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BANGARANG! [open/border skirmish] - Printable Version

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BANGARANG! [open/border skirmish] - Crackers - 05-17-2019


The pit was too quiet. It had been fine at first when he was settling in but now the hellhound found himself growing restless and annoyed. He needed things to do and if nobody was going to provide them then he would. Oppurtunities had always been his forte, after all. Pittians, I'm taking out a patrol for a border skirmish- anyone care to join?" he called, figuring that there had to be at least a few of them with enough spirit to join in. Their group was supposed to be one of the best, one of the worst, and so far he'd seen nothing that lent to the groups antogonistic nature. Well, he'd sure as hell change that. The battlescarred hybrid would come to a stop on the edge of camp, puasing to see if there were any who'd be coming along with him. If not he'd go alone, but his whole reason for joining a clan had been to have company and so to go alone would defeat the point entirely. Still, he was in the mood for a good fight and he'd find one even if he had to go looking all night.


Re: BANGARANG! [open/border skirmish] - Kydobi - 05-18-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

It had been on his agenda to hold a patrol, however things kept happening and taking place before he could ever really get around to it. While the hellhound may find the Pitt slow, the world and the jungle were bustling with things to do should one find it.

"I'll come.", it would be a good way to know about the onyx and golden man who had recently been recruited, see what they were all about. A border skirmish however? He had never heard of it. Still the jaguar would walk up to Fourthwall with a dip of his head. Sitting down, looking around for others who may join.

Re: BANGARANG! [open/border skirmish] - Crackers - 05-19-2019


The Pitt was kind of tearing Fourthwall apart. On one hand it was everything he wanted- no- needed it to be; aggressive, limited in it's laws, and run by a Leader who was so scarce in his own clan that Fourth hadn't even glimpsed him once yet. It meant there was nobody to stop him from doing things the way he wanted or from taking away his impulsive sense of initiative. On the other hand though, the group was sorely lacking in reliable members. Kydobi was the only one around that seemed to give a damn about the place and as willing as the hellhound was to be partners in crime with the black panther, two people didn't make an army regardless of their talent or willingness.

If Kydobi didn't know what he was in for, then there was a chance he'd find himself regretting his decision to join the large canine in his endevours. A border skirmish, for Fourthwall, was nothing more than an excuse to go to an enemies home border and start shit with an unsuspecting patrol. More often than not it was a violent affair that simply cosisted of two patrols fighting viciously until one was victorious, and Fourth had a habit of making sure it was his own. Of course, a fight wasn't always the case. While the large canine was a lover of battle and enjoyed challenging himself in these situations, he wasn't the sort of monster that found fun in tormenting people who wouldn't fight back. Those that just didn't have the will to defend themselves made for poor sport, and he'd never been able to make fun of them. Those ones he usually just captured and forced to hang out with him until their clan came to take them back- if they were able to. He has a soft spot for soft people, and sometimes he wasn't so quick to give them back to a clan that couldn't properly look after them.

Kydobi wasn't someone Fourth had been able to get a proper read on yet, but then again they hadn't spent much time around one another outside of when he'd first joined up with the Pitt. Since then the melanistic jaguar had quickly become the most active face of the group, but not one that the canine had spent any quality time with . As he saw them heading over he wondered if this was the sort of activity the other really liked partaking in. First impressions hadn't left Fourth with the idea that he was a lover of senseless violence after all that talk of neeing more than just brutes in the ranks, but by no means was he going to turn down the others company if they wanted to come along. Even if Fourth had to do all the fighting himself it would be nice to have someone to talk to on the trip over.

"Alright, cool. Have any suggestions on which clan to hit? I was considering the Typhoon or the Rosebloods- Elysium has too many softies on their side to have any real fun with."


Re: BANGARANG! [open/border skirmish] - Jervis - 05-19-2019

With Kydobi's plans swelling in his head, Jervis wasn't so sure what to do with Fourthwalls's suggestion. After all, a border skirmish could cause tensions between The Pitt and another clan on their ass. With The Typhoon and Tanglewood already on their tails, would this really be necessary? Then again, the ardent was not one for shaming his groupmates for wrecking havoc elsewhere. It'd most likely entertain him anyways. That said, he was back on the rise from his inactivity and needed to impress his clan somehow. If this feat would please them, then so be it.

The fox wandered up from behind Kydobi and strolled over. Golden eyes remained narrowed. He was hoping to come off as an authoritarian figure in the situation. "The Typhoon," Jervis barked. "They deserve to be prodded at, unlike The Rosebloods." If the dark jaguar was wise, he'd chime in and agree. The Pitt really needed that facade right now as they waited for the right moment. More tension would ruin them. Raising the bar between pre-existing wars would not be a problem nevertheless.
more like tags - penned by orion narcissism

Re: BANGARANG! [open/border skirmish] - SÉAMUS - 05-19-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
Someone was seeking a fight.  The swift fox flicked an ear as he trotted towards the gathering group.  Absently, he tilted his head, listening and making notes of those in front of him.  Jervis' decision caught his attention, though his face wouldn't give it away.

Interesting choice though, he mused.  Weren't they trying to maintain a facade with the Typhoon?  On one matter at least, but that's it as far as I know.  Nonchalantly, he stretched out his legs, quickly tugging on his mental link with [member=265]Keona.[/member] Trioblóid ar an mbealach, Sibi.

"I don' mind roughing up some pirates," the Scott remarked, smirking.
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY

Re: BANGARANG! [open/border skirmish] - Kydobi - 05-20-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

The Rosebloods was out of the question. The jaguar was mentally preparing himself to present an argument as of why the Typhoon was ideal. However Jervis would show up. Kydobi's jaw hung open mid word. He hadn't seen the fox around recently.

The clan had been allowed to run free. Hmph. The jaguar flicked his ear.

"Yes. I would say the Typhoon would be best.", but he looked at Jervis, weren't they technically allies? Or was he misinformed? Either way this certainly would be counterproductive from their overall plan.

"But nothing major Fourthwall. We don't want another war. No deaths. No kidnaps." Besides the Pitt, the Typhoon was another unliked group. So who would really care?


Re: BANGARANG! [open/border skirmish] - Jervis - 05-20-2019

As Embry approached, Jervis just acknowledged them with a curt nod. The fellow vulpine hadn't thrown up any red flags and remained interested in joining their skirmish. "As long as The Typhoon doesn't know it's your doing or by my order, then you're free to go," he concluded. "I, of course, will just say you're rogue Pittians with your own agenda." Truly, he was disappointed that he could not go. Seeing that he was the one to suggest the target, he should of but as of right now, he could not risk their facade of an alliance. "If they say anything, I'll 'punish' you on their behalf," came his thick sarcasm. That said though, his attention turned towards Kydobi and Fourthwall. Their input would surely help.
more like tags - penned by orion narcissism

Re: BANGARANG! [open/border skirmish] - Crackers - 05-20-2019


Red-wine eyes would shift to land on a sudden voice speaking up, gaze shifting and narrowing on the figure making their way over. It was a fox, but not the cute floofball he'd met the other day. He'd spoken with more authority than Fourth was really fond of, and he had to stop a frown from settling on his lips. The hellhound had never met his clans Leader before- hell, he hadn't met a single high position since he'd joined- so it was understandable that he wasn't used to someone just barking out commands.

A fourth would join them then, another fox who seemed eager to join in on their patrol as well. As Kydobi and Jervis spoke again Fourth would let a brow slide upward in curiosity. "Why, are we pretending to play nice with the Typhoon or something?" he's ask, figuring he had a right to know what the current clan politics were if he was going to be the one acting as scapegoat. Besides, he'd joined the group because they boasted being about warfare and vengeance- if they made allies of the other three groups he'd have nobody to mess with, and where the hell was the fun in that? "I won't make any kills or captures, but I don't think we have much to fear from the other groups. Their activity levels are as stagnant as our own with Elysium seeming the most active. Even if the Typhoon does try to retaliate they'd have to dual raid us to do any real damage. And the more active and aggressive we are the more attention we'll draw to ourselves- and like they say, 'no advertising is bad advertising'. We might be able to draw more members in if they see we have the mean streak their looking for."

Fourth wasn't a total idiot. He liked to fight and was quick to prove his point with violence, sure, but had a fighters mind and had done a bit of recon before just deciding to go ahead with this. After all, it would be pretty stupid to lead a patrol against a group that tripled them in size. Yet, from what he'd seen of the other groups there were only a handful of memers in each that were active, and if that was the case then they were on an even playing field with the others. It was for that reason alone that Fourth hadn't cared which group they went after, because in his eyes they had just as good odds with one as they did another.
