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Mozaik Role| joiner - Printable Version

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Mozaik Role| joiner - Sundayprayers - 05-15-2019

Truth be told what was a mastermind without his lanky?  It was like a child without their special toy, in virtual and literal sense of how Sunday's relationship could be described about his and Aug's relationship, it had practically skipped over the professional sense a long time ago.  To be considered a friend in regards to Augustin was a screaming insult in recollection to the past and everything that had transpired from it.

The lynx was almost certain that news about who he was had probably traveled all over the known groups. He was almost certain of a total ass kicking from the second he sat at the border, and truth be told his actions were could be described as invoked by jealousy.  Further into the terrain he traveled cautious as ever, but also damn regretting his life choices of trying to live a live of relative peace, no the past especially when it came with the Lingre family came with a heavy price, and it would haunt him for the end of time.

You see, death does not come to that specific family, since of course death has a personally relationship with the actual first generation of lineage.  But that never stopped death themselves from making others suffer the painful relapse of a death so terrible, and that was exactly what Sunday had the displeasure of going through, the more times Augustin went after one,  the more often he died.  No matter how many times Sunday begged the pigheaded idiot to stop, and it came to no avail.

Let's not talk about emotional standpoint that Sunday felt for the pigheaded idiot, and how much of a stinging insult it came to this, one would think to prevent Sunday from dying on endless repeat, Augustin would stop right? No, and no, and furthermore no.  Augustin by default is a complete and utter shithead, not to mention thickheaded as well, even third times a charm isn't going to cover this up.

Now he sat at the border just already coming to terms with this nightmare, he knew his death once more was just approaching in a slow as hemlock poisoning.  Once it reaches the heart it was over.

Re: Mozaik Role| joiner - teef - 05-15-2019

a curious youth watched sunday from afar, the youth's ear flicked back before plodding forward cautiously, "this is the pitt, sir. why are you here?", the youngest lingre would ask.

Re: Mozaik Role| joiner - Kydobi - 05-15-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Believe it or not, he had been keeping an eye on Ramona. He had noticed a sudden income of recruits and decided that not all were good hearted and could easily overpower the young child. So he would watch in the shadows, silently and with interest.

He was close enough to burst and interrupt any trouble should it occur. Plus he also wanted to see how she would fair 'alone'.

Re: Mozaik Role| joiner - SÉAMUS - 05-15-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
The cross fox made a point of observing newcomers, curious to the way the Pitt dealt with them.  When the vulpine noticed Kydobi sticking to the shadows, Embry decided to follow his lead.  Flicking an ear, he settled in the darkness of the trees, silently watching.  He supposed the jaguar was trying to see how Ramona would interact with this stranger.

He was semi-curious as well, though he cared less for the child.
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY

Re: Mozaik Role| joiner - Sundayprayers - 05-15-2019

  Damn this. Damn this to hell, why was he here? What kind of logical explanation can be explained for this. Augustin needed him, and he knew he would die if he lingered here for any moment longer.

It was a given fact, the lynx sighed at the question and took his time pondering on the answer.  "Believe me i don't want to be here.  I know the cost of been here would end in me drowning in my own blood, again. I'm looking for someone." the lynx spoke words heavy as if drowned in lead and soaked in blood.

Re: Mozaik Role| joiner - teef - 05-15-2019

she didn't like the sound of this man, especially his talk of blood and dying. "sir, who are you looking for? and do tell me your name, please. I'm ram.", she announced herself, standing on a chosen overturned boulder, watching him intently.

Re: Mozaik Role| joiner - Sundayprayers - 05-15-2019

    Sunday raises an metaphorical eyebrow at the young girl, and almost smiled. At least someone has a sense of concern, he could guess which family she belongs to. He really hoped not, but who was he to say anything. A thickheaded brute, goes by the name of Augustin." he spoke truthfully. He knew not of any nickname the mountain lion went by so there was one thing that he knew was true.

After all, his time was numbered and he might as well make the best of it no? Just talking too effort, and his voice was scratchy, in dire need of a cough. Despite it sounding disgustingly wet not from sinus infection more worse than the common flu.

Re: Mozaik Role| joiner - teef - 05-15-2019

hmm, if the brute he spoke of had shown up, maybe she hadnt seen him yet. maybe kydobi or embry had, she could sense them both somewhere behind her, "what's he look like?", she asks softly.

Re: Mozaik Role| joiner - Kydobi - 05-15-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: I'm unsure if this took place before or after Augustin's arrival]

He was beginning to strongly dislike this now. The man had an off air about him. The way he spoke of this other being. It made the fur on Ky's neck stand up and tingle. He gave a glance to Embry. But the man did not seem like he would harm her.

Still he stayed ready in case this all went awry.

Re: Mozaik Role| joiner - Sundayprayers - 05-15-2019

  ( I am going to say before?)

" Something big. Your guess is a as good as mine. He always went for the next biggest thing, the absolute buffoon." Sunday sighed with a slight heave of the chest, and he glanced over at the jaguar and could read his unease has clear has day.  Of course he carried an off air around him, he was marked with death, a terrible death, and he was just getting the symptoms of it.  In this his time if he was human, he would have clearly thought he had consumption, of which was not this.  This time he wondered how long he had left before he succumbed to it, and hearsay it wasn't long.

As for harming children, he wasn't Augustin.  Sunday had morals, although his actions were emotion based and not on the premise of revenge, he was not cruel.  There was a massive difference between him, and Augustin.  One had remorse and the other was did not.  But he was the ever faithful lanky which just brought even trouble onto him, fate knew how many times he had to apologize and cover up for Augustin's mistakes, far to many to count and to record. The brute had a nasty temper and reacted like a child who had their favorite toy taken away. 