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rain [★] spring waltz - Printable Version

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rain [★] spring waltz - Tena M. - 05-11-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
The petite, sand-colored figure of the young Magna sat on the docks.  One might claim she spent an equal amount of time beside the coast and in the mountains, but they would be wrong.  Tena simply loved the water, though she would never dream of jumping in.  Swimming had been considered once or twice, but in the end she simply backed away from the edge, intimidated by the darkness of the depths below.  The lack of air.

The growing storm clouds had drawn her towards the coast.  She'd seen them from the mountains and without a second thought had made the descent.  She could taste rain in the air.  With her bright eyes gleaming intently, the Demdji found a place to sit, satisfied when the sky made true on its promise.

She watched, with a never-fading sense of awe, as the sky cried.  The water beyond the dock rippled.  Even as her fur slowly grew soaked, she sat.

She didn't want to go, so she sat, tilting her head upwards to watch.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: rain [★] spring waltz - Straw - 05-12-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]The sky was dripping rain, soft and cool in the face of the late-spring heat.

  Straw didn't mind rain at all, when she wasn't climbing. (When she was, that was a one-way ticket to a nasty fall and probably a broken limb.) The chill it set over the land was welcome, and unlike the bodies of water on the ground, it didn't encumber her movement at all. It was cleansing, after especially stressful days, to step outside and be showered with clean moisture.

  She noticed Tena sitting on the docks, soaking in the rain. She recalled Tena having said she enjoyed the rain- would never complain about rain, in fact. She also recalled, however, the time when Tena stood staring into the water despite not being able to swim (according to Lavi).

  Would Tena actually jump in? Straw doubted it, but nonetheless she approached the edge of the dock and sat a few yards away from Tena, watching the rippling surface of the water. There was no harm in being around just in case. She didn't have to interrupt Tena's musings, she just had to be nearby and alert.

Re: rain [★] spring waltz - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-12-2019

He didn't like the rain. Killua simply didn't enjoy being wet for lengths of time, and it also felt strange to have his thick fur sticking to the rest of his body. He would avoid it if he could, and besides, the rains often led to many questions. The assassin had numerous different scars that covered his body, scars that had only been given to him by his family and training he went through to become an assassin. The scars that spanned his body in some instances looked as if they could be lethal, and some of them could look as if they were made by tools instead of claws. He hated his scars, as it was a reminder that he couldn't really escape his past no matter how hard he tried. When his fur was dry, it didn't look like he had any scars that were across his body. He just looked like a fluffy white serval with blue eyes. It was only when his fur was pressed against his body, one could see the raised ridges of scars across his body. Someone his age certainly shouldn't have to deal with the numerous amount of scars that he had accumulated over his short lifetime. He remembered when Aizawa looked at him after saving him from falling into the frozen lake, and the guy didn't ask any questions. Killua knew the guy had seen his scars due to the water, and he immediately did his best to dry off to avoid questions. He hated questions about himself, as it would mean that he would have to lie to whoever was asking the questions.

So, he had managed to get caught up in the storm a little bit. He usually avoided the ocean as much as possible as he had no intention of going swimming, and would much rather bathe in the likes of a nearby stream or river if he did want to wash himself. For the couple minutes that he was out in the open, the wildcat was drenched, and an annoyed look spread across his facial features. However, he did manage to find a palm tree near the shore of the place and immediately ran to it. It only offered some protection from the rain, so Killua had conjured up a blanket to drape over him. This wouldn't stop the scars across his stomach, neck, and face to be hidden though. As any cat that didn't enjoy the water, his reaction as such. His sapphire blue gaze traveled to two familiar figures that weren't all that far away from him. Both were just standing out in the rain. Seriously? That was how one could get sick. "I don't get how you guys like this stuff." Killua would grumble loud enough for the rest of them to hear him. He could teleport away from such a place, but that would mean that he would be revealing his powers now that there were eyes around. He couldn't do that. Killua still didn't exactly trust those in this place and kept to himself for various reasons. He flicked one of his ears while he was underneath the blanket that was slowly starting to get soaked. Having never seen an umbrella before, he couldn't conjure one.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: rain [★] spring waltz - COSMIIX - 05-13-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]I'M THE ONE AT THE SAIL, I'M THE MASTER OF MY SEA !。+゚.[/glow]
Stark would have loved to be drenched by the rain except there was only one issue he had with that, he was scrawny under all the fur he had and he didn't think he would feel comfortable if someone saw his ribs prodding out. He didn't do too well in keeping out of the rain since there wasn't much shelter so, of course, the canine was drenched and his coat felt heavy against his muscled yet fragile form. He drew a soft breath seeing someone underneath a palm tree with a blanket wrapped around them and then another two over near the docks sitting in the rain. Huh, he would have joined them but he would have preferred not to get sick especially with his current condition. The Alaskan Malamute trotted towards the palm tree with ears pressed to the back of his head, he would have shook himself out but he didn't want to end up soaking the others towel, that's until he realized who was taking shelter underneath the blanket. It was Killua. He noticed the others scars but he didn't bother asking about them for it wasn't his business and he didn't want to make the apprentice feel discomfort, he would sit down taking a deep breath "Man, what a day for it to rain." He said in an amused tone, he felt vulnerable and a bit uncomfortable showing off his ribs like this especially since he didn't want anyone that he had known for a long while or someone he cared about dearly to see him in such a physical state. He was eating, of course, but sometimes he would find himself doing some activities that required most of his attention making him forget to eat when he needed too and well, his depression was another cause of it. Sometimes even really bad panicking or anxiety cause him to lose interest at the idea of eating to benefit himself. His eyes wandered over in the direction of Tena and Straw, his ears angled forward as he watched the two only for him to chuckle. They might catch a cold sitting under the rain like that. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]