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DADDY COOL + TANGLEWOOD VISITOR - toboggan - 05-09-2019

Since ambassadors aren’t functioning positions anymore, and since Crow Roux was an unambitious milksop, Leroy made the voyage out of his own will.

The islanders of the Typhoon were the last bunch of fools around here that the mongrel held any shred of respect for - save his swampy home of Tanglewood, of course. It was because of this, that he left the comforts of his foul-smelling irradiated bog and daringly ventured to the lush isles that the Typhoon claimed as their own. Numbers were scarce, and any amount of companionship amidst the two, even by the most minimal degree, would be greatly appreciated.

In the past, the Rosebloods proved themselves to be callous murderers. No matter the sheer amount of effort that a certain dragon is putting into clearing their group’s name, the handful of Tanglers who had their lives abruptly cut short by Rosebloodites won’t be forgotten. Thus, the Rosebloods could not be considered potentially worthy allies.

Elysium, on the other hand, brought nothing to the table. Literally nothing. The guardsman could not recall a single achievement in recent history made by those philanthropists. Hence, it was impossible to see Elysium as a potentially worthy ally.

The Pitt was an obvious no. As far as the hound understood, Tanglewood was victorious in their last bout with the Pitt. The desert-dwelling psychopaths surely desired a second round, putting Tanglewood at risk of a surprise attack. But, as long as the Pittians sucked as much as they did last time, any assault launched by them wouldn’t have that large an impact. The Pitt were undoubtedly incapable of being potentially worthy allies.

But everybody hated the Pitt, right? Hence, as long as both tribes followed the age-old enemy of my enemy demographic, his creed and Goldenluxury’s cronies could learn to get along nicely.

Once he assumed that his coordinates were well inside the Typhoon’s boundaries, the male’s towering figure collapsed into a seated position neath the shade provided by a tall plant. Heavy panting replaced the usual shaky breaths, whilst heavy eyelids dropped lower and lower; a swamp’s climate drastically differentiated from a tropical island’s. Sunbeams burnt whatever spare energy his body generated, and as a result, a zealous, gung ho canine devolved into a fatigued, sleepy-ass mutt.

Maybe, if he just shut his eyes for a little bit...

As long as the islanders followed the unfamiliar scent of marshland (and shoe polish) that Leroy brought with him, he’d be fine, and all might go nicely. It would also be swell if they didn’t steal that dainty straw basket of goodies laying beside the slumbersome canine; the wicker hamper was meant for them, after all.

Re: DADDY COOL + TANGLEWOOD VISITOR - bubblegum - 05-09-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
If the female were to hear the stranger's thoughts over the various groups, she would find herself agreeing with every single point he had made. A good sign for their future relations, if only they knew. Nonetheless, she was impressed. The captain had not been expecting them to start their public partnership so early. She, personally, preferred to be discreet a little more. But, hey, perhaps it was just a coincidence that this Tanglewood member was here with gifts - maybe he was just observant and could tell they likely would become allies sooner than later. Hopefully Crow hadn't given away too much, if anything at all. She may have to ask the male later. For now, she will simply act neutral, as if there was no expectations of this happening anytime soon. Her crewmates cannot know of her plans that would soon take place - not quite yet. Soon.

Truly, Tanglewood was the only place that had never once pissed off Goldenluxury. She had reason to hold a certain, at least a small one, grudge against every single other place, even that blank slate of a group Elysium. The female has been around as long as all of the originals - give or take a few months. She's seen them come and go, change, and absolutely betray her and her crewmates in one way or another. All except Tanglewood. There had been mentions, she believes, of a small war at the very beginning of their groups, but she'd no knowledge of such a thing. It'd not been mentioned in a long time, and even those acknowledgements were brief and lacked detail. All she knew of Tanglewood is that they were swampy folks, their leader shared her surname but not her actual family, and Beck, her former roommate, had gone back there. If anything, she thought fondly of the place. It was certainly more respectable than anywhere else.

The tiger's cold eyes look over the canine, seemingly to be just about the same height as the tall, muscular female. A different experience, but not one she would find too shocking. She's seen stranger. After all, they have a very tiny fae as a very important rank, and a very large dragon of the void adopting the entire crew. Not to mention, an oxymoron as their captain.

She glances towards the gifts he left, offering a small smile in her gaze. "Hello," Goldenluxury would greet slowly, her voice sharp and clear. "I am Goldenluxury Roux." She then introduces with a slight politeness, her focus now totally on the male. "Why 'ave ya come 'ere with gits, stranger? Not that 'm against them at all." Act surprised. Keep the facade. Soon it will be revealed. Very soon. Hopefully he plays along. If not, she'd simply need to find some sort of temporary excuse.

Re: DADDY COOL + TANGLEWOOD VISITOR - toboggan - 05-11-2019

Amber hues revealed themselves in a quickened manner as a response to an unanticipated voice breaking the tropical ambience. A subtle groan ruptured from within, the light striking his eyes sending forth waves of discomfort through the male’s worn system. The folded ears atop his noggin had only caught brief portions of what this particular voice spoke; something relating to gifts, and the rest sounding akin to gibberish and incoherent mumbling. Sluggishly standing himself to all fours, stretching out his spine whilst doing so, his steady breaths were interrupted by a sharp gasp just as his glare focused itself on the speaker. The tiger must have been a Miss Goldenluxury, the Typhoon’s leader. So, this was who Beck shared his living quarters with during his stay here.

Damn, she was huge.

"Err-", he’d stammer, ere dipping his head in a mixture of a bow and a nod - it was hard to decide which one was most appropriate, so he went with both. Between his lips escaped a hollow chuckle as he analyzed the female, both out of embarrassment and amazement.

”Sorry,” Leroy apologized, an undertone of whimsy present in his voice, ”jus’ not used to being in the presence of another group’s leader without my head in between someone’s jaws”.

The guardsman glanced back towards the basket, which was filled to the top with supplies that he acquired after raiding the medical storage. The hound made sure to grab as many herbs as he could that were native to Tanglewood’s environment, too; exclusivity meant value, and everybody loved valuable gifts.

”These’re meant for you and your people,” Leroy would inform her, his focus fixated on the captain once more, ”’s an expression of gratitude, on behalf of Tanglewood. Us in the swamp are deeply grateful for you pirates not coming into our homes and killing us off one-by-one; which’s something the Pitt and Rosebloods have done numerous times in the past.”

Leroy stops to breathe, taking in the island air once again. He believed for the longest time that air fresheners with stuff like ocean breeze or tropical sunset for scent names were full of shit. Now, he saw differently. Being an inhabitant here must be dope as hell.

Sliding the wicker basket towards the oversized feline, he’d exhale a final time, and ready his maw to speak once again. ”More than anything though, I’m just dropping in t’ see how your bunch is holding up. It’s been a whiles since we last heard from anyone of value. The Rosebloods did pop by recently, but my feelings towards them still’s a mixed bag. Last we saw the Pitt, they had their faces full of sand after we ransacked ‘em bad. And the last time we heard from Elysium was... never.

”I don’t believe we heard anything new from yous for a while, neither. Even if we aren’t officially allies, it’s still nice to know what’s going on elsewheres.”

Leroy pauses for a moment. Speaking large quantities of words at a time wasn’t his strong suit anymore. He’d sigh, before lastly inquiring, ”Anything of interest occur lately?”

Re: DADDY COOL + TANGLEWOOD VISITOR - bubblegum - 05-24-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
The female would watch him quietly, waiting patiently for his response. Having the male seem a bit flustered by her arrival, though, would cause a bit of amusement to travel into her features. Having others be overwhelmed or surprised by her own stature was something she has experienced, but not so often that she would expect it. She certainly did enjoy her body - with its strikingly golden fur, its wings, and its fins. The being tall part, however, wasn't so new to her. Nonetheless, the female would return the nod, sticking with the nod. She saw no need to be so formal that they dipped heads towards each other - of course, unless he preferred that. For now, she made her own assumptions. The pirate did always prefer to keep things mostly casual, which may be why most politics have always bored her so. Nonetheless, she was still relatively happy to see the relationship between the Typhoon and Tanglewood already becoming friendly - she most certainly respected them the most. She would give a hearty chuckle in return to his apology, listening merrily to his response.

The fact that he was here solely out of appreciation for the long-lasting peace would cause a bit of relief to enter her, as well. While it wouldn't be devastating if Crow had announced their plans, it would be less than preferred. The tiger allows her stance to relax some more, nodding slightly to his words, a smile still upon her face. While she didn't necessarily agree to his implication that everyone need visit each other once in a while, she did understand where he was coming from. It wasn't really her responsibility to interact with anybody she didn't care about at the moment - it was more trouble than she saw worth. Still, knowing your neighbors was, of course, important. That's why she was certain to keep track of them through other means, and that's why she was able to approach Crow in the first place with the knowledge they'd raided the Pitt. However, she appreciates the gesture from the male. She wasn't going to complain about gifts.

"Well, I can' say I don' share the same sort of experience." The captain would start off with, tilting her head back slightly. "Y'all are the only folks that haven' pissed me off, ever, so I sure hope we ain't fightin' ya. Plus, I got an ol' friend there." Whether this male knew Beck or not she wasn't going to bother checking. She has not interacted with the ghost boy in a while, but that would likely be changing soon enough. For now it wasn't her main concern. He could...mostly hold his own. Mostly. "I do 'preciate the gifts n' checkin' in. Wha's your name, mister?" She noticed he didn't introduce himself yet so she figures she ought to make the initiative. In the meantime, Goldie thinks about how to respond to his inquiries, wondering if she should foreshadow the future. Sure, why not? It could be fun. "Hm. 'm sure somethin' interestin' will be happenin' very soon, for both of us." She flashes a mischievous grin towards the male, though does not intend to explain what she means. He'll see soon enough.

Re: DADDY COOL + TANGLEWOOD VISITOR - Luciferr - 05-25-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
"The last time I saw the Pitt-scum and the rosebloods, I didn't agree with their politics myself" by which he meant he'd been rather busy decimating either (this is what those that hurt the children of the shadow get after all) at a given time

and he's no fan of the slave drivers - the rosebloods have yet to earn anything from him after their mad eyed leader left them and the Elysium? he thinks they might be more isolationist, he's never heard a peep himself from them.

minding his manners he defers to Goldie with an incline of his head "If you don't mind my say so" he's been around as long as she has, enough to remember they'd had a brief spat with the tanglewoods but that was far long ago and frankly they are the best of the bunch, they haven't broken oaths and alliances with them after all 9not like many others still standing or not)

he hums quietly, settling to watch the conversation unfold - maybe they'll end up official allies, maybe they won't - but it is nice to have at least one non hostile that is worth knowing.


Re: DADDY COOL + TANGLEWOOD VISITOR - toboggan - 06-02-2019

The dry lips that rested upon the male’s face gradually shifted into a contented smile whilst he harked the tiger’s words. Her stance on Tanglewood was preponderantly positive, ushering a sensation of repose through his veins. He was quite thankful for that - his venture over here might not have had a happy ending if he were to deal with a heap of angry islanders who thought ill of him. Her approval of his family also came as a relief owing to the fact that the Typhoon has had encounters with the Pitt and the Rosebloods in the past, akin to what Tanglewood has faced. Relatability was a driving force in forming bonds with another, perchance their matching outlooks on the other groups could be put to use in forming a solid rapport between the two. His satisfied expression attained a puzzled undertone when she made mention of an old friend. He’d figure that out later.

Her reference to something interesting occurring in the future peaked his engrossment. The desire to ask for more began to climb his throat, though maybe it was best to just let things happen.

His eyes widened slightly when the female alluded to his name. Damnit, he was supposed to do that earlier. "Sorry - my name’s Leroy. Leroy Starkweather," the guardsman formally introduced, narrowly inclining his head whilst his gruff tone spoke of his name. ”I’m pretty sure I know who you are, if you don’t mind me saying so. You’re Goldenluxury, right? Heard ‘boutcha from some o’ my own. You sound like a badass, ‘f I don’t say so myself.”

Another voice had made itself present as well. It belonged to a hulking behemoth of night, whose figure would have absolutely terrified Leroy if he hadn’t seen anything like it before. The being somewhat reminded the hound of Fenrisulfr in a way; a fair number of months have passed since the god of war graced Tanglewood with his fiery aura, and his appearance was but a faint, failing memory, but he could easily distinguish similarities betwixt the two. Maybe they were long lost cousins, or something.

He’d nod to show the rather nightmarish individual his recognition, ere leaning towards Goldenluxury for a final time to utter, ”And, just so ya know - whatever the future holds for th’ both of us, know that I’m excited for it.”