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making friends - Printable Version

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making friends - Honey - 05-11-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

She had only been in Elysium for about a month or so. But it was long enough for her body to take up the scent of the coast. She didn't mind it too much, however, it often got lonely.

She was too eager to meet strangers and this was dangerous but the child was oblivious to the issue. Yet today she was walking around looking for someone to talk to.

There hadn't been much children and Honey had grown up in a highly social pack. So naturally the canine would seek comfort from others or just idle chat.

Re: making friends - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-11-2019

Killua enjoyed Elysium. There were some aspects of the group that made him feel a little bit more comfortable with the familiarity of the place. Sure, the Ascendants technically didn't exist anymore, but the observatory did. He remembered arriving on the border of the Ascendants and asking about the observatory because he had never seen one before and didn't know how they worked. And in the process, he was given an invitation to explore the place, and his response was immediate as he ran toward the observatory. That still existed. Killua wasn't really a fan of the ocean part of the territory, as he didn't enjoy being in the water all that much, especially cold water. He remembered having to save Aizawa from a frozen lake when the lion had fallen in it, and he remembered the chilled feeling he had gotten from that moment in Snowbound. He didn't want to repeat that process, and if anything he kept to the forest areas of the territories. Killua had an obvious habit of sticking to the trees and sneaking up on those that weren't paying attention. The assassin knew how dangerous these places could be for those that weren't used to this kind of life. There could be an instance where an enemy could sneak into the camp and start attacking everyone when they least expected it. This was one of the many reasons why he kept his enhanced senses up, listening to anything that may be considered odd. Also, this allowed him to memorize the step patterns of those that lived in Elysium, as he much preferred this than trying to memorize scents. He took all the precautions so that he would be able to be prepared for anything. He hated being caught off guard or not in control, one of the reasons why he disliked being around his family because they were unpredictable. Killua knew of Honey, and he knew that if he was going to protect anyone it was going to be her.

He wasn't sure exactly how much older he was compared to the canine, but he didn't really care. He wondered if Amorette was like that when she was younger. Nah, she was probably a lot quieter and not as excited. He remembered a couple of faces from the previous clans that he had been in that reminded him of the energy that younger animals tended to have. Was he ever like that? Killua wasn't sure. His childhood had been complicated after all. Killua used his enhanced senses to keep track of those that lived in Elysium, which was probably against everyone's privacy but they didn't need to know. This way, he would be able to tell if someone was in any kind of trouble. The albino serval let a yawn pass across his jaws, not having slept since he arrived in Elysium, constantly on guard and not trusting anyone that lived here just yet. The albino serval was in a tree, laying on a branch not too far up off the ground. He wasn't really doing much other than listening to his surroundings. Taking a break from using his powers, he was able to hear pawsteps that were approaching him. Sadly, he hadn't been around long enough to know who's pawsteps they were, but they were light against the ground from what he could hear. Something small. Eventually, he caught sight of the form that was walking toward his tree a little bit. There was only one african wild dog that he knew of in Elysium as of now. His sapphire blue eyes tracked the female for a couple of moments as he adjusted himself on his branch so that his metal claws could get a better grip. "Yo. Walking around alone isn't exactly safe." Killua would speak up, curious to whether or not he would take her off guard. The albino serval wasn't the greatest when it came to conservations, but he was trying. Maybe one day he would be as good as London when she talked to other animals.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: making friends - Honey - 05-11-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

He was a little more than twice her age but the difference of mentalities and experiences was rather shocking. She was still a child and while she knew the serval wasn't an adult he certainly had a more mature air about him.

She jumped at the sound of his voice, not even aware she was not alone.

"Oh! Hi there Killua!", she would walk over to him and smile, looking up, "How've you been?"

Re: making friends - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-12-2019

Most groups were filled with adults, it was rare to see kits and actual children around Honey's age running around. He spoke from experience with the clans, as he had lost count for how many parentless children arrived on the border looking for a home. There were plenty of animals that were around his age that were considered to be apprentices. London had been a little bit older than him when he had arrived in Snowbound and when they became friends. The wildcat knew that if he ever saw her again now, she would be a lot taller than he was right now. She was a larger species than him, to begin with too. He hoped that she was okay. Despite being a child, Killua didn't have the mind like one. H was amazing when it came to strategy and battle, and he could take on some of the most experienced creatures in battle. He had an amazing track record with his assassinations back when he worked for his family. During that time h had only failed one assassination and it was against a certain clan leader named Tama. He had underestimated the serval, and thought that because of how trusting she was with everyone that would make her weak. Looked like h had been wrong. The assassin watched the females reaction to his presence, obviously seeing by her body language that he had caught her by slight surprise. Those that lived in Snowbound had almost got used to him suddenly sneaking around, but he figured that it would be a benefit to everyone to get used to it as it would mean that they would be less likely to be sneaked up on in the future if they were able to figure out when he was there or not. A small grin would pass across his lips as he got up on the branch that he was on before letting himself drop down to the ground below, the impact that h made emitting no sound. The african wild dog didn't seem at all concerned about what he had said moments ago, and it wouldn't surprise him if she had forgotten what he had said entirely. Killua raised one of his paws and waved as the canine approached him, before sitting down again. Once Honey was full grown, she would be a lot bigger than him. Although when he was full grown, he would be around the size of a full grown labrador. "Yo." The former Snowbound deputy would greet for a moment before answering her question. Killua would shrug his shoulders before speaking. "I've been alright I guess. What about you? Whatcha doin out here all alone?" Killua questioned as he raised a nonexistent eyebrow toward the female. It was dangerous for children to go wherever they wanted. Even if they were considered to be in peaceful times.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: making friends - COSMIIX - 05-13-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]I'M THE ONE AT THE SAIL, I'M THE MASTER OF MY SEA !。+゚.[/glow]
The only places that Stark let his own kids wander around was the city he used to live in and after two of his kids from two different mothers had gotten stuck in two different situations he was starting to think maybe it wasn't for the best to let a kid wander too freely in a large as fuck city. You'd think he would have learnt that when his son Rocky had gotten trapped. Surely, if he ever fathered another batch he would be a little more wary and strict about where they would wander off to. Hearing some familiar voices, the canine would turn in that direction seeing that it was Honey and Killua, he wasn't too acquainted with the child but she seemed nice enough. He'd take a seat nodding to the both of them "Hey, you two." He offered them a faint grin before his ears twitched as he added quickly with a small shrug "Hope I'm not interrupting anything, I just heard ya both and decided to walk over here."[glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: making friends - Honey - 05-14-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

"Oh, well...", she looked at her paws, "I was just bored. Not a lot of kids my age... And it is hard to make friends with adults. So I just walk around sometimes." The pup hoped she wouldn't be scolded if she did something wrong.

Then a bigger dog showed up and her tail wagged a little, softly sweeping the ground she sat on, "Oh no! You're okay!" she smiled, "It's always better with more people!"

Re: making friends - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-14-2019

Killua greatly enjoyed exploring territories. At this point, he had almost covered and memorized Elysium's territory, almost having a week to be able to do so without interruptions. There were a couple of territories that he did enjoy going to in the previous groups that he had visited over his lifetime. A group once had a territory that was located in the middle of a marsh. Killua hated it for the fact that he would end up getting covered in mud and wet at the same time. He would have to make sure that he placed his paws in the right place. But, the leader there at least had been interesting and one that had shared candy with him from time to time. He remembered the cat's name being Floralghost, and often wondered if the guy was still alive at all. Killua had no idea the other male's age when he had visited them a while ago, but he doubted the guy had simply died. The clan that he had resided in that area wasn't all that interesting, because at first, it had been a giant art museum that acted more like a mansion. The assassin didn't like the feel of the place as it reminded him a little bit too much of the mansion that he grew up it. He tried everything that he could to stay away from the main camp of the place and instead stay around the trees that surrounded the area. Ultimately, a massive underground cave in basically destroyed the entire building and they were forced to move. They moved to a cave that was near the edge of the open and was basically covered in tall grass and very few trees other than the trees at the edge of the territory. Killua was somewhat okay with this, the landscape was still kind of boring but at least they weren't in the building anymore and he could hide in the grass so that no one could find him. Another territory that he quite enjoyed was the group that Stark lead for a while. When Circusclown was the leader, the place just looked like a regular forest and he had never dwelled too deep into that version of the territory. After all, he was fairly certain that the leader wouldn't have wanted him too after seeing him two creatures not too far away from the border.

He knew that his mentor figure hadn't trusted him completely after that incident, and he couldn't really blame him for that. Then, that same group had moved to an abandoned city. As soon as Killua had heard that, he immediately paid the group a visit and began to explore the buildings and the abandoned cars that were left to rot. The expanse was amazing the landmarks were just a cool. Killua was luckier than Stark in that he never had a building crush him to death. He still remembered the time when Stark had actually been a tiger, but now was a dog. Similar to a regular child, he enjoyed discovering new things. Anything that he came across that he had never seen before, immediately took his interest. Thanks to his ears on a constant swivel, the two appendages moving independently from one another, he was able to hear movement that was nearing them. The wildcat was immediately able to identify who it was simply by the way that they walked. He attention turned toward Stark, not moving from his sitting position of where he was at. Every time that he came across the canine, Killua always seemed to take a moment to look the guy over as if to make sure that he wasn't dying. Killua would raise one of his paws again and wave toward the much older male. "Yo." Killua greeted, a small grin placing itself onto his face. It was always nice to have Stark around. At the mention of interrupting them, Killua shrugged his shoulders. "Not really. We're just talking at the moment." Killua stated calmly like he usually did with regular conversations. Once Honey started talking again, he looked back over toward the pup, a neutral look now on his face at her words. Killua could understand her actions. When he was bored, the assassin often times went off to other groups entirely to see what they were about. Whether they were enemies or not didn't matter to him.

This usually meant he found himself in a decent amount of trouble, but he could hold his own, and if he really need to teleport out of a bad situation. A small grin spread across his jaws looking at her, not meaning to be the hard ass that was laying down the rules. "Boredom is certainly painful to go through huh? It's okay, just make sure to keep on your guard so that you don't run into any strangers. Stranger danger and all that." The only reason why he was letting the pup off easy, was because of the fact that he would try his best to keep track of her with his enhanced senses without her really knowing. Some could consider it creepy, Killua simply considered it to be him being protective. He could only imagine what would happen to the pup if she came across one of his family thinking that they were nice people. Illumi wouldn't hesitate to kill a child, he had seen his older brother do it before his eyes. The atmosphere certainly seemed to be relaxed, and his gaze would travel between Stark and Honey. A second passed, before a mischevious grin spread across his facial features getting up onto his paws and padding closer to Honey. It was there that Killua would lean it and whisper in Honey's ear in almost a giggle. "A secret between you and me, Stark's actual name is Stork. I've known him for a long time now, and he enjoys being called his actual name." Killua would state with a chuckle, but made sure to keep his voice low enough that Stark wouldn't be able to hear him speak. After he said that, the wildcat would simply sit down, with a shit eating grin on his face, curious to see how Honey would react to his words and if she would start calling the canine by the nickname that he had actually made up for his father figure. Of course, Stark could just start calling him by the ridiculous nickname that he had created as well, but it would still be hilarious to get others to get along with it. Similar to how Ghost had called him by the stupid nickname as soon as they met.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19:

Re: making friends - Honey - 05-16-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

"Oh really?", she whispered. Quite happy to have a shared secret amongst each other. It made their friendship seem quite special.

"Hi Stork!" she would burst, tail wagging furiously as she hopped away from Killua and to the 'Stork'