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soothsayer — o, visitor - Printable Version

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soothsayer — o, visitor - ghostpact - 04-27-2018

The winged tiger was tired. Exhausted, even. It could be seen in the drooping eyelids and the slouched shoulders. His paws dragging across the ground and kicking up dirt onto his underbelly, no longer pure white. Nothing about him was pure, at this point. His fur was unkempt and dirty, the white crown sitting on his head was smudged with dirt and blood, and the wayfinder around his neck had been tied a couple times, the leather cord fraying again in a spot and at the point of breaking again. The stumps on his head showed there were once horns there, but jagged ends showed they had not been neatly cut from him. The metal feathers against his back were bent in odd directions as if something had ruffled the wings too roughly. His face had clean tracks down his cheeks from crying, but now his heterochromatic eyes were dry.

The past few days had been especially rough for him. He was so close. So fucking close to finding her and yet he had no luck so far. The only promise he'd intended on keeping and he broke that, too. He said he'd never let her hurt again. That she would never have to be alone again. How times was it now that he allowed both those things to happen? How many times was it his fault? Too many. This time. This time I will set things straight. I won't let this again. But he'd said that last time. And the time before that. And the time before that. [i]Maybe I'm just destined to fail. Maybe this is a sign from the universe.
It would make sense, considering the number of times he'd failed horribly in his life.

First, it was being caught as a traitor, turned double agent and fucked himself over twice. The multiple accounts of murder. He'd let himself get cursed. He'd been cowardly in battle and got himself blinded. He let his son get captured and killed by the enemy. He lost track of his other children. His sister died more times than he could count, mostly by his own claws. Outside of his thoughts, he'd abruptly stopped in his path. He was thinking too much, and he'd began trembling from the pent-up anger he held over everything he'd done. With a forceful huff, he shook his head and focused on what was before him.

Derrick stood in rubble and ruin. For a moment, he was panicked. How far had he gone? What the hell was this? A whiff of the group's scent righted his thoughts again and his posture relaxed as he realized this had been the place he was initially looking for. Maybe he was a little past the border and he debated going back, respecting boundaries and all that. He decided it didn't matter all that much. Hauling himself halfway up a broken statue to get a lay of the land. There was the flower field and in the far distance, the Observatory. Something his gut told him, this was exactly what he was looking for. He could never explain his ability to find exactly where his sister was. Even if it took way longer than expected, he somehow always knew when he found her.

This time had been concerning because he had several false alarms. Too many times he'd gotten his hopes only for them to be dashed quickly and he'd cry like a baby. Even now, he was suspicious of his gut feeling, despite it feeling more solid than ever. How many more times could he fail before he found her? Surely, there wasn't much further to go by the way the breeze smelled of salt and sea. He shook his head again and dropped back to the ground, nearly collapsing under his own weight. He needed rest. No rest until I find her. He cleared his throat and raised his chin. "Anyone... around?"

Re: soothsayer — o, visitor - tristitia - 04-27-2018

Broken promises would not be remembered by his sister, he would not be remembered by his sister. It was a shame, really. The two had gone through so much together, if only she could remember it. She had not remembered promises she had made herself. Nor had she remembered that dirty crown upon his head, stained with blood from his enemies, which she had made herself. What she remembered was cruel. A master with a silver tongue, teaching her the ways of battle, only to end up a dissapointment. And then being used as a dastardly tool, a simple being made for a sole purpose: to start a war. A painful split, a coma. Awakening, trying to find her friends. But she had not remembered anything else. Those metal wings curled up against her, crying out for her, all fell like glass
puzzle pieces and shattered against a darkened floor.

An odd sense of deja vu overwhelmed the lion cub, consumed her. It had been like normal, but so much more. It consumed her, washed like tidal waves crashing into her as the smell of salt and sea would consum her. All in mentality, of course.

The blonde cub set out, the blue crystal necklace sparkling. It was a gift from... well, from someone. She couldn't remember. And until she did, she would not take it off. The lion cub slowly made her way across the territory, and she saw him. He was a white, but his fur had been dulled and dirty, mixed with blood and dirt, unkempt, it appeared to stick out everywhere. Great Kingdom Hearts, what a poor soul! He even appeared to be too tired to even stand, laying on his side, his eye-lids half closed. He appeared to have been broken down and crying, only having a few streaks across his face that were clean. Venta rushed forward towards him, wondering what she could do. Maybe have him lean against her? She'd only be able to support a fifth of his body weight, but it was worth a try. "Yes! I'm here, Signore! You look awful, come on, let's go. Lean on me, I can see if someone could patch you up." Her tiredness, her exhausted, her dull gaze had a sudden spark as she wanted to help this poor soul.
✯ — and the stars, they will shine in your eyes. — ✯

Re: soothsayer — o, visitor - BASTILLEPAW - 04-29-2018

the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
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Dear gods, the last thing that Bast wanted to do was deal with injured visitors. Look, it wasn't that he didn't care about them, per se... Wait, no, that was exactly it. Bastille's sense of apathy was a strong one, and he didn't particularly care to extend his little regard for people to complete strangers who had absolutely no intention of becoming one of their own. Okay, sure, he did have a soul (or three) and was prone to moral outrage in the face of true evil and suffering, but... Well. You wouldn't see him jumping to help someone who didn't look like they were bleeding out on the spot (unless he truly cared about them).

Nevertheless, the bengal made an appearance at the border, letting his cold stare flicker over the stranger and Venta briefly before he sighed. Damnit. Just when he thought he was going to avoid everyone on this patrol. "Right, fuck, we'll get him patched up, I guess. Did you even need anything from us or...?" After all, it's not like Venta had stopped to ask questions.