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HAIL TO THE KING | meet and greet - Printable Version

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HAIL TO THE KING | meet and greet - gael - 05-10-2019

Heaven knows if Gael had his way, he'd find a quiet place in the middle of nowhere to settle and never have to bother with... Socialization.  Life worked strangely; plans changed.  Having children taught him well the importance of interacting with others.  He was just an introvert.  If Aine's brother still lived, this would not be such an issue.  He would've found a place for them outside of boundaries and strange groups.  Alaire possessed a calmer desposition, but he would've been Aine's friend, just as his cousin Raziel had been his growing up.

That life laid in ash and dust behind him.  He would create a new path, one that would eventually earn him vengeance for what he had lost.  Time flowed slowly for him.  He could watch Aine grow up before taking a single step back in that direction.  No matter how long growing up took -- he did not mind if she grew slow, as some fae did, or fast.  He supposed, if he had a choice, she'd stay young for as long as possible.  Young and naive and free-spirited.  Unburdened.

She also must know how to socialize.  As such, Gael decided to seek her out before calling forth the 'meet and greet'.  Better she partakes in this than be out chasing butterflies.  The red and black vulpine, once he felt ready and instructed his daughter softly to stay and do this, he raised his voice hardly louder than he normally spoke.  "Meet and greet."

"We should start simple; just your name for now, then we'll talk more.  I am Gael Ó Broin."

// [member=4817]aine.[/member]
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / the pitt / lamby
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Re: HAIL TO THE KING | meet and greet - teef - 05-10-2019

it was good to see that Gael had done as he said he would, and that was hosting a meet and greet. giving a soft yet awkward smile, the girl nodded in the direction of the fox and his daughter when she found them, ears flipping up before falling back down naturally, "my name is ramona lingré, but please call me ram!", she would announce herself quietly, a pleasant smile on her lips.

mobile //

Re: HAIL TO THE KING | meet and greet - Kydobi - 05-11-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

So far the folks here weren't all bad and since he had never been formally introduced to the rest of the Pitt he decided this wasn't such a bad idea. Rather convenient really.

"I," he would take a seat next to Ramona, curling his tail around his paws, "Am Kydobi Adeb-... I'm just Kydobi." he had to remind himself that that was never ever truly meant to be his last name. He was not by blood an Adebisi. It kind of hurt him but he ignored it and focused on the others.

Re: HAIL TO THE KING | meet and greet - aine. - 05-16-2019

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: VbWInBo.png?1]
— aine | the pitt | fae druid —
Aine knows her da means well.  Regardless, she stares forlornly towards the jungle, reluctant to abandon the possible adventure she could have conducted today.  Her hazel hues observe her da, large and curious.  Meet and greet.  As he speaks, she realizes, grimly, she has to talk.  Or is expected to at least.  As Ramona and Kydobi approach and speak, Aine shuffles her paws, her teeth catching the inside of her cheek.

"'m..." She clears her throat softly.  "'m Aine Ní Broin." Her voice is strong, when she decides to use it, but she quickly shifts closer to her da after speaking.
I'll come back when you call me

Re: HAIL TO THE KING | meet and greet - Jervis - 05-19-2019

It was wonderful to see them communicating between each other in his absence. After all, Jervis was busy. There were plenty of things for him to worry about on his own time but as for right now, he could see himself taking his own time off to intermingle with his Pittians. They deserved his attention after all. That said, the fox strutted over and took a place next to Aine. "Name's Jervis," he commented. He was tempted to go on to introduce his rank and possibly his own agenda or family history, but held himself back per instruction.
more like tags - penned by orion narcissism

Re: HAIL TO THE KING | meet and greet - ARGUS - 05-19-2019

Part of living with the Pitt was getting to know everyone. The white lupine heard the group introducing each other and thought better than ignoring it. Getting to know the ones here is fine, though Gus could no longer muster up courage to plaster a smile and pretend they were happy. They would be glad when their wing was fixed. Until then the only thing that kept them from the desert now was the heat of the day. They would return to digging up a den later in the evening when the sun passed from the highest point in the sky.

Lame wing casted in vines and leaves made a bright contrast to the slightly sandy pelt of the wolf. The wolf let out a breath of air, amused by the stale air. Really- this place was just brimming with enthusiasm hmm? A bunch of broken unsocial people sitting around doing nothing, hmm.

"Name's Gus'" It felt odd only stating a name, so much for socializing. They knew Kydobi already from the border, Jervis of course- the leader of the place but everyone else was new, only traceable by their voices and scents before. Now the beast knew a face and a name of the rest of them. " may i say what a hell of a gathering, hm? Nice to meet all of you - I'll probably forget all you're names when i blink again. Oh well" they blinked, deliberately slow. 

Re: HAIL TO THE KING | meet and greet - gael - 05-23-2019

Now that names were out of the way, Gael supposed he had to take this somewhere.  The price of following a child's commands.  Perhaps that was his antisocial nature talking.  The vulpine rolled his shoulders back, glancing at Gus with some mild amusement.  Being terribly old meant names meant terribly little in the long run; those afflicted with the mortal lifespan would die and be forgotten, no longer important, least of all to him.

Hazel, almost golden, eyes flickered around thoughtfully.  "I find asking questions is a meaningful method of getting to know others." Better than simply stating facts, although in either case, Gael knew better than to believe he'd 'know' anyone with just a few inquiries.  People lie after all.  "Consider this open forum," he offered, shrugging. "Anyone can ask, anyone answer."

He probably ought to throw a question out, he supposed.  Right.  "Nicknames? Did anyone have any at some point -- I don't believe I've ever gone by anything other than Gael myself.  But I call Aine 'ere Lottie sometimes."
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / the pitt / lamby
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Re: HAIL TO THE KING | meet and greet - teef - 05-30-2019

subtly shifting closer to kydobi, the young woman kept her eyes on the group, making note of name, appearance, and scent. "nicknames? only one I've gone by is ram ... my adopted brother used to call me a goat-head when he got mad at me." she gave a soft little chuckle at that before tipping her head, "what are some of your favorite memories?" she suggests before grinning almost hungrily, "mine was the first time I beat someone in a mock fight. well, it was actually a fight, but I didnt know that until my opponent had ripped open my nose."