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IT'LL ALL FIX ITSELF | SNAKE - Printable Version

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Killua stuck to familiarity like a lifeline. It was one of the few factors that were actually keeping him sane after being reduced to ground zero again. The situation almost seemed to be like clockwork compared to last time where he was forced to leave the group that he felt like started to become home. All because of his family. He was having enough of it, and had begun training extensively by himself and away from Elysium. The last thing he needed was for someone to come across him while he was training and remember some of the powers he had. Killua had plenty of enemies in this world, and some of them weren't even in the clans that lived in the surrounding area. With a family as famous as his, he knew that he had a bounty on his head that would never go away. Not like he cared, anyone that tried to kill him usually ended up dead as they underestimated a kid like himself. It was a common occurrence, but he liked to keep a low profile as long as he could as it made his job and life a little bit easier in that regard. He missed those that he could have casual conversations with. He missed laughing and messing with Mel occasionally. He missed sitting down in the middle of the night with London to simply drink hot chocolate and talk the night away. His family had taken all of that from him. Again. He couldn't let it happen a third time. He needed to stop being a coward and grow up in order to face his brother, one that easily outclassed him when it came to fighting. The assassin needed to be careful that no one else got caught in the crossfire. Either way, his thoughts seemed to be filled with thoughts of what it was like several months ago. How it had been better then than it was now. He had Stark, and that helped alleviate some of the strange pain that he felt in his chest whenever his thoughts would think of his friend and acquaintances. He enjoyed the observatory, as it reminded him of London when she would look at the stars in Snowbound. He had never really been interested in the stars, but being a place that he had explored once before was reassuring that everything might turn back to how it had been before.

It was during the evening that the assassin had made his way into the main observatory room, taking in the massive telescope. He knew the observatory had a generator to it that allowed the lights to turn on and for the telescope to work. From what he could tell, the generator wasn't really on and probably couldn't turn out without being jump started. He wasn't going to waste his energy in a task such as this. His paws kicked up dust across the concrete floor as he walked. A heavy sigh escaped his jaws as a tired and exhausted look spread across his facial features. He hadn't been sleeping, afraid to have a night terror again and to have his brother take control of his mind like before. Finally, Killua came to sit at the steps of the Observatory that once held meetings and important announcements at some point. He could imagine how bustling this place had been, but now it laid empty. Killua glanced upward at the ceiling of the structure before a sound caught his attention. Turning his head, he saw something white moving near the entrance of the observatory. Killua didn't move from his spot and instead squinted his eyes until he recognized the animal a little bit. A small grin spread across his features as he got up from his sitting position and moved toward the animal that was heading toward him, most likely for warmth. As soon as he got near the long animal, the reptile immediately began to crawl up his arm and wrap itself around his neck a small portion of his chest. He was bigger now, meaning that the animal would have more room to grip onto him. His blue eyes met the red eyes of an albino black mamba, and Killua sat himself down. He raised one of his paws and began to rub the top of the reptiles head as the snake began to seep as much body heat from him as much as possible. The snake had lived with him while he was in Snowbound, and was somewhat used to cold climates. "Took you long enough to find me Kuro." Killua teased, although the ton of his voice almost seemed to fall flat. Killua would lean himself up against one of the walls of the observatory and simply sit there, thinking to himself. He was glad that Kuro was alive. He knew the snake was and it was one of the many reasons why he had returned to the area.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19:

Re: IT'LL ALL FIX ITSELF | SNAKE - Warringkingdoms - 05-18-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]The only snakes she had any experience with were those of the supernatural kind, and she had no desire to repeat those particular experiences. They were the memory-robbing type, striking at the drop of a hat, regardless of who disturbed them. Even the sweetest of heart and strongest of will were not spared. Still, regular snakes probably did not share those traits or that level of power. They were, like all creatures, a blank slate upon which a soul wrote themselves.

  Rin hadn't expected to find anyone when going into the observatory that day. Well, maybe that wasn't entirely true; she was preparing a battleground. If she was to be attacked by Venus today, she ought to be ready, while also being far away from potential bystanders. She wasn't sure what the deity might try, and she couldn't risk anyone else getting hurt.

  However, the observatory was not empty, being occupied by Killua and- a snake, curling around his frame. Rin tensed up in preparation for a fight, but watching Killua pet the snake's head, she relaxed slightly. This was his pet? She had known a couple individuals with pet birds, even one with a pet butterfly, but none with a pet snake. Unconventional though it may have been, a companion with venomous fangs would be incredibly useful in combat.

  "What's his name?" she asked, twitching her ears. She might have asked where he'd found the snake, but she suspected it was probably in his former home of Snowbound. From her experience, it was best not to detour the conversation in that direction, unless he steered it there himself.


[glow=#000,1,400]I'M THE ONE AT THE SAIL, I'M THE MASTER OF MY SEA !。+゚.[/glow]
Pets were always a weird concept for Stark especially since he had been one in his past life before coming to the clans, he never mentioned this thus never revealing his stance on the whole pet thing. Owning a lesser animal with less speech and a bit more primitive than themselves despite being an animal. It was odd to say the least yet again he never dwelled on these sort of thoughts for long, he took a deep breath flicking his ears back and trying to think a little more clearly these days. The species of snake didn't exactly make the Alaskan Malamute feel at ease yet he was certain if it had been a threat to him, Killua, or anyone else then the several could easily get rid of the serpent. His ears twitched lightly with a faint smirk on his maw. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: IT'LL ALL FIX ITSELF | SNAKE - beatae - 05-29-2019

lilja couldnt recall any pets of her own. they never really... interested her? she was more for companionship and a solid symbiotic relationship rather than an owner/pet dynamic. especially in her position where she would definitely outlive most if not all potential pets. lilja would rather have friends and family. or even her plants. those could live for hundreds of years, just as she could.

seeing the mamba wrap itself around killua was a slight bit concerning. animals were animals. who's to say it wouldn't turn its back on the assassin in turn for a meal? lilja didn't know of killua's skills or past, so she could not make the same assumption as stark in terms of killua assessing the danger his mamba possessed. she could never imagine herself comfortable with a snake around her limbs and so close to her neck.

"what does it eat?" lilja piped up, wanting to avoid any accidental bites and lunges if it at least ate recently.



Killua had never treated Kuro like a pet necessarily. Instead, he treated the albino black mamba more similar to that of a friend. He didn't ask anything of the snake, and Kuro was basically allowed to do whatever it wanted while Killua wasn't around. The only reason why Kuro originally had been near Killua, was because the snake had been freezing in the snow and desperately needed food. Ever sense Killua had given the snake food, the reptile remained somewhat close to his side. There would be moments in time where Killua would go months without seeing the snake and already figured that the other was capable of taking care of himself and didn't really need help from him. The wildcat didn't baby the snake either and would let the snake slither off to go hunting for itself or whatever he felt like doing. He did have to make sure that the snake didn't accidentally bite someone while he wasn't looking, and that would probably lead to Kuro's death. He had no idea if the snake was capable of speech either, as the other had yet to utter a word to him since they met one another. Maybe he was capable of speech but did not see a reason to speak whatsoever and simply made movements and gestures with his head or muscles. Those that used to live in Snowbound with him would probably recognize the snake, but the only animal that had lived in Snowbound for a small amount of time that he knew was Stark, and the male had disappeared later on. He was certainly glad that his father figure was around now at least. The wildcat had no reason to fear any kind of snake, but if one were to attack him, he wouldn't hesitate to cut its head off. He did that once with an apprentice that lived in a clan where he was staying at the time, as the other had been afraid of the reptile. His metal claws made quick work of the snake's small bit of armor that they had.

Compared to when Killua first came across the full-grown albino black mamba, he had gained some weight and stood taller than he did when he was younger. This made it much easier for Kuro to curl himself around Killua without too many of his coils falling to the ground. The albino assassin wondered if the snake was hungry, but before he could conjure up any food for his companion, he heard movement that was coming toward him. His large ears immediately swiveled in the direction that he heard the steps coming from, immediately able to identify the individual as Rin, recognizing the movements in her pawsteps. He turned his sapphire blue gaze in the domestic cat's direction, and Kuro did the exact same thing, his red eyes looking at the feline carefully. He certainly didn't expect that question to be the first one that would be asked. Simply because he thought that they would ask where he got the snake or if it was dangerous. "His name is Kuro. I've known him for a while." The albino serval would answer calmly. After a second, another figure appeared, and it was his father figure. He wasn't sure if Stark had ever met the snake before, but he did know that he met his guard dog Mike a while back, which was probably a lot more intimidating for him to have an elephant size hellhound following him around. His sapphire blue eyes looked over Stark's condition like he usually did, checking up on him to make sure that he wasn't going to drop dead from not taking care of himself. The wildcat could easily read the canine's body language that he wasn't so sure about the snake.

Rolling his shoulders to adjust Kuro on him a little bit more, he would address the canine's concern. "He won't hurt you guys, as long as I tell him not to. He likes to stay warm, the only reason why he's wrapped around me right now. He also can't hurt me in any way." Killua stated calmly, hinting that the snake's venom would not have any effect on his body. Did he ever tell Stark he was immune to venoms and poisons? He wasn't sure if he remembered as it was such a long time ago. Lilja was the next to approach, and like the other two kept their distance and didn't trust the snake. Maybe if they had more knowledge of what he was capable of compared to the likes of Kuro, they would be keeping the distance away from him. Killua shrugged his shoulders in response to the question that the direwolf asked. "Rodents mostly. Like a snake, it doesn't really attack something that it won't be able to fit in its mouth unless provoked." Killua would explain why the larger animals wouldn't really have a reason to be afraid. A black mamba was most certainly not capable of devouring a wolf, a full grown malamute, or even a full grown domestic cat. A rabbit possibly, but he was fairly certain that they didn't have any rabbit members that weren't prey items. Speaking of food. Raising one of his paws, Killua would conjure up a dead mouse, one of decent size, and hold it directly in front of Kuro's face. It took a second, but the snake's red eyes were quickly able to locate the food, and it bent its neck, before making a quick strike to attack the food, missing Killua's paw in the process. As soon as the mouse was in its mouth, the albino black mamba coiled itself around the prey item and came to a rest on Killua's back where it could finish eating its small meal. Killua did not have an idea of how long the reptile had gone without eating, but from Kuro's appetite, it seemed like a while.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19: