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LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Printable Version

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LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - bubblegum - 05-21-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
She has been waiting patiently for this to be executed, her movements careful, words calculated. Everything would fall into place, starting today, and she would gladly be the face of the beginning. Her comrade would make his entrance...another way, undetected until it was too late. The tiger quietly traveled to the jungle, biting back a disgusted look upon her features. It was almost instinctual to let the hatred spill out every single time she stepped foot into the territory, but she has to keep up a kind face today. A casual smile sits upon her features, cold eyes attentive. With her, is a basket, filled with what seems to be wrapped gifts and a letter addressed to Jervis. This was a visit out of kindness; out of appreciation towards their fulfilled deal. Certainly, the captain knew nothing about what was happening in the Pitt. Certainly, she suspected that they had kept true to their word, and the Pitt and Typhoon no longer needed to clash. Oh, most definitely this visit was entirely with happy intentions.

Goldenluxury stood in front of her basket, deciding to remain quiet a few moments before announcing her presence. They most likely would scent the Typhoon before approaching - she was, after all, making no attempts to hide herself. "Aye! 've got some gifts for y'all!" she then calls out in her sharp voice, confident and loud. She maintains her casual expression, though can feel her paws growing more impatient with each passing moment. That soon she'd been preparing for was now, and she is excited.

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - aine. - 05-21-2019

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: VbWInBo.png?1]
— aine | the pitt | fae druid —
Gifts? That was different.  The petite vixen popped her head out out of the jungle, dark ears perked.  Hazel hues danced, flickering like a panicked flame.  Shouldn't be any danger with gifts.  Aine bit the inside of her cheek.  Should she wait for someone else? Da or maybe Kydobi?

Finally, after shuffling her paws for a good moment, the little fae crept forward.  A shy smile lit up her face.  She hoped she didn't look too timid.  Or ready to run.  Well.  She might be the latter.

"H-hi," she murmured.  Too soft.  She cleared her throat.  "I... I'm sure an adult... Will be here soon. 'm-'m Aine." That wasn't too bad volume-wise.  Still a little quiet.

The fox shifted her weight, paw to paw, blinking.  The tigress was really pretty.  But Aine wished rather strongly someone would save her from talking anymore.

[ Mobile ]
I'll come back when you call me

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Crackers - 05-21-2019

The canine hybrid was always on the go, always hunting for something to do, and so it was really no surprise that he was among the first to realise that there were people out on his clans border. The other groups, due to lack of exposure, weren't ones he knew well by scent alone, but he figured it was a safe guess that this golden tigress was a member of the sea-faring Typhoon. He had to force himself to keep the malicious grin from his lips as he strode over. Like her, Fourthwalls aura was completely calm. He was the perfect model of cool and collected, his strides unrushed as he approached and his wine-red gaze giving nothing away- the predatory glint that gleamed within them was always there, and so it was hardly worth trying to cover up.

His attention was caught a little more when he suddenly realised that the Typhooner wasn't out there alone- Aine was there, the small chubby fox alone and exposed out on the border. Wine red eyes would narrow slightly and his pace would increase somewhat ashe finished closing the space between them, coming to a halt with Aine purposefully sitting in between his paws with him towering over he. "The adults here." he'd reply tone carefully neutral- not unfriendly, but not exactly the welcoming party either. He'd gesture to the gifts she carried with her, his eyes sparking with a bit of interest. Jervis has told him to take it easy on the Typhoon for now and so he would, but that didn't mean he was about to get all friendly with some chick on the border. "What kind of goodies did you bring us?" he'd ask? "Name's Fourthwall, by the way." he'd add, nodding what could be considered a polite greeting in the females direction.


Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - bubblegum - 05-21-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
To have a tiny child greet her would cause her excitement to halt, for just a moment. Did she need help? Goldenluxury would gladly sneak her out, if she needed to. She fights back the temptation to drop everything for this mere child, only allowing her smile to become a bit more warm. It almost makes her wonder of Suvi. Now is not the time to be reckless. Everything would come in time. If this little fox were to need help, then she would gladly offer it...soon. For now, this visit will have to do. "Is' okay, I can wait." She states softly, actually a bit genuine with her words. Her feathered tail tip twitches slightly as she silently sighs. She was about to introduce herself, when she spots another approaching, her slit pupils now focusing on the canine that stepped forward. The tigress' warmer smile would dim back down to its casual one, progressively fading into a calm expression as the male speaks up.

The captain blinks as he asks about the goodies, thinking of how to word it. "Well," she begins, voice still slightly soft, "is' mostly fish, 'cause we sure as Hell don' get 'nough of 'em." Her tone is sarcastic at the end, joking in a light-hearted manner. She allows a chuckle to escape her. "Also, some herbs." The female would gesture towards a small bag that included mint -something they may need quite soon, thyme, poppy seeds, and foxglove seeds. Not the most useful assortment, but still usable nonetheless. "Finally, I got...a lil' note for Jervis." She nods towards it, kind of pushing it back closer to her. They could read it after she left for all she cared, but she needed to make sure to keep up the little game for now. "M' name's Goldenluxury Roux, if ya don' know me."

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Crackers - 05-21-2019


Fish weren't really his thing, and he didn't know how to use herbs competently enough to have a use for anything in the basket, but he figured his clanmates could probably figure out a use for it. "Thanks, Goldenluxury. I'm sure [member=3615]JERVIS[/member]  will be along soon." Though of course, he didn't know that. The fox had only recently returned to activity and he wasn't sure how prone the Ardent was to being out on the borders doing the dirty work. Fourth got the impression that he was rather particular, not the sort to want to get his fur muddy or to deal with common things like patrols or hunting sessions. Fancied himself too important he reckoned, or so Fourth would think -in his best cowboy impression, mind you.


Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - ARGUS - 05-22-2019

Argus remembers watching Golden grow up under Pincher's shadow. With a detached nostalgia, Argus mourns the innocence of youth- ponders the innocence that was granted in a place like the typhoon. Enough to know the wrongs of the world, but not enough- never enough to save them from the horrors of it all. Gus had always been protective of children- of the typhoons when she called it home, Argus will always remember it fondly, but that was all it was now. A memory, that was all anything really was- memories of sentiment no longer felt.

Hearing the jovial voice of Argus' own innocence reflected into the borders of the desert- her desert - she reels. no, something is off. The white lupine is not quick to the scene. with a broken wing they are not fast enough to get there before the others- to confront to- what : Argus doesn't know. She is lost for words when seeing the stripped leader stand at the border, a grin and excitement bubbling under the other's skin - something tics in the back of their mind.

They feel impossibly old, weary. Red eyes betraying them as the gruff wolf stalks towards the group. A suave smirt across their maw lazy and slightly unkind- knowing. but their eyes- their eyes brimmed with regret- hurt and so many other things they couldn't voice. They pause behind forth, the wolf stalking up from behind them and dragging the basket closer to them for a experimental sniff. Nothing odd with the basket, maybe something else... ?

"thank ya' for the basket, capt'n." The wolf murmured, voice a low tenor "there ain't much seafood in the desert, ain't much nothing though- so fairs fair." They didn't chuckle, but the wiry amusement was a mask to the guarded expression of the wolf. "got a reason to visit, or is it in th' note? Either way, no need to be so hush-hush, hnn?"

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - bubblegum - 05-22-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
"Well, if he doesn' show up soon, then feel free to pass it along t' him." She'd say in a kind manner towards Fourthwall. The approach of another, though, would send her into a shock. It was the specific individual, really, that would cause such a reaction.

Seeing Argus, now, that would cause her to freeze altogether. A genuine, true, reaction that she could not hold back. The female could not believe it. She simply couldn't believe it. Argus. Her papa's quartermaster, someone she had trusted and respected so deeply, was in the Pitt. She turned her back on the Typhoon and did not just leave (something she would accept - people come and go), but joined their worst enemy. Her view of the female is shattered entirely. Was she simply a liar the whole time? The anger that would follow, however, would be stored away somewhere safe, far away. It would make its face soon enough. Though, to be honest, she was getting tired of being patient. "Argus," the captain would greet simply at first, allowing a warm smile to reach her features. "I wasn' expectin' t' see you here. Is' been a while." A friendly statement, most certainly true.

Goldenluxury would eye her movements, her feathered ear tips twitching a few times. How dare she stand there and act like this was okay? How dare she make face at all? A kind smile sits upon her features. "Oh, don' worry. I know. Thas' why I figured it'd be fine," there was almost an emphasis to that "I know". She knows too fucking well. Being Stryker's slave gave her plenty of knowledge over the group. The questions would catch her a little off-guard, though she would have an answer to them relatively fast. "I dunno if you're new here, Argus, but the Typhoon n' the Pitt's got a lil' deal. Y'all's part was t' end slavery, so this is simply a gift in appreciation for holdin' up your deal n' a sort of celebration t' the end of our conflicts." Quite ironic. Hopefully none of them decided to be rats now, though she supposes it wouldn't make things end too differently either way. "Is' not really hush-hush, I don' think. The note isn' even secretive, jus' a message specifically for 'im."

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - ARGUS - 05-22-2019

Argus has not allowed herself to feel the guilt of her previous lives sins. Guilt wasn't new to them, of course. Living where others did not, failure to meet expectations, to protect the ones the wolf cared for. It all shook the watchers judgment, made them partial to certain creatures in a way that couded judgement, clouded reason all together. Instict told the wolf to flee- before they spoke aloud, before Golden had the chance to reapond. Instead they kept their gaze blank, their emotions distant and looked to the ground.

The wolf refused to meet her eye.

"I never was the kind f' politics, otherwise I'd be sittin' in your shoes right now. " Argus felt whatever illusion of a mask drop into stoicism. "You can ask Luce, if the heap of an ice pack is still around. I don't hold grudges much." The wolf's father mourned Hecate and Argus both when they left, the only difference is that Argus never died then. Just went away, took time to settle their demons. Argus leaned away from the gift, looking towards her clanmates - and the daughter figure the wolf silently mourned. A low humm escaping them.

"of course, maybe you should visit again. It's like homely here, all I'm missing are the screams." with the words the wolf moved, a sudden shift to twist away and leave without fuss. "maybe stay a while, I'm sure this place is fimilua' to you too, now that I mention it. Hmm? We'd fit right in a place like this" the wolves parting words were cryptic, their bound wing flexed slightly in the cast carrying it, without further dismissal, leaving without another word.

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - gael - 05-23-2019

Trust Aine to grow a spine near strangers.  A flash of red and black fur through the trees revealed the frowning Faerie.  Golden-hazel eyes flickered over Argus and Goldenluxury thoughtfully as they spoke -- they seem to know one another -- but his clear focus was on his daughter.  With the briefest glance at Fourthwall, he aimed to quickly scoop the girl up by the scruff.

Gael would then drop her gently on his paws, allowing him to give the Typhoon captain more attention.  So this is my dear cousin's captain.  Intrigue clearly lit in the vulpine's eyes.  Just slightly, he cocked his head, thinking over the word about.  He still found the deal rather interesting, given it had been in place before he and Aine had arrived.  He knew very little of what came before and such, but he didn't really care much.  He was not in these lands for mortal affairs.

Regardless, he offered the captain the lightest smile in gratitude.  He took note of the herbs and lightly nudged his daughter, eyes warm.  He knew his little druid took great interest in such matters.  "We'll put the supplies to good use, go raibh maith agat a Chaptaen."

// mobile translation: thank you captain
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / the pitt / lamby
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Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Jervis - 05-23-2019

Gifts. They were a sign of contentedness from The Typhoon. A sign... that their plan was working. Just the idea of their supremacy caused Jervis to smile with devious greed. Power was flowing into his possession and persuasion was certainly his best weapon at the moment, but the job was not done. There was always more to obtain. More facades to display and plenty of plans to lay out. Now if only Goldenluxury could fall for a few more, The Pitt- no... Jervis would reign once again and live out his failed family legacy.

His smile remained true as Jervis sauntered over. The vulpine was full of swagger and confidence at the larger cat and fellow leader's appearance; as a result, it was obvious he was overly confident. "Goldenluxury," came his polite coo, "As always, it's a pleasure to see your beautiful stature roaming around." It was always a pleasure to have her. After all, treating an enemy like his closest friend was key, but it was obvious that the concept of friendship was unknown to the petty narcissist.

He was quick to switch the subject to himself. "I hear you have a message for me?" Pointed ears perked in interest as golden eyes stared her down. Unlike the others, he could not sense a change in tension. The aura of frustration and Goldenluxury's distaste was not out of the normal. Plus she seemed polite as can be.
more like tags - penned by orion narcissism