Beasts of Beyond
PLOT WITH KANGA - Printable Version

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PLOT WITH KANGA - Tanga - 05-08-2019

just shoot some ideas!



Your preferred name: Janoobus
Your pronouns:  she, her, etc
Character's name: Kanga
Character's pronouns: he,him,his,etc
Character's age: 5 years
Character's allegiance/group: Rosebloods
Character's rank: basic membership


Likes: hunting, fighting, women, violence in general, being in charge, ruling, proving his worth, shocking people
Dislikes: being disrespected, underestimated, annoying kids, kids in general tbh, "prunes"/hard to get women, being rejected, losing battles,
Hobbies: wandering around, courting women, hunting, spars
Interests: uh...
Fears: dying and not being remembered, being reborn as human again
Pet Peeves: people doubting his masculinity,
Positive qualities: confident, strong willed, dedicated, determined, competitive, ambitious
Negative qualities: stubborn, jealous, short-tempered, sore loser, cocky, narcissist


A mentee: maybe someone to dote upon him, glorify him
A best friend: eh, yea. Maybe they start as rivals but get closer over time
A casual friend: maybe a few
A smoking/drinking/party buddy: yea, someone get him on drugs for the one time
Adopted family: hates kids, doesn't like his family
Biological family: maybe a kid from one of his many litters hunts him down
An enemy: sure!
A rival: of course! maybe a lighthearted spar buddy?
A serious romantic interest: he isn't monogamous though, maybe some woman who is blind to who he is and sticks by him but eventually is forced to leave
A casual romantic partner: yupppp, friends with benefits?
Unrequited love: sure!
A tragic love plot: sure, maybe
A betrayal plot: he will EASILY betray someone for his own gain
A relationship: anything in mind?
A partner in crime: literally and figuratively! of course
Someone to discover your character's secrets: doesn't really have secrets lmao
Someone who's secrets y/c could discover: maybe he blackmails them with the secret
Someone to start a club/organization with: eh nah
Is there anything you are completely closed to in terms of plots?: death of him/killing of him


Do you have a Discord? If so, what's your username?: Janoobus #5021
Are you comfortable with being private messaged on Discord?:  yea
If you do have a Discord, are you in the Ascendants Discord and would you see messages about plots in your character's channel?: no
Are you comfortable with being private messaged on site?: of course
Do you have a plotting thread for your character? If so, please link it: already here
Do you prefer expanding plots in open or private threads?: anywhere you fancy
Are you open to plain interaction threads or do you prefer something with a plot behind them?: sure!