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better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - Printable Version

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better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - teef - 05-08-2019

the resident tigress opened her jaws in a mighty yawn, licking her maw before roaring to gather the attention of those gathered in elysium.

"Hey Elysium! Come get your weekly tasks here!"

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - arcy - 05-08-2019

trying to hold the wind
Moomin was ... struggling .. a bit to acclimatize to the Elysium. It was so ... different from home. And, really, this was just more proof of such a thing. Weekly tasks? The meaning wasn't hard to make out, but it was confusing. But ... Moomin didn't want to stay out just cause he wasn't sure of what it was. What if he didn't contribute enough and got kicked out? He's not sure he'd be able to live like that. So, fluff-tipped tail wagging hesitantly behind him, Moomin regards the stranger with wide eyes.
"What sorta tasks?" He asks, managing a bright little grin to the tigress -- she was a lot bigger than the other people here. Which was good, because Moomin was constantly worried he was going to squish the others. He hadn't had to deal with so many tiny people before!
elysium - polar bear - 2 years

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - teef - 05-08-2019

ah, a newcomer she had yet to greet. the tigress bowed her head in friendly greeting, licking her paw and drawing it over her ear, "what sorta tasks, hmm? well, it's more personalized and easy, you sort of host an event that helps the group. you can make your own, or you can ask someone if there is something that you should do.", she explained in the midst of her grooming, a dusky blue rag tied around her tail.

flicking her ears, she gave a genuine grin, "I dont think I've met you before. I'm Kade, or Ariside, whichever you feel like calling me. I didnt always used to be a big cat, and I still speak my native language so if you hear someone shouting angrily and cant make the words out, it's likely me going on a tangent." she laughed in warm greeting and humor. tipping her head slightly in case he spoke, so that she could hear him better, her scars showing off, rigid cuts in her soft fur, eyes holding in his vicinity.

"hmm. why dont we get to know each other? that way, I can figure out what would be best for you to do! every now and then, somebody decides to hand out tasks to everyone."

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - arcy - 05-08-2019

trying to hold the wind
Personalized tasks? Hosting stuff? That sounded like something Moomin could do. His mama always used to love hosting parties, Moomin had gotten pretty good at that stuff. Even so, he considers this for a moment. So you could still host your own events, here? His tail flicks. He can see why! It must get boring around here sometimes, with everyone just wandering around to do their own thing.
"I get it!" He says, his tail abruptly going straight as he grins at the tigress. That didn't sound so bad at all! Then again, he didn't think that she knew enough about him to make it personalized. That'd come with time, though. It still kind of hurts thinking that he's going to be spending his time here instead of home, but that was just ... reality.
"Kade ... Ariside. Kade!" Moomin says to himself, with a look of concentration. He wasn't any good at remember names, but she seemed very nice, and it'd be a shame if Moomin forgot. "It's very nice to meet you!" Moomin says, with a very wide grin. He doesn't introduce himself quite yet, concentrated on listening to her talk.
"Not ... always? How did you change? Moomin's brow furrows. He hadn't interacted with people outside of the valley yet. As such, he was only aware that sometimes people did really cool things, but he wasn't entirely familiar with powers or what they could do quite yet. He's somewhat aware that they got a little off track of the original point of .. whatever this was. Moomin hopes the others don't mind. Kade seems very nice, after all. "Oh, right, um! I'm Moomin!" He continues smiling, though his tail gives a jerking sweep. Get to know each other? Is he supposed to tell her about him? Oh, but Moomin doesn't know anything about himself at all! "I, um, I know quite a few languages myself! I, um, I," Moomin frowns, ears folding back as he thinks. Oh dear. But ... this was casual. So, he takes a breath. "Um. I used to do a lot of stuff outside! I'm very good at basically a lot of stuff there," Moomin seems very aware that this was a poor description, but he smiles again at Kade anyways, hoping she at least gets the gist. He'd spent his whole childhood chasing after Snufkin -- he'd picked up a lot of stuff on the way! He'd even followed a genuine treasure map, once. That'd been fun!
elysium - polar bear - 2 years

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - teef - 05-08-2019

a warm light in her eyes, the tigress dipping her head, laughing softly at his dedication to remember her name, "well, moomin, why don't you work on making a map of the territory? marking down things that you think the others would like to see, good places to have some fun, some places for the children to play, places to have picnics or tell stories. things that you remember from your home." she advises, eyes misty at her own memories of home.

"well, I used to be a human at one time, and a mother too. but, accidents happen to everyone. I lost my husband and my baby in a bad hunting accident but I ended up here. I guess that wasn't really my true life, but it's what I cherished. How about I show you some things that I found around here from when humans lived? ah, I speak German, so if you recognize it, it's likely me." she laughed, pain and humor in her voice. the loss had been a lifetime ago by now.

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - fae . - 05-08-2019

Oh dear, all the people here were so big all the time! Some of them, at least. At her joining, there were some smaller people, like Tena-Magna and the Other, but everyone else was super big! That lady Lilja was a really big dog, and then there was the even bigger white dog, which she didn't know what it was, but it was here right now, along with someone else she didn't know - looked like a really big cat. Wow, all these big people made her feel like a kid again. She was still a kid, she guessed, but like a - like an even younger kid. Maybe. She was never the best at explaining her thoughts, she just felt... small.

"Hi! Hello!" The small femme said, marching up beside the very big fluffy dog to sit in front of it and say hello to this other new person. She already saw the big fluffy white dog before, and even though she didn't know his name, she felt like she basically knew him enough to ignore him for this other, important looking lady. She looked very important - like the Other that first greeted her at the border, but like,
way bigger!  "Hi there!
I'm Fae, nice to meet you!"
Her enthusiasm was unfaltered by anxiety for now. The joy of entering a new place overrode a lot of other things for her, thankfully. Being shy was never her strong suit.

She opened her mouth to keep talking,
barely allowing some time to bite her tongue or fix her remarks, just continuing to talk. Not nervously, just talking to put her thoughts out into the world. "Who are you? I like your stripes! What are you, also? And can I a task? You look really big and really important so you seem like you'd give me something fun to do! Or something important. I guess I'm not picky." As she sort of trailed off, a small frown appeared on her face. Gosh, what did she even want to do? She heard the big dog talking about what he liked to do (ignoring all that stuff about being a human, because she didn't understand any of the words and could honestly care less), so should she say what she liked? No, no, she had to stay quiet. The big lady might have a task for her that was super important, and she already said she wasn't picky. She had to speak when prompted to. The previous talking was prompted, because she had to introduce herself, and answer the question of weekly tasks, but otherwise it was probably better to keep quiet.
tags - "speech"

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - beatae - 05-08-2019

"oh, hello ma'am! i don't know if you remember me, but we briefly met when i was joining." the girl was certain the tiger had said her name before as well, but it had been much too long for her to recall it immediately. maybe she could pick it up in conversation... subtely. "i would like to participate for the tasks too!" the direwolf exclaimed, paws itching for something new.


Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-08-2019

Ah. The familiar feeling of weekly tasks. He remembered times that he used to give out such tasks. It made sense that clans were still doing these, and this could mean that he would be able to gather more information depending on what kind of weekly tasks he was given. The albino serval began to silently make his way over toward the group, recognizing a couple of faces from when he had joined. He flicked one of his large ears as he looked toward the tigress. There were a lot of big animals around weren't there? He had a neutral look on his face as he swirled the lollipop he had in his mouth for a couple seconds. "Yo. I'll take one." The former deputy of Snowbound would state calmly, keeping a good distance away from everyone else. 
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - teef - 05-08-2019

a warm youthful laugh left the woman, her eyes glowing warmly as she took in the younger members around her, round ears flicking in rich amusement, "hello, sweetlings. my name is ariside, or kade, whichever is easiest to remember. a pleasure to meet you, fae, and greetings to you too, lilja, I see you have grown some!"

ah, other youngsters for honey to play with. the small African dog would be delighted at the news. "well, I'm what some people call a tiger, and some think that my species was one of the ancestors for today's small cats, domestic felines. but ah, I'm no historian, and my memory of existence doesn't go back quite that far. oh my, I'm nobody that important, I'm just a safekeeper for a family. just another busy body in the group. hmn. well, fae and lilja, why don't you tell me what your hobbies and interests are? in return I'll tell you mine, and maybe we can all work together on a group project, hmm?", she was amused and warned by the fact that fae thought she was some important figure, and was happy to see lilja again after their first meeting.

her gaze traveled to the albino serval, dipping her head, "greetings. it's been a while since I'vehad the time to greet everyone. if you wouldn't mind, could I learn a little about you? unless you feel like leading a patrol?" she offered warmly. he might look young, but he had the air of an adult around him, the air of someone who had important duties at one time or another.

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-08-2019

Learning about someone had a lot of importance to it. There were reasons why the apprentice didn't go around speaking about his last name. His last name would be the one aspect that may end up killing him in the future if he wasn't careful. He wasn't one to really open to those that he just met, but that didn't mean that he wasn't a good liar either. He had been taught to lie since he was born, as being an assassin meant that people would usually have a lot of questions that they didn't deserve the answers to. He did have a couple ranks from the clans that he had been in with, but he never really took his job seriously as he had never really wanted those ranks in the first place. The leader of the time just kinda gave it to him because he was around enough more than other members. He never really tried unless he really needed to. The assassin would look at the tigress as she seemed to regard him with respect. Well, that was interesting. He was already starting to like the female, because being a child meant that he was looked down at due to his inexperience. He had ended hundreds of lives at the age he was at now, so he was for from inexperienced. Although, he was fairly unsure when it came to social interactions and could easily come off as being awkward. He moved the lollipop from one side of his mouth to the other as he looked at the tiger for several seconds before answer. A patrol would be nice, because he would be able to get the lay of the land and dig for more information for his own personal use. But it also meant that he could get to know the tiger as well, as she seemed to possibly hold some rank in this clan. Killua tapped his metal claws on the ground only once before shrugging his shoulders. "I'll do both. I don't have anything better to do. What do you wanna know?" The assassin stated calmly as he sat himself down. He also wasn't certain if the female wanted to talk here or somewhere else.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: