Beasts of Beyond
MEETING | wrong invitation - Printable Version

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MEETING | wrong invitation - Jervis - 05-20-2019

It had been quite some time since their last meeting, partially due to his own absence and the lack of news. Jervis finally had some time set aside for a meeting nevertheless. After all, they had some new members. They must of expected something by now. Thankfully, there was some drama beginning to stir up and ideas began to run through his head. No thanks to anyone else of course. (Or at least the selfish bastard thought.)

The ardent appeared out from the velvet curtain and strutted towards the front of the cobblestone stage. There was a falter in his step. Previously, [member=67]beck.[/member] had thrusted his horns into his torso and caused catastrophic damage that caused him to lose the spring in his step. That didn't even take into account the other injuries he endured during their previous battle. Despite that, for as much as Jervis tried to appear as a figure of power and his normal self, those watching could tell he was visibly frustrated and running out of nicer options. Whether that doomed The Pitt or not was unknown to them. All they could do was sit and wait for their leader's next holy order. So he kept walking along with a barely noticeable limp, eventually reaching the middle of the cobblestone stage. "Pittians," came his shrill yowl. "Come here." A huff left him. Impatient already, as always.


Here comes the temper tantrum.
more like tags - penned by orion narcissism

Re: MEETING | wrong invitation - teef - 05-20-2019

first to arrive and likely first to be snarled at, Ramona appeared from the side of the area, her ears flicking back and standing up, watching jervis silently, wondering what he would say this time. she knew kydobi might make a later appearance and only hoped that her ... adopted father? would be alright. she knew to keep an eye on the Fox's ambitions, to learn more about the leader to help ease any tensions within the group that could lead to an uprising.

Re: MEETING | wrong invitation - Crackers - 05-20-2019


Fourthwall had been lounding atop the roof of his circular treehouse, bathing in the warmth of the sun, when he heard the call of Jervis from the stage. Wine-red gaze would shift to land on the smaller canine, regarding them for a moment as they tried to hide their limp as they reached the center of the landing to address the clan. There was a demand in his voice that Fourthwall naturally rebelled against, that urged him to simply yawn and lay back down where he was. After all, who was this guy to come huffing and puffing at the members of The Pit as if he had some sort of issue with them? Kydobi and himself were probably the only reason the clan hadn't gone completely dead in the foxes absence, a thought that many would call arrogance while Fourth would call it fact.

In the end he decided that joining in would be for the best. He was an impulsive and unpredictable guy, sure, but he could tame himself for now. After all, if first impressions were what the world judged on then Fourth himself wouldn't have many friends. He knew he had a tendency to come off as rude due to how blunt he was, and he wasn't afraid to speak his mind or do the things he wanted. And that bothered people sometimes, so much so that they wrote him off as someone unlikeable. So maybe it would be worth taming himself- for now.

Coming to a halt beneath the stage where the other NPCs were gathering, Fourth would take a seat and wait for the announcements to formally begin. Hopefully with ervis being back it would mean the Pitt could get back on its feet and in action.


Re: MEETING | wrong invitation - ARGUS - 05-22-2019

Aegus had spotted Jervis a handful of times around the camp- as rare as the lame wolf was around the jungle's concentrated population. They prefered to stick close to the borders, the desert. It was their connection, and for the time they were healing and seeking refuge within the Pitt they found solace in the sands. The thing that brought them here- is one of the few that kept them here. Dark ruby eyes never once wondering far from the outreaches of the dry sea that surrounded the pitt.

So, this is the judgement call then, the deciding factor for the lupine. A Leader -  one that was in charge of such a ruthless clan. Argus had no idea what kind of fox the leader turned out to be, but kind - merciful was not what they were expecting. They wanted to see power, and they wanted to see a level head to control it. Or something would be done - this was not the first clan arus had been a part of- this would not even be the first clan argus single handedly destroyed either.

Re: MEETING | wrong invitation - Jervis - 06-12-2019

The lack of turn out threw him off. Jervis scowled visibly. One of his announcements had already fell down the drain, seeing that who he wanted to address didn't even bother showing up. Pitiful. Perhaps they'd show their face in the future and face reality, but for now the ardent would push that aside. There were other things he needed to address besides that. Really, besides that announcement there was nothing more than him talking away about their enemies... and of course the usual things.

Jervis surveyed the audience one last time before beginning. His face pulled back into a snarl. "To those that are new here, welcome," he grumbled darkly. "Get comfortable quick and rest up. We're going to need all the strength you have soon enough." Their newer members were already being dragged into The Pitt's feud, which was nothing new. Thankfully, it was their decision to come here. If they wanted to leave, they may but not without a fight. After all, their border were still closed and under lock down. The guards at the border would most likely get to him before Jervis came after them personally. Why risk his own tail first?

Golden eyes narrowed out towards the audience. "I will remind you all that the Vicar and Erudite positions are still open." Hopefully there was some interest, but Jervis found himself needlessly looking for a right hand man he believed he didn't need. How selfish of him. "There are a few that have caught my eye-" The more brutal, the better. "-but if you have any interest, you may go ahead and contact me personally." Discussing these things beforehand was not a problem, especially if they had plans that suited his needs.

"Now you see, let's get to the knitty gritty," Jervis barked. His voice raised to a shrill yell. It was obvious that he was frustrated, but not to the point of what one may call a temper tantrum. Perhaps the audience calmed him a bit. "Tanglewood has been quite magnificent these days." Dramatically, he gestured towards his chest. "Please, if you may, focus all of your attention on them. The Typhoon, The Rosebloods, and Elysium are in no need of a good slicing and dicing." A huff left him.

"Meeting dismissed."

Something inside him was slowly crumbled away. His patience had worn out and his rage-filled tyrant side was beginning to seep out from his facade of mercy. Not yet though. The ardent was still playing his game and hoping for the best results, but sadly his attempts were failing. Prideful and persistent, Jervis was still going to let his plan play itself out.

// Change of plans w/ a plot! Consider this a simple reminder and filler meeting if you will.
more like tags - penned by orion narcissism

Re: MEETING | wrong invitation - Crackers - 06-13-2019

[Image: 2s10sxl.jpg]

Fourth listened with minor interest as the fox spoke, caring less and less for what they had to say. It wasn't Jervis's fault of course, not entirely at least. Fourth had a tendency to dismiss most people right away, especially those he didn't see often. It was the same reason why he had terrible facial recognition skills- because if the person didn't bother to stick around long enough to be remembered then he saw no harm in forgetting them entirely. It was on very rare occasions that Fourth remembered the name or face of someone he met only once, and when he did it was because that particular person had managed to catch his interest on some level. Unfortunately Jervis had hardly met any of said criteria. He wasn't around that much and when he was it wasn't as if he did anything of importance, and since he wasn't cute enough to peak Fourth interest that meant that outside of the general familiarity of having glimpsed him around from time to time there wasn't really anything that made the hellhound take notice of the fox. Kydobi had more of the hounds interest at this point, though that wasn't to say that couldn't change in the future. None the less, Fourth would take note of Tanglewood being their newest target and would make a mental note to set his sites on them for his next excursion out of the territory. Admittedly his interest was momentarily snagged at the mention of the two high positions that were still up for grabs but he doubted he'd be considered and so he didn't put too much stock into them just yet.


Re: MEETING | wrong invitation - Kydobi - 06-17-2019

Quickly and quietly the jaguar would follow and take a seat in a lame shallow post because his rper is desperately trying to get back!