Beasts of Beyond
this ship hasn't wrecked yet [joining - Printable Version

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this ship hasn't wrecked yet [joining - Crackers - 05-11-2019

Starting over wasn't always a bad thing. That was something Chem had been forced to learn the hard way. He wasn't the sort of guy to ignore the lessons life threw at him though, and since he could never truly be happy just roughing it out on his own, finding a new clan had been the most obvious solution to his problems. Sure, he could take care of himself well enough when it came right down to it. He was a trained soldier who'd served the most powerful of the anticlans back in his old nation. Finding food, shelter, and generally surviving wasn't beyond his means in any sense. The fact remained though that Chemical wasn't really interested in just surviving. He wanted to live, and he was never going to be able to happy if he had to be alone for the rest of his life. Chem was just way to social for that.

It was admittedly hard having to get to know an entire new place that was filled with entirely new clans, but Chem had done a fairly decent job of it. He was a talented fighter, yes, but moreso an even better strategist. Gathering information to exploit to his advantage came naturally to him, and since he was known to adapt to just about anything he didn't see why this should be any different. The clan he'd chosen was known as The Typhoon, an island and sea-faring group of pirates. To be honest he wasn't crazy about the idea of all the water- he'd come from the harsh deserts and jungles where water only came in the form of rain, and oasis, or the occasional waterfall.  Here though it spread out endlessly in all directions . The only land there was to see was the strip of earth beneath his feet. His paws were submerged up to the ankles as he made his way down the old railroad tracks with the isle of Paradis looming up before him. The vibrant green of the island was a welcome sight after the endless blue of the sky and ocean, and when his paws finally touched the shifting white sands of the beach he felt much better.

He could scent right away that there was a border here, where two huge slabs of stone rose up. On one were a number of bells and ribbons and on the other a hanging basket. He didn't have much curiosity toward either, and instead laid down and stretched out on the warm sand to wait for a patrol. Someone would no doubt be along soon, and he couldn't wait to see what kind of place this was first hand. If it was anything like the stories then he'd be happy with what he found.


Re: this ship hasn't wrecked yet [joining - deimos - 05-12-2019

The question that hit Deldrach's mind, had she heard the stories herself, would've been- What if it wasn't like the stories? Her mismatched eyes were narrowed gently, larger paws dragging against the ground lazily as she walked. The clink of her harness and sword touching her side announced her presence, considering she was wearing it loosely right at the moment. Her image presented something far off from a pirate- more like knight in no armor or gladiator, but neither she used to describe herself.

She used to be a queen. She used to rule. She fell from that throne not too long ago, not long after her child was murdered. Was she in a foreign land? No, she wasn't. Wherever her paws stepped, the former queen held some part of it to herself. The ground she stood on was hers, yet the area belonged to the Typhoon. So was she, technically, ever far from home?


[color=#A90000]"It is my hope you haven't been waiting long."
The words rumbled from the tawny pelted jaglioness, her silver and gold eyes watching the character who lay before the gates. Her ears twitched, and she sat herself, the grizzled jaglioness completely comfortable and unthreatened. Not like it quite mattered, anywho. "Who are you, and why are you here?" She was.. kind of bored with that statement. Next time she would have to spice it up a litt.e



Re: this ship hasn't wrecked yet [joining - idyllfields - 05-16-2019

stars did fall
idyllfields was becoming accustomed to being around so many creatures larger than themself. it was odd at first, feeling so small. they felt bad for poor keona; she was the smallest here! after some weeks though idyll was glad to have so many on their side. technically speaking, they would never have to go against these creatures. lucifer, goldenluxuries, raziel, they were all allies. imagining them as enemies on the other side was pretty.. terrifying.

had they been meeting chemical a couple weeks ago, they would have waited for the arrival of another crewmember before completely approaching. embarrassing... seeing as how their privateer was able to fearlessly approach beings ten times her size.

now, though, they felt more protected. hey came to chemical with a warm smile, halting beside deldrach. "welcome!"

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Re: this ship hasn't wrecked yet [joining - Crackers - 05-17-2019


Chem wasn't made to wait long, and soon there was a warrior-looking lioness and a coyote making their way toward him. They spoke in turn, asking him the usual stuff before the latter added a polite greeting. The jaguar would shoot them both a grin as he straightened up, his usual calm aura sporting a bit of livliness to it. "Hey! My name's Chemical Warfare, but you guys can just call me Chem if you want. I'm here to join the Typhoon." he'd reply, figuring that covered all the basics. With any luck they were still recruiting and he'd be allowed to join them in heading back to their camp. Turning back now would suck, not just because he'd sort of hated the open water surrounding him on the walk over, but because the tide was rising the the ankle deep trek he'd taken was quickly becoming knee-deep. At that rate he'd end up having to swim most of the way, and that wasn't too high up on his list of 'things to do today'.


Re: this ship hasn't wrecked yet [joining - Character Graveyard. - 05-20-2019

The last couple of days, Gilgamesh had been busy settling into his new home. About seventy-five percent of his home was covered in all of his treasures. The other twenty-five percent was mostly for his bed and food and water supplies. As for Enkidu, Gilgamesh didn't know what his companion was currently doing, so he decided to not question him. Instead, he patrolled the island, getting himself used to the territory.

A small group of three caught Gilgamesh's interest as he neared the railroad gate. Quickly, he recognized the tawny pelt of Deldrach's, but he did not recognize the other two, though he could smell that one of these strangers had been residing in the Typhoon for sometime. His large, gold square earrings brushed against his ears as he approached, sanguine eyes focusing on Chemical. "Very well, Chemical Warfare." He addressed the jaguar with an unamused tone and he continued. "Unless Goldenluxury sees an problem with it, I don't see an issue with you joining us."

Re: this ship hasn't wrecked yet [joining - Luciferr - 05-25-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart

an almost astonished tone of voice from the dragon shadow, spined ridges along his brows rising in surprise.

after all, it was a very rare thing indeed when a ghost from the seemingly long ago past walked back into the story of your own - and indeed, it had been a very long time since one Lucifer (once under the alias Vaako) had seen the Warfare jaguar, though he wasn't sure if the other would remember him.

"ah, Lucifer Grimm - welcome" in his surprise he'd almost forgotten to get the usual pleasantries out the way (just in case - and well to forgo any confusion) eyes glancing to Deldrach, Gilgamesh and Idyll with a nod to each, having almost forgot to greet his fellows in turn as well (even if you were an eldritch abomination currently in the guise of a dragon, you didn't forget manners)
