It's so different- so new. They turn wide eyed stares into the island, not once looking back at the water- or up at the sky.

Re: twice burned . joining - Luciferr - 05-25-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
He knows the sky like he knows the starlit sea, the shadows and the void that encircles it all, there but never touching (it is after all, corrosive to reality, like half of his very being is - yet he strikes a balance of should-not-be that can exist in either - this is not a gift.)

in his form he is a shadow given flesh, no light touches his form save the intricate white that crawls along one eye and his neck faded and so very slight like the haircrack lines in a fracturing glass (delicate in comparison to the ugly butchered red of the other half of his face)

that is to say, he knows flight - of all kinds - and falls in detail as a creature of should-nots yet is.

these are myraid thoughts that sometimes creep into his head as trifold wings big enough to seemingly swallow the blue sky above from view carry his form low across the island and a head graced with many horns in a self made crown angle downwards as the scent of a stranger catches his senses.

those shadow starlit edged wings adjust and the dragon descends to greet the (on closer look) seemingly dazed and waterlogged stranger.

"Hello stranger, you look rather bedraggled, do you need help?"


Re: twice burned . joining - Whisper - 05-26-2019

Madosa knows no land as well as they do the sea, even dreams fall flat to the experiencing of the water. How in night the lagoons come to life with vibrant luminescence. Sand clumps between wet fur and itches at the skin, a pleasant experience in water ( memories of throwing grit at whale sharks and swimming away merrily ) are harsher on land, on open ground something jolly turned unpleasant. It is a reminder, if nothing else, that nothing will ever hold to the delight of the water.

They can feel it's calling back, like a siren's hum between the wash of water on land, but the shifting night catches their attention. Wings clash with the violet of the sky and clouds wink out under the stranger's approach. It is a stranger, by the wavering beacon of white and red that seem to glow around his face. Hairline fractures and an eruption of red along black- black skies and blacker depths of the sea.

Golden eyes drift closer towards the beacon of black, edging under the dragon's shadow without wavering. "My name is Madosa Toni, I seek no aid but the knowledge of this place." They should be afraid, fear the dark that blotches out the sky- but Madosa - or Toni as is their first name to go by, they never feared the depths of the ocean. They are bold out of their home, but cautious. If this stranger- this place seem as hostile as the sea folk dread, then they will return to the water.

One way or another, Toni will always return to the water.

Re: twice burned . joining - Luciferr - 05-26-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
one could equate the dragon with a certain sense of liquidity and paradoxical rigidity at the same time - for scales that didn't allow the sun to touch them, he often looked like a large inkstain on the surface of these sea soaked sands.

and in truth, if he didn't choose to exist in a form for mortal planes, he would look like moving liquid shadows caught in an invisible current - tangled around the bones of red and a singularity heart - he is a paradox in everything as always.

still he is briefly reminded of another sea-soaked arrival before this one - albeit not as dramatic in the skin shifting department, but there was always time yet for surprises.

he waits while they speak and then hums thoughtfully - silver-red meeting gold (and a whisper of a memory of a time when both his eyes were golden, before- ) and the shadow speaks "Well an easy enough request to grant Madosa and well met, my name is Luciferus and you find yourself on the islands the Typhoon take residence on - we're pirates in the base sense though we're more a strange family if anything, led by Goldenluxury, whom might be along if she's free to say hello" great wings follow the movements of his spiked shoulders as he shrugs, he's nothing if not honest - pirates they might be but they had their own brand of honour.

"That is the basics anyway - any further inquiries?" and if the sea logged jaguar really is so new to these lands, he is frankly glad the stranger found them first - there are others a lot less palatable to come across.


Re: twice burned . joining - Whisper - 05-30-2019

Mads has heard of pirates, seen ships that cut through the surface of waters and feed the sharks with their own crew. THey have not lived long enough to know the basis of these practices, had the ability to judge them for their own morality in pushing crewmates into sea. THey only know, with distant understanding, that some- most prefer to live atop the waters, and follow the rivers to a destination they will never know.

It is an odd thing, land bound pirates.

The jaguar takes the information in like a sponge, the curl of a tail along sandy paws, flicked to and fro to dispel some of it clinging to their form. "Pirates usually live on the sea, not on land" THey find themselves voicing, tilting their head curiously. GOldenLuxury is an odd name. It does not sound similar to them, A pirate king is to inspire fear of some kind with a name like GoldenLuxury, it makes the typhoon seem... well luxurious.

"I... find myself curious about these lands. Can i Meet them, you're crew?"

Re: twice burned . joining - Luciferr - 06-12-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
luciferus hums idly id argue that they take a portion of the land with them to live on said sea, but then we’d just be getting into philosophical semantics” was said with good humour - the dragon ever fond of musing over little details that provided a different outlook sometimes.

Still he inclined his head to the boat in the distance ”we do still have our ships - depending on the division you might live on it” and then he shifted moving to motion with one plated arm forwards ”come along let’s go introduce you - there should be refreshments at the bar when we get there”

[late as heck oof]
