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Polished doubt . Joining - Printable Version

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Polished doubt . Joining - ARGUS - 05-16-2019

Argus is a wolf, and while wolves have never been natural to the jungle, the jungle has always been natural to them. Their very beginning started in the desert. Their first life was spent there, their first battles. Argus was born of blood and sand, learned how to battle, kill, torture. But that clan was long gone, Argus' home is gone. They didn't need their clan, they needed something familiar, something to return to.

It was instinctual, to return home - lick their wounds. No place had ever truly felt like home as much as they attempted to remake the feeling. They would return to their home. Where the struggles were common enough - seconded nature.  It was the first battle they lost in a while, and the scars are still fresh under their pelt. One wing tucked to their side, the other dragged behind her, bone broken but healing. Stiff with jolts of pain shooting down their spine - they probably would have to re break it. Healed wrong, twisted - like them.

Argus has never denied their instincts before, but just this once she felt hesitance in executing it. Returning to a place that unmade them was just asking for it again. For bad habits to relapse and for Argus to revert. They have gone through so much, struggled for so long, this life - long and dragged out but they were tired, there was nothing waiting for them on the other side. So they returned home, a home their mind no longer quite remembers but their instincts settle at the familiar sting of the sand on their hardened padded feet. Warmth, for the first time in a long time, Argus felt warm.

White stood out among the shade of the jungle. Fur matted in a black, tar like substance that dribbled from between their teeth. One large wing stretched backwards, crooked and dragged through the undergrowth, the other tightly wound at the side. Red eyes peer out into the dunes if a home away from home. Gaze distant, nostalgic.

Re: Polished doubt . Joining - Kydobi - 05-16-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

This time he would not be tucked away spying from the trees. Today he had decided to take a stop by the disgusting river, he would sniff the rancid water and pull away. His particularly sharp eyesight and sense of hearing would pick up on a white figure in the distance. He watched her. Inhaling her scent.

He would walk up and dip his head, "Oh my, are you- do you need assistance?" The Pitt had no need for the weak. But Kydobi knew that limp and raggled wing was certainly hurting her. It looked so painful that he imagined in himself.

"I can't help in healing but... let me see if [member=483]EMBRY[/member] shows up."


Re: Polished doubt . Joining - SÉAMUS - 05-16-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
There's a coldness to his eyes.  Sharp as a shard of ice.  The swift fox struggles, for a moment, to resist the urge of snapping at this wolf for he knows her.  He knows her.  He remembers.  Not a wolf but a dragon, vicious.  He remembers Keona, tiny and broken.  That's not you right now.  You're Embry.  The vulpine instead frowns, trotting forward with a furrowed brow.

"I do not have herbs on me righ' 'ere and now," the Scottsman explained, "ye can come with me, or I can try bringin' what I need 'ere, an' Kydobi can stay with ye." The latter would probably be best; Embry knew they were not letting just anyone in.
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY

Re: Polished doubt . Joining - ARGUS - 05-16-2019

" a second pair of claws would be lovely thank you. " The wolf murmurs, red eyes fixated on the pittian as he approaches. Argus relaxes in the other's presence, a clear sign of life from the otherwise stiffness of their back. Pain dances across their spine when they move, the rigid vigil shifting to a slow disregard of the threat the other could possess. The wolf only exhales as another joins them, a pair forming into a group- a quick survey of the area does nothing to alleviate the bone set weariness. Something bitter spreads through the wolves eyes at the medic- embry's voice. Something fimilaur that they push aside to focus on the present for.

" I need to re break it, and it's hard to do it in the right spot to myself. " Argus is weary around medics in general, but that could also be just the one time she was poisoned by one intentionally. They are weary to trust strangers too, instinct is a tricky thing, argus wants to retreat into a tree and howl and heal- but they are right. It's nearly impossible to break it again precisely where it healed wrong. Argus can deal with the pain but being grounded is proving difficult. They miss the sky, a home away from home. "[b] I don't really need any herbs, i won't take from ya when i can heal fine on my own. Got downed by a loner lookin' for a scrap not long ago, name's Argus, or Gus for short.[b]"

Re: Polished doubt . Joining - Kydobi - 05-18-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Agh. That sounded terrible. She spoke of breaking and mending. The rather stoic male had to keep himself from visualizing that scene so he would wince.

Well, he looked at Embry. Dipping his head in acknowledgement.

"It's alright ma'am. We can spare the herbs.", lord knew the jungle had more resources than they knew what to with. The plush and providing landscape almost gave him a sense of impending doom. That something terrible would occur and they would be in the same situation as the Rosebloods.

When she gave backstory Kydobi's eyes flashed to the wing, "What a fight that must've been. I'm sure Embry will have no issue assisting you in that area. I would myself but I am far from a healer and would most likely set it wrong."

He cleared his throat, "I am Kydobi. Did you come here for help or did you have more to discuss?"

Re: Polished doubt . Joining - ARGUS - 05-19-2019

If Gus was surprised by the polite manner of being addressed, they didn't show it. The Pitt was a place they have kept aware of- a place they had raided against not too long ago. Argus' hold ups for clan borders and politics was never a concern for them- never truly a bother. Either Argus was unrecognizable in this form or they just didn't care. They were still weary about the herbs, Argus knew medicine, field herbs and the like too- but that didn't stop the instinctual refusal from the tip of their tongue. "No - I... hmm." It died as quickly as it started on their lips. Red eyes flickering between the two.

They couldn't afford a shrug, or any eccentric flippant gesture that they usually emulated with. The polight, if somber attitude peeved them, itched at their skin in a way they couldn't remedy. ( Not intimidated, unsettled. ) Gus never worked well for polite, and even if the other - Kydobi insisted on it, as long as he wasn't going to insist they do the same. " Don't mind me much then, I... I don't trust much- at all, really. Just hopein' to pass through but the desert drew me here."

That was the thing though, hmm? Argus wasn't planning to stay. Clan politics- border skirmishes and past alliances announced the Pitt as an enemy. Once, a long time ago- that meant something to Argus. They would've fought and killed anyone they spotted with the same scent, but argus has been alive a long time. They stopped caring about borders- about clan politics a long time ago. It's been a moon since their last visit to the Typhoon- a place they called their own no longer felt like home. Maybe it was time to move on, at least for a little while.

"Nothing of the sort, though if you could be of help with this-" through the pain, argus twitched their wing. Seven foot white appendage curled around the front of the great wolf, without a flicker of expression from them. " I don't mind staying here, and repaying the favor while I'm here"