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Plot with Chem, Fourth, or Malakai? - Printable Version

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Plot with Chem, Fourth, or Malakai? - Crackers - 05-15-2019


Hi there! I'm kind of new here so I'm looking to get my boys active, if anyone is interested in plotting just let me know! I'll leave a bit of info about each one below, but you can also see my siggy for their bios if you want more info Smile

FOURTHWALL FALLOUT is a careless and impulsive guy whose known for being unpredictable and highly dangerous when it comes to strangers. That being said though, he's extremely social under the right circumstances and likes participating in things like raids, parties, general labor, and things like that. Blunt, possessive, playful, and rough around every edge, he's the kind of guy you either like or you don't. He's got a tendency to crush on cute/naïve guys and can be quite the clingy/demanding child if he's in the mood to be cuddled- which is more often than you'd think. He's a member of The Pitt, and has quite a sense of ambition when it comes to climbing the ranks.
Open To; taking an apprentice, romance (males only), enemies/rivals, capturing/maiming/killing your character, friendship, random fights

CHEMICAL WARFARE is the sort of guy whose always just looking to enjoy what he's got. Laid back, confident, sarcastic, and always up for a challenge. While he believes in the strong ruling the world and is both fearless and a lover of war, he isn't the sort of person that others would describe as totally evil. He doesn't believe in hurting kids or people who are to naive/innocent to fight back, and isn't the sort to hold grudges over things no matter how personal someone might intend things to be. He's like a grown up, kind of twisted peter pan, I suppose- always looking for adventure and excitement and wanting to run wild with his friends. He lives in the Typhoon and embraces the 'pirate' lifestyle.
Open To; taking an apprentice, romance (males only), enemies/rivals, capturing/maiming/killing your character, friendship, random fights, going on adventures, pillaging places (he's real piratey Wink )

MALAKAI DIMERA is a soldier in almost every way, and it's been this way for as long as he can remember, since he was nothing but an apprentice in the BHR, a little domestic cat. Malakai has always been too serious and restless, even in his youth where he was constantly tasking himself with things someone twice his age should normally be looking after. He has a tendency to be suspicious of strangers and hard to read, his icy blue eyes seeming cold and hard as steel at times. There's always a sense of formality and duty in everything he does, and while he can easily appear unfriendly and stiff toward strangers or enemies, those that come to know him well know that he's just very protective and driven when it comes to the things he cares about and believes in. Malakai has a strong sense of justice and little patience when it comes to people who do evil. With those he calls friends and family he is thoughtful, watchful, and reliable, always working hard to make sure his people are safe and happy. That being said though, he is one of the few who believe in sacrifice to acheive true change, and he can be violent and merciless when the circumstances call for it. He has no tolerance for evil things and is the leader of Greenside/Conquest.
Open To; taking an apprentice, romance (prefers males but open to females), enemies/rivals, friendship, adopting your character, making close friends, hunting your evil charrys, forcing your innocent characters to temporarily join his group (Greenside is a peaceful clan protected by a Militia whose goal is to assimilate the innocent and destroy the evil in the world, so if you have a  good charry that you want temporarily captured to see what it's like that can totally be arranged)


Re: Plot with Chem, Fourth, or Malakai? - Sorrel - 05-15-2019


Maybe a thread between Chem and Killua? Currently, Killua hates the Typhoon because of the things that they did in the past against Snowbound, where he was deputy at one point. If you want, if they ever met each other while he was an albino serval h could recognize him. Back on FF, Chem tortured Killua back when he was Gin, but Killua remembers none of that and won't remember Chem at all. Maybe they can just be chill pals?

Also! Maybe he can also have a thread with Malakai? Killua is an assassin and can be considered to be evil, despite that he isn't in that business anymore but he does kill people from time to time, not because he enjoys it or anything like that. If Malakai tries to talk about what his group is trying to do, Killua will definitely won't take him seriously as he doesn't believe that peace can be achieved in this world no mater how hard someone's tries.

Sorry I only have one character at the moment to plot with your amazing bois haha

Re: Plot with Chem, Fourth, or Malakai? - Janoobus - 05-15-2019

maybe a thread between Kydobi and Chem? As well as fourthwall?

Re: Plot with Chem, Fourth, or Malakai? - Crackers - 05-15-2019

I totally remember that Sorrell! And I'd be down for them being pals now, if Killua is able to get past Chem being a part of the Typhoon lol. I plan on having Chem really embrace the whole pirate lifestyle where he'll pillage other clans, go on adventures, wage wars, etc, but he's still going to maintain his social, charismatic streak. If the two meet on neutral grounds then I could see things going in a direction that leads them in more of a friendly direction if that's something you'd like to do with them Smile

As for Malakai, I think it would be really cool if we could get the roots of being potential enemies in early. I can see a first meeting leading to the two generally disliking each other with Killua shrugging the entire notion on, only for things to suddenly turn serious when members of Killuas clan start being captured as Inductees for Greenside. Maybe we could even do something where the two end up constantly trying to hunt each other down due to the level of threat they pose on one anothers way of living?

And Janoobus I definitely want to do some sort of development with Kydobi and Fourth. I know he can seem like a bit of an ass sometimes so we could always have them as rivals if that's something that would rub your boy the wrong way, but he's also really social and a hard worker, so if you wanted a more positive relationship I'd totally be down for that too because he needs some friends and partners in crime lol

And a thread between Chem and Kydobi would be great! Did you have anything specific in mind?

Can't wait to RP with you guys!

Re: Plot with Chem, Fourth, or Malakai? - Janoobus - 05-15-2019

nah, Kydobi is relatively chill af. He can usually handle most of the worst assholes. However, as of late he is becoming extremely more defensive of the Pitt (as in wary of strangers) and increasingly protective of Ramona (who is lowkey his adopted daughter)

as for Chem, maybe just an idle chat. Idk if you could call it racist but Ky is much more partial to fellow jaguars and he had only met one other melanistic one XD

Re: Plot with Chem, Fourth, or Malakai? - Sorrel - 05-15-2019

(05-15-2019, 09:31 PM)Crackers link Wrote: I totally remember that Sorrell! And I'd be down for them being pals now, if Killua is able to get past Chem being a part of the Typhoon lol. I plan on having Chem really embrace the whole pirate lifestyle where he'll pillage other clans, go on adventures, wage wars, etc, but he's still going to maintain his social, charismatic streak. If the two meet on neutral grounds then I could see things going in a direction that leads them in more of a friendly direction if that's something you'd like to do with them Smile

As for Malakai, I think it would be really cool if we could get the roots of being potential enemies in early. I can see a first meeting leading to the two generally disliking each other with Killua shrugging the entire notion on, only for things to suddenly turn serious when members of Killuas clan start being captured as Inductees for Greenside. Maybe we could even do something where the two end up constantly trying to hunt each other down due to the level of threat they pose on one anothers way of living?

And Janoobus I definitely want to do some sort of development with Kydobi and Fourth. I know he can seem like a bit of an ass sometimes so we could always have them as rivals if that's something that would rub your boy the wrong way, but he's also really social and a hard worker, so if you wanted a more positive relationship I'd totally be down for that too because he needs some friends and partners in crime lol

And a thread between Chem and Kydobi would be great! Did you have anything specific in mind?

Can't wait to RP with you guys!
Heck yeah! I love Chem and his personality. Killua could potentially get passed the Typhoon aspect once he realizes he Typhoon isn't like what it was when he was around, and everyone that he hated in that group are either dead or gone. At first, if he notices that he smells Typhoon, he'll be fairly standoffish. Meeting on neutral grounds definitely sounds like the best option for these two, and its common for Killua to literally go exploring everywhere haha.

Killua is always up for having enemies to deal with. Out of the four years I've had Killua, he has only ever lost one battle against another character, Tama in Blizzardclan, so he has a lot of fighting experience on his belt and hasn't really found anyone that could potentially go up against him in a fight and live to tell the tale. Oh man, if he starts going after those that live in Elysium, he will immediately hunt him down no questions asks, he won't care if he'll end up killing again. Sounds like a cat and mouse game that I would be happy to play because Killua gets frustrated when he doesn't have his way, like a spoiled child because that's what he is.

Who makes the threads? : D Chem's will be in the neutral grounds, and Mal's can either be in neutral grounds or near Elysium it don't mater to me!

Re: Plot with Chem, Fourth, or Malakai? - COSMIIX - 05-16-2019

Perhaps an interaction between Stark and Chem? Maybe they run into each other while exploring (whether it be Stark being at the Typhoons border or vice versa) and we could go on from there and maybe if there chemistry is good, their friendly banter can stem,into a form of romance?

Re: Plot with Chem, Fourth, or Malakai? - Crackers - 05-16-2019

Everything sounds great, guys!

[member=184]Sorrel[/member]  I can do the Malakai X Killua if you can do the Chem X Killua?

[member=4489]Janoobus[/member]  - I can make the Chem X Kydobi if you can do the Fourth X Kydobi?

[member=6]HELLBENT[/member]  - I can get a Chem/Stark thread up no problem Smile

Re: Plot with Chem, Fourth, or Malakai? - COSMIIX - 05-16-2019

Awesome! Can't wait uwu

Re: Plot with Chem, Fourth, or Malakai? - Sorrel - 05-16-2019

(05-16-2019, 02:38 PM)Crackers link Wrote: Everything sounds great, guys!

[member=184]Sorrel[/member]  I can do the Malakai X Killua if you can do the Chem X Killua?

[member=4489]Janoobus[/member]  - I can make the Chem X Kydobi if you can do the Fourth X Kydobi?

[member=6]HELLBENT[/member]  - I can get a Chem/Stark thread up no problem Smile

Can do buddy!