Beasts of Beyond
NOWHERE TO RUN | VISITOR - Printable Version

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(Please keep in mind that due to Killua's air elementals, he does not have any scent attached to him, so no one will know he's from Elysium!)

A familiar sight. Well, he couldn't really say that it was all familiar. He had only ever been here one other time in his entire life. The only part of the territory that he could consider to be familiar would be the marsh itself and nothing else. If he had any say in it, the wildcat would immediately voice his opinion on how much he hated the marsh and how disgusting his ways. Killua was somewhat of a germaphobe in most regards as he never really liked getting himself all that dirty. He was an assassin, yes, but blood and guts didn't have the same effect on him like muck and mud did. Maybe it was because he grew up in a family that was drenched in more blood than anyone could ever really fathom. Killua prided himself a little bit in constantly keeping his fur as clean as possible. Any splotches or any grime that could attach to his fur could be a means of identifying him or attracting enemies if there was any sort of scent attached to him that he couldn't exactly get rid of. The assassin had no reason to try and let others know exactly where he was taking shelter, and this was exactly what he had done when he lived in Snowbound. Although he had recently learned that Snowbound basically didn't exist anymore and had been burned to the ground. Killua still didn't know if someone had deliberately burned down the territory, or if it had been an accident. Anyone that seemed capable of that knowledge wasn't in Elysium, and so he would have to look elsewhere for information. The thought of Snowbound being gone, left a strange feeling in his chest, that he couldn't identify. He had never felt this feeling before and had no idea at what it could actually mean for him. He couldn't think of that right now as he needed to check in with the groups that still existed around. He knew the names of all of them, but only three were familiar to him. He had no idea what the Rosebloods was or what they were about. He had met the leader, and the guy seemed to be interesting, but other than that they hadn't existed when he was the deputy of Snowbound either.

The last time he had visited Tanglewood, it hadn't been the most pleasant of experiences. Well, some of those that he met were certainly interesting and had nice conversations, but that was until he had met Beck. Everything about his visit had been going great until the Tanglewood leader ended up showing up and started asking him questions of why he was here and basically told him to get the hell out. Which, Killua immediately refused to do and would remain laying up in the tree that he had been in. Of course, the last thing that he had expected was for Beck to suddenly lunge at him, and press his lips to his own. He had never kissed anyone before, and despite the brief contact, it was nauseating. Beck had some sort of substance leaking out of him that wasn't normal, and nearly made him sick and almost made him vomit on site. Killua immediately became pissed off at Beck, and eventually decided to take his leave and move from there. Tanglewood wasn't really one of the places he had heard all that much about during his time in Snowbound. Snowbound never had any troubles with Tanglewood as far as he knew, and in fact, they had barely any interactions with the group. If anything, Snowbound was far too interested in the Typhoon, which Killua still had a distaste for, on personal reasons. The albino serval carefully made his way through the outskirts of the swamp, not having passed over the border yet. His white pelt against the green background made it obvious to see him from a good distance away. His movements made no sound thanks to his air elementals and no one could track him by scent either.

Killua's gaze was more directed downward so that he wouldn't end up slipping into the water below as he could only imagine how dirty he would end up getting. Around his throat and a small portion of his chest, curled an albino black mamba. He had decided to bring his animal companion along for the ride with him, as he had recently reunited with the reptile. The white scales blended in perfectly with his white fur, and all that really stood out when Kuro was close to him, was the snake's red eyes, indicating to everyone that the snake was indeed albino. After a couple of minutes, the serval would have enough walking around at ground level, and turn his attention to the trees above him. Crouching down, the assassin would leap 10ft into the air, not bothering to use his powers to leap even further, and landed on one of the branches of the tree. Once he steadied himself, Killua began to leap from branch to branch of the tree until he reached the border of Tanglewood. How much has changed since he was gone? Was Beck still around? God, he hoped not. Just the thought of seeing the feline again put a bad taste in his mouth. Killua wasn't here to start any trouble and simply wanted to have a casual conversation with someone. He opened his mouth and conjured up a lollipop that fell into his maw. There, the stark white male would remain sitting on the branch that he was on, wondering if anyone would come around to approach him. Killua did not announce his presence to Tanglewood, as he was curious to see how observant they were and if they were willing to look up, or if they had seen him approaching at some point. 
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19: