Beasts of Beyond
SO WE CAN SWIM FOREVER — joining - Printable Version

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SO WE CAN SWIM FOREVER — joining - Soleil - 05-24-2019

[Image: y2mlbalz] she'd been watching them for a while. or more accurately, she'd been watching huge ships, reminiscent of those that desecrated her home yet lacking the pollution and the rough hand of man. these ships were respectful in their treatment of the ocean, and that intrigued the beast. she had never spent much time on land, but she had studied its inhabitants enough to have a vague idea of how their society worked. these strange creatures, occupying both land and the waters, appeared to be welcoming of newcomers. she didn't know if there were any prerequisites. paws, fur, lungs? she supposed it made sense to have those attributes if they spent most of their interacting on the island itself and not in the water around it. no matter, she was sure that she could replicate those features accurately enough.

coils upon coils of armored scales twisted up from the depths of the ocean, paddle-like flippers moving her behemothian body through the waters with a surprising grace. she was used to this environment and somewhat reluctant to leave, but the siren song of curiosity was almost as alluring as her own. light began to glimmer in pillars around her as she neared the surface. she didn't come up this far often, only when she was following ships or observing the land critters from a distance. lots of little changes slowly rippled across her shrinking body, tufts of fur peeking from between scales and clawed flippers arranging themselves into a more suitable shape. By the time she finally washed upon the shore, pushed forwards by a wave of unnatural proportion, she was almost completely mammalian in appearance. it wasn't perfect, but her flippers and tail had become more seal-like than sea serpent, so it was passable. the gills that remained on her neck fluttered uselessly as she attempted to make the switch to lungs. the brief feeling of suffocation wasn't pleasant in the least, so it came as a relief when water poured violently from her mouth, freeing her airways and new lungs. the feeling was ever so strange, but she would adapt. her flippers pushed her chest up from the sand as she coughed and spluttered up the last of the water, shocking blue claws digging into the soft, golden bed beneath her. — my secret friend, i'll take you to the river

Re: SO WE CAN SWIM FOREVER — joining - deimos - 05-25-2019

After her attempt at slaying her 'enemy', who she wished was never born, she had spent a lot of time on shore. Her eyes had watched the waters endlessly, thinking, pondering- what should she do? She didn't know. Her heart hurt, keeping it from Goldie, but yet, she didn't want to make it the Captain's problems. Her gold and silver eye blinked, the lioness's tail flicking behind her. Had she looked down at that moment, she would've missed the warning sign of something approaching the shore. Deldrach's eyes, however trained, didn't seem to miss it though.

Her eyes raised up, watching light and skin alike bubble to the surface, revealing what was normally in the depths of the ocean. The grizzled lioness pushed to her paws, stepping back and tail lashing. She was tempted to tilt her head and unsheathe the sword at her side. She ignore the gut feeling, watching the body thrash ashore. Deldrach blinked as it seemed to struggle to breathe, frozen as if it couldn't see her yet. When water burst from it's maw- she guessed- she exhaled. It was breathing, at least, so Deldrach didn't have to witness a fish flopping out of water. Whatever it was, she guessed, it wasn't a quite traditional way of arriving.

[color=#A90000]"You, uh.. alright there?"
She asked, still tensed.


Re: SO WE CAN SWIM FOREVER — joining - bubblegum - 05-25-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
If the female were to hear a siren has joined their forces, she perhaps may not feel so enthusiastic. She has had brief interactions with the beings, though none physical, that had both involved death. She must admit, though, their songs have always lured her in. As a child, she found the melody so beautiful and captivating - it was the prettiest thing she'd ever heard. Still, no seaman should be unfamiliar with the tales of women who sang them to their deaths. Nonetheless, the tiger would be unknowing of this information, and even if she did, she could see the benefits of having one in her crew. So, for now, she would find herself looking down as a creature she could not quite identify - something oceanic, for sure - standing upon her beach, as the voice of Deldrach filled the air nearby. The winged tigress flew down towards them, landing softly a few feet from them both, causing a bit of sand to pick up from the momentum of her wings. She shook herself off and looked to the stranger with a curious smile.

Unlike the lioness, Goldie had not captured the transformation, otherwise, she would be bombarding the female with questions right now (ones of enthusiasm - a childhood passion). Instead, her cold eyes would simply look over the female right now in an observant, interested manner. "You some kinda fish?" the answer may seem pretty obvious, but she wanted to ask an open-ended question, so she may learn more. Had she seen the transformation, there may not be this kind of self-control. The captain felt she looked almost like an orca, which she thought was quite interesting.

Re: SO WE CAN SWIM FOREVER — joining - Luciferr - 05-25-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
if the sea beast had ever glimpsed a large shadow on the water then she might've known of his presence at times alongside those self same boats, the beast of skies and seas were alike in that they both had dominion in their domain (and the stars above were a similar ocean he had swum amongst back before he'd chosen to stay amid his mortal friends)

still he watched quietly from the treeline, simply placid in a slow day before the water beast had emerged and started transforming - at that point he'd risen up to come languidly pacing down the soft sands and shadow Deldrach (the lioness might be annoyed at that or maybe she might've found it somewhat pacifying that the Typhoon had an equally deadly monster to anything that might've crawled out the ocean)

though clearly this one didn't seem inclined to attack - so far - so the shadow was content to simply shadow leader and crewmate as was his style while they asked their questions.

the sea beast brought back long missing pangs though (a younger sister, a dragon of the sea, so stern, he missed them)


Re: SO WE CAN SWIM FOREVER — joining - Soleil - 05-26-2019

[Image: y2mlbalz] the first two that came into view were both golden like the sand below her. they were about what she expected for land creatures, although the wings on the brighter one were somewhat out of the ordinary. he tongue, blue and forked, flicked curiously out her mouth as she observed them. hearing them speak was so strange, completely different to the communication that she was used to. in the ocean she only ever spoke with telekinesis or long, wordless songs. her jaws parted, closed, and parted again. "eh- hrm." her face scrunched up in thought. learning to speak on the fly wasn't going to be as easy as she had first hoped. for now she'd have to settle with her old ways; hopefully it wouldn't be too jarring for the poor air breathers. after all, she had heard that they possessed similar abilities.

'sorry, i am not used to the land,' she responded to deldrach. although she was only addressing the first land-dweller, she broadcasted her speech for all of those close enough to hear her naturally. 'i am okay now.' her eyes closed in a full-faced smile. goldenluxury's question caused that to fall away however, eyes reopening in a light kind of shock. 'it is that obvious, just by looking?' she asked, echoing voice laced with disappointment. she'd been hoping to mesh more effortlessly with the other mammals. apparently that wouldn't be the case. she shifted a little, using her fully formed back paws to stand. it was a shaky process, the unfamiliarity of the action blatantly obvious. 'i did come from the ocean,' she said as she moved. 'i am not often called a fish though. leviathan, behemoth, dinosaur, those are more common!' she slipped a little, but regained her footing quickly with a faint pout. this method of moving seemed awfully inefficient, the land-born did it so much more smoothly. her elegance was unmatched in the water, but on land she was just another blundering fool.

finally, she was greeted by a shape much different to the others. alas, she had seen this one, soaring above the waves. the sky did parallel her own world in many ways, but it was one that she had no desire to join. still, she found herself curious about the beast, and those giant wings that sat where her own extra limbs did. 'greetings,' she chimed. 'you are all the typhoon, yes? you let outsiders join you?' — my secret friend, i'll take you to the river

Re: SO WE CAN SWIM FOREVER — joining - bubblegum - 05-28-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
Watching the female observe them and then seemingly struggle to speak was an odd sight to behold, but she would patiently wait for the female to respond in her own way. Her own way, apparently, being that she spoke through their minds. Not the first time the girl has experienced this - a woman she had appreciated dearly constantly spoke this way, but that woman had been long gone, and the only other similar experiences she had were with the Gods themselves, so she would take a moment to get used to it once more. The tigress listened carefully to her words, clearly curious in each of them. She would feel a pang of embarrassment, perhaps, when she saw the female's smile lower to her own question. Had she been trying to pass as a creature that lived on land? Well, the female could not say she related to that goal. She had always wanted to be a fish.

Nonetheless, her expression quickly grew a giddy sort-of grin, at the answer she was compared to creatures like leviathans or dinosaurs. Her paws bounced up and down, a childish excitement being completely indulged now. "Wow!" she exclaims in amazement, wondering what she should ask first. The usually controlled and relatively calm captain turned into one of a silly image, her feathered tail tip twitching. "Thas' so cool!" she continues her antics, likely making a slight fool of herself. She couldn't really help herself, though. It was a fascination she held since she was small. Even that barracuda who attacked her, ultimately killing her all that time ago, had never been something she'd been upset over. It was a natural behavior and she adored the world that the ocean possessed. This was the closest she could get to experiencing both the lands and the seas at the same time. "I love the ocean! I wanted t' be a fish when I was lil' n' the Gods gave me these fins! See?" the captain holds out one of her front legs, displaying her tawny webbed paws and fins.

However, her little hoopla would need to be interrupted as she realizes the female's purpose here. "Yes, this is the Typhoon. We're pirates," Goldie now explains, letting down her leg and straightening her posture slightly. "We gladly let anyone who ain't trouble." Though it was a warning she gave everyone, she did truly mean it. So long as the folks entering weren't going to cause them more problems than solutions then she was happy to have them. "M' name's Goldenluxury Roux, but I also jus' go by Goldie. 'm the capt'n."