Beasts of Beyond

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Weekly tasks were common. He had done them in the first clan that he had lived in. He didn't really find them all that interesting, but at least it gave him something to do. With the specific weekly task that the assassin had been given, it also gave him the opportunity to get the lay of the land of the place that he was going to be sheltering in for the time being. He didn't know if this would be the next place that he would call home. He still believed that he was missing something from his time in Snowbound and that he should go and do something about it. The more and more he thought about the clan that he once lived in, the more and more depressed he got thinking about the friends that no longer existed or were hidden. It crushed him to the very core for someone that had never known the feeling of what it was like to have a friend that was willing to support you through everything. He had his sister, Amorette, who he wasn't sure was still around or not. The last time that he saw her, she was a robot. He deeply missed the one that he had considered to be his sister as she was one of the few that were actually able to keep him in line in case he did anything stupid. Which happened more often times than not. God, he needed to stop doing that. The albino serval was quick to shake his head from the thoughts that were plaguing his brain. He was older now. He had a little bit more experience with social interactions and that meant that having to start over might not be as bad as he would think. A heavy sigh escaped the young male's jaws as he sitting inside of the main camp, his sapphire blue eyes looking across the different buildings that were nestled in the mountain. He really did miss the snow. Which was probably strange coming from the likes of a serval that were used to warmer temperatures. He raised one of his paws and unsheathed his long metal claws, before attempting to sheathe them back. He knew that his metal claws were too long to become fully sheathed. It was fairly early in the morning, as Killua didn't really bother to attempt to sleep whatsoever. Not in a place that he was unsure about and faces tha he didn't trust. He didn't know most of their names, but that was his own fault as he hadn't asked them when he had the chance. Oh well, he wasn't planning on going anywhere anytime soon. Getting back up onto his paws, the albino wildcat would stretch his long legs, stretching his toes and arching his back. Shaking some small bits of fresh snow off of his body, he looked around one last time before speaking. "Anyone up for a patrol?" Killua called out to no one in particular. He was all about getting into shape, and a patrol wouldn't exhaust him as one might think. He was ready to get moving in order to keep his mind busy and not thinking about Snowbound anymore.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:


  [font=trebuchet ms]There was going to be a group patrol- Straw remembered hearing about it when Kade was handing out tasks. She probably ought to be on it, to make herself useful. Killua was a level of intimidating she had never seen before, but that was probably just her general nervousness acting up. It was common for her not to be comfortable around people in general, especially ones who gave off the cold, calculating vibe. (Not that that was his fault. He was probably a genuinely caring person who just happened to come off like he could eviscerate you.)

  Setting that aside, Straw climbed down from the outcropping she had been sitting on and approached Killua. She came to a stop a couple yards away, briefly raising a paw to adjust her mask. She said nothing, figuring her presence was enough of an indication that she was coming along.


bowing her head as she approached, kade settled comfortably, ear flicking. she had already said that she would be joining the patrol and her words held weight, with her at least. she did her best to never lie, or at least, not make a non essential lie. sometimes it was necessary, but rarely.


[glow=#000,1,400]I'M THE ONE AT THE SAIL, I'M THE MASTER OF MY SEA !。+゚.[/glow]
Stark had a bad time staying in one place so he was always moving about unless he had something that had his undying attention then other problems would arise from that, the dog heard the call for a patrol and he would amble over ignoring the soft pains coming from his forepaws. He sighed quietly arriving at the scene with his ears angled forward taking note of who was already here. The host who was Killua, Straw and Kade. He offered them a curt nod of his cranium only to smirk faintly as he spoke out "I'm down for one." He hadn't done a patrol like this in a good while not since the time he was a Visionary, sending out patrols, leading them to find food, resources, or simply remarking the border. There were less patrols when he moved his clan out of the old forest they lived in and moved into the abandoned city, they only did occasional hunting patrols and some border patrols if they had been bored enough. Stark, in general, had patrolled by himself for the most part since he didn't want to waste anyone's time during them especially since he often found himself getting sidetracked. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]


Killua also didn't remember the last time he had ever done a patrol. Had he ever done a patrol in Snowbound? Not really, well, he did but he was by himself and was never tasked to really do such a thing. Patrolling was one of the many things that he was great at due to the number of powers he was capable of using. His enhanced senses made it easier for him to hear anything that was near the borders and made his life a little bit easier. Although, one would think that he would not use his powers in order to make the experience last a little bit longer. He liked to efficient. There were plenty of interesting creatures that could pop up on the border, as he doubted that they would be hunting on the likes of this patrol. He hoped that nothing bad honestly really happened, and he might get to ask some more questions about Elysium as a whole as he still needed to dig for some information in that regard. Killua would shift his paws on the snow-covered ground that he was sitting on, as he wasn't used to being in camp for so long. Part of him just wanted to get going and be done with it, as he realized that he would be the one actually leading something. Killua had never really taken charge of situations unless it was during the middle of battle. He didn't want to be a leader after all and was more than content to just sit back and watch something unfold without him interfering. He had even refused the responsibility of leading Snowbound itself when Leigh had disappeared completely from the group. He had been a deputy at the time but wanted nothing to do with leading as he had his own life goals in mind and leading a clan wasn't one of them. Besides, he tried his best to keep a low profile in the clans so that he wouldn't attract the attention of his family for them to come after him again.

His older brother had already tried once and he was able to escape while being half mauled. Mike wasn't around anymore and he wondered if the massive security dog was around somewhere. He hoped not, because it would just mean that the large beast was going on some sort of killing spree if he had no one to give him orders. The ears on top of his head remained on a swivel until he heard movement that was coming toward him. Killua only turned his head to look toward the source of the sound, to see Straw. Oh? She was wanting to come? That was fine with him, as he was still curious about the red panda to a certain degree. Killua would give the red panda a small flick of his ear in recognition of the other's presence as she didn't speak so neither would he. Soon after, a familiar tiger made her presence known. She had said that she wanted to join the patrol, and it seemed like she was staying true to her word. Killua gave a small nod to the larger animal, before hearing familiar pawsteps that were heading in his direction. Stark. He looked over his shoulders at the canine, a neutral expression spread across his face as he looked at his father figure. He wanted to go on the patrol? Killua seemed to hesitate for a second as he looked Stark, his gaze traveling down the canine's body to his healing paws that were still wrapped in bandages. He should probably tell the male that he should just stay in camp so that he could rest and get better. But, he wasn't Stark's babysitter. Stark was an adult and could take care of himself. Moving into a standing position, he shook his fur and forced his muscles to relax a little bit.

"Alright, I think that's enough people. If anyone wants to join along the way they can." Killua didn't really care what anyone else did. He was half expecting to just go on his patrol alone and not have anyone else go with it. The albino serval would then start walking past Ariside and Straw toward the east side of the territory. He had no intention of going anywhere near the ocean right now, so he was heading toward the more forested area of the territory. His movements made no sound thanks to his air elementals, and he would occasionally check to make sure that everyone was following him. The weather itself was actually quite nice, as there was a heavy overcast of clouds that made it seem like it was a lot later in the day than it actually was. He doubted it would rain or snow based on the temperature, but the weather could change in a moments notice. As long as it wasn't raining he didn't care. While he was walking, Killua looked over his shoulders as Straw. "Ne Straw, where did you get that skull mask from?" Killua knew that it was a real skull just by the texture and shape that it held. It wasn't fake, and he doubted that the red panda had killed something that large and carved the flesh from their kill to wear it on their face. Sure, there were probably creatures like that out there, but he doubted that those types lived in Elysium. He couldn't really talk though because he was an assassin in a peaceful clan. Killua was now starting to see his shortcoming with leading a patrol. He sucked at small talk, and he could already starting to feel awkward with the silence that was expanding across the group. Well, great. Killua made sure that no one could see his anxiety through his body language and remained calm and neutral as they walked toward the forest.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:


  [font=trebuchet ms]The others joining them were Kade and Stark, and possibly any other stragglers who happened to come in late. Even if it was just the four of them, that was fine. They would be able to deal with most intruders, provided it wasn't a full-on raid, and even then better four than one.

  As they set off, Straw silently watched the skies, and the gray clouds blanketing them. Snow wasn't probable in this weather; rain didn't seem likely either, but it could strike in the blink of an eye. Neither of those would get in the way of a border patrol, but it might make hunting more difficult (if the four of them decided to hunt).

  Killua's question jarred her out of her thoughts. Leveling her gaze at the serval, she answered, "A friend." Well, maybe she could be more specific than that. Looking aside, she continued, "Quince. Couple years older than me. Said she'd killed it when she was my age." She wasn't exactly sure how given that they were supposed to be extinct, but if creatures could conjure candy out of thin air, the reappearance of extinct animals wasn't really out of the question.

  With a shrug, she added, "She was a jaguar. Probably could've done it."


Mythical creatures were nothing new to the albino serval. His father was a dragon, which logically didn't make any sense as to how he was a serval when his father was a dragon. Well, his family had plenty of powers under their disposal, one of those powers was shape-shifting, and his mother and his father both had that power. They wanted to make sure that their family was diverse enough to different breeds, something that Killua didn't exactly understand. His grandfather was also a dragon, and that was basically their symbol, was the dragon. Snakes were also symbols for his family for fairly obvious reasons. When he traveled to the clans, the strange creatures he came across just seemed to increase in number. The assassin was somewhat surprised about seeing creatures that came from a myth that were found in books centuries old. He wasn't at all intimidated by the likes of mythical creatures, but then extinct creatures started to rear their heads up from the graves. There were even what were called Hellhounds walking around, but to him, they were just really large canines and nothing more. A couple of extinct creatures like dinosaurs were some aspects that he remembered from the clans. He never killed the likes of extinct animals, and in fact, he killed more mythical creatures. At one point, he had killed a griffon out of habit when it came to him not killing something after an extensive period of time. Not killing something had once felt like an itch underneath his skin that he needed to itch or he would surely go insane. Killua prided himself in knowing so many different species. Maybe the textbooks he hated reading as a child was worth it after all. If he knew the species of the creature, he would have an idea of what type of anatomy the creature would have, and how to kill it quicker with less of a struggle.

As they traveled toward the forest, and when they finally entered it, Killua relaxed a lot more than he had shown to the rest of the patrol. He wished that he could just leap into the trees and travel from branch to branch to the border, but that didn't really seem to be the case as he would end up leaving everyone else behind. Having the body of a serval meant that he was the second fastest land animal, just behind the cheetah. His body was more made for speed rather than brute force, but he could adapt to most situations using the tools that were given to him and improvising on the spot. If he used his air elementals, he could easily exceed a certain speed with ease and no one could catch him unless they teleported or had good enough reaction time to dodge his attacks. Killua would look over his shoulder as Straw spoke, his ears swivel in different directions to keep track of any movement they could potentially come up on. A friend, specifically a jaguar killed a smilodon. He had to say that it was an interesting story. Just because an animal was once extinct and now was in the world of the living didn't mean that they were all that strong. Especially if the jaguar had powers like he did, taking down a smilodon would be easy work for Killua.

"Why did she kill it?" Killua doubted that the female knew how the jaguar killed the smilodon. However, he would make sure to remember Straw's friend's name for future reference if he ever wanted to bring them up again. Once he asked the question, he moved his gaze so that he was looking forward, and they approached the border. The assassin immediately lowered his nose to see if there were any scents around. He caught some faint scents that were nearby that didn't belong to Elysium. As he searched border a little bit more, he came across a couple of pawprints. He sized the pawprint with his own and was able to identify the species of the animal by the mark that it made on the ground, and from the looks of it, it wasn't alone. "Looks like there might be a pack of canines nearby. They're not from here so stay sharp if we come across them." Killua stated calmly as he started to walk down the border, his sapphire blue eyes attentive to his surroundings. If a fight were to break out between the pack and them, he wondered if he could stop himself from killing them and instead just injure the ones that did attack him. Killua's mind immediately started to go in the direction of worst-case scenario and began to think of different methods that would leave the least amount of casualties.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19:


  [font=trebuchet ms]Why had she killed it? That was a valid question- Quince had offered a justification, but Straw hadn't been sure how to interpret it. "Said, quote, 'it needed to be taught a lesson,'" she answered, with a shrug. "Dunno what that means." Maybe it had attacked her first, maybe it was intruding on her territory, maybe it was going after another friend of hers. It was probably a good reason, she just didn't know what.

  When Killua mentioned a pack of canines, though, Straw tensed up. They might just be messengers, but typically messengers from other clans came by themselves. If there were multiple dogs, they might be in for a particularly bloody brawl. Would she be willing to fight to the death for the other three? She certainly hoped so, but there was no way to know the extent of her bravery until it was tested.

  Lifting her head, she inhaled softly through her nose. That didn't smell like any of the other clans she knew of. Rogues, then, or possibly a group of loners. Still, she had to be ready. Following Killua along the border, Straw maintained her gaze on the outskirts beyond their territory.