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9-1-1 / Q&A + MEET & GREET - Printable Version

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9-1-1 / Q&A + MEET & GREET - COSMIIX - 05-11-2019

He was new here and frankly he knew no one in the clan aside from Killua, it was nice to have someone he considered his child to be here. He was a little more stable even if he was still a bit of a mess, he didn't even look like an Alaskan Malamute but rather some mutt that was picked up at the side of the road. He should probably at least try and make himself look decent for what he was going to do next. He began to bathe himself ridding the dirt from his long coat, using his claws and a brush that an NPC had given him, the canine would do his best in getting rid of the matted clumps of fur on his coat. It was taking quite a while for him to complete this task but he could feel his coat growing heavy as it pressed against his muscular frame though his ribs were visible. He was still quite malnourished but he was now hydrated so that was well, he felt a bit vulnerable though his thoughts strayed from this as he would dry himself off with a towel with his body shivering a bit. He released a soft breath. He eventually pulled out a dusty pair of sunglasses that he carefully cleaned with a cloth, he set them on the bridge of his muzzle adjusting the accessory so they didn't look completely stupid on him. Taking in a deep breath, the Malamute would let his fur dry since he didn't want to step into the cold still somewhat wet and he didn't want anyone in particular seeing how skinny he was. Eventually he stepped out from a home that an NPC was letting him stay within, Stark knew all too well that he would have to move out eventually to settle into his own place. He found a clearing slowly taking a seat and briefly looking down at his glowing reactor, he would glance up once more soon finding the words to say. A faint smirk on his face.

"Meet and greet with a soft twist, you can ask me questions too. I won't bite."

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #c96470; font-size: 12px;"]— STARK FERRO

Re: 9-1-1 / Q&A + MEET & GREET - Honey - 05-11-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

To his knowledge or not, Honey had been following the mixed canine wherever they may go. She wasn't really sure why, just some nonsensical thing that children often do.

He was looking better though, and the african wild dog was happy to see him doing better. She was hesitant to go and speak to him until now.

Clumsy as ever the pup bounded over to him. She was far from used to her body and it felt like every day her legs were getting longer and longer and longer and her paws were ever growing too big for her body. But she made do.

"Hiya Mister. I never got to really talk to you when you first came. I'm Honey in case you didn't hear me then!" she smiled as her tail wagged softly. Often she overwhelmed someone with her words and eagerness but today she tried to hold it back.

Re: 9-1-1 / Q&A + MEET & GREET - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-11-2019

Killua was highly observant with every interaction he had with other animals. It was basically burned into his brain by his family to constantly remain alert and notice every small hint and motion that others did. This usually gave him an edge in battle when he was about to watch someone attack him and the tensing of muscles would allow him to get an idea of how much time it would take for him to dodge their attack. He calculated almost all of the movements that he made, and watching others could probably be considered creepy. Not that anyone else really had to know. The wildcat kept all the things that he figured out to himself and never bother to tell anyone as it would probably give them a strange vibe if he did. Something was going on with Stark, and Killua wasn't exactly sure what it was. What had happened the last time he had seen the canine? There was something going through his father figure's head that was causing some form of distress. When he had wrapped the other in a hug when he first reunited with him, he noticed how thin Stark's body was. The guy had either had extreme difficulty trying to find any sort of food or that h had just decided not to eat. Killua had starved himself more times than he could count, and it had always been those that cared about him that would shove food in his face no questions asked. Especially Amorette, the female took no for an answer, and he had learned to just accept his sister's help. The assassin knew that with Stark the guy was going to need a kickstart, and they would probably talk about where they had been the past couple of months. Killua had actually grown a bit since the last time he had seen Stark, and he was at the cusp of being considered an adult by clan age wise. Killua had always felt like an adult though, forced to grow up far faster than he would have liked. Just like when he was in Snowbound, Killua was never really in camp all that much except for a few instances. But this time, he had actually been hunting. If he wanted food, Killua usually conjured it up out of thin air and go from there and using his conjuration didn't give him any form of exhaustion.

He knew that he wasn't capable of catching large prey, but maybe it would make do as a snow hare dangled from his jaws. Catching prey was extremely easy for the assassin, even without the use of his powers to help him. There was almost no visible blood across the hare's pelt thanks to the quick execution that Killua had done. His movements were silent as he made his way deeper into the camp of Elysium, before hearing a familiar voice. His extraordinary hearing was able to catch the sound of a familiar voice not too far away from where he was. Ah, just the guy he was looking for. As he approached, he heard another familiar voice, Honey. He wondered how Stark would react to the child that had just bounded up to him. The large hare that was in his jaws was steadily growing cold thanks to the colder climate of Elysium's territory. As he approached the side of the group silent, he threw the rabbit at the base of Stark's paws. A neutral look was spread across Killua's facial features as he spoke to Stark. "Here. You need every bit of food you can get. If you can stomach it right now at least." Killua stated with a shrug of his shoulders. If Stark didn't want to eat a rabbit, then he would find him a different food source. Even if the aspect of eating didn't sound good, it would help his body recover further. Considering the two former Snowbounders knew each other already, there was no need for introductions. However, Killua did have a question as his gaze looked down at the canine's collar and what was attached to it. Or was it attached to Stark's flesh? He wasn't exactly sure, but whatever it was, it was new. "Where did you get that?" Killua questioned as he raised one of his metal-clawed paws and pointed a digit at the reactor on his chest. Due to his affinity for electricity, Killua could basically feel the hum of energy coming from whatever it was. Once he asked his question, the assassin remained standing, his ears always on a constant swivel as he knew that there was bound to be more animals coming to meet the canine.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: 9-1-1 / Q&A + MEET & GREET - arcy - 05-12-2019

trying to hold the wind
Despite his thus far short stay here, Moomin was proud to say he was at least passingly familiar with everyone here. He ... didn't remember most of their names, of course. Moomin wasn't good with names. But that was fine, cause there hadn't even been a situation where he needed to know them, yet, so there was that.
Though ... Moomin had completely missed this guy appearing. He seemed new, and not all that healthy. Moomin could relate, and so this information promptly leaves his mind very quickly.
"Hi! I'm Moomin!" The polar bear tells the smaller canine with a big grin, tail gently thumping against the ground as he seats himself. Killua seems familiar with him. Either from history or from when Stark arrived, Moomin wouldn't know. The polar bear tilts his head. "Those are some cool looking glasses! Why are they colored? Where'd you get them?" He asks, tilting his head. Moomin wasn't actually all that familiar with sunglasses -- he only knew one person who'd even worn regular glasses. He'd been told they were supposed to help fix your eyesight. They were a bit of a novelty to the childish bear, and he found it very impressive that this person had nice looking, colored glasses!
elysium - polar bear - 2 years

Re: 9-1-1 / Q&A + MEET & GREET - COSMIIX - 05-13-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]I'M THE ONE AT THE SAIL, I'M THE MASTER OF MY SEA !。+゚.[/glow]
He would slowly lay down letting his claws dig into the ground underneath him feeling his ears twitch upon hearing Honey's voice did he pay attention to what she was saying, he often tended to space out with his cluttered thoughts. He offered her a soft smile nodding slowly "Yeah, sorry bout that... Panic attacks ain't fun but nonetheless, it's a pleasure to meet you, Honey. I'm Stark." The sudden sound of something landing near his paws made him look up to see Killua, he felt a tad embarrassed that he didn't grab himself something to eat but he was rather grateful "Thanks son," He said in a softer voice pulling the rabbit close, he didn't take a bite rather was saving it for later because he didn't really feel all that comfortable eating in front of other people but he noticed Killua pointing one of his claws at the reactor on his chest. Huh, nobody else ever asked about it until now that Killua brought it up in a question this started to make the gears in Stark's head turn a bit in an attempt to remember where he had gotten his arc reactor from. "My memory is a lil fuzzy around the event but I kinda woke up with it one day and I was stuck in some cage. I could smell humans, chemicals, burning metals, and some other shit... They had other animals there too but all I could make out were a few mice and some other dogs... Sometimes I swore I could smell something dead every day, I wasn't sure what this was at first and well, I couldn't take it off. It had become part of me. They had replaced it for my heart. Now, I'm somehow alive." He looked down at his reactor for a moment before glancing up once more "Well, that went a lil dark but hopefully that answers your question." He offered a small smirk.

Eventually the sight of something large walking in their direction made the canine look up and hear what the others name was. Moomin. That was a funny little name, it felt strange on his tongue. Foreign. Either way, he wouldn't hesitate to reply back with "And I'm Stark if you didn't hear before," The polar bear then asked why his sunglasses were colored and where he had gotten them. He was uncertain if Moomin wanted to hear the scientific reason or just what people did to look nice while not hurting their eyeballs. "Well, they're sunglasses and they range in different colors. This pair specifically, which consist of yellow, gold, amber, and a bit of rose, excel in moderate to low level conditions. So, the sun doesn't end up hurting your eyes, which is pretty useful though depending on the lenses they can darken down the environment a lot but boy, do they keep the sun from burning your cornea." He let out a soft snort adding "Plus, they make me look ten times cooler."[glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: 9-1-1 / Q&A + MEET & GREET - Honey - 05-14-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

She watched Killua give him some food, he wasn't as mean as he looked, she decided. Killua was actually a really nice guy to her. And he did another nice thing, but he reminded her of her brother. He wanted to be seen as tough although he was a good person. But then again she was a pup. But children often could see what adults were blind to.

"Oh that's okay. We all get scared sometimes, she walked by him and laid down across from him, resting her head on her long legs, "But don't worry, we all get better. And I won't let nothing hurt you."

She looked at Moomin and smiled, he was huge but she never ever really talked to him as much as she would like, "I think those glasses are really cool and pretty too."

Re: 9-1-1 / Q&A + MEET & GREET - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-14-2019

Killua had far too much experience of what it felt like not to be mentally there. Probably more than he would ever like in his lifetime. With his brother's influence, there was little escape from the tigers mental manipulation and how his mind would never be the same after such experiences. There had been one incident actually in Snowbound, where his mental state had been steadily decreasing, Killua having hidden it from everyone that even knew his face. No one could know of his past or the extent of the things that he had done. He wasn't someone that should be looked up to or be regarded as trustworthy after dealing with an underground business for most of his life. The assassin constantly heard his brother's voice in the back of his head, reminding him that he didn't belong in Snowbound and that he should return home. It was honestly a surprise that his brother hadn't found him yet, as the tiger was amazing when it came to tracking. Or maybe he actually knew where he was and was just tormenting him so that he got the message across. Killua tried to ignore the voice. This didn't work. The voice increased in volume, and every time he tried to sleep he would be plagued with night terrors of being surrounded by the corpses of those that lived in Snowbound. He didn't want to be an assassin anymore, and no one in Snowbound deserved to die by his claws. If anything, he would more than likely try to protect them if he deemed them worthy enough. Consistently with his night terrors, Killua woke up with wounds that he had inflicted on himself during his thrashing, as having weapons at the end of his paws made it much easier to deal injuries than regular claws. Killua didn't know how it happened, but at some point, his mind snapped. He had walked out toward the edge of Snowbound, not exactly sure what he was looking for. Killua went into a tree and waited for someone to come across his path, as he found a worn down trail not too far from Snowbounds border. It was there that he came across a feline and canine that were minding their own business. Killua didn't hesitate and slaughtered them. They barely had a chance to scream for help as he plunged his claws into their throats severing their arteries.

He had remained uninjured during the entire duration of the fight. His mind worked like it usually did when it came to staging a scene. Killua's mind telling him that no one would believe it was self-defense if he had no wounds to prove that he had been attacked. Killua used his own claws and sank them into his shoulder and side, spreading his own blood across certain portions of the scenes. The albino serval didn't even flinch as he inflicted wounds on himself, and eventually familiar faces came across him and the brutal scene in front of him. Killua's eyes had remained dark and blank, emotionless expression on his face. Kayn, London, Mel, and Ivylee were there. He could see many different emotions across all of their faces. After they asked their questions, Killua stated a lie that he had been attacked and it was a means of self-defense that the creatures lost their lives. London had even apologized, for not having been there soon enough to help in some way. Her words helped clear his mind, albeit slightly. He told her that it wasn't her fault. He remembered how others kept a good distance away from him. He remembered hearing the cries from Ivylee as the young pup came across the corpses that he had just left there. Once he was out of sight of the small group, Killua sprinted away, and it was there that he had finally managed to clear his head and nearly passed out from the lack of oxygen his body was able to absorb. Kayn had followed him, and Killua had screamed at the wolf to stay away from him, and that what he had done wasn't okay. Killua had no idea what came over him that day. Maybe he was too exhausted that he had to go back to his roots as an assassin. Entirely possible. Or, it could have been his brother manipulating him somehow. Killua still didn't know. Killua's sapphire blue gaze turned in the direction of heavy movement that was approaching the group. He figured that it was the polar bear as the male was the largest creature that lived in Elysium at the moment. The former Snowbound deputy was finally able to get the polar bear's name, as he was certain he didn't hear the other's name when he joined. Killua's attention soon turned back to Stark as the canine began to speak to the crowd that was starting to surround him.

He made sure that he kept his distance from everyone in the group. A small shiver ran through his spine at being addressed as 'son'. He hadn't heard the term used at him in a very long time. It wasn't that the term made him uncomfortable, it was just a strange feeling, and he wasn't giving off the idea that he didn't like it. If he didn't like something, Killua would always speak his mind and not keep it a secret. He wasn't surprised that the canine wasn't eating the hare with everyone else around, as he figured that he would be answering plenty of questions and eating and talking wasn't exactly polite. Killua didn't say anything in response to the thanks that Stark gave him. However, he did lean in a little bit when Stark began to answer his question. At the mention of humans, Killua couldn't help but let his nose scrunch up in disgust. He disliked humans for how manipulative they were and Killua didn't have any good experience with them. Although he didn't remember, thanks to his brother erasing his memories, Killua had been tortured in a lab, where they removed one of his molars and nearly skinned him alive. Killua still had the scars to show exactly what he went through that day, having killed one human and then escaped by crashing through the glass of a window. A confused look would spread across his facial features as the other began to explain that it had replaced his heart. That... was impossible. Killua didn't seem at all troubled by the dark tale, having heard plenty of horrible stories over his life and even witnessed some of his own. The story that Stark told him though, Killua would make sure to remember for future reference. "That's impossible. Every multicellular organism needs a heart in order to survive, its the only muscle that pumps blood through the circulatory system. What you're saying is that the battery that's basically in your chest is somehow your heart when it's just a piece of machinery? There's no way they took out your heart and replaced it with whatever that is. Unless it's attached to your heart and keeps your heart pumping due to the electricity that will make the cardiovascular muscles contract to continue pumping blood through your arteries and veins." When it came to anatomy, he was fairly certain that there was none the wiser compared to him. Killua read textbooks upon textbooks on anatomy and how parts of the bodies worked. He knew that certain amounts of electricity could start or stop a heart, as it was his specialty. Killua was fairly certain that some of the terms that he used could potentially go over the clanners heads if they didn't understand what the terms meant. Killua had seen sunglasses before, although he never really understood the purpose of them before. Now that Stark explained it, it made a little bit more sense to the albino serval. He had never worn some himself after all and had only ever seen some creatures wear them.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19: