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YOINKS SCOOB / joining - Printable Version

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YOINKS SCOOB / joining - COSMIIX - 05-10-2019

Heaving a deep breath, the Alaskan Malamute would walk through a bit of the snow feeling his pawpads growing a bit numb. It didn't effect him greatly since his breed was usually accustomed to the cold, said breed and Huskies pulled at sleds to transport items. It didn't matter how it ended but as long as those canines were able to accomplish such a task in this type of weather then it didn't bother Stark at all especially since the blood of those canines ran throughout his veins. He stepped onto a bit of cold stone, his gaze lifting up as he noticed a few odd looking machines that were meant for means of transportation yet his gaze diverted itself since he wasn't heavily intrigued by it. "Gotta lose some fat anyways," He murmured to himself trying to find some prey animal scents, his muzzle barely touching the ground eventually catching the scent of several animals in one area. He paused for a moment debating between joining or heading the other direction, his ears brushed against his cranium as he contemplated this decision of his. He hadn't realized that he was already taking a few steps in the direction of the border, his nose twitching vigorously at all the new smells. Using a large paw, the Malamute would brush some snow away but only enough so he wouldn't freeze his ass completely since he had been walking for quite a while now. His paws ached and were raw from the journey itself. His ears angled forward in an attempt to catch any noises and know if anyone was nearby but that didn't seem to be the case at the time, the canid creature looked down at his reactor watching it glow for a brief moment. It was why he was here living and breathing. It was part of him. It was a metallic heart bestowed upon him. Resurrection was an odd mistress.

He shook his head and pushed those thoughts away as he finally parted his jaws to speak aloud for anyone to hear especially the locals "Hello, Stark Ferro here to join your humble home. Also if I could please get some marigold and bandages I'd greatly appreciate it..." Eventually he'd probably end up walking away to find some pain killers but for now, he would ignore the sting in his rawed paws and wait for someone to show up with said supplies. He was tired, lost, almost dehydrated, and partially starving. His fluffy fur in some places were clumps of matted fur which was quite shameful for a dog of his breed then again he wasn't necessarily able to groom himself with his tongue since those were some hard to reach places. Thankfully, aside from the matter fur he didn't have any kind of flea or tick which he honestly would have expected with how malnourished he looked. Stark Ferro was plenty of things but a fleabitten asshole was not one of them. He was drained emotionally and mentally, all he wanted to do was close his eyes so that he could fall into a slumber that would feel like an eternity, he didn't care whether he ate or drank before he would sleep. He had been running and being tugged by the strings that binded him and whomever was watching his existence with amusement. He could die but he'd never resort to doing anything to himself, he decided that if he must go then he at least wanted to go out in a noble way. He had unfinished business and even if he wasn't one to admit things; he actually had dreams of his own that he wish to complete. He had many doubts on him even achieving these dreams of his but they were so blissful and they provided the only warmth he felt inside.

He hadn't dreamt since those days where he had just been wandering around the woods, lost, searching for a purpose. He thought he had found it but trial after trial, he was tested against things that he had managed to complete. Those dreams had been closer, he had became a leader of a whole group and their territory was an ashtray scarce with food and contaminated water, he had remembered the look on all his clanmates faces when he had come back only to hear the news of leadership. He never saw himself as leader admittedly, he had been a bit ambitious and thought maybe his role as deputy would make him a chick magnet but that hadn't been the case. The leader before him had done a terrible thing. Leaving Stark in charge of several starved and lost people without anyone to lead them... Until he stepped up. He had kids around the time and seeing them possibly grow in such a place wasn't settling with him, they were what pushed him forth. He was new to the whole leadership bullshit and frankly, he had found it quite odd on how it immediately clicked something within his cranium. 'They needed you.' Was a soft thought of his, the dogs eyes glazed as he remembered all of this and how it had effected him for the better and worse. He recalled how he had pushed them out from the old territory leading them to a new place, a city with a border that had signs of obvious deforestation yet the city was laced with foliage anf abandoned vehicles. It had been home. It had so much to offer. It was where he and his family could grow. It was the birthplace of many children and new joiners.

It was nearly his death.

His breathing grew a bit hitched. His pupils dilated into slightly thinner circles. His claws dug into the smooth rock and snow beneath him. 'Is there an earthquake?' He thought feeling panicked all of a sudden, it wasn't an,earthquake but it was his own body shaking with such intensity that he had confused it to be one. He had sent himself into a bit of a panic attack, his reactor flickering a bit, he could hear a ba-dump ba-dump drumming throughout his ears, his mouth grew dry. He could see it all crumbling before him. The building. Within the building someone he loved dear and an orphaned kitten. Where was he in the midst of this? Where he was now. Glued to the ground he stood on, face distorted and painted with pain, loss, heartbreak, panic, terror, and so much more. He was a painting, those abstract ones done by Picasso that only a few could depict and find out what was going on in the painting. Others just gave up in solving this mystery, they did not stay for long. Those were the people he had loved and cared for, he had chased them again. His shaking grew worse as he lowered his body to the ground slightly having difficulty breathing. Everything that was once automatic was now manual and he had forgotten his personal bodily function manual. He stood there for a moment without breathing, he looked down at his that were trembling and his eyes stung as salty tears dripped. His mouth moved as if he spoke but eventually he broke out of his trance with a gasp for air, he began to greedily gulp down as much oxygen as he could before he began to cough. His shaking didn't cease but it was less heavy, he continued sitting there but his muscles slouched as he tried calming himself. He couldn't think of that. He couldn't even think of ever being near such a tall building without the fear of it possibly crumbling down on him wnd those he loved.

He. Just. Couldn't.

[ tdlr: sORRY GOT CARRIED AWAY!! but Stark's waiting at the border and just went into a panic attack after triggering his PSTD on accident, he's finally managed to somewhat calm down but he's still a bit panicked and out of breath ]
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #c96470; font-size: 12px;"]— STARK FERRO

Re: YOINKS SCOOB / joining - Honey - 05-10-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

"Hey Mister!", she smiled as she hopped over. Completely oblivious to the man's recent panic attack. She got closer with her spotted tail wagging, "Whatcha doin'?

Re: YOINKS SCOOB / joining - Straw - 05-10-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Upon hearing a voice on the border, Straw had figured she might as well attend to it. It would be quick, most likely; the joiner would be welcomed in, probably Tena or Kade would take them on a tour, and her role in the matter would be minimal as long as she was there in the interim. Even if she had enough social interaction in the past two weeks for the next six months, she still had a responsibility to help the clan.

  It was when she arrived on the scene, and saw the newcomer shaking and in apparent pain, that she ceased to think about how much talking she'd had to do recently.

  "Sir," Straw murmured, quickly walking past Honey and up to the stranger. She stopped a few feet away to avoid making him claustrophobic, and leaned down to look him in the eyes. "Sir. Can you count to twenty aloud, please? It might help." Twenty was an arbitrary number she'd pulled out of thin air and probably wouldn't take his mind off the stress for very long, but it'd be enough time for her to figure out something else.

Re: YOINKS SCOOB / joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-10-2019

From the very beginning, the wildcat had been told what he would end up becoming and where his life would head. The life of an assassin was a difficult path to follow, and incredibly dangerous. Most of those that were in the business didn't reach a ripe old age and instead were usually killed by other assassins or picked the wrong fight. There of course was some exceptions to this, as his grandfather was probably as old as dirt now, and was still going out on jobs with his father from time to time. He actually liked his grandfather because the male didn't really seem to be as serious as the rest of his family. Maybe it was also the fact that his grandfather spoiled him from time to time. He would some of the few that were capable of showing some form of compassion to Killua while he was growing up. Killua didn't have a choice in the training that he received, and originally he had believed that his family had been right to do the horrible things to him. Having grown up in such an environment, Killua had thought it was normal for every family to go through what he was going through. Killua was also secluded from the rest of the world until his training was done, forced to stay inside of the mansion that Killua soon considered to be a prison that his parents had created. A couple of the butlers that they had weree interesting, but most of the time they were ordered to avoid him entirely, which upset him because he just wanted to talk to someone. The last thing he wanted to do was go seeking out his older brother for a form of a conversation. Illumi wasn't exactly the talkative type either. Instead, Killua kept himself busy by playing games, which helped his mental skills, and eating lots and lots of candy. Killua had to be careful with the foods that he ate around the mansion, as there was a chance that as a form of a test that his family would poison the food that he would eat. This caused Killua, over time, to check every piece of food that he was given to make sure that it wasn't poisoned. If it was a type of poison that would have little to no effect on him, he would end up eating it anyway to show his parents out of spite that he didn't care and what they did, didn't trouble him. Like any child around that age, they wanted to explore and learn the world around him. Instead, he was forced to learn the business and how the family ran itself and how they were constantly being given jobs.

How to tell if a job was a scam, or how to tell if a job was worth it simply to create ties with the clients that had submitted the request. There were so many different factors to the family business, and it was probably one of the more boring pieces of training that he went through. Eventually, his curiosity couldn't be stopped and he started to sneak out of the house to see exactly what he was missing. His family was famous and it wasn't really a surprise to find people trying to get in or just to view the gates of the estate almost like a tourist attraction. The young male instead went into a nearby population to see what kind of faces that were there. He enjoyed his time away from the house, and it only became a matter of time before one of the butlers were tasked in finding him to bring him home. Once he arrived back home, it was made clear that his next torture session would be more severe as a form of punishment. Killua didn't sneak out of the house again. Killua started to show distaste for the tasks that he was forced to do for his families, including the jobs that he was given. He picked fewer every single day, and sometimes he wouldn't take one for an entire week. He was scolded and threatened by his family to get his act together, and in order to simply get them off of his back, he agreed. The wildcat took a job that took him to the clans, having heard plenty of stories about them from his brother and his father. The job was just a basic assassination of someone that was in charge of one of the clans. When Killua had arrived at the clan, he was shocked to be approached by faces that he had never seen before stating that they knew him. This immediately put him on edge as no one should know his identity at all, so he did the best he could to avoid those that had stated as such. The assassin had found his target of the group though, her name being Crypticsoul. He decided that he would use deception around the group, and work on a couple of other jobs that were nearby. Killua gained the trust of those that were around him, even if they were slightly suspicious of him for his strange actions. Finally, he made his move against the clan leader, attacking the feline, and watching her turn into a dragon. At the end of the night, his paw was inside of her throat, and she was electrocuted to death. As soon as the creature fell to the ground dead, Killua moved on to the next group where he would be able to lay low for a little while. It was there that he got two more contracts, both of them being leaders of clans as well. Killua still couldn't shake the feeling of how the animals in the previous clan somehow seemed to know him.

It made no sense, and there was always a pain in his head as he tried to go back through his memories to see if he had forgotten something, but there was never anything there. Settling down into the new place, he handled the other contract fairly easily. Sending a letter to the clan leader in an allies writing requesting the other's presence to discuss some events that they wanted to hold between the clans. He slaughtered the female in the clan territory before delivering her corpse back as instructed. After sending a hawk to his family to confirm the kill, he returned back to the clan that had no idea what he had done. The assassin had only one more contract left, but he wasn't sure how to feel about it. Tama was a serval like him, and was incredibly kind and what he considered too naive. The female trusted anyone that came across his path and had been there when she accepted him into the clan. Tama never gave off any indication that she was strong, and Killua had underestimated her. Not only that, Tama regarded Killua with care. The look in her eyes trying to make sure that he was fine and happy in the place that she considered to be her home. She tried to show that she cared for him and Killua pushed her away, confused at her actions. His only interaction with those that were even remotely nice were those that tried to get an advantage over others. Killua couldn't let that happen to him while he was there on a job. He tried to gather as much information on her powers but only was able to get a grasp on a couple of powers that she had. Tama was extremely merciful, especially when it came to her enemies, which made absolutely no sense to Killua at the time. He tried to kill her. He took her by surprise, leading her to a place where they could be alone. For the first time in his life, he lost a fight. The female pointed her trident at his throat, and he stayed there waiting for his death. He stared at her with confused eyes as she simply stepped off of him, and said that she wasn't going to kill him. Killua reacted in the only way that he could, aggressively. Why would she spare someone like him? He had just tried to kill her! It went against any logic. So, he ran. Killua ran as far away as he could from the clan leader, and yet, something kept him from leaving the clan altogether. Several days after that, Tama continued to treat him with kindness and didn't speak out to the rest of the clan about what he had done, and instead kept it as a secret. Tama even promoted Killua once during that time, confusing him further.

At some point, he even started to enjoy clan life a little bit. Until Illumi came around to remind him what he was and that he didn't belong here. His older brother breaking his body to where he couldn't move, leaving the rest of the clan to find him broken and beaten. At that moment, fear drove him to leave as Illumi wouldn't stop at trying to craft him into the perfect assassin that his family needed. Killua found himself in another clan that was basically in ruins with little to no leader to be found. Everyone that he came across was immediately annoyed with his attitudes and some even hated his very presence. Killua could care less about what others thought of him. Then, he met Circusclown. The old male from the group that he had once been in was similar to him in many ways. It was because of the other clan leader that Killua was able to discover morals. It was because of Circusclown that he started to go down the path that would eventually be the person that he was today. Life was precious, and he wasn't the one to decide whether or not it should end. Nothing ever had a happy ending though, as Circusclown took his own life, leaving nothing but a note behind and candy that the leader knew that he loved. Killua had never lost anyone that he had cared about before. He didn't know LOSS. Killua avoided those that he was close to, and didn't bother to voice his fears and concern. Who was going to teach him to be something other than an assassin now? Killua had sobbed to himself silently away from the rest of the clan so no one could see him in a vulnerable position. It was during that time that he knew Circusclown, that he came across someone named Stark. The guy was incredibly annoying to Killua at first, using a horrible nickname to address him all the time. The guy remained fairly calm and chill in Killua's mind, their banter happening constantly to almost no end. Secretly, they cared for one another, and Killua was even a little bit shocked when he had heard Stark nearly got crushed by a building in their territory, and instead had played it off by teasing the guy for the lack of knowledge on buildings. Both of them were mindful of their boundaries, and soon their interactions became like clockwork as Killua constantly visited the group from the group that he was with. The clan that he didn't consider to be the one he stayed in the most, listened to his troubles when he was angry or pissed or just needing to talk to someone.

Then came the day where he was dropped onto their borders at the brink of death. His brother had found where he had been hiding this entire time and made sure to drive it through his head that he didn't belong in the clans. Killua had his metal claws ripped out, almost all of his legs broken and he was bleeding from multiple wounds. Everyone around him had been shocked as they came upon the scene, and hurriedly worked to try and patch him up before he died. Stark had been here, and the other's expression had remained calm, although Killua doubted the guy had been that calm. The young assassin had been confused about why they were helping him. He believed that he would die that day, as he wasn't part of their clan and had only visited from time to time. Killua knew that they were wasting their resources on someone who may or may not survive the wounds that had been given to him. But, they weren't going to let him die. They cared about him. They said that he was their friend. After hearing that, Killua kept his mouth shut, and let the medics worked. Once he had healed enough, Killua knew that it was time for him to leave. Illumi was going to end up targetting those that he cared about and rip apart the bonds that he had created. He disappeared, not sure if everyone he once knew would survive or if he would ever see them again. Compared to everything else in his life, it had probably been the most painful decision he had ever made. It was there that he found himself in Snowbound. He didn't know how far this clan, or tribe as they called themselves, was from the place he once called home. Killua settled down in the place for quite some time. After a little while, Stark arrived in Snowbound to Killua's surprise. The serval was more than happy to see the canine again, as seeing familiar faces put him at ease when he was all alone again.

As soon as they recognized each other, their banter immediately continued. Eventually, Stark had the unfortunate experience of witnessing the aftermath of one of Killua's night terrors. It was there that the canine had called the young male 'son', which at the time Killua hadn't really noticed what he said. Days later that Killua would approach the canine with the question if he had actually meant it. Killua never had anyone to consider to be his family, as he doesn't consider the Zoldyck's to be family. Stark went straight to the point and said that he indeed considered him a son. At that moment, Killua knew that he had to reveal to Stark that he wasn't a good guy, he was a murderer and his family was terrible creatures that didn't deserve pity or the aspect of friendship. Stark was quick to shut him down, and didn't judge him for his past, similar to how London had reacted to him. Both of them had accepted him with open arms, an experience that he never believed that he had experienced. Killua had no idea what had happened to Stark when the canine had disappeared for a certain amount of time. But, Killua wasn't his babysitter and wasn't going to constantly keep track of him all of the time. The guy could easily take care of himself if he did get into any trouble. There was always a small form of doubt in the pit of his stomach about what if he was actually dead. No. He had to have more faith in him than that. Killua believed that if he hadn't seen someone in a long time, they were either dead or had simply disappeared from his life. It was almost too easy for him to let go of those that he cared about.

Killua was enjoying his time in Elysium. He had yet to claim any of the buildings as his own, as he wasn't about to settle down in a place that he wasn't entirely certain on yet. The albino serval usually went back to his old habits when he wasn't certain about something, and this area had changed so much since the last time he had been around. He had been told that Snowbound may actually still be around, but he needed more information to go off rather than just simple rumors as well. When he had gone to try and reunite with those that had lived in Snowbound, he was greeted by the ash of the buildings that the area once held. He didn't know if the fire was an accident, or if someone had attacked the group and burned it down to the ground. The thought made his stomach sink, and if he found out exactly who had done this, he would kill them if they were indeed the enemy. The albino serval walked around at all times of the day. The last time he slept was around three days ago, but thanks to his training he was used to walking around with no sleep. This allowed him some time to get used to his surroundings and dig for more information. He wanted to know the territory like it was the back of his hand in just a couple of days. There was only one person that he recognized in this place, and her name was Tena. Luckily for him, she seemed to be the leader of this place, and it was relatively peaceful. He didn't hear any news of something happening to the other groups that were around, and there was one new group that he knew nothing about, the Rosebloods. As usual, when it came to peaceful clans though, Killua was quick to grow bored. A sigh would escape the assassin's jaws as he was sitting at the edge of the cliff looking out toward the ocean. The territory was certainly beautiful, but beauty could only draw his attention for so long. Despite sitting there like he was site seeing, the assassin had his senses on high alert scouting the areas around him with his enhanced hearing. It was one of the best powers that he had at his disposal and made it extremely difficult for anyone to try and sneak up on him. Killua would look down at his paws, his metal claws unsheathed like they usually were. He had grown up a bit, he was a little bit bigger. His fur wasn't as fluffy as it used to be as he grew into his body more.

The only major, if one could call it that, physical change was his right arm. Patches of fur were mixing where Illumi had attacked him several months ago, breaking his arm and nearly maiming him to death for the third time in his life. Killua didn't care about the missing fur, although he wished it grow back a little bit quicker so that he didn't look like an idiot. A yawn parted his maw as he got up onto his paws. Enough sightseeing for today, he might as well go see if there were any animals at the borders looking to join. He wasn't the most welcoming face in the world, as he didn't care what most people did as long as they weren't there to cause trouble. Killua stopped himself when his enhanced senses were able to catch the sound of something near the border. Finally, something that could keep his mind off of the many thoughts he had. Killua began to move in that direction before even hearing the creature speak. It was only when the creature did speak that Killua froze completely. His sapphire blue eyes widened as they looked off into the distance, and he could feel his heart rate immediately start to increase to the point where he could hear the pounding in his ears. His body reacted as he was forced to suck in a breath of air, realizing that he had been holding his breath as he listened to the voice. It was Stark. The bastard was alive. It took several seconds for Killua to come out of his shock and immediately begin sprinting in the direction he heard the voice coming from. While he was running, he eventually teleported into branches of the trees he was running around. Opting to leap from tree to tree as it would make the traveling a lot faster. Killua movements were quite fast, but his movements still remained silent thanks to his air elementals, and he didn't have to worry about anyone catching his scent as he had none.

The adrenaline that pumped through his veins caused him to breath heavier, and his body instinctively forced himself to calm down, as making too much noise was one way to get one killed. It took Killua several minutes to arrive on the scene, in which there were already two faces that he recognized that was talking to Stark. He stood on a branch that was 15ft above the group, his chest expanding with the breaths that he taking. Killua's eyes were quickly able to notice that the guy didn't look all that great, but that was something to worry about later. Crouching on the branch that he was on, with the widest smile on his face, Killua jumped from the branch toward Stark. As soon as his body left the branch and he was in his jump, bubbled laughter would escape his jaws as he aimed to wrap his arms around the canine's throat. Of course, he didn't use his claws, and instead it was in the form of a hug, a hug that he never really sought out with anyone except Amorette. Killua didn't think about how the action could possibly terrify his father figure, as his excitement had clouded his judgment slightly. If the movement was successful, the albino serval would bury his face into the side of Stark's neck, his grip on the canine tightening as he did so. The entire time, Killua would be laughing happening, and then eventually the Zoldyck would begin to feel tears prick under his eyelids. He did not sob. He did not speak. The feelings that he had never experienced before, could not be expressed into words. A small part of his brain was afraid of the feelings that he was having, as it could put those around him in danger if he became emotionally compromised. But right now, he didn't give a single damn.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: YOINKS SCOOB / joining - COSMIIX - 05-14-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]I'M THE ONE AT THE SAIL, I'M THE MASTER OF MY SEA !。+゚.[/glow]
His breathing was heavy but at the sound of a pups voice did he look up blinking both of his coffee kissed eyes, his ears twitched, he almost didn't know or remember how to speak in that brief moment. He swallowed feeling his mouth having gone dry, the bone chilling feeling was slowly melting away. He tried straightening his posture a bit still opening and closing his mouth trying to remember, trying to breath enough so the oxygen circulated into his lungs enough so he could actually think. He parted his jaws at last finding some form of word to speak "H. . . H-hello. . ." He was joining then again he was uncertain if the female had been within earshot range to actually hear him speak, the canine sighed through his nose only to find that he could muster up more words "I'm a bit. . . Lost. Where am I exactly?" This wasn't Snowbound nor was it the Ascendants even if he had seen the observatory along the way, the older males nose twitched as he caught wind of another scent. His body was still shaking quite a bit and he was still trying to ease his nerves, it would have been so much easier if he had his face stuffed into someone's fur. Someone whom he cared deeply about. He felt a sting in his heart. Man, it was just going to be one of those days wasn't it? Regardless of how this day would end, he turned his attention towards what appeared to be a red panda, his eyes eventually moved away from the small mammal taking in the question directed to him. Sir. God, that made his muzzle wrinkle slightly as he refrained from speaking for a short amount of time only to find his voice once more as he began to count "One. . ." Why must he count all the way to twenty, he didn't know why but the way he began counting almost felt like it was an eternity. He took a deep breath after he spoke not having yet caught his breath, he didn't want to end up throwing himself into another panic attack session. His shoulders slumped a bit but his form still held a bit of underlying tension within the muscles hidden under his thick, matted coat. One. The first number. The beginning. New start. An individual with innocence and a naive nature laced around them like a velvet textured ribbon. Unscathed by the cruel world awaiting them. Small and chubby. An overly energetic questionnaire. Just a child.


It was a cold Christmas morning, the air crisp and snow was still falling, but none of that was experienced since the smallest puppy was curled next to his mother's belly with a gummed mouth latched onto a teat. They were not nursing but rather anchoring himself to someone who provided a feeling of security. His mother, Queen Diana, held him and his siblings close with her tail wrapped around them in a protective manner. Her fur was a soft auburn hue and her eyes a light gold with hints of amber, she was absolutely bresthtaking for an Alaskan Malamute of her breed. Her nose brushed against the small bodies of her little ones, three males and a single female pup, the female and a chubby male had her coat but the male was darker in colour whilst the other two males had their father's coat. And it didn't take Diana's puppies to open their eyes to see the world before them, the littlest of the boys would always find himself squinting at the sunlight that peeked from behind the curtains. That puppies name was Stark, the boy of the couple whom lived here had a huge fascination for Stan Lee's super heroes, the Avengers. The little boys favorite Avenger was Ironman. This boy had given the smallest puppy the name of Earth's best defender, the boy saw potential within the puppy and always told Stark that he would do big things. Of course, the puppy tilted his head to the side and whimpered in confusion listening to the human child babble on about how he would do amazing things, he could never understand much of the words spoken to him but what he did understand was that his name was Stark. His nose scrunched up for the most part watching the other puppies tussle and play, Benny always bit his ears too rough, Reggy was often a little meaner than Benny, and Sophie mostly stayed on the outskirts with him unless their brothers pushed her limits. During the first weeks of being able to see, he had never seen his father nor did his mother openly speak about him, Stark was curious. Stark eventually found himself walking to her on his chubby, short legs and once he reached her did his tiny jaws part to show off needle teeth before words slipped from his tiny cavern of a mouth "Mama? Do I have a papa?" Diana stared at Stark with a hardened gaze only in time did it soften, she sighed quietly pressing her nose to his forehead not uttering a word.


He, Sophia, Reginald, and Benjamin were older now. They were all losing their puppy teeth in exchange for adult canines, their puppy fur was growing out making way for their adult coats, and they weren't as small and chubby as they used to be. They had become two months old, the boy of the house was already begging his mother to help him make little puppy made cakes for Stark and his siblings. Soon enough his mother was 'convinced' to do it as she let the pastries sit out on the table to cool down. The little boy would pick up Stark into his arms, the puppy letting out a quiet yip with his eyes locked onto the pastries with curiosity feeling the roof of his mouth watering at the smell. He knew it was a type of food although, he didn't know what kind of food. He sniffed the air excitedly with his tail wagging to the sides vigorously, sadly Stark couldn't reach, that didn't stop the puppy either. Once the boy went outside to play with the other puppies did the smallest pup make his way over towards the table, he stood upright placing his forepaws onto the chairs surface before he started to pull himself onto the wooden seat yet time after time he ended up falling onto his back with a soft yelp. He was already thinking of giving up but his tummy growled at him, he would growl in return as he crouched down with a little wiggle of his rump only to jump forward managing to get a grip on the chair hauling himself to the top of the table with soft panting. Saliva dripped onto the tables smooth surface, he scrambled over to the baked goods with his jaws parting to eat these small cakes. They were a delicacy. To say the least, eventually, Stark had ended up eating all four soon resulting in a bit of an upset tummy. The boy entered the kitchen only to shriek out Stark's name scooping the puppy within his arms, he wagged his finger at the puppies face clearly scolding the small Alaskan Malamute. Bad Stark. Bad Stark. Greedy little boy. All of it went over the puppies head, a soft groan escaping his mouth.


Stark watched from his puppy crib, a month had gone by and there were strangers in his home, his nose twitched furiously watching the adult humans examine his siblings they didn't seem all that interested in him. He blinked his coffee hued eyes turning his head towards his mother deciding to ask what was happening "Mama, why are they poking and looking at Reggy, Benny, and Sophie?" His mother's gaze was filled with a sudden sadness only for her to speak "They are going to their own homes, Stark. The young boy is going to keep you but your siblings cannot stay here. They're to be dogs of show," There was a soft pause as she breathed in trying to figure out what else to possibly say "Like me and your father." He didn't seem to understand all that well but eventually the visitors shook hands with the young boy's father and eventually Stark watched his siblings being taken away from him. All that was left was him and his mother. He found himself moping around for quite a while, ignoring his food dish and water bowl, he was saddened by the fact that he wouldn't be able to see his siblings or at least to wake up to Benjamin's bad morning breath, or Reginald drooling on him (even if the eldest claimed that he didn't do such a thing), and Sophie nudging him awake. All of it was gone. Eventually Stark stopped waiting for their possible return and was being trained by the boy of the house, he kept Stark company and played with him nowadays which was nice but it wasn't the same.


Stark was a bit older now, he was laying in the yard minding his own business and well, he noticed that his mother always left for the show whilst he stayed home with the masters son. Stark and the boy often had to make up their own form of games and some of them were very time consuming yet there was fun in every single game. The Alaskan Malamute found himself doing more of the games that required him to leap into the air to catch a Frisbee or running all over the yard chasing after a tennis ball. The boy was sitting on the porch looking down at something sitting on his lap, Stark didn't seem so intent on finding out what it was as he trotted near the fence of the house peeking through the small space between the painted wood, he'd often press his nose to one of the spaces to see if he could smell anything new and he was usually greeted by no new smells or a single scent that wasn't very familiar to him. He didn't smell anything new but the stench of garbage was in the air, he could hear the sound of trash cans being knocked over and soon he saw a group of strays bolting past some shrubbery. He could feel the fur along his spine raising up with his eyes wide with bewilderment. What were they doing? Where was their collars and dog tags? Then he spotted a hefty man in uniform chasing after them yelling things at the dogs holding a long rod with a loop around at the end, Stark figured that was some form of grabbing mechanism. One of the strays yelped as they knocked over a trashcan and tumbled onto their side, the man used the rod to catch the dog who began to make a ruckus. The Alaskan Malamute could feel his blood go cold as he immediately took a few steps back only to bolt towards the fence managing to leap over it, he could hear the chimes of bike bells and honking cars, it was all overwhelming but the feeling of this adrenaline was so much more different than the one he usually got when he and the boy were playing. Stark lunged forward biting down on the rod and everything else was a blur.


He was barking wildly barely realizing the loop of the rod was wrapped aroubd his throat and the stray had taken the chance to dash away, the Alaskan Malamute snarled at the man who was holding tightly onto the rod that the dog currently had his jaws clamped on with teeth showing. Eventually, the boy from his place came running over waving his arms in the air approaching the man that had Stark under a bit of an arrest. The boy and the man would begin speaking to one another, the man getting red in the face and basically speaking so angrily that he was almost spitting in the teenage boys face. Soon enough he was released but could feel the young boy grabbing his collar tightly, Stark's gaze locked onto the man as a growl rumbled within his throat said man pointed to him quickly with a fat, sausage-like finger that had a horrible smell on it then it wagged it at the boy as if warning him. Ever since that had happened, the boy always keep Stark on a leash especially once the both of them had figured out when the man usually rolled up into their neighborhood in his van. The Alaskan Malamute wasn't able to rest easy hearing the sound of animals crying within the van and the sound of loud yelps from dogs that were getting captured for being free. Free to roam. No fences. Nothing to restrain them. He didn't like having to go on a leash just to be able to go outside, it frustrated him quite a lot but he would do it for the boy of the house.


He laid at the end of the bed near the boys blanketed feet, he was sound asleep as his flank rose and fell with calm breaths. The night was silent and there wasn't anything that could seemingly ruin it until a sudden smell of smoke came to his powerful nostrils, he lifted his head up deciding that he should probably go and investigate where this smell was coming from with the fur along his spine rising in caution. The Alaskan Malamute could hear a soft crackling noise seeing what was the cause of the fire, they looked like little red sticks but they popped and some exploded although one of them that was still lit hadn't popped and the fire was spreading. The boys parents had gone out somewhere leaving him and the young human to their own devices mainly due to the fact that the parents trusted their son not to do anything stupid during their absence and the boy was nearing the age of adulthood so he was old enough to make his own decisions. The two year old dog would dash upstairs starting to bark as if to warn the boy of the possible danger they were in. His claws clicked against wood and eventually he almost ended up slipping once he had reached the room that he had been sleeping within just moments ago, he could already smell the burning growing stronger. He leaped onto the bed barking and whimpering as he nuzzled the boys face with his wet nose, the human boys nose scrunched up at the feeling of something cold on his cheek and used both hands to grab onto Stark's muzzle only to push it away mumbling something under their breath. It was only four in the morning but here was the two year old canine waking him up for some reason. He stared at Stark with confusion.


Stark growled softly feeling hands wrap themselves around his muzzle but his coffee kissed gaze never left the kids face as his tail wagged nervously to the sides, he whined quietly ears angled forward. God, communication was hard when they were two different beings but, that didn't stop Stark from grabbing his sleeve and using all his strength to tug him off of the bed. The boy let out a grunt as his butt met the floor of his room only to glare briefly at the dog who was now barking at the doorway, he squinted a bit seeing that there was a bright orange shining behind the long furred canine did his heart almost leap out from his chest. Stark noticed how the boy's eyes had widened, he would turn his head to see that the fire was already spreading quite rapidly. He felt his throat go dry and he'd step back before looking to the boy once more letting out a soft whine. It was just them, their parents were gone from the place and only God knew how long it would be before they would come to their aid much too late. "Trust me." He whimpered as his eyes glowed a bit, his eyes darted to every part of the room seeing the leash which he ran to grab only to present it at the boys bare feet. His claws wanting to dig into the floor but unable to feeling a bit frightened, what if they didn't go in time and they were eaten alive by hungry flames? What if all that would be left of them was ash and dust? Would they die here? Click. He snapped out of it once he saw that the boy had put the leash on him nodding slowly to the canine and for a moment it was almost as if Stark could understand the boy. 'Let's get out of here.' His ears twitched and without any hesitance, he darted out of the door with the boy right behind him. He skidded to a halt when a bit of flames began to lap eagerly at his paws. There had to be some other way out. He could hear the boy starting to cough from breathing in so much smoke then it occurred to him that they could use, the dumbwaiter, that thing always brought the food up and he had recalled getting stuck there and ending at the bottom in a basement thankfully for him there had been a way out.


The sound of claws clicking against fine wood and the thumping of human feet resonated throughout the halls, eventually, Stark had gotten them to their destination and he would paw frantically at the dumbwaiter before turning his gaze to the boy. The human seemed to understand what the canine was going for as he would open the door of the dumbwaiter letting the Alaskan Malamute step inside first lowering Stark all the way to the basement. The boy soon arrived there with him but Stark was too concentrated on his next task of getting them out, he whimpered as he paced then approached the doors that would let them out from the basement. He tried seeing if there was any fire or smoke coming from behind them, he didn't smell any and proceeded to bark at his human boy. The both of them could already hear the sound of sirens yowling through the night towards their home, once they stepped out Stark made sure the boy was holding onto his leash. He immediately tugged him forward seeing that the boy's parents car had pulled onto the side of the road, they ran to hold their son and well, the firetruck was already letting out a plethora of firefighters out who began to do everything in their power to put out the flames. The neighbors were already gathering around to see what the whole commotion was and well, Stark received several praises, pats, and treats that day. He just would have liked to know who had thrown that firecracker within their home and why. Not knowing didn't exactly rest easy with him and it was bothering him greatly though he thought he wouldn't think much of it since he was trying to keep an eye out for the boy, who looked unwell. Safe but coughing from smelling so much smoke.


They were moving out to somewhere safer, the movers were already there with their trucks shoving only a few boxes into one truck and then the other. There wasn't much to pack thanks to the fire but at least some of the things had been saved, Stark was laying outside with his eyes locked onto his paws and his eyes began to close slowly due to slight drowsiness but then he heard the sound of yelling and a dog barking furiously but it was cut off by a loud yelp of pain. Stark walked over towards his fence only to prop himself upwards to see what was going on and surely enough it was that dogcatcher already catching the stray of the day, he could feel a growl escaping him and he was thinking of jumping the fence like he had done the last time but that was when he realized that the fence gates were open. He bolted out once more with his eyes already locked on the man, already knowing what he was going to do regardless of how much his owners would scold him. That dog needed his help. It wasn't fair that strays couldn't be free like dogs that were usually owned by people, his thoughts were interrupted when a sudden screeching sound made his ears hurt and flinch until he felt something heavy hit his side. It was a very heavy object because the next moment, he felt something warm trickle from his nose and everything went dark.


His eyes opened slowly with a flutter of his eyelashes and he was faced with a bright light, he would squint lightly trying to figure out where he was. Everything smelled different. The air held smells of something bitter and several animals, he would lift his head to notice that one of his legs were put into a cast, he tried standing up but his head bumped onto the top of a steel cage. He growled in a bout of frustration, his eyes looking everywhere for something familiar but there was another dog in the neighboring cage beside his own. The canine was one he could not identify, they looked like some form of mixbreed. Was it one of the strays that he always saw darting past his neighborhood? His eyes filled with a sudden uncertainty about to open his jaws to ask the other who they were but seems they had already beat them to the punch "Are you going to keep staring or actually say something? Your unwanted gaping is making me uncomfortable." She said rather sharply with her pupils narrowing a bit suspiciously at the Alaskan Malamute, he was a bit taken back though he quickly apologized with a nervous chuckle "S-sorry, I didn't mean to stare. . . I was just gonna ask where we were since I have no idea where I am. I was never here or at least, I don't think I was." The petite femme looked at Stark as if he was stupid, which frankly he wasn't but he didn't even know where he was to begin with. Her oceanic hued eyes diverted themselves from him as she answered with a little less tension in her voice "The animal hospital, a place they put us stray dogs in before sending us off to the pound for potential homing. Although, it looks like you might already have a home of your own." She eyed the pendant that Stark had hanging around his throat, he blinked at her soon realizing what she was looking at. He felt embarrassed to say the least "What happens in the pound?" Her paws shuffled uncomfortably.


It took her a moment to give him a response but as she did, she would avoid eye contact "Well, they either get a human family that's willing to take them in or they're led to this room and you're never seen again." She was rather scrawny though her eyes were soft aside from her sharp retort from earlier and she sat down slowly with her ears angled forward before she spoke once more "People don't normally look for old rundown dogs like them," With her nose, she motioned to a pair of cages that were across from them and it took Stark a moment to see who were there. An old grizzly looking wolfhound and another mutt, both had their muzzle aged with gray and white hairs, and it appeared that they were asleep for the most part. They almost looked frail. "They mostly have eyes for dogs around our age or if puppies. . . But puppies aren't normally here unless they've caught themselves an expectant female...But even most dogs or animals in general when put in the pound, don't get the pleasure of seeing the outside anymore. That's what I've heard from fellow strays, so, it's best if you try not to end up here often and to always have that thing around your neck. That is your ticket out of here." Before he could say anything in response, a familiar scent hit the roof of his mouth and he nodded to the female only to poke his nose through the cages door with both ears angled forward. He watched the dog next to him from the corner of his eye and eventually he saw the familiar face of his human boy who started babbling something to him, he simply wagged his tail. He was going home.


They were in a new home, new environment, but it all seemed dull to Stark. He was just going to live the same lifestyle he had before the move and well, he was wondering if he really wanted to stay here with his humans. He was already three years old and just the thought of staying here any longer though there were hardly any escape opportunities after the last time he had gotten out. Perhaps he could dig himself a way out? He still had some time to think this over and he remembered what the chick from the pound had said about keeping his pendant on him at all times, it was golden and it hung from his dark red collar. He watched as the father of the home would step outside saying something to his mate and child, eventually the man waved at Stark with a smile on his face and he opened the door looking ahead. Stark's own mother was retired from her show days and was laying on the porch watching him with what seemed to be amusement, he felt a bit confused until he saw her nod her head a bit closing her eyes saying in a clear voice "The pampered life of ours isn't for everyone. You liked it the first years but it doesn't seem to suit you, no boy, you are different. You don't wish to stay and you don't have to though do me a favor and try not to get hit by anymore moving vehicles... Now go, while you have the chance." Her eyes reopened slowly as she rose trotting over towards Stark pressing her nose to his cheek smiling with a pain going through her heart "Look how you've grown, my boy." Stark pressed his nose to her forehead before he bolted off towards the open gate and well, by then he was gone even if he could hear the master yelling his name for him to come back. But he already had a boost of adrenaline and he had gone much too far to go back even if he wanted to, that wasn't the case at all. He was free of the confines of his former home and free to go wherever he liked without a leash holding him back.


Well, maybe he should have had second thoughts as his stomach growled at him because of hunger and he didn't exactly get something to eat for being a stray. He had to dig around the trash for scraps but even then he found himself being a picky asshole, eventually he stopped complaining about what there was to eat and ate anything that was relatively edible. Hopefully, it wouldn't give him any form of food poisoning since that would definitely suck ass. Some of his fur was starting to get dirty and matted but he didn't really care as long as he had his dog pendant then surely he would be fine roaming the streets for some form of purpose. He made sure to avoid those damned dogcatchers who seemed to always look in his direction and say something to each other before trying to approach him with faint grins and whistling at the dog to come over, of course, Stark never fell for that and would usually dash away from them until he couldn't hear them yelling behind him. He was exhausted but he couldn't sleep as well as he used to since he always had his guard up, he always found himself sleeping in a cardboard box he had claimed for himself. It was out of sight and surely, nobody but a few stray themselves would wander into the dark. All he ever saw were some cats, small dogs, and a few rats followed by mice or ravens searching for food. He was curled in for the night having already eaten a few chicken bones which probably weren't good for him.


The stray animals often broke into fights for food and well, he didn't blame them since back when he had lived with humans did Stark ever have to worry about not being fed or given water. He got trapped into one of these fights and well, he had gotten a few scars and bitemarks out of it, he had defended himself nonetheless and ended up winning whatever the dogs had been fighting for. Which oddly enough was some canned dog food, it was newly opened too. There wasn't anything odd about it aside for it's placing especially in this sort of area, Stark didn't question the free meal any further and did his best in getting enough out to stuff his face with although, his eyes began to feel heavy as a sudden drowsiness overcame him. His body felt heavy and not a moment later did the dog end up passing out on his side, someone had used some kind of sleeping medicine to catch stray dogs and he had fallen for it. Before he had fallen he had a feeling of panic, he could see someone's legs making their way towards him only to scoop him off the ground with ease. Where was he going? The dog pound? Back home? God, he didn't know and he was already passed out to think any further.


Someone caught him. He found himself on the cold floor and he was absolutely exhausted, the past few days having been a blur thanks to his lack of food and water. The room was dark and he couldn't see anything aside from squinting at something bright glowing near his face, he blinked his eyes a bit to adjust to the lighting and once he rose up did his realize this glowing thingy was attached onto his chest. It startled him and made his blood run cold, he expected to hear the sound of his heart hammering inside his chest but he did nit hear a sound. It was odd. He would use his teeth to try and get the contraption off growling in frustration when he couldn't but once it did he noticed bloody wires and cables being attached to the inside of his chest. With blood chilled, the dog realized that a light had been flickered on, he was tied down and whoever had been the cause of him lightly scolded him with a chuckle, they used a gloved hand to place the device back into his chest only to say something Stark couldn't comprehend at the time but now, he knew that he needed this device to live. Eventually his weakened form was thrown into a cage and well, he was too weak to possibly fight back with whoever had done this to him but he was terrified. He realized that this thing came along with his collar and his dog pendants were missing, he doubted this was the dog pound but either way he didn't want to find out. No, he had to get out and escape this place.


He was able to escape once but he didn't know if he could pull it off a second time especially since he didn't know where he was exactly, he looked around with both ears angled forward and his throat tightening up as he grew nervous. He didn't even know what this device was for aside from keeping him alive, he grimaced at the sight of a jar on a counter near a laptop, he couldn't make out what was in the jar and well, he had other concerns rather than worrying about what was in a glass container. He looked down underneath him, above, next to, and just about everywhere. He saw no way out. He was doomed and well, he didn't like being cramped into one place without much moving space  "I can't stay here. I have to get out." Then he heard the only door in the room open, revealing someone with a white coat and he couldn't make out the rest of the human because of how tall they were. Stark pressed himself to the corner of his cage feeling his breathing grow hitched, he was panicking badly at this rate and all the man could do was chuckle with dark amusement. What were his intentions with the Alaskan Malamute? God, he didn't even know but the man had already torn one part of Stark and who knew what else would be taken and replaced for a robotic piece. Opening the cage the man would grab the dogs collar tugging him out with ease, he took the time to examine the dog and see how he was fairing. He would let the dog go briefly to type down some notes in his laptop, Stark stayed where he was unable to move due to his fear. The man repeated this process the second time, taking a look at Stark's teeth and letting out a soft 'hmm' and this is when Stark took the chance to bite the man. He ran out as fast as he could hearing the howls of pain coming from the human. Stark had escaped once more and this time it was out of luck.


The building was near a forest and Stark was far from home, he didn't think twice before he ran into the woods. He eventually fell over a log and faceplanted into some mud, he lay there trying to catch his breath. It was dark and all he could hear was someone going 'who' in the distance, scrambling to his paws, the canine hurriedly found himself a den to hide inside of. The fit was a bit snug for him but he dug a little more so he could get out of this temporary shelter and possibly brainstorm an idea in the morning, he was very exhausted after today's adventure. It could have been his last but it hasn't fortunately for him. He took a long sleep until the sound of singing birds woke him up, he peeked outside sniffing the air for any danger that could possibly kill him. Nothing. He crawled out slowly brushing off the dirt from his new heart, he guessed, he glanced around seeing that the forest wasn't as terrifying as he thought it would be. Which was good since the last thing he needed right about now was a heart attack. Learning how to live off the streets was one thing, learning how to live off the woods was another. He'd have to all figure it out or this place would be his grave.


After, living a few months in the woods, he was getting accustomed to all of it and had managed to find ways to catch prey animals to sustain himself. He was still somewhat thin but he wasn't starving until he had to go sleep with an empty belly, he had gotten a lot more rest too. He had his own source of water that was clean of certain creatures that could possibly kill him but the loneliness and not talking to someone was really starting to effect his sanity. He thought he was alone for the most part but eventually when he wandered from his 'territory' he had caught wind of not one smell but multiple, he mustered up the courage to see who they were and to his surprise it was a group of different animals. It was an odd concept and he wondered if they were lost too, little did he realise that this place would be his new home. It was such a weird community and it seemed that they too were experiencing their own problems which consisted of low resources, Stark eventually found himself staying there and without intention letting his name be a known one around those parts.

Nineteen and twenty.

So many things had occurred in several months, Stark honestly didn't know how he had found himself in this type of situation though he was grateful even if he regretted some things from the past he had learnt many things in this community of his. It didn't last for long sadly, they had probably dispatched once Stark had decided that it was his time to step down from being their leader and well, he didn't really think twice because once he had stepped down he left for good in search of another purpose or path that would keep him entertained. He had met several people, loved many, and hurt many. There was still some things this old dog was learning but surely they would come in time and fall together nicely into their place. Only time would tell what would end up of him. he was clueless of what the future held but he supposed that was better than already knowing, he had gotten used to the surprises that life would throw at him. Some he greeted with a fondness and others startled him or took him by surprise... But he would react to whatever the surprise was...

The surprise of Killua wrapping his arms around him suddenly did take the former leader by surprise and instead of panicking further, he would return the gesture feeling his eyes sting as tears formed. He hadn't seen Killua in such a long time and he was safe. That's all the Alaskan Malamute would ever ask for and he found a pained smile on his maw as he finally spoke "Hey son. Long time no see, eh?"


Re: YOINKS SCOOB / joining - Straw - 05-21-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]He was able to focus in enough to start counting, much to her relief. Sometimes when she ended up in that sort of place, the world outside of her own head wouldn't register properly. She had to rely on her own methods to resurface, or just wait until she eventually washed up on shore. Still, when others could help, it was usually easier to return to normalcy that way.

  Internally, Straw counted along with him. Each count seemed to simultaneously last an eternity and flash by in an instant. His breathing was growing steadier, bit by bit, thankfully- though counting worked for her, she couldn't be sure it would work for everyone.

  For a brief moment, her thoughts wandered.

  She was alone, and that was probably for the better. Hastened breaths entered and exited through gritted teeth as Straw stared down at the floor, head leaning against the cave wall, paws gripping at the stone below. It was far too late to stop her spiraling thoughts.

  Why was she like this? It wasn't worth flipping out over something so small. They could find more food- there was plenty on the surface. Besides, she had no right to feel sorry for herself. If she were a real grown-up, she would have stayed and accepted responsibility, with a straight face, just like Quince would have if she ever made a mistake this colossal.

  She heard a voice, but didn't turn to look at its source. Were they here to yell at her? The voice gave a firm command, something that didn't make sense. What good would that do?

  The command was repeated: "count aloud to twenty."

  She counted slowly, her voice unsteady. After reaching ten, she cautiously turned her head to look at Quince. Quince didn't seem angry, her eyes concerned. Was that just a facade? Quince wasn't a very good liar, but Straw couldn't think of a good reason why she wasn't angry. Shutting her eyes, she continued counting. Quince had to have a reason for this, at least. "...Twenty," she said finally, reopening her eyes.

  Quince offered her a small smile. "We were able to save some of the stock," she reassured the red panda, twitching her ears.

  "Besides. You couldn't have known that rock was load-bearing."

  As Stark reached twenty, Straw reached up a paw to adjust her mask. The sudden arrival of Killua nearly made her jump, but Stark seemed relieved to see him- again, it would seem. Regardless, they both seemed okay for now. Straw watched the two silently, her tail twitching.