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you know what [visitor] - Printable Version

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you know what [visitor] - Tanga - 05-08-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: honestly interested to see how two narcissists interact XD ]

The sun was setting, finally granting some coolness. The giant tiger sighed, his eyes closed halfway. The dragon had informed him of the neighboring jungle group. Just one more stop after this and he'll go rest wherever he may. His shadow was stretched far before him with the sun behind him.

A golden crown for the beast who felt he was royalty. A yawn escaped him, incisors exposed temporarily. Only a brief flash of what was possibly dangerous. His stomach grumbled in protest. He would eat soon.

Re: you know what [visitor] - aine. - 05-08-2019

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: VbWInBo.png?1]
— aine | the pitt | fae druid —
Oh no.  It was a horrible matter of misfortune to find a tiger instead of a butterfly.  She wasn't chasing tigers after all.  As such the petite vixen faltered when she spotted the massive feline creature, just resting in the fading sun.  The child bounced on her paws, indecisive.  Maybe I need to find da.  Aine possessed a healthy awareness of stranger danger, perhaps more out of subconscious shyness than actual concern of any possible danger.

Yet the little fox felt uncertain how long it would take to not only find her father but to lead him back.  Would it be rude to make someone wait?  But he's just laying there.  She bit the inside of her cheek, ears flicking back.

"H-hey!" Aine called out from the shadows of the jungle, bouncing on her paws.  Very softly, she cleared her throat.  Her voice surprised even her fairly often, with the power it truly possessed.  She didn't mean to be loud after all, she just... Was sometimes.  "This 's tha Pitt, can we help you?"
I'll come back when you call me

Re: you know what [visitor] - Tanga - 05-10-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

Mighty as he may be, a rather small voice called out to him. Greeted by a child nonetheless. Seemed in these parts, brats were free to do as they may.

"Not sure where I belong. Just trying to see the options." he booming voice called out.

Re: you know what [visitor] - Kydobi - 05-10-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

He knew his scent from their meeting. The fact it was mingled with small Aine made the situation quite alarming. The tiger had already proven he was immature and brash. No doubt he would have no issue taking advantage of the child.

Quickly he transversed through the jungle. Bursting through the bushes at the edge of the bushes the jaguar landed with a snarl.

"You are not welcome here Kanga.", the brute spoke of taking over and ruling. He wouldn't let this striped fiend cause even more chaos in his home. Unless of course Jervis allowed him, but really that would be such a risk. alllowing such a large and volatile brute within the vicinity. Especially one after power.

Re: you know what [visitor] - gael - 05-10-2019

If this one caused Kydobi to anger, the black and red fox suspected no good of him.  He cast Aine a sharp look as he approached the scene, wondering how he was supposed to encourage the child to stay close with her attention span.  I'll have to start keeping her busy somehow. He didn't want her running into trouble.

Gael huffed softly, narrowing his hazel eyes on the striped feline ahead.  He wondered where Kydobi met him and what he had done to warrent such a furious reaction.  Thoughtfully, he stepped forward, placing a paw in front of his daughter.  She would go no further without some reprecution.  He doubted she really felt interested in getting any closer though, and though she seemed intent on wandering often, she did listen to him at least.

He found the whole situation curious, but he honestly felt little care of the tiger.  It mattered little he'd been in a similiar place eariler -- searching for a home.  All that mattered to Gael was Gael and Aine.  He'd be loyal to the Pitt too, of course.  If one did not display loyalty for their residence, they obviously were not trustworthy.

While he imagined the Pitt could use a strong creature such as a tiger, the faerie would not be disappointed with any outcome.  "Kanga."  Another strange name for his tongue.  "I can't imagine how you irritated Kydobi 'ere, but clearly you're some trouble."

"Given that, I wouldn't recommend stickin' around long," he added casually.
"ISN"T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / the pitt / lamby
[align=center][div style="width: 70%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]

Re: you know what [visitor] - Tanga - 05-10-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

For fuck's sake, what was that jaguar doing here? The large brute heard crashing before the source showed. Being one who more often than not was in some type of scruff, he recognized the sounds of an oncoming threat.

Quickly he stood up, body ready to meet the force coming his way. But it was just a jaguar. Just the jaguar. A laugh escaped his throat, loud and careless.

"Oh please Kydobi sit down. You have little to no reason to be so rude."

Then a fox came. Mighty small. Looked rather like a snack than a member. Maybe a fabled slave? The way the vulpine was around the little girl led the tiger to believe she was his kin.

"I've done nothing. Trust me on that. We met at the mass meeting, just got here. I believe he dislikes my ambitious nature."

He was a little if not obviously condescending to the smaller creatures. He could handle that fox with little to no issue really, a snack like he had said before. The little girl? Tooth pick. Bones would be a choking hazard. The only one worth a scruff would be the black kitten mewing loudly.

"Don't start something you can't finish in your favor boy. I did not come here with hostility.", it was a threat and it was laced with a growl like thunder.

"I suppose one of you is the leader then? Otherwise why speak for them?", his eyes kept looking at the other felines. He rather disliked that one, decided he would have to kill him one day. If he was already causing issues so soon.

"I don't think it would be good to make an enemy of me at all. But an ally? A partner? "

Re: you know what [visitor] - gael - 05-11-2019

"Mortals," Gael mutters, rolling back his shoulders indifferently.  So this tiger was another big shot; dripping with self-proclaimed glory.  Pathetic. Mortals like Kanga drove the world to shattered pieces. He bites back a sneer in disgust.

Instead he laughs.  A short, amused sound.  Gael huffed, eyes flashing with something ancient as he locked his eyes on the striped beast once more.  "I have faced far worse than the likes of you, so bide your arrogant tongue." True, his body was small, but it was lean and quick and the blood of many larger beings were on his claws.  Most mportantly it didn't matter.  He was Fae, this immortal.  He'd simply come back.  Though I do believe it's a matter of choice, since other Fae had gone and left forever.  Their choice.  Gael had his own ambitions in this world.

"Your 'ambitions' are temporary at best, as all you mortals' marks are, so I could care less and Kydobi shouldn't either.  No doubt he probably hates the sound of your voice.  Perhaps your entitled attitude.  No matter; I could tell you our leader has little interest in the likes of you." Except maybe to shed a little blood. Jervis would see him as a threat to power for sure.  I wouldn't mind seeing that. For the vulpine felt rather confident this one bore trouble for them should he stay; he didn't come to these lands to get caught in between the futile power struggles of mortals.

// Mobile
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / the pitt / lamby
[align=center][div style="width: 70%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]

Re: you know what [visitor] - teef - 05-11-2019

gods, he sounded just like her papa when her papa went crazy. but no, this wasn't the proper time. laying in wait in the foliage, the halfbreed would listen intently, amber eyes gleaming with immediate distaste for the fool that so arrogantly claimed he was of no concern to them. she waited as the voices argued before she slid out into the dark shadows, silent as she could be, low to the ground.

kydobi didn't trust this man, and neither did gael. the tiger reminded her of the man that had hurt her brothers, her brothers that were gone, like the rest of her family. shaking the faces away from her mind, ramona stood up to her fullest height, calling on her lessons from the court to add more weight behind her voice, more authority.

"what would you have that we could use. nothing is given without being taken.", she rumbled, voice more mature than her slowly growing body was, speaking with experience. "we do not accept anyone in without an ample demonstration of skill nor without testing their capabilities. this is no lacksadasial group here, if you join, you work your ass off to prove yourself, up from the lowest pup to the eldest lion. you work for the group and the group works for you."

bluffing, but not that he would know. white lies, repetition of words twisted by a smart tongue. these words were told to her in a much harsher way when her uncle brought her here. words that she had heard her mother say to the soldiers when training them. words snarled between parents. words now spilling from her lips.

Re: you know what [visitor] - Kydobi - 05-11-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

"You may not have came here with such but knowing your goals you cannot be trusted here. You certainly were just hostile, an empty threat from someone hardly a man if you ask me."

He would relax, closing his snarl and returning to his usual posture. It seemed that the tiger got off when people felt threatened and despite his blooding pounding in his ears, Kydobi would fight that urge.

"I will not say it again. We may not be the leader but in his absence we speak for him."

And Ramona would show up, adding to the ever important need to rid the jungle of this tiger.

"Ramona." he would say in a warning way, stay by Gael, "We have no interest in what you can do or what you think you can offer. Secondly you've shown hostility to not only me but my people and that I will not tolerate."

He would take a step forward, faux confidence. He was quite sure he would lose the second that tiger got him onto the floor and he had a feeling that brute would kill him just to prove a point. And then the others, the children that wouldn't be good. And what would Jervis do if a tiger snatched him by his neck? The Pittans would be subjects to an even worse dictator with a personality just as if not as bad as the current fox. The only part is that this one was significantly larger and not as subtle as the fox was.

Re: you know what [visitor] - Tanga - 05-14-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

He would begin to pace back and forth, irritation creeping into his fur. They doubted him. They doubted him. But it is fine. He would show them all.

"My people. I will not ask again. I will not tolerate.", he spat and growled, "You speak, as if this is your jungle. You had just admitted it was not. What if I wished to challenge your little ruler? Is that not the way of the Pitt?" his 't' in Pitt was sharp.

"Fair game. If can be earned it can be taken away by blood, tooth, and claw. Outsider or not."

He walked forward to the fox stopping a couple feet away, his tail lashing, "And you should not underestimate me little dog I am a force to reckon with."

He looked at the little dog and snorted, "Pitiful. I wouldn't bother conquering this jungle now seeing what would make up my army. Two little brats. A dog. And an angry kitten."

Kydobi would stand in front of the wolf pup, in a protective manner. Mistake, Kanga noticed this and realized she must mean something to him. He licked his lips, a good way to make his point. A lost life, oh well. That was life was it not?

He jerked his head back to Kydobi, a thunder in his chest, "You best watch you back burnt one. I'll be back."

With that he turned towards Typhoon and walked.
