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something wild -- mountain picnic (WT) - Printable Version

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something wild -- mountain picnic (WT) - Straw - 05-11-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Could she swim? Yes, on some level. Was she comfortable doing so? Not really. Kade was right that the younger members would need lessons, and Straw would have to get over herself about something sooner or later- swimming lessons would be a good start.

  This week, though, she'd decided to go with the picnic idea. Mountains were her natural element, of course, and she could figure out juices and snacks. Fruit was useful for both, and they had plenty of fruit in the greenhouse. After receiving the task, she had gone to the greenhouse, and inspected the thriving plants. Only the best-looking fruits were selected, of course; she was no fruit connoisseur, but the bunch of fruit she had picked was vibrantly-colored and firm, so it ought to taste good.

  She had divided some of the fruit into jars by their type, then crushed them up and blended them using a stick. Her paws would have been more efficient, but she didn't want her fur getting in the juice. Who wanted to drink someone else's fur? No one she knew, that was for sure.

  Once the fruit had been blended into a drinkable form, she then closed the jars and put them in a basket, then set the rest of the fruit (along with some prey animals and some bamboo) in a separate basket. If they were in the same basket, they might get crushed. The unfortunate flaw with that plan: she was neither dextrous enough nor strong enough to carry two baskets at once.

  Sitting outside the greenhouse, Straw glanced down at her two baskets. "Er... I need help," she called out as loudly as she could, which was not very loudly at all. "Carrying these, I mean. To the picnic."

Re: something wild -- mountain picnic (WT) - arcy - 05-12-2019

trying to hold the wind
It'd been a long time since Moomin had been to a picnic -- for obvious reasons. They weren't all that uncommon at home, and he'd gone on them with various friends pretty frequently. They'd all been pretty tight-nit .... Moomin's chest feels tight, but he ignores it.
"I can help! For sure!" With a habit of being at the right place at the right time, Moomin doesn't hesitate to trot over to offer his assistance. They were an awful lot smaller than the baskets his family used to carry around! Likely because of how much smaller the host was. Which was all the better for Moomin -- he wasn't all that strong, but he was very big, so a basket like that would be of no trouble to him. He'd even take both of them, but he's sure he'd struggle doing so. "'m not sure where it is, though," He tells Rin with a sheepish grin, basically just to say he'd be following her, before gently scooping up the basket handles between his teeth. He didn't keep up with whatever was going on all that much. He'd probably have to learn to pick up on information and events without help of his parents, honestly.
elysium - polar bear - 2 years

Re: something wild -- mountain picnic (WT) - COSMIIX - 05-13-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]I'M THE ONE AT THE SAIL, I'M THE MASTER OF MY SEA !。+゚.[/glow]
A picnic?

He had ever only had one once when his family had been a whole and the one whom he was engaged to had wanted to host a picnic with their own children though he was certain that his leaderly duties had kept him away. The first picnic he had ever had was with his sons and his daughters, his first batch of offspring. He had loved them so much maybe a bit more then the second batch but he only thought that since he hadn't really spent much time with said children and the whole breakup between him and his ex-fiancee would have made the whole situation itself to be awkward. He clearly appeared distracted although, upon hearing the call for assistance, did the canine walk over with a slight limp in his step. Despite this, he would have gladly taken the basket had it not been for Moomin taking it but he didn't protest as he spoke with a faint smirk "I could help with anything else if needed." He offered with a slight swish of his fluffy tail, his ears twitching briefly. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: something wild -- mountain picnic (WT) - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-13-2019

Killua really enjoyed food. It was one of the few things in this world that actually made him somewhat happy. It wasn't that he had any other hobbies to really think about, but if there was no one that considered themselves to be a cook in Elysium, then he was probably out of luck when it came to trying out new foods. If only Amorette was here, he was fairly certain that the female would have easily stockpiled pies for miles on end. His thoughts always seemed to travel back to those that he no longer had contact with. It gave him somewhat of a sorrowful feeling that wanted to suppress as much as possible but the feeling in the back of his head seemed to promote such emotions. Killua was lucky that he had yet to hear the voice in his mind since he had left Snowbound to lose track of his brother and the rest of his family before returning. Snowbound was gone and there was nothing left. It left an ache in his chest. He was confused at such a feeling, as he had never had that feeling before in his entire life until now. The confusion of such an emotion meant that he buried it as quick as possible and kept up on the facade that he was doing okay. He was doing a lot better than Stark was that was, to say the least, or maybe he was just pretending that he was a lot better than his father figure. Killua didn't have any wounds on him, while Stark did, so physically he was in better shape than the much larger canine. Either way, it was probably becoming public knowledge exactly how much the wildcat enjoyed candy and how he always seemed to eat the stuff. The assassin seemed to be addicted to the stuff, and if anyone tried to take candy away from him, they would have another thing coming if they thought they could get away with it.

There was some candy that Killua refused to touch, and it was candy that had been given to him by his mentor figure after his death. The creatures name was Circusclown, someone that he had known across two different clans and wished the man was still around right now to give him some form of a direction of where he should be heading now that he was back to square one. Well, he really wasn't. He had Stark. That was something, and it was a comfort that probably kept the assassin from completely going insane in a place that he didn't really know. He had been spending a lot more time in the observatory, alone with his thoughts, which would probably kill him one day. Anyway, the albino serval was all for trying different kinds of food that weren't some sort of prey animal. At this point, he didn't care if new foods were poisoned or not, as it would be something out of his regular routine. Maybe he should start conjuring up the pastries that Amorette had made when they lived together. No. He knew they wouldn't taste the same. A sigh escaped the serval's jaws as he exited the Observatory, and headed over the top of the mountain. Getting used to the new altitude wasn't all that much of a struggle, but he could feel the pressure in his chest and lungs whenever he did anything that required physical work. Couple more days and he would be in peak physical condition. His enhanced senses were almost always on when he was walking around Elysium territory, making sure that no one could sneak up on him or cause any trouble. He didn't care that everyone said they were here during peaceful times, that could change in an instant. It was almost ironic. He used to be the one that stirred trouble for other groups with his assassinations, and now he was trying to stop such chaos. Killua was able to catch a familiar voice, his large ears swiveled in the direction the voice came from. Straw. The young male was still interested in the red panda somewhat and had questions that he would eventually ask her.

Sounded like she needed help with something, so he began to make his way over. He could potentially help or simply arrive for his own entertainment. Killua was a little late to the party when he noticed both Stark and the polar bear he was fairly certain he didn't know the name standing near a greenhouse. A structure that he had never seen before. Curious about the building first, the albino serval walked to the edge of the building, his sapphire blue eyes looking over the structure in a critical and strategic manner. It looked like a regular greenhouse, seemed to neither be old or new either. After making sure to memorize aspects of the building, Killua made his way over toward the slowly growing group. A picnic? He's had a picnic before. Did him having hot chocolate with London count as a picnic if it was in the middle of the night? The thought made his fur fluff up at to what that could also imply. Killua came to stand next to Stark, leaving space between him and the canine, looking down at the two baskets that were there with various different items. He could smell some prey animals and some plants that were there. What caught his attention first though was the stuff that was in the jars, it looked like it could be mashed fruit but he wasn't entirely certain. Since the two larger animals had already offered their help, Killua didn't bother to voice that he could help as well. The albino serval sat himself down, raising a paw to conjure up a small rectangular box of chocolates, slicing open the top of it with his claws before throwing a piece into his mouth. After a couple of seconds of chewing, he would tilt his head to the side as he spoke. "What's in the jars?" Killua questioned, as he would most definitely attend the picnic. It was free food. What was there not to like?
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: something wild -- mountain picnic (WT) - Straw - 05-15-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]There were people coming over, and lots of them. (Three wasn't really that many, but when all the attention was on her exclusively, it felt like a lot.)

  Moomin was first to approach; he wasn't terribly intimidating, and in fact was pretty friendly. He was also quick to take both of the baskets, to which she shook her head. "I can take one," she said, twitching her ears. "Don't take both." Glancing up at the mountain, she added, "I'll lead us there."

  The next to come over were Stark and Killua, both of which were a good deal more imposing than Moomin. Still, that was just her nerves talking- neither of them were hostile in nature. Stark's offer to help was also met with a head shake from Straw. "I think that's it," she said.

  Looking over to Killua, who had conjured up a box of sweets for himself (she half wanted to ask how, but decided against it), she adjusted her mask with one paw and answered, "Juice." It was thick juice, but it was juice nonetheless. Hopefully they'd like it.

  "Follow me," she said quietly, turning towards the mountain trail and walking towards it. If Moomin released one of the baskets, she would take it, but if not, she'd just walk on.

  /rushy-not-exactly-refined post

Re: something wild -- mountain picnic (WT) - lavi s. - 05-15-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"][align=left]IF THE SKY COMES FALLING DOWN, FOR YOU
"Hey," the youth called, a fluffy tail waving behind him. There were so many new faces and Lavi honestly felt a little overwhelmed for once, suddenly uncertain how to proceed now.  The jedi knew Straw though, and he knew what picnics were.  He couldn't recall ever going to one though.  Leasa probably loved picnics.

Lavi smiled somewhat sheepishly as he caught up with the group, conscious he didn't know three of the individuals present.  "I'll follow too."

// Mobile

Re: something wild -- mountain picnic (WT) - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-15-2019

Being considered a threat was one of the main reasons as to why he had survived for this long. The assassin had to show those that came across him that he wasn't one to be messed with, and if any of them tried it would be their downfall. Killua wasn't sure how to feel about those that were scared of him nowadays. In the past, he would take great joy in seeing other's avoiding him simply out of fear because at the time he hadn't been trying to make friends and was only there to do his job. Nothing more nothing less. It meant that he was slowly going along the path that his family had set up for him, and at a young age, all he wanted to do was please his parents. Killua did everything that his parents asked of him when he was younger, as he didn't think that they would give him any wrong information. He trusted them. Trusting them had been the worst mistake in his life. Everything that they did to him, Killua believed all of it to be normal, and that every family was just like his own. It wasn't until he started taking a job that lead him to tribes and clans that he realized families seemed to act differently. Maybe they were the weird ones and families were supposed to physically hurt and torture one another. Now though, he wants to figure out how to make friends and be a normal serval in the world where beasts and magic are found. He knows that it's a tall order for him to think about, simply having a friend, especially since he didn't know if London was alive or dead at this point. The wildcat just wanted to have someone he could trust instead of constantly being on guard and stressed all the time. Even if his body was used to it, the stress he went through impacted his mental health more. Killua liked to throw his power around nonetheless, mocking those that he considered to be weak, and avoiding those that he believed to be stronger than him. Killua wasn't an idiot, and wouldn't bother starting a fight that he didn't believe that he could win. He had only ever lost one battle in his life, and that was against Tama, and he had underestimated her. Other than that, every raid, every mission, and exploration he went on with the clans, he had never failed in a fight. Hell, he had never even been seriously wounded by a clanner too. Because of this, Killua believed that he outclassed those that he came across, no matter how much bigger they were compared to him.

Killua could list a couple of names of those that he didn't want to fight, and would more than likely run away from them. His brother, Hisoka, and Argus. The first time he had met his mother figure was in the Typhoon, the wolf being in the only one to approach him. She immediately put him on edge when she said that she remembered him, while he had no clue who she even was. The voice of his brother had played in the back his mind after that statement, telling him to run away and that she was too much of a threat for him. He stood his ground for several seconds after that in order to try and gain some information from her. Only to run off back to Snowbound where he could catch his breath and no longer be terrified. Hisoka had been a threat as soon as he stepped foot into Snowbound. Killua wasn't sure what it was, but his instincts had told him to keep plenty of distance between him and kitsune. He disliked the guy, as the kitsune threatened anyone that got close to him, albeit it was in a passive-aggressive sort of tone. He made everyone uncomfortable. The way the mythical creature had carried himself made it obvious that he wasn't one to be messed with, and so Killua didn't. Illumi was a completely different story, as his older brother was extremely terrifying. He guessed that everyone in his family could be considered imposing or threatening. They were all assassins anymore and the best that there ever was. Some considered them to be the strongest family that existed. Killua still enjoyed seeing other's jump whenever he snuck up on them, as it meant that he never lost his touch. Having stealth on his side was a defense he couldn't afford to lose, as there could be an enemy around any corner he went past. The young male threw another piece of chocolate into the air before catching it with his mouth. He watched as Straw took charge of the situation, and he was fairly certain that the polar bear would have no trouble whatsoever carrying the stuff by himself. He watched the red panda like he did everything else, analytically. He raised a nonexistent eyebrow at the mention of what was actually in the jars.

Juice? He had never had juice before and didn't exactly know what it was. Although, he's had fruit before. The wildcat didn't seem to bother with any more questions, and instead flicked his left nicked ear in response to her answer. As the female got up and started to move wherever the picnic was going to be held, the albino serval got up onto his paws, his metal claws unsheathed for better grip to climb sections of the mountain. He would wait for everyone else to follow Straw, so that he could bring up the rear of the group, as he didn't exactly enjoy being in the middle of a mass of animals. His large ears turned at the sound of approaching movement coming toward them, and he turned to look at a new face. What surprised him even more, was the species of the animal. Andean Mountain cat. Having spent most of his life stuck in the mansion and forced to memorize the current living species of the world, he never expected that he would ever see one. The serval had actually completely forgotten that they even existed. The wildcat's eyes looked over the male, the cat just being slightly smaller than him at his current age. The mountains was probably a perfect environment for Lavi, as his species name suggested. Touching the box of chocolates that he conjured, they disappeared as he conjured them away. A neutral look was spread across the assassin's face as he spoke. "And who are you?" Killua questioned the other calmly. He didn't expect to know everyone in the group considering how small it was right now. Killua didn't bother to mention his own name and introduce himself, as he preferred to gather information out of someone else before giving any of his own information away. It was a force of habit really, a habit that was burned into his brain by his family.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: something wild -- mountain picnic (WT) - Tena M. - 05-16-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
Picnic.  Tena can't say she's been to a picnic.  The Demdji understood the concept, however.  As the petite feline spots the traveling group, she blinks.  Baskets and familiar faces.  Quickly, she bounds across the distance between them.  Immediately, she begins recounting everyone's names, her eyes locking on the fluffy mountain cat among them.  A smile flashes across her maw.

"Lavi!" Almost instantly she furrows her brow, wondering why she should be so excited to see his annoying face.  The young Jedi had been a clanmate in Snowbound, and at her side during some of her travels after, despite a lack of encouragement from her.  She huffs.  "Finally showing your face around our new folks."

"Don't think I've been to a picnic before so I'll tag along too."

"How is everyone?" Tena inquires as she fell into step, tail flicking.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: something wild -- mountain picnic (WT) - beatae - 05-29-2019

lilja's ears perked up when she scented quite a few elysites bumbling through the territory. curious, she approached them with the intention of investigating what was going on. she faintly heard the term 'picnic' and, telling from the food carried, assumed that was where everyone was headed.

well, she might as well come along.

"hello everyone! i'm doing very well, tena. i just began my own garden recently and i'm very proud of how its coming. i can't wait for everyone to see when is fully grown."


Re: something wild -- mountain picnic (WT) - Straw - 06-04-2019

  Ah, there was Lavi. She had... not necessarily missed him, that seemed a bit close considering that they were acquaintances, but she had noticed his absence and hoped on some level that he would show up again. So he had, apparently. Straw offered a nod in his direction, in greeting.

  Tena had never been to a picnic before- there were several things Straw had thought were universal that Tena had apparently never experienced. Hopefully she found this worthwhile. When Tena asked how she was, she gave only a shrug in response. She was alright, her mood was neither especially high nor especially low.

  Lilja arrived then, talking about a garden; Straw made a mental note to check it out later. "Ever gardened before?" she asked after a few moments, looking back at the wolf.