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HATE ME && o, return to activity - Printable Version

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HATE ME && o, return to activity - tristitia - 04-27-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: palatino; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]VENTA
Venta had been sick for a long, long time. Something in her gut whirred, told her not to step out into the public, so that's exactly what she did do. Now, she was feeling much better. There had no longer been an ache seeping into her bones, no headaches, no more sniffling nose, and honestly, for sure, no more irritable Venta.

The lion cub had been staring with huge sapphire eyes at the stars, as she hopped down, laying to watch them. It reminded her of something, but she didn't know what, so she would continue staring at the distant worlds.

//So I was on mobile for the past 3-4 weeks which made posting difficult but I am back!
✯ — and the stars, they will shine in your eyes. — ✯

Re: HATE ME && o, return to activity - Margaery - 04-27-2018

Margaery had been in a strange mood since her most recent encounter with Lup. Equal parts relieved and worried, she had no idea how to proceed with the information that the newcomer had given her. Her daughter's had gained notoriety for being killers and had even earned the nickname 'the Lilies'. Did her lack of presence contribute to their decision to steal the lives of others? Or had there been something beneath the surface that perhaps she'd never understand?

Torn, the chocolate point carried with her a perpetually distressed look- her metaphorical brow furrowed and her lips turned down in a frown. She sought out anything and everything that could distract her from her both accusatory and curious thoughts and, upon seeing a lion cub, grew excited at the potential for a conversation that would drag her away from the personal hell she had created. Padding towards Venta, Margaery angled her ears forward and took a seat, knowing with full certainty that they had not met yet.

[color=black]"Hello little one, I don't think we've met- my name is Margaret."

Re: HATE ME && o, return to activity - Suiteheart - 04-27-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][eyes emoji
i love kh]

Much like Margaery, the last few days had been odd for Suiteheart. She was continuously having these odd, recurring dreams. She couldn't make heads or tails of it, but the dreams only ever left her with the feeling of being trapped. It scared her, and for good reason - but she would not come to find anything out for a while yet.

However, she was trying to make the best of it. She was constantly patrolling and helping out those in need. She'd seen to restocking the herb supply. She'd even been searching for musical instruments so she might be able to teach others again. But all these things were just her attempt at getting her mind off of bad thoughts.

She was stalling.

And maybe that was okay.

Baby blue eyes watched the little lion cub, closely. Being the mother that she was, Suiteheart decided to keep an eye out for her. And then along came Margaery, and Suite knew her wife now faux-girlfriend would do the same.

"Who's this, Margy?" the observer inquired, casting a smile towards Venta as she padded over.

Re: HATE ME && o, return to activity - ★ HAZEL - 04-28-2018

Hazel’s days were generally strange on principle; varying between mood swings, nightmares, new surroundings, and constantly wondering where the hell Arion was and if he was currently endangering anyone’s life, she was almost always tired when the sun fell beneath the horizon.

Which...horribly contradicted what she was currently doing, even if she was doing it with a yawn. Hazel had spent the entire day picking up around her room. She only knew one pathway in and out of the Observatory, and therefore, it was the only route she had taken all day. After she had finished pushing things around and shoving things into corners in her room, Hazel had wandered outside for a breath of fresh air and to make sure Arion hadn’t smushed anyone’s skull. Only...upon her step outside, it was dark.

Hundreds of constellations painted the sky with flecks of ice so brilliantly white they shone. Frustratingly, if she tried to concentrate on one, it would dim considerably.

Ready to turn back inside and find a blanket to burrow under for the night ahead, Hazel caught sight of a few dark shapes moving a little ways away. And suddenly, sleeping in an unfamiliar place was more daunting than the concept of talking to someone she barely knew. Hazel was sure they wouldn’t mind if she joined them....right? Hopefully? She wondered if The Ascendants had a “don’t speak unless spoken to” policy. Mother did.

Meandering over, the young girl took a seat near the others, curling her tail tight around her paws and glancing once more at the sky before turning to the one unfamiliar face. She offered her a small grin of greeting, eyes flickering up to Margy and Suite for a moment. It was nice to know there were two remotely familiar figures here - she wouldn’t be totally out of her league.

“Hello Miss Margaret - ” and again with the formalities, “ - and Suiteheart.” Hazel spoke a bit shyly, hoping she had remembered their names correctly. Turning an owlish gaze to Venta, she took in the size of the cub, swallowed against her bubbling anxiety, and smiled again. “Hi. I’m Hazel. Are you stargazing?” She asked, ever the curious soul. Mother said it was rude to be nosy, and for that Hazel felt a pinprick of fear start up, but sat on it as quickly as possible.
— Hazel — "speech" — six months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers

Re: HATE ME && o, return to activity - BASTILLEPAW - 04-29-2018

the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="background-color: #dedfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Pros: Margy and Suite were here; he didn't really mind Venta either way; it was dark out and Bast wasn't going to be doing any sleeping anyway. Cons: Hazel was there; joining them forced social interaction; he had a raging fucking headache that was actively trying to kill him. Decisions, decisions. With a sigh, Bastille eventually gave in and made to join the others, his ice blue stare lingering briefly on Hazel as he noted her slight tension and the strangely formal speech that she seemed to default to when nervous. (Not that he'd noticed.)

Don't spook her. Don't spook her. Bastille was probably just going to immediately leave if he managed to spook the new girl yet again, and he offered an idle, "Yo. Venta, right?" He directed the second portion towards the cub, remembering her rather... awkward joining. Bast decided not to bring it up, and glanced towards Hazel as she mentioned the stars. After a quick glance up, he identified a few quick constellations but only offered a shrug, as if to say they were stargazing if she wanted them to be stargazing.