Beasts of Beyond
so take my black heart to the pits [joining] - Printable Version

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so take my black heart to the pits [joining] - Crackers - 05-10-2019

There had been a time once, long ago, when the sweltering heat of the desert had botherered him to no end. It had made his skin itch beneath his coat and had brought on more swimming sessions than he was really fond of, but over time his body had gotten used to the merciless beating of a sun oberhead and the stifling hot winds that never brought a cooling relief. Twice in his life now he'd called a place like this home, and both had sat on opposite ends of the spectrum as far as allegiences went. He'd learened though that a true proclan could never really house a monster like him. The people just couldn't forgive and forget, and he'd been able to find no retribution among them. So, it was time to go back to what he knew. Blood, sweat, instinct. He would do things the way he knew best, and he would live a life that brought him some sort of satisfaction at last.

When the dense jungle rose up before him cutting through the golden sands he'd been travelling for the last several hours, he could scent the borders that had been laid down by the clan that lived there. He would pause then, muscular form settling on the border as the large black wolf drew to a halt, dappled gold fur glistening in the sunlight. He was clearly not an animal that needed others taking care of him, young and well built with countless battle scars strewn across his body. In his amber eyes was a dangerous glint despite the rest of his body language reading 'relaxed', and he seemed quite comfortable as he took a seat in the sand and prepared to wait.


Re: so take my black heart to the pits [joining] - Kydobi - 05-10-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Per usual the jaguar would be the first to arrive on the scene. Assessing the threat level as always and what not. Currently he was invisible but his scent was still prominent if one wished to look for it. Regarding sound? The brute was quite adept in the art of stealth.

This time, thankfully, it was not another feline. Instead it was a rather large dog. Still smaller than the jaguar but certainly healthy and strong. Would this one be the one to overthrow their fox leader? Kydobi worked in subtle ways but others, like the tiger, were certainly more direct and aggressive than himself.

Kydobi was like poison, working its way into the system. Others were more like a slit to the throat. Quick and brutal.

Either way he would walk. Rather accustomed to this part of the land. Many loners came through this way nowadays. He made a mental note to refresh the borders as he walked toward the wolf.

He climbed a tree in silence, using his powers to grip to any surface to scale above the tree. He hung directly above the wolf now, but he did not reveal himself. No he kept his cloak.

"What business do you have here wolf.", his voice was not hostile just direct.

Re: so take my black heart to the pits [joining] - teef - 05-11-2019

second, but hopefully not last, came a young halfbreed wolf, having made fun of tracking the dark jaguar, her head twisted to the side as she listened, knowing that her companion was up in the tree, but not revealing it.

instead, she sat down under the tree, half-hidden by the trunk, watching the male with curious eyes. he looked like ... mama. shaking her head, she pushed away the images with a slight curl of her lips, hating the memories and the way that they stuck. frigid amber eyes peeked out from behind the trunk, her dark mottled feathery fur helping her to blend in with the jungle surrounds, long muzzle peeking out and quivering at his scent.

Re: so take my black heart to the pits [joining] - Crackers - 05-11-2019


If it hadn't been a border, Fourth may have noted the arrival of another long before they spoke, but as it was he was already in a myriad of scents belonging to dozens of creatures from a clan he wasn't familiar with, and the fact that he wasn't using any powers of his own to overcome it meant that he could only detect what was already evident right before him.  And some of the scents out here were rather recent, not so fresh as to insinuate that the patrol who'd left them had done so within the last few moments, but in the last hour or so, definitely.

At last he heard a voice ring out from the thick jungle in front of him, only instead of hailing from deeper in, it came distinctly from above him. A brow would quirk up ward as he tilted his chin to gaze into the trees overhanging him, but he saw nothing. Was he bothered but it? Not a fucking chance. Fourthwall held little fear for anyone or anything, a trait that was perhaps foolish and yet remained an unwavering staple in his personality. Because what was the point of fearing anything in a world that wasn't even real? What was t he point in caring for people that didn't technically exist in the first place? And that careless dismissal included himself as well, because why would he worry about his own well being when he'd just be written into the story again?

This, of course, was where Fourthwall had gotten his name. He was assumed crazy by the majority who knew this tidbit about him and so he didn't often bring it up if only because there was no reason to. An yet, he was convinced that the entire world around him was fake, a virtual reality of sorts where all they really were was either data in a machine or words on paper. He'd never known why he thought these things or how he knew it, but from his earliest childhood memories he could remember it being that way. It was why he'd abandoned his family and the name they'd given him, because he wasn't going to be their champion. He had his own life to live, because if all of this was as fake as he knew it to be then the only thing left was to take as much as you could and enjoy it while it lasted.

"Fourthwall Fallout. I'm here to join." he'd reply, tone empty of any warmth or friendliness, though his bluntness wasn't exactly spoken with impatience or anything like that. Like the jaguar, he simply didn't like beating around the bush. He'd come here to be a part of the clan and standing around on the border really wasn't conducive to what he wanted,  so the sooner this part of the formailities was over with the better.

He lowered his head then to set his gaze level with the jungle once more not seeing a point in trying to look at someone who was hiding themselves. As he did so he noticed another. They were much younger, a canine hybrid of some sort that was mottled in feathered. He'd tilt his head in her direction to issue a greeting but wouldn't say anything otherwise- he'd already gotten his name and business out of the way, so there was no need to repeat himself.


Re: so take my black heart to the pits [joining] - Kydobi - 05-11-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

It was at moments like these that he wished Jervis could bare relinquishing some power to the jaguar. Instead of being able to test and recruit newcomers himself he had to wait for the vulpine to appear.

"Well, we'll have to wait for the leader to make an appearance.", he stood up on the branch, now allowing himself to be revealed as he literally walked down the trunk to stand by Ramona. He wouldn't let her be in the line of danger without some type of protection.

"I am Kydobi, if you really wish to join then help me help you make this process faster. What do you have to offer?"

Re: so take my black heart to the pits [joining] - Crackers - 05-12-2019


The FitnessGram™ A shift of movement above would draw his gaze back to the trees just in time to see a large dark cat making his way down the side of a tree. Fourth would shrug nonchalantly at this before replying, "What can't I offer?" he'd ask, and while the words themselves were perhaps arrogant in their own way, his tone lacked any cockiness. He was just being honest. These creatured would soon learn that Fourthwall was a blunt and open figure. When he said things like this it wasn't born out of assumption, but rather proof of past conquests and an understanding of his own capabilities. "I've been a ruler of Kingdoms, I can kill without guilt, I hunt, I fight.If the Pitt is anywhere near what I've heard it to be, you should be able to make good use of any of the things I just listed."

If not a sharp pair of fangs and a cunning mind, what did a place like this want? Their only reputation was that of being warmongers who did whatever they pleased, and it pleased Fourth to join this group. It was why the Pitt had grabbed his attention to begin with. Fourth knew how to follow orders, sure, but there was nothing and nobody who stopped him from doing what he wanted. He was an impulsive and selfish creature that was well known for giving into whatever cravings or desires that might rise up in him, and he was not the sort to be easily detered from getting the things he wanted. If it was a test they wanted they could give him one. He didn't give a damn about things like that. He was strong and smart and had lived a life filled with more things than many twice or three times his age had. Bring it.

"If you need an example, I'd suggest picking someone expendable." he'd add, because if he was going to be forced to be on display for their observation, you could bet your ass he was going to give them something to watch.


Re: so take my black heart to the pits [joining] - Kydobi - 05-12-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: also feel free to join any of the other threads! You don't have to wait for [member=3615]JERVIS[/member] to show up as their roleplayer had put a notice that they'll be a little slow on roleplays do to other circumstances Smile and would you like a private thread? ]

He hid his boredom well. To no surprise the black wolf gave the standard issue answer. The melanistic jaguar sighed, tilting his chin up and to the left in an observational way as he walked closer to the brute. Dramatically circling him, pretending to look at his build. Truth be told it wasn't just strength he was after, sure that may be all that was required for Jervis but for him he wanted to see what was in most of their hard skulls.

"Well that is all very well but there are many who can offer what you speak of. Many have, in fact." he walked around to face the wolf using his intangibility to literally go through the plants and such. Finally he would stop, face to face with the wolf. His fiery hues would look deep into the wolf's searching.

"If we were made of nothing but relentless and impulsive cutthroats than we wouldn't be here. You must understand that we don't just want mindless brutes to fill the front lines in war. Can you follow orders? Respect those above you? Are you smarter than just where to bite and when? Is violence how you usually handle things?"

He took a step back, "So when I ask what you have to offer I mean it. Because we have slaves who can do what you can. And the fight wont be necessary, we wouldn't want to injure a soldier just for some ruffian on our borders to prove he knows what to do with teeth and claws."

He smiled apologetically, "So what else can you offer us?" his tail swished and rolled in wait. His tone was not cruel or rude but matter of fact. Jervis was not here and so he would act in power for now. Perhaps the fox wouldn't mind but he couldn't get too mad. Either way he had Ramona to look out for now, he had in some ways grown rather fond of the child. Something he never thought possible considering he never really liked children.[/b]

Re: so take my black heart to the pits [joining] - teef - 05-14-2019

silently watching their conversation, ram dipped her head and stepped out, wanting to see what would happen. she had a lot to learn, and she knew that by sticking close to kydobi, she would learn more about how to be an adult. and so, she would sit at the edge of the jungle, head lowered slightly just to watch, brown eyes watching loyally.