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(tldr, Killua fell down a ravine but was able to catch himself, so he has his claws impaled in the wall of the ravine and is kinda just hanging there debating his options. He opened up the wound on his shoulder, and his paws are bleeding bc his claws almost got ripped out)

He was strong. Killua had always prided himself as being the strongest in any group that he lived in. Just because he was small didn't mean that he couldn't hold his own against those that were bigger than him. That was practically what he was, as he always relied on speed before anything else to get the better of his opponents. Sure, he had brute strength that he would want to use if he was going up against the likes of a domestic cat thanks to that he was larger than most of them. But compared to a lion or tiger, he would have to have a different strategy. Thanks to the way that he was raised, his parents had made sure that he was going to be ready for any sort of situation that presented itself. Especially creatures and mythical beast that would think that they were safe based on the size that they were, when in reality it just made them a bigger target to make examples. Killua often wondered how other's would feel if they realized that he had killed dragon's and creatures that were bigger than that of a polar bear in his life. Would they think he was cool? Or would they look at him in fear like some of them currently did and try to get as far away from him as much as possible? Probably the last option, as he knew that most of the creatures that lived here weren't from the clans and had their own view of thinking. They would think of him as dangerous, and if he ever lost control it could mean that they would be in danger. They weren't wrong. He had already lost control once up to this point, there was bound to be another incident in the future for it to happen. There was a potential chance that they would probably rely on him a little bit too much, and when he wouldn't be around enough they would have no idea what to do with themselves. What if someone were to get attacked by someone? Would they be willing to try and defend them and actually fight potentially to the death? Or would they stand by waiting for him to come onto the scene? He knew a lot of the creatures that lived here were afraid of fighting, and he doubted that there was anything that he could do to be able to convince them. He technically was still deputy which meant that other's would probably think that he should basically be everywhere. Killua had never asked to be promoted, and the one that had been doing more of a job than he was would definitely be Jacob. The healer seemed to be everywhere since he had gotten back to the clan after the Typhoon had tortured him. He wasn't sure what to think about the canine exactly except for the factor that he was strange to the point that he couldn't exactly wrap his head around what went in the head of the healer.

He would have thought that Jacob would be slightly upset about what had happened, but from the sounds of it, he wanted nothing more than to get close to the group. While Killua wasn't exactly fond of going to such a place like that again while the white wolf was there practically waiting for him. She said that she wanted to help him and the voices that he constantly had in his head, but he doubted that she was capable of doing anything. Despite that, the wildcat didn't have much of a choice as he had no one that he would be willing to talk to about his problems either. He had to use the resources that were provided for him, and be able to get stronger to be able to face his brother. It was only a matter of time before the tiger found where he was, and gave him another beating of a lifetime. Killua wanted nothing more for the tiger just to leave him alone so that he could figure out how he actually wanted to live his life. He didn't want to be an assassin anymore, and if that lead to his family disowning him that would be fine with him. He didn't want to associate with them anymore, and it was better this way. Even if it just meant that he would have an open season opened on his life in the end. If he wasn't a Zoldyck anymore, it just meant that his family would have the go-ahead to try and kill him. Which three of his family members were more than capable of trying to kill him. His older brother has nearly accomplished that through several different methods of torture that Killua knew all too well. Getting stronger also meant that he had the potential to kill a Snowbounder all the easier. Sure, Stark was around to potentially stop him from doing something stupid, but the tiger couldn't always be around to help him. Besides, Killua was going to keep everything he could from the former clan leader so that he couldn't get to know him better. They cared about each other in a strange way, and he hoped that the other was going to have a great time staying in Snowbound. It was at least someone that he knew in the group for the time being. The assassin knew that it was dangerous for him to get stronger, but he didn't have a choice either. He needed to be able to take on the other clans that were bound to be at their doorsteps. He wouldn't let other's think of him as being weak just from one interaction with him. He would rip them to shreds before he would allow that to even remotely happen. Although, most of this anger was directed toward Guru who looked at him like he was some weak creature. Killua wanted nothing more than just to twist her neck to the point of breaking it just to see the fear in her eyes. It would give him some form of satisfaction, but it was difficult for him not to kill anyone. Especially when no one was particularly trying to stop him and didn't keep a close eye enough for him to stop him from doing something stupid. The deputy hadn't exactly been doing his job all that much as of late, but that was fine with him. He had other things on his mind right now, and too many creatures to keep track of that was living in the group right now.

Killua patrolled the entire territory during his free time that he wasn't training with himself. Over the past three weeks, he hadn't had that much sleep, in order to avoid his night terrors. His wounds, however, were healing nicely, and he was close to being able to take the stitches out that were on his body. Pure white bandages covering up the shame he felt whenever he looked at said wounds over and over again. He wanted to forget about what had happened. Killua blinked his sapphire blue eyes as he wasn't in the trees like he usually was. The albino serval had no reason to be when he was looking for any clues in the snow whether or not had someone had been in this area. Killua was toward more of the rocky area of the territory where he was walking, making it hard to see what laid underneath all of the snow. They hadn't had a blizzard in quite a while, not like snow really did anything for him except hide better. Which meant that most of the snow on the ground was fairly old and compacted. His lithe form easily stepping on the compacted snow, his paws acting slightly like snowshoes, but not as good compared to the likes of a cougar or a species that was perfect for the snow. Growing tired during the day, Killua decided to pick up his pace to that of a trot, his eyes directed forward while his large white ears were constantly on a swivel. Due to the increase in temperature of the territory though, just meant that the snow was starting to melt in certain areas. Killua stepped onto a patch of snow, and he didn't really have any time to react. "AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Killua yelled out in surprise as the snow that was underneath his paws disappeared in a matter of seconds. Killua knew that he could have used his teleportation to get out of a situation like this, but what if there was someone around? He couldn't allow anyone to discover that power just yet. Turns out, that a large patch of snow had covered a ravine that was created a long time ago in the territory. There was no way anyone could see toward the bottom of the ravine with how deep it was. Killua kept himself from panicking though as he stuck out one of his long limbs and was able to dig his claws into the side of the ravine. The serval felt his chest crash into the rock wall thanks to the momentum of his fall. His metal claws ripped away the earth as they struggled to stop him. Killua didn't feel the tendons as they were close to ripping though, as his claws had been surgically implanted compared to being born with the likes of them. The assassin managed to use his other arm and sank both of his front claws into the earth, before coming to a slow stop. He had fallen around halfway through the ravine before impaling himself using his claws into the wall. It was better than falling to his death. Killua eventually felt something sticky from his left shoulder, causing him to glance over at the area that was covered in bandages. Blood was dripping down his shoulder toward his back. He had ripped out the stitches in his left shoulder when he had used his left arm to catch himself. "Kuso." Killua growled, his voice echoing through the expanse of the ravine. What was he supposed to do now? Killua just stayed attached to the wall while he was bleeding, in annoyance that he had let his wound open up again when it had been so close to closing back up again. He flicked one of his large white ears, as he thought of a strategy that wouldn't get himself killed. Although he could hear voices in the distance, so teleportation was out of the question. Great. Just his damn luck.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: I'M THINKING ABOUT IT | {OPEN, PROMPT, STUCK?} - jacob w.c. - 05-01-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob wasn't particularly strong or tough. Honestly, he didn't know anyone that'd describe him with those words. Sure, he was strong in the sense that he was bigger than a lot of other animals but he wasn't particularly muscular and the thought of actually hurting or fighting anyone terrified him too much for him to ever really try. He supposed he could hold his own if it came to a fight for a short amount of time but he'd never been professionally trained. Vito and Jersey had just done their best to try and make sure he always knew how to defend himself, a strategy that hadn't exactly worked out for them.  He knew how to defend himself, sure, but he wouldn't do anything until someone else had already done a significant amount of damage. After seeing all the violence of his childhood, Jacob was repulsed by the very idea of trying to hurt another living thing so he did his best to avoid it. He'd been forced into fighting before but, thankfully, he hadn't had a situation like that any time recently.

Jacob was pulled from these thoughts when he heard a shout. He moved towards it as quickly as he could, grimacing as one of his paws dragged slightly behind him in the snow. He made it to the crevice and let out a gasp. Even with thier many disagreements, he never hoped Killua would get hurt. "Killua! Don' worry, I'll find somethin' ta' pull ya' up!" the canine shouted as he began to dig in his bag for anything he could use. He had his bandages but he wasn't sure if it'd be able to pull him all the way up. Still, he pulled it out and bean to dig around in the snow. He wasn't so sure he could lift Killua up by himself but he'd seen people use snow to anchor ropes and things in his books so he supposed that was worth a shot. "Jus' hold on! I'm goin' as fast as I can," he shouted in an attempt to console the feline, who he was sure was panicking by this point. He had seen all the blood when he looked down and he wasn't sure how much longer Killua would be able to cling to the wall. He could only hope that someone bigger would arrive soon to help him. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: I'M THINKING ABOUT IT | {OPEN, PROMPT, STUCK?} - london r. - 05-02-2018

Strength was something London had never really judged herself on. In all the stories she'd read the princesses were either pathetically weak or moderately strong, but she wouldn't know where to place herself on such a vague scale. Strength could be measured in so many different ways, it was honestly just confusing. She was pretty average with most everything in her opinion, but if it came to fighting she had no technique. She was a moderate hunter, but she only killed something if it was necessary. She had a different kind of strength, one that was not violent, but one that could likely be modified into something violent with the right training. You see, London was good at climbing. It was to be expected of a feline, but there was just something special about clouded leopards when it came to climbing. Certain adaptations that she had allowed her to run down a tree like a squirrel, and so she supposed that she was strong when it came to something like that. Balance was also an important attribute of her physique, however unless she was focused on staying upright the girl was actually rather clumsy. Not quite her strong suit.

But after hearing a scream, the girl found herself running in it's direction. She wasn't sure what may have happened, and she did not know any way that she may possibly be able to help, but that didn't matter. She'd figure it out when she got there. Jacob's voice soon hit her ears, as it seemed he had arrived a moment before her, but his words were rather shocking. Killua?! The fear and worry she felt intensified after she heard that name. After all, not only was the albino serval her friend, but he also wasn't the type of person who usually needed help. That meant something terrible had to have happened, and London could not stand those thoughts. There was no way she could just stand by and do nothing, not if her friend was in danger. So, as the girl arrived at the scene, she was surprised to find that Killua had been a little clumsy too. At least that's how it appeared to be, as she doubted the boy would purposely fall into a ravine.

For a moment, relief fluttered within the girl's heart. So it wasn't anything actually too serious. However, the smell of blood told her that was not true. He was in quite a bit of trouble after all. The girl would easily conjure up a sturdy piece of rope, one long enough to be of use, or so she hoped. "This should do the trick." the girl would say, wearing an uncertain smile. There was no doubting the shakiness that the girl held herself with, as this was a rather dire situation. "You will be able to pull him up right, if I can get this rope around him?" the girl would ask, her British accent seeming thicker than it usually was, probably just because of her nervousness. The girl had no doubt in her abilities to climb down the ravine, she'd climbed up the walls of the gas station when she was barely a month old, so this shouldn't be too hard. She just hoped killua would be able to hang on long enough.


Killua was constantly thinking about everything and anything that could possibly happen while he was out and about. Killua always needed to be prepared for anything that could actually happen while he was out alone. Which usually meant that there were aspects of environmental and other creature dangers that he would have to take into factors as well. He wasn't about to let himself be defeated by the likes of any clanner or rogue that he came across. Maybe there would eventually be someone that would be strong enough to take the likes of him on, but that probably wouldn't happen for quite a while. At least that's what he was hoping for right now because with the current injuries he had that was healing, it would be difficult for him to win a fight even if the fight would seem to be easy for him to win in the end. Either way, Killua was amazing when it came to coming up with strategies in the middle of any bad situation that he had gotten himself in. Which those were few and far between with his interactions with the clans that he had done so far. One of the reasons why clans valued his input so much because he always looked at the different scenarios that could happen, especially in any raid, war, or small battle that the clans were bound to get themselves into. He had been through several battles in his life, which just much that he had the experience to back up the words that he said as well. Most had doubts on the factor that he was just a child, but he was a child soldier that had been trained since he was born to take the lives of others and make sure that he would never fail a mission when he was given a job to do. it made it easier on him in this regard, but it left him with other limitations in different areas of his life that he was currently working through. If he ever got himself into a situation that he was going to lose, that just meant that he was probably up against the likes of his family and not the likes of a clanner. His family were formidable opponents, something that only London would know since he was an assassin and more than capable of killing anyone in Snowbound right now. He wanted to have a normal life just like she did, and so they were going to try and help each other in that regard as well. While Killua was thinking about how to get out of this situation, he realized that even if he wanted to try and use his teleportation, he wouldn't be able to see the top of the ravine, so he wouldn't be able to teleport out of it properly even if he tried.

He could use his power to try and teleport to the other side of the wall that he was clinging on, but gravity could make it hard to grab the wall again if he misjudged the power. He didn't anticipate that anyone would have heard him and that there would be help on the way so he was just going to rely on his own powers and skills to get him out of his situation. So, of course, Killua didn't expect to hear Jacob's voice almost out of the blue, his large white ears perking as he looked over his shoulder, which happened to be the shoulder that happened to be the one that was bleeding. "Huh?" Killua mostly said to himself, as he hadn't expected Jacob to be there out of all places. Wait. What was he saying? Jacob was practically everywhere, so he should have anticipated that the other might have heard him or just smelled his blood. Great. An embarrassed chuckle escaped his jaws at the other trying to console him even though he was fairly fine. His left arm was the only one that was the issue, and the rest of his limbs were keeping him plastered to the wall. He had a lot of stamina to spare, and he didn't want to give Jacob a heart attack. "Uhhh its okay. This situation is just more... frustrating than anything." Thanks to all the scar tissue that surrounded his body, he felt no pain from his shoulder. The assassin's voice would echo through the ravine as he gauged how far he would need to jump, or if it was even a good idea to climb even. He flicked one of his ears when he suddenly heard the voice of London. Oh great. Now he looked even more like an idiot. His eyes glanced toward his shoulders and craned his neck to remove the bandages that had been around the stitches from the self-inflicted wound weeks ago. He had to see exactly how bad it was, and it didn't seem to be all that bad. At least to him. Some of the stitches had come undone and the scar tissue ripped slightly. Hearing what London's plan made him panic though. She was planning to what?! "Like hell you're gonna be climbing down here! Just like toss me the rope and I'll grab onto it. You don't have to climb down here." And possibly risk your life for me. Killua would shout quickly as soon as he heard her plan. It wasn't that he didn't trust her skills, he probably wouldn't be able to save both of them if they ended up falling at the same time. Now that would be bad and make the situation worse. His muscles weren't fatigued yet, so he could hold on a little bit longer. But if anything, his tone wasn't panicked, more annoyed and embarrassed.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: